Python Crash Course for Blender!

Python Crash Course for Blender!

Curtis Holt

4 года назад

274,875 Просмотров

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Curtis Holt
Curtis Holt - 10.11.2020 17:55

Due to an annoying change in the way the search function works in Blender post-2.9, all operators now need to be attached to a menu somewhere in the interface to be visible in the search bar.
You can change this however, if you go into Edit - Preferences, then in the Interface section tick 'Developer Extras'. The operator should be discoverable in the search function again.

Joey The Goat
Joey The Goat - 12.09.2023 13:05

I can't even setup the window or workspace. No documentation. The text editor disappears after I run the script Blender BIG FAIL for noobs like me.

aeligos - 09.09.2023 17:38

I had to google blender.

Bohdan Polovinka
Bohdan Polovinka - 01.09.2023 19:45

How to assign IMAGE TEXTURE to Displace modifier using this metod???
HELP !!! HELP !!! HELP !!!

j w
j w - 10.07.2023 23:59

What keyboard do you use? I like how it sounds.

Luxor - 08.06.2023 05:07

Hi, thank you for your awsome tutorial.
I have a question: In the line bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add()
We assume the dots "." just work like "/" ,so how about the "_" ?
What's difference between dots and underscores ?

Heba - 30.05.2023 06:42

i want script to imports 3ds max file into blender with textures how can i do that?

Blending Edge
Blending Edge - 13.04.2023 17:06

As you seem to be fairly knowledgeable of python scripting, I wonder if you could take a deeper/advance dive into the topic by explaining how the bpy integrates into blender app at a finer level and how to do certain things in the python scripts to avoid locking the UI, to avoid crashing the app etc (e.g. if you make some non thread-safe calls etc). I’m looking at creating a TCP communication between an external app and blender to be able to transfer hierarchy of data (e.g.transforms between parent/child nodes etc) and update the scene based on this data dynamically as it is being transferred, and I need to understand how to handle the receiving of the data as to 1. not freeze the UI .. and 2. to update the scene as to not crash the app. This most likely entails using separate threads etc and perhaps tap into blender bpy mechanism to trigger updates of the scene / viewport in a thread safe manner etc.

Nyubug - 07.04.2023 13:45

Anyone know how i can make a script that i can use as a driver with each object having its own object property to drive its own independant values? I literally cannot figure this out.

Example would be moving object A 1 per frame while object B moves 2 per frame based on its object property "speed". the script should work on all objects that have the object property.

Mo Harmon
Mo Harmon - 04.04.2023 01:44

Great stuff, thanks!

John Tyler
John Tyler - 03.04.2023 22:33

Hey, thanks so much for your content, it’s so helpful and inspiring.

Eric Knudstrup
Eric Knudstrup - 27.03.2023 22:44

If I change a script externally,, like in VS Code, will Blender reload automatically it like in Unity?

Mattia N
Mattia N - 24.03.2023 22:23

hi, im new here and i have a question for the material command, witch is {mod_displace.texture = new_tex}; for some reason blender sais it's not a real command, what should i do???

ps: my blender version is 3.4.1

Dennis - 10.03.2023 22:26

This was a great intro. Thank you!

Films4English - 09.02.2023 23:13

Is it possible to run a script like this from command line and render it into a mp4 file?

Kasper Christensen
Kasper Christensen - 15.01.2023 18:43

💡: If you speed the video up to x1.5 from the ⚙ menu the total viewing time is 29 minutes and 48 seconds 😉

Umar CGA
Umar CGA - 05.01.2023 14:24

I wanna learn python to creat a shader in blender? how to do that... fully new!?

Franz G. Trujillano Ch.
Franz G. Trujillano Ch. - 04.01.2023 00:22


AviationMaster - 28.12.2022 03:47

Great tutorial, thanks for sharing

Claus Bohm
Claus Bohm - 20.12.2022 17:04

Again taking on a herculean task ...amazing!

JMFS - 03.12.2022 22:34

Anyone else having problems getting the "My Operator" pop-up Add-On to appear in the viewport? Not sure if it is me or if Blender changed something that messes it up now. I can see it in the F3 search function, but when I run the script and click "My Operator" in search no pop-up shows up.

Blender Conch
Blender Conch - 18.11.2022 14:26

Well done!

eyloa - 13.11.2022 15:16

Wow! Thank you for this video! I'm very new going on with python. I got a very good feeling for codings now, thank you! :))))

Blend Craft
Blend Craft - 12.11.2022 21:54

Does someone know, how to make an addon where you can import custom models?
I´m trying to make an addon, where you can generate a minecraft world and for that i need a way to store the file with the node tree in a ziped addon folder.
The thing is, that i have no idea how to do this.
Does anyone know how this works?

Rick Henderson
Rick Henderson - 11.11.2022 04:35

A few changes it looks like here and there for Blender 3, but very good tutorial. Great for newbies. People with python experience might be bored in some parts, but it's all about Blender.

Tumdil - 05.11.2022 22:01

Amazing explanation thank you very much!

Manimaran M
Manimaran M - 30.10.2022 13:51

This was one of the BEST tutorials on Blender for python, I think Blender notebook for jupyter addon would be added advantage as well

Go Viral
Go Viral - 21.10.2022 22:03

You will definitely become the top 1 who makes cracks

Marc Azazgour
Marc Azazgour - 20.10.2022 21:50

Fantastic tutorial, pace is perfect, just what I needed. Thank you!

Daniel Contreras
Daniel Contreras - 19.10.2022 17:23

it work on my pc thx bro vеry much

Introvert Vs Extrovert
Introvert Vs Extrovert - 12.10.2022 17:03

warning this video contain code 😂

Tuan as
Tuan as - 06.10.2022 08:51

Lost me at the operator part

Truth Of Everything
Truth Of Everything - 22.09.2022 18:35

Terrific ! Thank you for such a clear totally working tutorial !!

blaxxun75 - 16.09.2022 00:05

BRO!! Good tut

Alex Zhu
Alex Zhu - 12.09.2022 08:40

Mine looks notNice tutorialng like the way you guys started it would be amazing if soone told how to get the multiple tracks

Martynas Montrimas
Martynas Montrimas - 08.09.2022 07:42

You are an excellent instructor. I will stick with you.

Sean - 08.09.2022 03:08

i have no idea why, but hearing your voice just makes feel soothed.

Ilya Petrov
Ilya Petrov - 09.08.2022 14:08

its not Euler, its Euler!

VFX_Blend - 09.08.2022 07:41

Thank you very much for explaining the materials.
I have a question, Could you please explain how to assign an image to image texture inside materials?

Robert Berg
Robert Berg - 08.08.2022 16:59

Wonderful tutorial, it allowed me to automate some simple commands, however I am running into some issues with Blender not being able to keep it loaded between sessions.
Everything works when running the script, and I can find it in the F3 menu thanks to your pinned comment.

I have loaded it as a plugin and assigned a hotkey to it, however this all disappears between sessions.. UNTIL I run the script again from the Scripting tab, then it all comes back, the keybind and all. It's very strange and I can't figure out why it's acting like this. Any ideas?

Heimboy - 03.08.2022 23:28

Thank god for the warning

black mantis
black mantis - 19.07.2022 22:23

I don’t need to install a second program to program in Blender, amazing

Comix Productions
Comix Productions - 10.07.2022 02:35

Genuinely amazing and underrated tutorial, I've learnt so much!

Shams Azeem
Shams Azeem - 30.06.2022 13:27

The way you are able to identify smaller details and relay the information to your viewers is incredible. You even went into the minor stuff that someone new to python programming needed to know, not just blender related details. You have my respect!

Site-610 - 09.06.2022 22:44

I have a problem. If I run the code, it opens the custom menu, any ideas?

Pefington - 06.06.2022 18:47

Thank you so much.

Sugar Sores
Sugar Sores - 05.06.2022 08:16

Absolutely wonderful tutorial! Thank you brotha
