Top 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotionally Damaged Woman True Story

Top 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotionally Damaged Woman True Story

Your Wingmam

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Gerry Ricker
Gerry Ricker - 15.10.2023 01:35

If you wanted to leave me for another guy I would pack her clothes for her and throw them out the door do you go see you if you have a better life or not😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Gerry Ricker
Gerry Ricker - 15.10.2023 01:33

You think she laughing out loud that is so right you are right on the money it's funny how if you hook up with somebody that has more than you do and you are working too it's not enough for her never is never will be some women think that men could just snap your fingers and have a million-dollar sitting in their hand they can basically get into them just the way they look at it they don't look at sharing having a great life together it's all for them or nothing so true

Neil Mahar
Neil Mahar - 12.10.2023 05:19

I knew someone who didn't like Indian food but his narcissistic wife did and he would take her to a restaurant, watch her eat while he had nothing?

Desert Rose
Desert Rose - 09.10.2023 05:49


Nicholas - 30.09.2023 15:24

The easiest way to know if a woman is damaged is she will be breathing.

Lambert Lorette
Lambert Lorette - 30.09.2023 13:40

yeah, I've experienced, sadly, all of them - it's really strange, and rather amazing, how they behave :). - it kind of reminds me of people I've met who are really successful liars - what they will do, is tell some really big, unbelievable lie right off the bat, which kind of blows your mind, and then they build on that lie while you're off balance, in a way that seems ordinary and regular...

TheEssentialVerze Ent
TheEssentialVerze Ent - 26.09.2023 22:39

I was a male stripper a separated women fell for from what was supposed to be a one night stand I taught her things about her body she never knew but she dragged me on for 11 months and would always say oh no you don’t have to do anything for me she acts like an entitled princess she lives a double life and I allowed it because I wanted her to get help in the end my heart is damaged and I will never date again I will never trust another women she always was cold she spoiled me so I wouldn’t say anything or catch feelings I was just her BBC being used for my body and it hurts she got away Scott free and I was left more damages sad and had bad thoughts 😢😢😢 why are women like this

Kenn Worth
Kenn Worth - 15.09.2023 06:29

She only blames you for everything she is doing wrong

Gregory Stinette
Gregory Stinette - 02.09.2023 16:25

Most people are mentally deranged, so why bother with them. Shalom

Tim C
Tim C - 30.08.2023 15:06

Evil and diabolical
Look out for Covert narcissists. They are self deprecating. For the reason of you propping them up

Nate T
Nate T - 03.08.2023 22:03

If a woman that a man truly loves humiliates that man for shedding tears for any reason, most likely the man will never be able to cry again. You just set a subconscious mental barrier with your b**chyness. Great job, Felicia. Time for you to go.

blackbusiness7 - 01.08.2023 14:15

Holy crap. I checked off every box on this list with my covert narc ex.

Projectlink Services
Projectlink Services - 07.07.2023 05:26

What if she does this but she still married ?

RetroCaptain - 24.06.2023 22:32

The very first woman I met and went out with through online dating was the
"So & so said" (about me) type.

I believe he was one of her friendzone guys orbiters.
Everything I told her then went through him and she'd return with his rebuttal (how to win a man over gold standard)

This woman came to me with a sob story of her husband dumped her due to a temporary (5 to 10 years duration) mobility disease. "Horrible how i become ill and he cuts and runs" (im thinking there is more to the story).
She was thin and reasonably attractive otherwise.
I slowly figured out hubby dropped her because she lived to fact and fault check the men in her life.
I quietly walked away (she said lets just be friends then if I won't date her) as saying anything just made her angry on top of suspicious.

Previndraa Meetun
Previndraa Meetun - 20.06.2023 15:19

What a lovely Canadian helping us guys out. Bless you dear!

Niles Engerman
Niles Engerman - 06.06.2023 17:08

My issue is current GF (if that) is a master gas lighter. She wants things to be easy but refuses to engage in any conflict, says it takes her a week to get over an argument, and only festers on the remote negatives out of context.

RougeBaba - 05.06.2023 21:01

My wife had open heart surgery. I took care of her during her recovery. I helped her bath, dress and keep her meds straight. I rubbed her back for hours at a time. I bought a recliner so she could rest. I prepared meals and cleaned the house all while being the sole bread winner and caring fir the kids. And of course i went without sex from her mid March surgery till the end if the year.
For Christmas, I bought her a gold necklace, hoping she'd wear it when intimacy began again.
She opened it, looked at it for a second or two, then closed the box and tossed it aside like it was a piece of trash. Not only did she not say, "Thank You", she didn't even look at me.
But she did come up to me after gifts were out of the way to say the following...
Her: I have a question... Why'd you buy me that necklace?
Me, confused: I thought it would look great on you.
Her, with almost a sneer: I had surgery, you know that, right? I have a scar, you can see that, right? I'm not wearing necklaces right now... So why would you do that?
Then she turned and walked away.
I had to close myself up in our room to gain my composure.

trainsforreal - 14.05.2023 23:20

yeah she is probablt a narcissist its like i can see it in her eyes , this kinda disconnection, this kinda lack of understanding fundamental things in life, etc, worse than emotional damge

trainsforreal - 14.05.2023 23:17

at least i know what kinda bad woman i seek....😔😔😔

White Chica Cooks
White Chica Cooks - 09.05.2023 21:38

I was married to a male like this... Note the word "WAS"!!! If you're dating anyone with these character flaws, please RUN!!! It will NEVER get better, and you'll only end up with severe trauma or worse. Be safe!

rob coghan
rob coghan - 20.04.2023 13:54

My girl would not be out on those terms ,there would never be a real commitment to this woman she is too dumb. She needs to take her thing and find a fool. GB

Bron Smith
Bron Smith - 10.04.2023 17:09

My ex girlfriend, 100%

Two¤Many¤Mopars - 04.04.2023 17:09

Idk, eventually everything here starts coming from both sides. But i suppose thats what happens when youve stuck to it no matter what for so long. At the end once you break, you can then be percieved as being just as guilty.
You only need one relationship like this to see it coming again later.

Bilal - 04.04.2023 16:13

I really wished this wasn't what I just lived, it's like this lady was there the whole time I dated this woman..the coach was right there the whole time.why are there women like this in the ex does the be nice when you want something.

Lamar Curtis
Lamar Curtis - 02.04.2023 18:01

Damn I am going through this RIGHT NOW!!! SHE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME HANGING WITH MY FAMILY, DOING LITTLE THINGS FOR MY MOTHER I HAVE TO MAKE HER FEEL GOOD EVER TIME SHE'S FEELING EMOTIONAL. I PAY ALL THE BILLS AND SHE TELL ME THAT I AM LIVING IN THE HOUSE TO SO YOU benefiting from it too.. She is going to school as a full time nursing student and when free on the weekend she wants me to support her needs, but after working a long 24hr shift and so tired, I just want a mental break to MYSELF... Don't know what to do...

Alan Tichy
Alan Tichy - 31.03.2023 16:18

Thank you and I do have a real life example The woman I was seeing for about 3 years I helped take care of her 90 year old father with her by buying delivered meals for him weekly as well as yard care but I was not allowed to go into the house. He had a fenced in yard with over growth and small sapling trees as well as poison ivy and other plants that can cause skin irritation.
It was the day before her birthday in July and I was working on her fathers fence for his yard and that day she pulled grass and a few weeds for about 10 feet. then went home. I called her since she had her kids and they went to the city pool so I asked asked if we can have dinner to celebrate her birthday she said sure. I called her that night to tell her I have reservations at her favorite restaurant at 7 and she is in Dubuque with a "guy friend" that takes her to a weekend long concerts. But she said I am overreacting and now they are a couple as she posted them holding each other and made a reel with their song showing them hugging and kissing and she ghosted me faster than you can say WTF.

Antoine Carrico
Antoine Carrico - 30.03.2023 20:50

My ex girlfriend from college had literally every. Single. One. Of the traits you listed here.

Lying, talking shit about me to EVERYONE, making me feel like I need to compete with other men to "keep" her, criticizing my friends and family, talking down to me about my hobbies, music tastes, etc. I hate to say it but... I think I was being abused.

And every time I tried to leave, she'd shower me with affection and affirmation. Blowjobs and compliments and gifts and romantic bullshit...

Not gonna lie. I could have used your help 16 years ago when I met her.

Donald McDangle
Donald McDangle - 29.03.2023 04:44

This sounds like my ex wife.

Omega Man
Omega Man - 20.03.2023 16:31

I knew I was in trouble when I went to the grocery store with my ex and she asked me to pick out a bag of tomatoes..... I put the bag in the cart and then she grabbed the bag and dumped them out and then reselected the same tomatoes saying I didnt get the right ones..... It was then that I knew I F'd up !!! Number 7 !! Impossible to please, would go out of the way to complain about everything no matter how much effort I tried to make it good.

Omega Man
Omega Man - 20.03.2023 16:07

I can make it even easier....... just avoid all women. Just assume they are trouble until you can prove them otherwise. Your future self will thank you.

Peter Harris
Peter Harris - 16.03.2023 05:36

The holly moon period ?

Peter Harris
Peter Harris - 16.03.2023 05:30


Jim Barr Official
Jim Barr Official - 11.03.2023 18:13

MGTOW is the answer. No women, no problem. Thank you for listening.

RC OverKill
RC OverKill - 09.03.2023 14:15

My story would ruin ya'll for life, but I got out.

Whank McSockpuppet
Whank McSockpuppet - 28.02.2023 11:58

Top 10 signs you are dating a emotionally damaged woman:
1. She's a woman.
2. She's a woman.
3. She's a woman.
4. She's a woman.
5. She's a woman.
6. She's a woman.
7. She's a woman.
8. She's a woman.
9. She's a woman.
10. She used to be a man.

Adam Findlay
Adam Findlay - 27.02.2023 23:13

It occured to me watching the Office, we tell people things they need to 'hear,' not necessarily what is real/true. Oh well.

el-sig - 26.02.2023 19:44

Who's Chad?! 😁

Mark Williams
Mark Williams - 25.02.2023 10:06

My wife ALWAYS returned all my gifts. It got so bad at Christmas time, my children started a betting pool to see how long it would take before she asked for the receipt! I'd tell them what I got her each placed $5 bet, they'd pick 1, 2 or 3 days. Sadly, she never waited longer than 3 days even for gold or diamonds.

sanjay chakraborty
sanjay chakraborty - 22.02.2023 19:18

I wish I could worship you putting on an altar.

You are a saviour of men from the world of women.

Josh Thoele
Josh Thoele - 22.02.2023 16:46

I've experienced them all 😆

July 4, 1776 Dedicated to The Proposition
July 4, 1776 Dedicated to The Proposition - 19.02.2023 17:38

I dated a nurse for over a year and over time i would get yelled at if I wore something her ex did. I soon found out that her uncle had abused her between 6 and 8 years old. She was going to mental health professionals for at least 20 years. She always seemed to have the 1000 yard stare, could not simply answer “which came first, wwii or the civil war?” She finally said wwii! She was simply was somewhere else.

Ade Larsen
Ade Larsen - 19.02.2023 06:54

Classic sign of a controlling narcissist "You're selfish and we never do what I want". This is the NUMBER ONE SIGN... RUN AWAY.

Ade Larsen
Ade Larsen - 19.02.2023 06:46

This video is exactly why there should be a 10+ year difference between the man and the woman. Max 20 years but minimum 10 years. And being outside of her regular group of contacts.

V - 18.02.2023 09:41

What if shes a taker like you say, but after all she buys you a literal bottle of water and later uses that as evidence that she isnt a taker? (true story)

Adam - 17.02.2023 15:32

What is funny is you are 100% dead on. The sad part is, my last 3 relationships including my ex wife all acted like this, then would get mad if I called them out. Just broke up with the third one. Lesson learned x 3!

Luky Little
Luky Little - 17.02.2023 10:46

That's what you call Them?😉

TACOPRO - 17.02.2023 07:49

Can you make a video explaining the true behind a girl who has tattoo of their ex boyfriend’s name and now covered up with something else but you found out not from her told you about it.

Johanness Willery
Johanness Willery - 16.02.2023 19:44

Rule to live by; If she is on Social Media, she has problems.
