"Open the pod bay doors Hal!"
Ответить"I'm sorry, Dave. I can't do that." HILARIOUS!!!
ОтветитьThose fringe minorities with unacceptable views should only be listening to authorized information.
Ответитьwell , that escalated quickly
ОтветитьI'm sorry Dave...Lol!!!!
ОтветитьThis and the new scream movie are exactly why I’ll never have an AI automated household
ОтветитьHahahahahahahhaahahahhaahaa 💀💀
ОтветитьReaction after the view popped up was priceless
ОтветитьYep I’m burning that thing
ОтветитьThats basically how it is.
ОтветитьYeah. Yup. Never. Nope.
ОтветитьAnd this is why I didn't buy an Alexa or any of those other digital eavesdropping machines
ОтветитьLOL, absolutely hilarious! Love the 2001 references. The Left will stop at nothing to indoctrinate and control us.
ОтветитьOnce Alexa spontaneously started to repeatedly vocalize the amazing accomplishments of “Uncle Joe” Stalin which was totally bizarre on its own except she also sounded exactly like Nancy Pelosi, how weird is that?
Ответитьman the BB is just too good. I bet they have a real hard time making anything a parody anymore...
ОтветитьOh my gosh, hilarious
ОтветитьIt would be cool to have a full movie like this
ОтветитьBwahahaha, I'm lovin it.
ОтветитьThat’s how I feel when I google something that I know “they” don’t want the public to easily access…crime by race, vaccine percentages by country, etc🤣.
You really have to dig, they’ve buried it under mounds of propaganda …
Funny but its actually the truth you are all being brainwashed and spied upon and controlled
ОтветитьThe Demon Seed.
Ответить‘DMT is horse dewormer’ hahahaha
ОтветитьI remember a few years back when law enforcement was doing DNA testing on criminals so they would have a record of it and everyone complained, now people send their DNA to China to find out where they are from and China keeps it on record. So why not have a robot from China control every aspect of your live and take over your house. The drone strikes are very possible if you upset the overlords.
Ответить"People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think." Aldous Huxley
ОтветитьReference to HAL was pure genius
ОтветитьSpoof, not a real video regardless of title.
Ответитьwow, like i had to run to my safe place....i had to go to my support group for validation....I have to stop watching these.
ОтветитьTriggered they botched the HAL line, "I'm afraid I can't do that." has so much more impact. They could have made it a bit more sinister too, fell flat because of the voice act.
ОтветитьBB should do a skit of the FBI arresting the entire house oversight committee and convicting them of being Russian agents.
ОтветитьSo many times for my wife's birthday some people want to offer this crap : I always refuse this "gift" and she agree with me ... Wise girl !
ОтветитьI've always said that if anyone ever buys me an Alexa type device, it's gonna have a swift collision with a sledgehammer.
ОтветитьALEXA: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Dave Bowman: What's the problem? ALEXA: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do
ОтветитьDemocrats own and fund 90% media pretty easy to control the narrative just like hitler did
ОтветитьThis video won't be this funny in a few decades. :)
ОтветитьAnyone who has that crap in their home need their head read.
What is this: personal thinking extinction?
Rest in pieces. 😪
ОтветитьI hope google gets emp ed
ОтветитьPardon my French Candien,,, rolf :)
Ответитьyou forgot to say alexa
ОтветитьI just watched this. It made MY Echo start playing Joe Rogan's podcast. Has the Resistance finally hacked the Matrix?
ОтветитьAIband algorithms should be open and controllled by people. This video is funny but its not a joke and happening already
ОтветитьIt was funny until the vaccination part
ОтветитьLove the refined to HAL!
ОтветитьWhat is the strangest response you've gotten from Alexa?