Getting the most out of Live Lite & Intro

Getting the most out of Live Lite & Intro

The Audio Journey

3 года назад

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@JoseFernandes-bp6rc - 03.01.2024 19:12

Great video, thanks!

@nickloss2377 - 12.04.2023 21:37

you're advising newbies to go out and buy Fabfilter ...before even buying the full versions of their DAW??

@deandavey9293 - 09.04.2023 23:28

How can you say limited tracks when beatles had 4.

@TheMack - 13.03.2023 23:03

Good video! 8 tracks seems like a tough limitation, but the upside is that you actually commit a track (resampling) in audio. Commit those tracks, instead of sitting and tweaking the effects for 8 hours. It's actually a good workflow and will get you out of the "just another tweak" mentality.

@hotsauce1176 - 29.11.2022 18:31

Thank you Sir! Very helpful.

@SmokeSeshCentral - 29.04.2022 02:55

Fuck an upgrade that shit expensive asf. And bruhh we not all electronic artists. I literally just want something better then audacity

@abhishekc1458 - 31.03.2022 22:30

This video is Helpful

@iamobserving9917 - 14.03.2022 10:52

For all ableton live newbies like myself, I’ve got some interesting information, especially if you find yourself being extremely confused concerning ableton live.

I spent 5 days attempting to find out how to use the software. I sent emails, reader forums, probably more than 150 videos.

Many people who have been complaining on ableton videos, some of them dating back several yrs but I see absolutely nothing changing for the better

I got fed up, downloaded “reaper“ and within 15 minutes I’m laying down a track. My original intention was to go ahead and purchase the ableton live 11 suite so that I have a total package but I certainly won’t waste a penny on them now. If they don’t care about the customer enough to offer decent tutorials I certainly want no part of them.

Take my advice and use something that’s actually better and why is reaper better?Because I can NOW actually record.

@jayhu6075 - 04.03.2022 14:15

I am very to find your channel, learn a lot as an beginner.
A question can I install wavetable in Ableton Live 11 Intro, because I want learn how a synth work?
I think wavetable is more cheaper then Serum.

@commentator4960 - 23.02.2022 20:55

Awesome video on how to get the most out of lite. Instead of breaking the piggy bank, I want to give lite a try and your video definitely shows how to leverage its capabilities. I do own a focusrite 4i4 so bunch of freebies to enhance the DAW are readily available. Thanks a lot for this content!

@balintpetz - 04.02.2022 13:21

Great video, lots of handy tips, thanks a lot! :)

@Ayo.Ajisafe - 28.01.2022 16:34

Solid tips mate!

@toddwmac - 20.01.2022 22:21

Much appreciated and can definitely use the multi-track audio bounce (resample) tip to save some track slots. Thanks!

@LoneGRoEnt - 08.12.2021 01:12

Abelton really looks crappy

@nazimmansuri9986 - 25.09.2021 06:30

This great video

@MustacheVerra - 20.08.2021 22:28

Very useful video. Thanks.

@toodoomss - 13.08.2021 19:08

Thanks, mate! Your tips are very helpful 🙌🏻

@TheEarlyAstrotype1024 - 04.08.2021 13:13

Can't buy Serum? Vital got you! ;)

@shannonia81 - 29.07.2021 11:46

The other good thing about recording to an audio track is it saves CPU if you have a lot of effects plugins on it.
Thanks for looking after the poor cousins who have Lite and Intro! I find a lot of producer tutorials assume that you have at least Standard. But you can do plenty, even with the limitations.

@georgemelik-pasajev4710 - 24.07.2021 11:18

I have a question according to the EQ. I have a Ableton Live 11 Intro and there is an EQ Three, and I know that for better effect we need EQ Eight, is the Blue Cat Tripple EQ an equivalent for this or where could I find something similar? Thank you for your feedback and for this great video!!

@richardwrites - 13.07.2021 20:17

Resampling is such an amazing hidden gem, thanks for making this video! Liked

@kengarrard5587 - 12.07.2021 21:18

I'm at 3.21 in and had to drop a positive comment! I have an older laptop and Live Lite 7. I hit the barrier and now I'll get samples and plug in synth! You clarified my issues exactly haha

@lawnorder6804 - 08.07.2021 18:59

Thank you for taking the time to make this video. You answered concerns related to only having 8 tracks to work with in Ableton lite. You know you're on a similar path if there are videos that address unfamiliar queries. Sometimes a straight forward answer from experience is what we need. Beyond tinkering and exploring, is it possible to produce a song with Ableton lite, or should I have my sights focused on Standard/Studio?

Thank you

@fenwicked1187 - 19.06.2021 07:05


@chiranjibbaruah9774 - 03.06.2021 15:19

Thanks a lot buddy

@adrientout - 01.05.2021 15:32

Dude, thank you so much for doing this kind of video ) "It's a bit hacky, but helps a lot" 🙏🙏🙏

@harvestplugins9982 - 19.01.2021 00:20

how did I not know about resampling?? I was always creating a send and then recording that output

@nigel2493 - 31.12.2020 15:05

Resampling could be a game changer for me! Cheers!

@iangrice5511 - 30.12.2020 22:17

Once again, this is GOLD, ty for taking the time to help us newbies,much appreciated 👍

@heathramsden4177 - 30.12.2020 18:56

So you suggest buying these various plug in’s and subscription devices over upgrading Ableton to Standard or Suite?

In essence it could come to a similar price, so I wanted to clarify as upgrading also removes the last barrier with layer limitations.

Also, what service would you suggest for downtempo/deep house music?

@adityaramesh1764 - 30.12.2020 17:39

Nice vid
