Starting A Turo Fleet with $26,227

Starting A Turo Fleet with $26,227

Financial Wolf

4 месяца назад

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@1mGotcha - 18.10.2024 15:54

I recently had the pleasure of watching some of your older videos from 2019, and I noticed that it took you 16 months to get monetized. I just want to say that you truly deserve it. Your dedication is evident, and I have to express that I am your biggest fan. It was truly inspiring to see how your hard work has paid off and how far you’ve come.

@The5thEmperorr - 18.10.2024 16:29

Loving the turo vids bro keep em coming

@cotofanapavel7443 - 18.10.2024 18:39

Worst car ever to start turo business especially in winter season coming! Nissan and Wolkswagen are worse CAR BRANDS!

@zart3374 - 18.10.2024 18:45

Read the fine print on the warranty. Many warranty require you to maintain certain maintenance intervals/ dealer services.

@kstarr3555 - 18.10.2024 18:56

Bruh a Nissan Sentra in Wisconsin right before winter?? Great purchase 😂😂 I just bought a fully decked out, most premium Subaru Outback you can get from 22 for $21k 😂😂😂

@kstarr3555 - 18.10.2024 19:00

As if ppl traveling Amtrak can afford shit bro this video is so silly

@kstarr3555 - 18.10.2024 19:14

You’re not worried about the lockbox bc you live in a safe neighborhood?!? Bro no one else renting your car will be keeping it in your neighborhood. This video keeps getting sillier

@MarkDay-c8c - 18.10.2024 19:42

Nobody knows anything; You need to create your own process, manage risk, and stick to the plan, through thick or thin, While also continuously learning from mistakes and improving.

@Slowly_succeeding - 18.10.2024 20:16

Are you able to charge as much for a car with 150k miles on it? I rent cars pretty frequently, and when I get one with 40k+ miles on the clock, it just feels so tired. Many people are hard on rental cars.

@sebastianw512 - 18.10.2024 21:00

Hi, will you try create online product (such ass ebook) using IA and try sell it online?

@P4-20 - 18.10.2024 23:09

We love u from Ethiopia

@integrafreak1 - 18.10.2024 23:43

Question, wouldn’t it be easy to just unplug the GPS?

@Smurfilygnome2 - 19.10.2024 00:20

Maybe I'm not the brightest but why would you invest 26k in one car instead of spreading that 26k across two, three or maybe even four cars? I wpuld imagine its a much better return on investment

@younggod6940 - 19.10.2024 00:48

Bro you’re overpaid. Should have bought used Toyota Prius. They are machines

@AllenLeaf756 - 19.10.2024 01:54

Keep up the videos man!! Love them!!

@archdavis6942 - 19.10.2024 05:05

For what you paid you could have bought a used Prius and a used Fit for the win with much less risk

@whiteboy6052 - 19.10.2024 06:06

The goat is back 🔥

@martinkuchler7150 - 19.10.2024 11:14

3 digit lock for a car is crazy

@bleubleu3107 - 19.10.2024 12:56

Your warranty is going to get voided if you purchase and financed for personal use

@ZOGZOGZOG-hm7ob - 19.10.2024 18:54

Had me thinking car got stolen 😂😂

@LuckyLopez777 - 19.10.2024 22:54

Good luck fingers crossed

@Bum_Hip - 20.10.2024 01:55

Can’t the renter just unplug the sensor from the port?

@VagrantCode - 20.10.2024 07:32

100 a month for full coverage?

@Andy_Tibbs - 20.10.2024 07:46

Yeah buying it new was not a good idea, as soon as you drive it off the lot you loose thousands of dillars

@soyboypersonalfinance1138 - 20.10.2024 19:31

What happened to investing in section 8 ? Will Mallah

@StephBMedia - 20.10.2024 20:09

Another banger

@marv48 - 20.10.2024 22:00

You paid way too much for that car

@fiamond - 21.10.2024 03:26

Not a chance this works out

@SabineCedor - 21.10.2024 05:23

Hope your business continues to grow!

@raheemraja8471 - 21.10.2024 18:34

2 promos in 10 seconds. Great

@SDpapa - 21.10.2024 22:07

Turo is tough business.

@titanproductions3628 - 22.10.2024 11:49

Very intrested in more turo content, wolf have you tried going private with small 4-5k dollar cars that would be an interesting video

@vikashummer - 22.10.2024 16:07

bro you should have gotten a corolla hybrid for 24k OTD and Why woudl you buy a sentra, when you already know its gng to be in the repair shop

@MrGetBad4u - 22.10.2024 18:27

I'm a Turo host currently. I've started out with a Kia Soul. It did pretty well for the first 3 months until someone totaled it. Then I purchased another vehicle. That went well for 6 months until the transmission died. Then I bought a newer car. It was the best one so far. Then someone crashed it. Thankfully it got repaired ($7000 later). But it's back on the road. But wait...5 months into having a fixed car, someone crashed the front end and ruining the car. This is a really sketchy business to be in. The hard work you put into cleaning the car, maintaining the car, communicating with guests, dealing with their antics, having a bunch of late returns, them smoking int he car, spilling drinks in the car, it's safe to say that I am done being a Turo host. I was a Turo host for a total of 1.3yrs and probably lost 10yrs of my life doing this. I'll never do this again. Such a high risk business when people don't give a $hit about you or your vehicle. They beat it up and trash it. They have all of their kids eat chips and spill drinks in the car. You give them a clean car, comes back trashed. No....sorry. It's not worth it to me anymore to continue to do this. It's a good idea but in the long run, do something else that will make more money. I had a $250 car payment on my last car and the on month I made $340. That was enough to make the payment, pay the insurance. I profit $0. All because the car sat. I live in a decent area where it's popular. I was asking $60 for it in the summer. I'm down to $47 a day now in the fall and nobody rents it still. What a bad investment and a waste of time.

@GedzaTV - 22.10.2024 20:53

i love these videos

@ArtWJay - 24.10.2024 04:53

I know your GGGAYY

@ArtWJay - 24.10.2024 04:54


@FishingWithMD - 25.10.2024 02:58

Why get this and not like a toyota corolla? lmao

@cheframsey9161 - 29.10.2024 02:41

The thumbnail is what I look like once I consume 2 scoops of pre

@Mopes185 - 29.10.2024 19:48

Where do you get so cheap insurance

@gtwentyeightclub887 - 30.10.2024 01:32

Love the clip with Jerome Powell running the money printer 🤣🤣

@TortoiseCashFlow - 05.11.2024 01:55

My $4k 2012 Nissan Altima made about the same in October lol

@al1g8r94 - 06.11.2024 08:05

Why not a more reliable car for the same price? 2024 Corolla?

@JackKirk-g7g - 08.11.2024 17:20

You can't rely on a extended warranty to cover all your costs except the $100 deductible. First, they will do everything they can to deny the claim. Second, they have preset limits on parts as well as hourly labor rates. You would be responsible for the excess charged by the shop above those rates. Third, any Nissan with a CVT transmission is a terrible idea for a rental car. However, good luck on your endeavor.

@TheContentExchange - 08.12.2024 06:17

Why do you buy a warrantee on a new car that ready has a manufacturers warrantee?

@mihalykomjati - 09.12.2024 02:39

Windows lock box and bounce tracker I don't recommend....instead of those buy a tracker which can open the door remotely and able to turn of the engine ..later u find out!

@fleetbrothers - 18.10.2024 01:05

Welcome back sir 🫡
