Is Kingdoms of Arda dead?

Is Kingdoms of Arda dead?

Council of the Rings

11 месяцев назад

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@damnedbunny - 05.01.2024 18:55

massive respect for people working on passion projects like these, it takes time, heck we've seen that with skyoblivion and other similar projects, i wish you all stay strong with your work, life and not be scared to take a break from time to time :)

@imnackeredsirnackered948 - 01.01.2024 04:28

I don't just want a bannerlord game with a kingdom of Arda skin i want a new experience! If that takes time and effort then by all means take your time!. I would rather play the game in five years time then play it now where it could be unfinished, buggy and does not give that core LOTR/Bannerlord experience.

@elikscosmo - 30.12.2023 02:22

how do you intend for an unborn mod to die?

@tictack2228 - 29.12.2023 07:06

Time and time again we see in the gaming industry where people are rushed to put out a product, Cyberpunk, Skyrim at launch, No mans sky, Fallout 76, Halo Infinite, the list goes on and on and on and on.
Take your time and make a product that YOU will be proud of releasing, release something that YOU want to release as a mod maker
You are making a free addition to a game, it is 110% at ya'll's pace and cadence. Thank you guys for the transparency, and keep doing what you love!

@kokoxxzurge5052 - 22.12.2023 15:42

I've applied to KoA but I've got no answer for couple of weeks.

@jonathancooke6092 - 17.12.2023 09:31

This mod it the reason I have recently bought Bannerlord and I can certainly wait patiently in hype as you work tirelessly on it! Just from what you have shown it looks like the best thing to come out in a long time! Best of luck and take your time.

@briceking669 - 02.12.2023 15:31

I just found out about banner lords. Is this mod for the first game or banner lords 2? This looks amazing!

@warriora7245 - 02.12.2023 07:11

id pay 20$ comfortably for a mod like this fully fleshed out.....maybe full price of the game if theres everything even nazgul.

@Shadow_ball - 01.12.2023 19:29

Man I can't wait

@damie9046 - 23.11.2023 08:19

Thanks for taking your time please let this be great i love everything lord of the ring other than rop

@henrykobyla1403 - 16.11.2023 21:36

whos gonna care in 5 years when its out

@user-gc3hy3xr5w - 14.11.2023 01:57

ive been following this from the start super excited to play this

@maksvozniak46 - 09.11.2023 23:23

I believe in you guys and know that you are cool

@CardSharkOfficial - 05.11.2023 23:26

I just finished my Yearly Autumn Lord of the Rings - Extended Edition Great Rewatch, and currently playing bannerlord, and each and every heavy cavalry charge, each and every bandit camp cleansing, each and every Battanian put down, all I am thinking is, "this is fine... but i could be killing orcs if KoA was released!!!"
Keep at it guys, we are all waiting as patiently as we can until we can share the joy of walking Middle Earth again.

@kevinrosas7436 - 30.10.2023 09:12

No need to rush this, it will take its time. GOOD JOB

@HammerbiteStudios - 30.10.2023 07:14

KoA is what happens when you let modders with no Project Management experience run a full overhaul. It gets stuck in development hell with all members chasing "perfection" but will never find it. They can't be bothered to commit to a roadmap, or a piecemeal release to allow the community to assist in QA, or so they can finish up assets/expand rosters, etc.

Its so weird how they've gone about this. It's the complete opposite of what SHOULD be done.

@inerael - 29.10.2023 13:02


@eizmann - 24.10.2023 08:32

You’re doing exactly right by not pushing a release or hyping up and making this a second Bannerlord. You make it better.

@domagojdomazet4250 - 23.10.2023 15:53

Glad this mod isnt dead, I've been following you guys since 2017.. if i was patient for the last 6 years, i can do some more.. hopefully not another 6 :D

@ScarryHarry93 - 23.10.2023 12:09

I literally won't care when it comes out as long as I can play it eventually. If it's as immersive and fun as Last Days of the 3rd Age from Warband, then I can easily put 100's of hours into it

@mendax2251 - 21.10.2023 14:35

pls dont stop making the mod i dont mind if it takes a while

@KS-gi2so - 19.10.2023 18:24

Oh my god the Nazgul look incredible. Take the time you guys need, this is amazing.

@arashzombi8705 - 19.10.2023 12:31

May The Blessing Of Eru and Valar be with you guys , Thank u for the time you guys are spending for this amazing Mod

@alwaysthakid - 18.10.2023 17:52

I worked on a mod team for Kenshi briefly, and good lord I realised I wasn't cut out for it, barely did anything, felt terrible. Though I was also going through tough times back then. I am honestly super impressed with your team, the amount of work and quality is amazing and whilst I'd love to be playing it right now I am more than willing to wait haha.

@sirmicou - 18.10.2023 05:56

Please, don't talk about KOA and do not make videos about it ! They shut up because Warn*r Br*s company try to destroy projects like this, like they tried to do with Conquest Reimagined, or with Endless Days. WB deleted a big project mod for Skyrim, years ago. So let them work in shadows, and just wait for the release, if you want to play this mod ! Once it will be out, it will be too late, even for WB, to delete the mod.

@user-qg1eq7ju2h - 15.10.2023 18:01

God bless you!!!

@Jafran_Helstorm - 15.10.2023 14:52

It would be best if you let A.I. players use Max/High tier units. Because, they are not smart enough to outrun us and all of them uses low tier unit, which is pretty easy to kill. This is the mistake all overhaul mods have. I'd say make A.I. leaders carry 90% Max tier unit and 10% mix of all tier units, it will make the game more challenging

@extremestuff61 - 15.10.2023 03:56

I salute all of you guys working on the mod, thank you for dedicating so much time to this amazing passion project, I cannot wait!

@notsaying543 - 12.10.2023 20:04

i will weld my door shut and never see daylight ever again when this comes out....

@thespanishinquisition1343 - 10.10.2023 16:13

Any chance this mod will get uploaded to steam?

@ozanalpdede321 - 09.10.2023 04:38

i am playing vanilla mount and blade lotr mod for like 12 years now so i am patient lol keep on good and hard works guys you guys have our full support

@ionutstrat6856 - 08.10.2023 22:57

This mod could have been released earlier if the developers hadn't worked so hard to make it so perfect. I don't think anyone would have been upset if the first version didn't have all the settlements custom made

@ptv-7816 - 02.10.2023 11:44

Take your time ❤

@SEBASTIV - 02.10.2023 03:04

Devil’s Advocate, perhaps a good amount of hype will make it easier to find more available modders to help

@MultiRoths - 24.09.2023 19:25

Take your time, this and Warhammer mod will be the ultimate pinnacle of Bannerlord experience.

@vincentmanglona1676 - 22.09.2023 04:20

Man, I even started donating to Nexus lol for this MOD. that was 3-4 years ago

@jonny_apocalypseii1051 - 21.09.2023 05:12

Have you thought about releasing it bit by bit in updates ? Rather than waiting for all the cities and scenes to be done you could concentrate on a 3 factions on the world map with base bannerlord cities and castles then with the updates you can add cities and other aspects as they come.

@gobarb - 20.09.2023 10:08

Thanks for your job guys. You are heroes.

@Jacobarch1981 - 19.09.2023 01:23

I've stopped playing Bannerlord because I'm just waiting for this mod to come out. Take your time, but not too much time :P

@Fancypants117 - 17.09.2023 04:25

The fact that people spend as much free time and sanity on free content is amazing to me
donating so much of themselves
Blows me away when people get demanding at mod devs

@madsondurton8754 - 15.09.2023 10:36


@Br0leg - 14.09.2023 12:45

Keep at it guys, you are making something incredible. We will be waiting for as long as needed :)

@Triigger20 - 13.09.2023 03:55

I much rather wait for a good quality mod then a rushed one, even though ive been patiently waiting for 2 years now whaha

@LOTRShadowsOfThePast - 12.09.2023 07:39

Take your guys' time. Greatness takes time 😏. We are all eagerly waiting and the true fans will wait a lifetime to play this highly anticipated mod!

@evg5876 - 07.09.2023 05:42

I love you

@wwvvww573 - 07.09.2023 00:32

I'm walking through a dark tunnel for years when it comes to my died off passion for gaming.
But you guys, you create a small light in the far distance for me, that gives me hope again.

@AJ-tr5ml - 06.09.2023 18:18

LOTR fans like you are gigachads

@deanwerny1 - 06.09.2023 17:33

Bro, ive been waiting for Rise of Mordor (Dawnless days) for something like 10 years and there is at least 2 to come. So no worries, take your time, i think we can all see your love for Tolkiens work.
For people like me who struggle to even install the bloody mods, you are kinda demigod :D and i thank you from all my heart, for your hard work and dedication.
