How to Talk to Kids About Masturbation | Parents

How to Talk to Kids About Masturbation | Parents


9 лет назад

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Help your child understand that masturbation is private but not shameful. Betsy Brown Braun, author of "Just Tell Me What to Say," shares how you can explain this natural part of growing up.

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MarioIsSadGG - 07.09.2023 04:46

If I told my parents oh I'm gone I would be dead I would be in school till I die

Deadly virus
Deadly virus - 22.08.2023 21:39

I just started doing it and I’m 15, I’m really worried my mum might walk in on me.

Saqib Mansoor
Saqib Mansoor - 15.08.2023 09:27

It is deadly dangerous if someone got addicted☠☠

FatherBe WithMe
FatherBe WithMe - 13.06.2023 08:08

I was looking up stimming in children & young ppl & affects of child abuse & somehow landed here

Neytiri 。◕‿◕。
Neytiri 。◕‿◕。 - 05.06.2023 20:17

This is why this is very important to help and guide your kid what is masturbation which is completely normal, I feel bad for some that didn’t know and that you have to discover for yourself and feel ashamed about it by your parents whatever household it is, but don’t feel ashamed. It is completely normal as a human being.

Just whatever you do, please do not get addicted because it can be addictive.

Cardboard Cape II
Cardboard Cape II - 25.05.2023 13:30

Yuck. This sin leads to hell.

GoodfellasNYC - 20.12.2022 19:37

You could also learn by watching porn. That's how I learned.

masleh - 08.10.2022 19:43

I once went to my son room I saw my kid play with himself i was so surprised he is only 10 i couldn't say anything to him and he didn't notice so i just closed the door real slow and knocked .
Did i do the right thing or need to talk to him ? I don't know what to do my parents never talked to me about anything of this sort

Ethan - 29.06.2022 23:05

When my parents saw the search history on our computer, they changed the password. 3 days later, i found a box of Playboys on my bed.

Sandile Twala
Sandile Twala - 29.05.2022 19:29

My dad caught me twice and he talked to me about and he understood, but he said I must ask for more advice before I go deeper one day

User69 - 12.05.2022 08:44

Ages 2-7 hell no

idfkk - 06.05.2022 03:56

I got caught doing it before when I was 10 years old.

xvicious - 13.04.2022 18:59

i'm 14 and i still haven't touched myself

Agent#0916 - 22.02.2022 09:13

This is why I never ever let my mom use my phone cause this kind of subject kept appearing on my recommendation even tho i don't search for it and ask for it

kitty Ashley Claire
kitty Ashley Claire - 30.01.2022 08:57


xxxXXXCH04XXXxxx - 27.01.2022 08:11

lol, lil' wankers

Kumail _Gaming
Kumail _Gaming - 02.01.2022 00:08

I am 12 and I love masturbution, I do it 5-6 times in a week

Yves - 21.12.2021 18:57

I’m literally 17 and I’m even uncomfortable talking about this 😭

nesslicious - 09.12.2021 07:42

Looking at all the ignorant comments under this video, I can confidently say that people are dumb.

ReiraKatt - 17.11.2021 23:04

Bro a 2 or 7 year old shouldn’t be touching themselves. Unless you’ve hit puberty or have the natural hormones it’s Not okay for a child that young.

LabDoctor - 30.10.2021 01:48

I’m not ashamed to talk about it…. It is a perfectly normal biological function of the human body, but especially so when you are going through puberty, and your hormones are surging, making you become sexually aware, so don’t be afraid to masturbate, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, in fact it’s good for you, it is very true that it reduces stress and anxiety, can help you sleep, and boosts your immune system. I’m 52 years old, and I still masturbate, big deal! I’m a gay man, in a 32 year long marriage, trust me after 32 years things can get kind of boring, that’s when the Internet and my right hand become my best friend! LOL! Yes you can joke about it, because it’s something that everybody does, and I’ll never understand why people refuse to talk about it or even admit that it exists. It’s nothing to be shy about, as a matter of fact, I would encourage everyone to do it at least once a day if you can, even as we get older. I may not always have time for sex, but it takes only a few minutes (or less) to masturbate….it’s amazing the way it can calm your nerves, so don’t be shy, just be sure you lock the door, as I learned the hard way when I was 16 years old, and my parents had left for a night out. This was before the Internet existed, I worked up the nerve, to go to my local variety store and buy my very first gay porno magazine, and I was raring to go, but unfortunately as soon as I started, my mother had forgotten her purse, and came back to get it. with the air conditioning on full blast, I couldn’t hear her coming back in the house. She had to walk by my room to get to her room, and to her purse, and she caught me red-handed, or more like, slippery handed! I was absolutely mortified, luckily she didn’t say a word and pretended she didn’t see anything, and we joke about it now, what’s wrong with that? There’s nothing wrong with having a sense of humour about it either. Just don’t be so judgemental of other people, because I guarantee you that they are doing the same thing you are every night. As I later discovered, I was born with an abnormally high amount of testosterone, which gave me one of the most powerful sex drives anyone could have. It’s actually a diagnosable medical condition, but I was so embarrassed to ask my doctor, unfortunately I had no choice, because no matter what I did I had an erection pretty much 24/7, and the only thing that would stop it would be to masturbate. But he was right, after a couple of years, things calmed down, and even at 52, I still have a sex drive of a a 20-year-old. My poor husband couldn’t possibly keep up with me, and we are in a strictly monogamous relationship, all I can say is thank God for Internet pornography! But just be careful, and know that what you see online, doesn’t reflect reality, because that’s not really what sex is. However, that’s an entirely different topic altogether, so let’s just stick with masturbation for now, and if you’re too embarrassed to ask your parents about it, which most people are, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor, they are medical professionals trained specifically for things like this, and will not judge you at all, and more often than not, they can help you figure things out if you think something is wrong, cheers all!😁

Sadia Affrin
Sadia Affrin - 19.10.2021 18:41

Thank you 🙏🏻

POV your dog food BAD videos
POV your dog food BAD videos - 15.07.2021 03:57

Hope my dad doesn’t see this

Evee with Leg3nd
Evee with Leg3nd - 29.05.2021 11:10

I totally agree my parents should have told me I agree with you

m###mm### - 11.03.2021 09:35

I will not do it again

Ovais A
Ovais A - 10.02.2021 02:37

It's a 'touchy' subject. 🤣🤣🤣

Carlos Cantu
Carlos Cantu - 10.01.2021 17:49

If you are a mother to a teenage son just mind your business! There shouldn’t be any talk to your boy about it, If you have a daughter I guess is cool but no mother should be having the mastubation talk to boys, they will learn on the own without your help and don’t need to be embarrassed by the conversation or invasive questions

Alex Stone
Alex Stone - 29.12.2020 22:42

I really hope my parents don’t find this video or I’m screwed.

Trevor Mendoza
Trevor Mendoza - 25.12.2020 15:20

I made the permanent decision to get fixed and never have kids by / at age 19 and knew since age 14 that i didn't want kids, but it is hilarious when people get so wrapped up in wanting children and a family etc and then when issues like this and even more hard hitting ones come up they are so flustered offense, but I find it funny because in my mind, I want to tell them....well you should have thought about these things before you decided to have kids then shouldn't you have? Lol

OMA GAWD - 09.12.2020 10:37

When your talking to your child he must be so embarrsed

Urmum - 07.12.2020 08:33

The Fack did I watch

octokw - 05.11.2020 21:44

Amazing music tho

L Ron Hubbard
L Ron Hubbard - 13.10.2020 14:28

Omg.. Thank you. My wife was freaking out, because our 3yo hyperactive daughter keeps pressing and moving herself against things. She would always yell at her, tell her "NO!", getting all angry. And that was it. Recently I started to tell my lil girl, that no one does this in the open and I want her to go to her room and lie in the bed and use her hands instead of objects when no one is around. My wife was freaking out when she overheard. Making me feel like a pervert and like my daughter is not normal.

This video helped a lot.

Josh Gaming
Josh Gaming - 09.10.2020 19:50

How the F did I get this in my recommendation

RaymOnd333 YouTube
RaymOnd333 YouTube - 11.09.2020 11:25

I think i saw my mom in the comments section...

Red Sus?
Red Sus? - 06.09.2020 04:14

I got caught before, but my parents say it's perfectly fine, they let me do it in my room with the door closed as long as I want. I've been doing it for 7 years and it's totally normal..

Bdbd Xmnsjdj
Bdbd Xmnsjdj - 04.08.2020 23:46

Wish I was told this, I was shamed when my mom found out and we aren’t even religious. When my younger brothers discovered their bodies my mom gave them a calm peaceful talk abt how it’s “normal” but when I do it it’s “disgusting” and “unladylike”. Treat both kids the same no one kids hormones and desires are stronger then the other, treat both gendered kids equally that’s how some peoples sons grow up thinking their entitled to stuff or can do jackass things because their “men”. The phrase “boys will be boys” is so toxic and nobody talks about it, my brother literally got congratulated by my dad and a calm taking to from my mom when he lost his virginity. He’s a YEAR younger then me yet I can’t even date or look at a boy without getting in trouble, not to mention my brothers get total privacy yet I’m always getting barged in on. I even handle my business in the privacy of MY room like my brothers yet my mom always unlocks my door with a knife, but she gives my brothers complete privacy because their “growing men”. I hate that some mothers act like their daughters aren’t experiencing hormones and urges like young men are we’re both going through puberty treat us the same don’t shelter one then bash the other 🤦🏾‍♀️

Agnes Guerrero
Agnes Guerrero - 31.07.2020 10:31

Thank you so much

Bapak Medan
Bapak Medan - 27.07.2020 09:47

A lot of people in this comment section are so protective lmao

Thic bannanna
Thic bannanna - 07.04.2020 11:00

I like touching myself

JDM BMX - 11.08.2019 22:57

I swear that woman is my headteacher

urugly periodttt
urugly periodttt - 06.08.2019 10:43

Mom never talked to me so I did it and she saw me and was so disappointed she acts like she never did it or never had a kid LMAO BRO.

michaelegotti - 20.04.2019 18:23

Da fack

Big Man
Big Man - 20.11.2018 12:33

No stop

TSM_ BLAZENDARY - 20.12.2017 14:50

The fuck my mom will get mad
Mom:can we talk
Me: Sure?
Mom: u first
Me: what is master bait
Mom: slaps me
Me: run
Me:*lucks the door*
Me: nvm bad idea
Me: I should wait for the right time xD

Death Cats
Death Cats - 05.11.2017 02:30

Did she say two year olds! How the hell do two year olds-oh fuck I don't need that image, ugh I gotta go bleach my fucking brain! Fuck...

Double Gamers
Double Gamers - 08.10.2017 01:43

Wow yay

middam - 12.09.2017 00:58

Fuck no
