How to Use Microsoft To Do & Get Organized!

How to Use Microsoft To Do & Get Organized!

Leila Gharani

4 года назад

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@sidhumossewala1313 - 05.03.2025 07:39

India withdraw problem account

@heidiarmstrong4484 - 04.03.2025 23:48

I didn't even realize To Do was a thing until today; this video was very thorough yet clear and easy to follow. Thanks! No more digital sticky notes on my pc desktop!

@puffinjuice - 01.03.2025 02:39

I wanted "to do" to be great. Unfortunately it turns out to be a buggy application that is very limited in what it can do. I would like to reoder my tasks, but when I drag them to reorder Microsoft to do slows down so much that I'd rather not deal with it. Amazing how such a large company can fail to make such a simple app!

@redeemerlutheran3559 - 18.02.2025 19:13

That was a very nicely done video (I speak as one who has done training videos). Thank you very much. I especially appreciate the way you paused the flow to highlight the behavior of emails that are flagged vs. emails that are dragged and added to the task list.

@unrealdevop - 15.02.2025 00:36

I wish these apps would remind you that you have DoNotDisturb mode on so that you would know why they were not notifying you.....I was over here thinking that it simply wasn't working until I started looking around and noticed a snooze icon on my task bar where my notifications show up.....

@DreamWizard9 - 23.01.2025 05:28

Microsoft is total Sh!te.

@YawHan-q5g - 12.01.2025 15:54


@julieibbotson6193 - 05.01.2025 06:03

Very helpful, thanks for sharing.

@LerneHumboldt - 03.01.2025 14:02

Best introduction of a helpful tool I have seen for many years. (content, audio, visualization)

Thank you!

@PM-xr5lt - 28.12.2024 01:03

HI I do not have the ability to change Themes, in my 3 dot drop down menu it only has the option to print list and does not show change themes. Any suggestions?

@Toprak-hq9rg - 24.12.2024 12:29

did you put the microphone inside of your mouth?

@bandhalaraja3481 - 23.12.2024 07:37

Thanks for the video as a software architect and team lead i facing the issue to track my and other jobs. this video is very useful.

@gerwaldvanbeijnum-vo4sl - 11.12.2024 16:29

Good video

@conradobaltazar4697 - 22.11.2024 06:55

Is it possible to insert check boxes in To Do?

@ahmedmohassebelroby - 16.11.2024 22:39

Always i press like button before watching

@drummonkey7 - 27.10.2024 12:14

Hi, how can I add my own theme?

@uk6in - 22.10.2024 22:17

Great presentation . Loved the pace you have throughout the video . Precise and short explanation .

@rebeccachapman6756 - 18.10.2024 07:59

Do you know how to add multiple emails to one task in the to do app? The old tasks used to allow this but I cant figure it out in the to do app

@ভোমরা - 14.10.2024 10:03

Thanks 2024.

@MrPries-zm2dl - 10.10.2024 19:51

Another useful video. Leila makes some of the most EFFECTIVE videos around!

@aaronriseman1397 - 10.10.2024 15:51

I enjoyed the video. However, there is something missing. The previous version of Outlook allowed me to create a task within any contact on my list. So, I could easily schedule a followup call for any specific contact. How do I do that on Outlook 365, please ?

@donmichie1193 - 06.10.2024 21:47

In the Classic Outlook I was able to add an action to a task. Is that, or a similar function, available in ToDo?

@fred_ucation - 03.10.2024 03:48

You're a genius.... thanks Leila! 💯

@maythamalmouthen5191 - 26.09.2024 20:43

Here's a rewritten version of the text, improving clarity and grammar:

Thank you for your excellent video.
I'm experiencing an issue with my To-Do list management. I have numerous tasks that require daily review and status updates. When I update tasks 1, 2, 3, and so on, I often need to step away for other work. Upon returning, I struggle to distinguish between the tasks I've already reviewed and those I haven't.

Currently, I use the star feature or manually move reviewed tasks to the top of the list to keep track of which ones I've addressed. However, I'm wondering if you could suggest a more efficient method. Perhaps there's a way to color-code tasks or use another visual indicator to show which tasks have been reviewed and which are still pending?

@club-crm1080 - 26.08.2024 03:29

Excellent presentation, very clearand really useful, Tank you a lot Leila!!!

@anthonymanicoba6803 - 02.08.2024 19:09

Your explanations are amazing, however, I don't see many features that you are using, even though I am an active Microsoft annual subscriber.

@dimicool - 31.07.2024 15:28

even today (July 2024), To do is way to simplistic to be efficient, for a simple list maybe, but there 's no possibility to label or categorise to organise . (the tags are useless)

@maryamzangeneh6380 - 24.07.2024 17:07

Thank you for the training. I can not drag an email to my TO DO. Do you have a solution since I can not find it either on the web or Microsoft Help. Thanks!

@varunchawla2265 - 24.07.2024 15:38

Very helpful and very smoothly explained. Thanks.

@TSR1709 - 14.07.2024 19:09

Loved the narration, thoroughly enjoyed your video and learnt something new from you.

@luisavelandia3014 - 11.06.2024 07:16

Great video. How can I share a to do list to external users? Please.

@nyandajustine9916 - 28.05.2024 02:29

Thanks Leila, I have just downloaded the desktop and the mobile app, but they dont have the flagged email feature. I tried to flag emails in MS outlook but nothing happening in the To do. What can I do?

@gaelfernandofundo3450 - 19.05.2024 01:11

Thank you Leila, your video was helpful

@faisalhayatkhan5447 - 13.05.2024 11:02

Very helpful

@ryanstewart7983 - 02.05.2024 16:23

Drag and drop from Task to a list doesn't seem to work for me. Can create Lists, but even "move to" with a right click is not working. but Everything else is exactly how Leila explained... any help from anyone? Looked through settings etc...

@emnoeh2403 - 28.04.2024 07:08

sangat menarik dan banyak ilmu yang saya dapat ... terima kasih. Saya menunggu video menarik lainnya dari list to do

@sallydr - 25.04.2024 02:42

I love the TO DO list and do not use it for work.

@giteganesh89 - 27.03.2024 18:27

Nice information 🎉

@accentontheoff - 17.03.2024 22:25

Does Suggestions cover every single task that wasn’t completed in My Day. I’d hate to think a task vanishes because it wasn’t completed on the assigned day in My Day. The other alternative - hunting around inside my folders for that task and re-adding it - defeats the very purpose of adding it to My Day in the first place.

@andeee16 - 16.03.2024 01:15

How do I get the power app icon on to "to do"

@davoodbarzegari4080 - 08.03.2024 20:03

Is there any way to connect non-Microsoft email (my company email) to the Todp app?

@asialarae4725 - 20.02.2024 21:39

Hello, I have Microsoft 365 but I don't have the integration features (can't sync my Teams or Outlook) for the task feature or flagged email feature? are you using Personal or Business?

@donmichie1193 - 19.02.2024 20:34

I only see the head & shoulders Share icon in some lists + can I permanently delete tasks?

@larspeek3819 - 18.02.2024 00:24

Hi Leila,

I like your video's a lot and it helped me already a lot. I've subscribed to your channel recently because I don't want to miss out new updates! :). However I have a question and it seems it can't be solved so I was hoping you could help me out with this:

I have deleted a complet task list with tasks in it. It seems I can't recover those tasks or the list at all. The deleted tasks also don't show up in my deleted items on Outlook. I've been trying this with a test task, deleted that task and that one did show up on my deleted items.

Do you have any hint/idea on how to solve this issue?

Thank you and I wish you a wonderful day!

Gr, Lars

@Krom5072 - 13.02.2024 02:53

For ~5 years I've been that guy who used Trello for his personal to-do list, though it was obviously designed for corporate implementations. MS To Do is MILES more convenient in that regard, I am in love with it now. The only major feature missing is perhaps the calendar view, but that's actually kinda fine: in Trello, I used to stare at calendar view, carefully planning everything for next weeks, then to obviously not follow the grand plan. So lack of calendar view (while sometimes a problem) ended up creating a healthier relationship with tasks for me, as the layout naturally suggests that they come in order and don't overwhelm you.

@patjoseph2199 - 09.02.2024 16:31

Is there a way to use Outlook categories and integrate group them in ToDo using the category name

@kcanaday8811 - 03.02.2024 19:23

I'm just getting into TO DO, but am having trouble with sending emails back out from tasks. If I don't flag the emails to send to To Do, seems, I have to go back and search in Outlook for the email to respond? Can that be right? I'm also having trouble with attaching more information to a task. I like the old way, where I could keep adding outlook messages to a task so that I kept all the information together. Is there another way to do that now? I love your videos, very practical and so helpful.
