Get Starlings Out

Get Starlings Out

Gates Wildlife Control

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@Wonkothesane-sz2oy - 14.02.2025 01:16

Use. Starlicide is lethal to starlings with an acute oral median lethal dose of 3.8 milligrams per kilogram body weight, but it is less toxic to most other birds.

@BobHolster-om8rf - 15.11.2024 06:40


@AzerQasimov-sd7jo - 29.08.2024 10:15

Повесьте рядом скворечник, и вам не будут мешать скворцы...

@johnsunn1256 - 26.06.2024 21:09

If these are left opened do they cause house not to cool.

@cojo__2386 - 01.06.2024 23:08

Honestly a really easy (and cost effective) DIY solution is to just use a shop vac!! Not only are you efficiently removing the birds and the nest but in return you basically got yourself a nice treat to put on the grill! :) SAVE YOUR MONEY PEOPLE !!

@givemetruth4988 - 19.05.2024 17:40

They are invasive

@ZachRiccardi - 16.04.2024 17:00

The bird got through that galvanized steel cage real quick

@fordhammie - 28.03.2024 18:15

Will this situation introduce a mite infestation inside an apartment? - Inhave been telling my landlord to find the SOURCE but he tip toes through the tulips to avoid it! :(

Mites since December ugh and no matter what I do, they keep comin! Time to Move!

@georgemonde8237 - 16.03.2024 15:12

Yeah that jug can fuck off just get rid of it

@alfiemarie - 16.07.2023 16:52

what happens to the baby starlings? :C

@anony-ic3pz - 19.05.2023 16:49

You're absolutey top-notch for reuniting the babies with their parents! Good job!!

@suri-wg1fz - 18.05.2023 15:18

Setting up a jug to preserve this species makes absolutely no sense, considering they are an invasive species. All they’re doing is creating an issue for the next property owner.

@dustinlarwa5297 - 11.05.2023 03:17

And now all the lint will get stuck in the cage and gota keep unclogging it

@tankimus - 01.05.2023 22:25

all good except keeping starlings alive...

@cyberpunkmodels692 - 09.04.2023 23:05

Please take the nest I don’t want it anywhere near my house😂😭

@AnimeShinigami13 - 07.01.2023 06:48

our building had this issue two stories up. the guy left. and i couldn't bring myself to cover the hole and trap the parents in there. I had a tar beach rooftop over the hole. i could easily have put a stop to it with some bird netting scraps leftover from last year's garden. But I couldn't bring myself to essentially kill the whole family. they left. I should talk to the guy on that floor about blocking up the vents or remind the landlord.

@dsingthermals6931 - 01.01.2023 14:45

All the liberal tears they have to put a jug even though there's two to six billion of those birds and it's an invasive species shot gun would have been faster

@myfekkinoirish - 01.01.2023 08:20

Sooo you guys save the babies in order to make more money to ruin other people's home lol. Good job ripping people off.

@saraswatkin9226 - 15.10.2022 02:17

Thats was painful to watch.

@GarenP - 28.08.2022 04:20

What kind of hook+pole is that?

@73pedroluis - 05.06.2022 21:33

Fire hazard, no good idea , am been doing wildlife exclusion. For 20 years and I don’t think is a good option, better way to do heartland animal proof dryer vent.

@keithparks7598 - 28.05.2022 03:38

My apartment maintenance trapped the birds in their nest. Now they’re dead and we have a disgusting amount of bird mites..

@PortmanRd - 21.05.2022 09:18

Up the Starling!! Great swap for your Grey Squirrel here in the U.K. Long may they compete and thrive.

@oliveb6318 - 08.05.2022 22:33

I didn’t get to see babies but in our case, we were moving and I had to take the hose that connects the washer to the vent outside just to find a mortified dead bird inside 😭. Poor thing was hit by hot air when I was drying clothes and it died from it.

@berzrqlntmasteredOfficially. - 08.05.2022 19:36

I can hear the birds in my attic in my home it’s a regular triangle shape roof attic I don’t have the white walls up yet it’s all sandy brown hollow boards still showing and I can hear that birds sound like it’s a tribe in my attic ceiling several feet by the water gutters they must be entering from and have a nest where I can hear them in the walls while coming up the stairs to the attic I think rats usually control how infested birds takeover your home if it isn’t house finches infestation it’ll be rats all thru your home and maybe sign of house finches infest is sign of no rat infestation I’d rather have some birds that can’t squeeze all the way into my casa infesting the outside of it than some pesky rats, and I have also now relize that the rats would be fighting other animals like birds in my walls when I was in a rat infested area now I’m in area with more cats and different type of birds my old area only had them brown city sparrow and house finches barely populated my old house cause some old huge tree with tons of holes in it my new house is over 100 yrs old by a beach and sounds like a bird infestation rats killing birds and vice versa sound like it brings more animals like raccoons and possums and snakes trying to get into houses these animals really adapting to humans

@z-ra - 07.05.2022 20:51

They make a great snack for the local hawks.

@woodsmic - 30.03.2022 03:24

In the Uk, that would be illegal. You cannot touch a nest in breeding season. Unfortunately !!

@Lilyflowers659 - 18.03.2022 11:02

I have starlings starting to make a nest….in my roof eaves.
Need it gone as it’s swift holes and they may contaminate them

@Turd_Handler - 21.01.2022 19:58

I'm watching this because their having a full on warfare in my roof as I'm trying to shit

@JH-lz4dh - 16.12.2021 17:14

Very impressive. Had to leave an apartment cuz the landlords did nothing about the starling infestation

@miguelperaza6615 - 15.06.2021 21:27

Guy didn't clean plastic louvre 😡FK ! and screen needed 2 be finer not coarse !

@grandwonder5858 - 11.06.2021 11:55

Dude, the only reason that I can think of why you would want to keep those disgusting starlings alive is because they are a benefit to your business! More starlings = more problems to people's homes, which equates to more money in your pocket! But if you really want to do the environment justice you would kill every starling that you come across! They are an invasive species that raid native birds' nests and eat their babies and they annihilate farmers' crops. There are over 3 trillion starlings in the US alone so they are way overpopulated and they kill off native birds! So kill as many of those flying rats as possible!

@avetsuper6272 - 19.05.2021 14:54

save, not kill

@shuxiajing4669 - 19.05.2021 05:33

Are you a company? How much do you charge for removal bird nest like this?

@saraswatkin9226 - 18.05.2021 19:25

Humans are the most destructive species as we see here and they will do any murdering job for profit. Just remember human exterminitors when you have exterminated all the undesirable life on earth it will be your turn next. Today it them tomorrow its You.

@hchickenz1138 - 15.05.2021 22:18

Its all fun and games until they charge a small fee of 450$

@bellsandwhistlesdetailing8758 - 09.05.2021 03:01

That bird came back and was like, who the fuck!?

@yestoES355 - 27.04.2021 11:28

I just shot mine, problem solved

@therealchickentender - 03.04.2021 20:23

A great video right up until the "humane" ending. That's fine in Europe and the UK (and I'd applaud it there) but here in the states they should be humanely exterminated. Period.

@jhook3672 - 31.03.2021 16:13

Thanks for posting. Starlings are an invasive species from Europe and have wreaked havoc on U.S. native species like barn swallows. Recently they took over a nest hole in my yard where native red-bellied woodpeckers had laid eggs. 😡 hope you’ll consider (if you don’t already) educating your clients and give them an extermination option.

@eli507 - 23.03.2021 06:26

Ordinarily I'd applaud this kind of humane approach. It's nice to see humans working to cohabitation with animals. However, starlings are an extremely destructive invasive species. They should be humanely euthanized whenever possible.

@diesellover6411 - 14.03.2021 18:33

Kill em

@nickolas.h - 13.08.2020 00:27

They know what's good.

@goncharov000 - 27.12.2019 01:10

good job

@leebertie57 - 08.08.2019 21:57

I had starlings under my air conditioner a few years back. They were infested with bugs and had to be removed. I wish I had known how easy it was to replace their nest with a "jug" and save the babies...the guys I hired did not do this :(

@billsomrak - 03.05.2019 00:32

Starlings do NOT have to be handled humanely. They are an invasive NON-NATIVE species, introduced into this country during the 19th century by some NYC playwright who, after he was done using them, released them into NYC Central Park. Since then, they've become a national problem, killing many native song birds. The best way to handle starlings is to use the approved 'humane way' of killing them: either a CO2 container or simply breaking their necks. Shooting in the head/chest with a BB/Pellet gun is also considered humane.
