How to retire in Vietnam?

How to retire in Vietnam?

What The Pho

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RTN-USA - 24.09.2023 16:40

Great information! We are currently live in US (Viet Kieu) sometime thinking about to go back and living in Viet for long time period or possible retiring there. Thank you so much for your information!😊

Kim Youpi
Kim Youpi - 21.09.2023 18:52

Thanks for your video. How do I buy life instance? N what are the most trusted companies?

J L - 15.09.2023 07:38

When you’re 80 yo?!

Louie Lowe
Louie Lowe - 08.09.2023 07:17

The one thing that you have to keep in mind about moving to and investing in Vietnam is that Vietnam is still a communist country and the communist party could, overnight declare all of your business dealing and property to be null and void and compensate everything from you.

Jan Polak
Jan Polak - 20.08.2023 07:33

Such a great content and professional advices from you both!!!

Steevee14 - 13.08.2023 17:10

The legal system in Vietnam is unreliable and unpredictable! That's why it's a very risky country to invest in - investors beware!

stephen mcdonald
stephen mcdonald - 13.08.2023 06:13

Vietnamese can buy land in USA why do we keep letting these people in ? Make it make sense

Yigga - 10.08.2023 14:36

thanks anh chi, u guys cover a lot of my questions! keep it up

Lola N
Lola N - 11.07.2023 03:55

I have a question.
I’m a Việt kiều. I want to get my grandma’s house put under my mom’s name because she’s the one who paid for that house & land.
Is that possible to do that?

prova diablo
prova diablo - 08.07.2023 11:54 thanks....

Wesley Stevens
Wesley Stevens - 28.06.2023 12:45

Can’t retire in Vietnam. Not when all you can get is a 30 day tourist visa, then you’re required to leave the country. Vietnam has no retirement visa either. You can only stay longer if you marry a Viernamese citizen or have a legitimate, proven business to get a business visa.

Randall Fross
Randall Fross - 04.06.2023 14:45

Great information. Thanks

Joel Le
Joel Le - 29.05.2023 09:21

Nice! so How do I retire there if my family tree is vietnamese but I am swedish?? am I able to get a citizenship in Vietnam?
I did ask Ken and his company but they say they not helping out with that :-(

Michael Brower
Michael Brower - 03.05.2023 16:08

Who let all the simps out of the zoo?

My Road to Thailand
My Road to Thailand - 23.04.2023 03:40

Very interested in knowing about buying into the GS25 Franchise. I'm still debating retiring in Vietnam or Thailand.

Brian Max
Brian Max - 31.03.2023 16:21

My Vietkieu wife and I plan to retire in Da Nang, her home city.
I'd like to spend the first 3 or so years working the night shift for an American IT company.
If my wife gets a Vietnam passport, Can I work for an American company on a spouse visa exemption?
Will I need to set up my own corporation and contract for an American IT company?

Richard on Dauntless
Richard on Dauntless - 30.03.2023 05:15

I wish he had also addressed the issue of being your money out of Vietnam even if you find a foreign buyer.

some guy
some guy - 17.03.2023 03:16

Is that USD? so, like millions to buy a small apartment?

Valentine Vanadium
Valentine Vanadium - 11.03.2023 18:34

Interesting. But your expert says the exact opposite of what i have been told by real estate professionals in Vietnam.

They said: you can only buy a property that has not been sold to a Vietnamese. That is from a foreigner or from a developer. As such, the property will be about 20% more expensive than Vietnamese. You can sell to anybody, but vietnamese obviously wont want to pay the extra, so in practice, only sell to foreigner.

If you are retired, it will be difficult to import your personal furniture. Most shippers want to see a work permit.

Once you have a permanent abode, (bought or rented) you have to watch your tax residency. You might find yourself becoming resident (and thus liable for tax on world wide income) even if you spend less than 183 days a year in the country.

I really wanted to spend about 5 months a year in Vietnam, but after considering the problems above i dumped the idea

Jim B
Jim B - 10.03.2023 15:04

wow! very interesting. I will look into this.

B Boomer Mike
B Boomer Mike - 05.03.2023 20:27

Is that the only visa solution to retire is $140,000.00 a year investment? I am married to a Vietnamese woman and with the cost of an investment visa we can live in California cheaper.

Ox Sixty One
Ox Sixty One - 05.03.2023 12:41

VN is communist. Therefore, the rules r not concrete. The government can make up the laws to take/steal from u. Sad true. 😎👍

Brad Fradette
Brad Fradette - 03.03.2023 04:26

Investing in Vietnam or marrying in Vietnam - I wonder which is more risky?

Michael Brower
Michael Brower - 25.02.2023 23:56

These rules are horrible for 90% of buyers

Bobby Reborn
Bobby Reborn - 24.02.2023 02:33

Retirement in Vietnam is worth it regardless of property ownership. The best city for seniors to retire in , without a doubt, is Vung Tau.

Vinl33 - 19.02.2023 17:32

Technically, you cant own a property if you are a foreigner. Even buying apartments is just a lease term. 50 yrs and no one knows what is going to happen after. Worst thing is, alot of property owners do not get the "red paper", which you will need this paper to proof your ownership and not just the sales agreement. The reason for it is because either the property developer did not follow the rules or the goverment changed their mind. Too many uncertainties.

Top Gun
Top Gun - 04.02.2023 21:48

Tỷ lệ nợ trên GDP của Việt Nam LÀ 51%. mỗi đô la kiếm được là nợ 51 xu, tức là giá trị 23.000 đồng chỉ còn 11.500 đồng.

James Morgan
James Morgan - 03.02.2023 07:06

LOL the American Psycho B-roll!

International Franchise Alliance
International Franchise Alliance - 26.01.2023 17:24

First you kicked them out now you want them back... No bloody way

Endless Travels
Endless Travels - 19.01.2023 05:20

I do wonder the purpose to retire in Vietnam, the chaos and what not. Thailand for must better conditions offers a retirement plan that is real and long term - doesn't require marrying into the country but best of all right next to Vietnam to visit.

Chandra Sunil
Chandra Sunil - 17.01.2023 17:33

I suddenly came across to view your channel and subscribe it as you explained and explored Vietnam in so simple way vie your video ! So friendly way as do Vietnamese people! ❤your way of expressing the life of Vietnamese ! Secondly so admirable move that you not choosing USA for your life and work but returned home to serve and explore Vietnam! Great salute to you! Keep it up!

Douglas Silva
Douglas Silva - 12.01.2023 21:25

Um fato verdadeiro, muitos americanos estão acreditem, se aposentando e indo morar no Vietnã , tenho um casal cliente que estão lá a 2 semanas, vejam vídeos dizendo “retired in Vietna”

Chac Mool
Chac Mool - 09.01.2023 15:19

I've lived in SEAsia for over two decades and have been to all its countries (except for Brunei). In fact, I am in Saigon now. From my own perspective, I would not retire in Vietnam for three reasons:
* Restrictive visa policies
* The state and condition of infrastructure and healthcare facilities
* Language: Vietnamese is tough and I can't live in a place where I cannot communicate freely. It took me a few years to achieve near fluency in Indonesian. I've reckon it would take me twice as long to reach a comfortable level in Vietnamese. The other source of this is that Vietnamese is useless outside of Vietnam while I have spoken to Cham Vietnamese in Malay (Indonesian and Malay are fundamentally the same language). Malay is the most widely spoken language in the region so the effort to learn it pays off.

So, for the foreseeable future I will continue to make my home in Bali. And dream of moving to Georgetown, Penang in Malaysia. 😉

Chac Mool
Chac Mool - 09.01.2023 15:10

I bought an apartment in Jakarta in 2007. Huge construction boom back then. I got out and sold the apartment in 2012. I am glad that I did that because the market is now glutted. If you are gonna buy in Saigon keep that dynamic in mind. Buy, make your profit and get out.

Hieu Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen - 09.01.2023 09:48

If you retire in Vn with little money you better stay in the States .
There is no medical protection no free health assistances , bad pollution , the food from bad materials .....Your life will be shorter !!!!

BaoTran💙Crypto - 09.01.2023 05:52

Thanks you VanVu for these great contents about retire in VietNam, thinking 🤔 retire in VietNam , Chuc Mung Nam Moi 🎊 🎉VanVu

nam li
nam li - 31.12.2022 04:58

You talk to big guy
Just look for reality real ppl

nam li
nam li - 31.12.2022 04:56

Too complicated
Also for ppl with lot money.
Just more realistic
Look for normal average income ppl that want to live or do small business 😊

van khoa Nguyen
van khoa Nguyen - 30.12.2022 17:27

Crazy, If you retire, you should choose somewhere more peaceful to live. You should choose to live in the countryside of Can Tho, Vinh Long, Tien Giang. Long An, Hau Giang, Đong Thap, An giang....It is only 3 hours to Saigon and it costs only 10% of accomodation in SG and price for everyday living only costs nearly a half

Ricky Ramone
Ricky Ramone - 28.12.2022 12:29

People struggle to get an 30 day evisa never mind how to retire

Zoro N
Zoro N - 26.12.2022 07:39

Lands that your house was built on belongs to the government. They can take it back at anytime regardless you are citizens or foreigners.

Nghia Pham
Nghia Pham - 26.12.2022 03:49

Retire in VN! You must be out of your mind.

L BJ - 25.12.2022 18:07

Only dreamers, novices and morons buy real estate in third world countries; you don't really own anything, there are no real laws, rules, regulations or transparency, and it's way better to invest in your own western country and simply rent in a place like Vietnam. No clean Title, no real ownership, oh and I forgot, it's a LEASE you morons. Plus, owning a condo doesn't help at all in getting a visa, it's a scam and you're the laughing stock of all involved, plus you'll lose money along the way because upkeep and maintenance is an unknown in general in SEA and the building codes (there aren't any) are sub-par at best. JUST DON'T DO IT AND SIMPLY RENT...Otherwise I have some swampland in Florida I'll sell you... it's a steal...I mean I'll 'steal' your money. 🤑😆🤣 Don't be a sucker...

Dennis Wan
Dennis Wan - 25.12.2022 05:00

What a B!

magnetsg - 24.12.2022 04:44

Land of little opportunities, beware of Vietnam. Better look at Cambodia, or even better keep your money home.

magnetsg - 24.12.2022 04:36

Best is to avoid making any investment in Vietnam... A sure loss. Vietnam remains a hard core communist country. Keep your money out of Vietnam and you will remain happy. Money can flow in easily, not the other way round.

Tri Vu
Tri Vu - 23.12.2022 19:01

If you are going to talk about real estate in HCMC, you should probably mention that the city is sinking by 2-5cm every year. Add to that the fact that sea levels are rising, if nothing is done, the city will be submerged by 2050. Look it up.

Hieu Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen - 23.12.2022 06:53

Full of lies skim head oi !

Xiu Be
Xiu Be - 21.12.2022 16:19

$140K investment to get a one year visa is way higher than deposit $25K in a Thai Bank to get one year retirement visa.

Hieu Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen - 20.12.2022 04:27

How can you advertise for a communist country that has no freedom of speech religious or press.They torture their peoples everyday .
The pollution is one of the worst in the world . The material making food is not safety .
Stay out of VN .
What the idiotee!
