Lost Ancient Technology: The Colossal Statues of Ancient Egypt

Lost Ancient Technology: The Colossal Statues of Ancient Egypt


1 год назад

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Elegance - 18.09.2023 21:15

you have to keep in mind, in 1000 years or so all our modern buildings would be gone without a trace, but mount rushmore would remain, so what we see are just the stone items left and all the other buildings and vehicles and technology is gone, paper everything

joa joa
joa joa - 18.09.2023 19:01

I‘m now in Cairo and visited the Egyptian museum today for the first time. Thanks to you I was able to look at some of the objects in display there in a much more inquisitive manner, the level of craftsmanship in some of the older pieces is just mind blowing!

shtookatz - 14.09.2023 03:42

This argument for ancient technology is ridiculous. There are good sculptors and there are bad, just as there are exceptional statues and low quality ones. Just because some are better than others does not mean they used lost tech to make them. One may be in a palace another may be on the street. The great sculptors of the renaissance produced work of the highest quality with just hand tools, and yet today with all our technology you can buy low quality statues.

Susette Santiago
Susette Santiago - 13.09.2023 04:38

So who do the statues looks like……..there is a clue…….oh wait……Europeans tried to destroy the faces……..

DnF777 - 12.09.2023 09:43

Wicked video buddy, such a cool subject. Insane, how perfect those objects were made

The Internet
The Internet - 11.09.2023 01:37

They had 6 minute crafts back then

Jokester The Mighty
Jokester The Mighty - 09.09.2023 09:28

it's amazing how little regard they have for this monuments, just let people touch them or stand in 4000 year old collumns, wtf

Custos Secretus
Custos Secretus - 07.09.2023 00:16

Hmm, not seen any statues of a pharaoh manspreading as a sign of dominance. Was it just easier to carve them sat straight?

Bruce Burns
Bruce Burns - 05.09.2023 16:35

Who destroyed these statues, and why ????

Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 04.09.2023 22:27

The Pyramids may be old, but Wu-Tang is forever..

The Big B gsd
The Big B gsd - 03.09.2023 04:38

Thank you
Very much thought provoking
I take your effort in mind x

Miles Perigo
Miles Perigo - 02.09.2023 13:29

Ben, just curious, if the Egyptians Inherited or found the buildings etc, then tried to replicate it' with poor results, why wasn't the technology passed on as it was , as Graham Hancock contests, that a group of skilled survivors taught humanity after the great flood? What caused all these civilizations to fall into ruin and the technology to be lost? I know the Rain forest civilizations were destroyed by smallpox, very likely, but what about the rest? Where did the Egyptians come from?

Ciaran McCallion
Ciaran McCallion - 02.09.2023 09:02

Wow this crazy! It's almost like the pharoahs that the statues were created to depict were like gods themselves!? This isthe secret historians are hiding from us!!! I'm so sick of mainstream media trying to derail us from facts and whats really important, We need more people like Ben getting us worked up about the important stuff based on fact and not just his own unfounded opinions from a hot weather ballon to tackled the fake news of getting fucked by rich peoples hot inflated ballsacks! Keep up the good work uncharted x.

Mark Courtney
Mark Courtney - 01.09.2023 14:59

What event shattered these in Incredible creations into fragments ?

Mark Courtney
Mark Courtney - 01.09.2023 14:21

Excellent work. Thank you very much.

Alex Granada
Alex Granada - 30.08.2023 20:26

I don't understand why mainstream archeologists/egyptologists continues to insists these monuments and statues are hand-made by hunter-gatherers using crude stone tools. The evidences to the contrary are staring them right on their faces!

Joseph Elijah
Joseph Elijah - 30.08.2023 01:59

Does anyone have a source for the claim they used steel bearings and tracks for the Thunder Stone? Everything I find online suggests they used bronze bearings and wooden tracks. That said, I don't think it takes away from the overall argument. Just wanted to get my facts straight on that front.

Glyn Gibbs
Glyn Gibbs - 29.08.2023 21:24

You hit the copper nail on the head there. You are prepared to listen, learn and adapt your ideas. The experts are not. That's why little or no progress is made on these mysteries.
Thanks for bringing us a little closer to the truth.

Michael Hartman
Michael Hartman - 29.08.2023 18:34

The giant statues are direct evidence of advanced machinery and incredible understanding of stones grain structures and how it behaves while being shaped, I'm an expert mason with more than 20 years experience and would never even attempt anything they made with stone and that's using modern diamond and laser cutting, and that's only the easy part of the problem, the hard part is not breaking the stone as you're cutting it, or breaking it during transport, stone while it's really hard it's also equally fragile especially if you don't know where the defects of the stone are.

Brother Maleus Praetor
Brother Maleus Praetor - 29.08.2023 18:02

Looking at those pristinely polished statues, I couldn't help but notice the graffiti chiselled into them. Is the likes of Hawas trying to claim they are dynastic Egyptian, based off the "inscriptions"???

Looks glaringly obvious to me that these works are way older, and that dynastic Egyptians inherited pretty much all of this land and its contents, then proceeded to "claim" it as all of their own work... Copper chisels and pounding stones...BWAHAHAHA!

Gareth High
Gareth High - 27.08.2023 03:19

Check the Wu deciple on tour!!! Cracking video!!

Annemarie Vetrecin
Annemarie Vetrecin - 27.08.2023 03:12


Mark Heitz
Mark Heitz - 27.08.2023 00:54

I'm sure that R,Z knows at lot more too he's not stupid has an agenda yes

Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly - 26.08.2023 21:11

Its a possibility ancient Egyptians did seem to have a working knowledge of fractal maths but still does not rule out Christopher Dunns power plant theory.

Brian Gonzalez
Brian Gonzalez - 25.08.2023 00:15

And I also love the ending with $50 dynasty

Leo - 22.08.2023 07:19

It makes me upset that Ramses the 2nd altered the colossus, and other things. I wish we knew the original builders… before Ramses the 2nd.

Houston Strong
Houston Strong - 22.08.2023 05:42

As far as power tools those could’ve been done wayyyyy after the original

Houston Strong
Houston Strong - 22.08.2023 05:37

I don’t think it’s right they have Indian ppl as guides 😩🥴 India didn’t build it🤷🏽‍♂️

Gilbert L
Gilbert L - 21.08.2023 11:05

This was an exceptional video! Phenomenal commentary, audio/video quality. Fascinating subject matter. This video instantly grabbed my attention and I didn't stop watching until it was finished.

D show
D show - 19.08.2023 19:15

I will never understand how anyone can say that was made by hand

Scott183 - 19.08.2023 18:04

Cataclysm Theory,, Every 138. Years, or multiples there of,

Scott183 - 19.08.2023 17:56

Inheritance,, yes the Egyptians, did F,A.

Sillius Soddus
Sillius Soddus - 18.08.2023 19:58

I don't know nothing about stone work or engineering but it's always made me laugh when the mainstream tells you the ancient Egyptians made all this stuff out of copper chisels or banged out huge obelisks using hard stone balls. It's exactly though they think you are thick and just washed up on the beach.
The trouble is most people these days are brain dead and just lap up anything their mainstream over lord's tell them. It's all those years of corporate brainwashing to make people in general be subservient, toe the line and spend their money on-line or in the supermarket

AntAcîD - 17.08.2023 22:32

I've been allover the world as a child with my parents.when I was a teen I was given the option to go on holiday again or stay home and house sit . obviously I chose to stay home and really really really put in some good party sessions..I don't regret the memories but now I totally wish I had went along on holiday because I missed out on Egypt 😞

Callum Gray horse
Callum Gray horse - 13.08.2023 15:53

Technology lost or hidden from us that we can't even best today they had the gift that's for sure

Matthew Harris
Matthew Harris - 12.08.2023 07:31

This guy just makes up stuff.

Bernard Holmes
Bernard Holmes - 10.08.2023 06:19

Da Vinci and Michaelangelo art work are also different, but still are masterpieces.

Alan Hooper
Alan Hooper - 09.08.2023 12:14

You’re 100%correct Egyptians are graffiti artists. They inherited (found) pyramids and everything else. The great pyramids were built first. The rest are copies that came many years later.

Righty-O - 08.08.2023 18:45

When archeologists say ADVANCED ANCIENT CIVILIZATION, they do not mean more advanced than we are now, they mean more advanced than they should have been at the time. There is zero evidence of any previous human civilization being as advanced as we are now. In fact there is no evidence that any of the previous were anywhere even close to the advancements we have now. Because we can absolutely Re build the pyramids to the same specs, and carve the statues out of granite using modern tools, no problem. We just don't understand how THEY did it with the tools we know they had, and the absence of the tools that would have normally been required.

territurner71 - 02.08.2023 10:48

Pre-flood, humanity had vastly different ways of doing activities. Such as, melting rock to form it, using antigravity to move things about. The flood knocked the giant statues over.

Eric - 01.08.2023 03:45

Nobody bothers to pick up the trash water bottle......modern people suck.

glenn swart
glenn swart - 31.07.2023 16:39

Great job Ben

Kushnir - 28.07.2023 21:04

Just proves the Bible, people lived for hundreds of years before the flood. Then after the people became so immoral god destroyed the world with a flood. 1 family served on the ark. This explains the loss of technology.

E P - 28.07.2023 18:06

If the official narrative ever decided to share the truth about our history, they would quickly control of our awareness, freedom and power that is so obviously been held hostage against us.
And so you see how unfortunately this could never occur.
What also isn't given much attention about ancient times are the giant's. Remember Noah of the Arch was over 25ft tall as an example.
