Our Own Tiny House Revisited - And Some Very Exciting News!

Our Own Tiny House Revisited - And Some Very Exciting News!

Living Big In A Tiny House

3 года назад

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@marylamonica4017 - 29.12.2023 00:14

Gorgeous zen home ❤❤

@marthareyes4303 - 31.12.2023 13:47

Your home looks so comfy and meet all your dreams,good you mention some things that you're not happy wit I'd would like to see more cause I'm thinking to built mine,for now I'm living in Europe but I'm Mexican and getting home again I want my dream home tiny and very functional

@soniadeacha5672 - 02.01.2024 12:23

❤Note! keep in mind that if you sit and work for a long time, you should switch to a 5-legged chair, otherwise you will have problems with your back. Happy New Year 2024🎉from Stockholm

@geetamaini5225 - 09.01.2024 14:47

You have such a beautiful house God bless you and your family

@KarenPFolk-qq7dx - 15.01.2024 06:15

I grew up as an official rock hound - at a camp in the California mountains we rode horses and yup! there were crystals everywhere. Your home is lovely.

@Auwyno2 - 22.01.2024 20:20

that piece of land is magical

@mishita_sharma_creates - 11.02.2024 04:39

Love how the bath and kitchen are totally separate, positivity at its best

@rsuriyop - 24.02.2024 03:33

New Zealand really looks like the most ideal place for these kinds of tiny homes. You've got lush green grass with trees all around and sometimes near a stream.

@truesouthdesigns4304 - 04.03.2024 05:18

I love your house. It looks much bigger than it is. Love the details.

@TetianaNikonMotivation - 07.03.2024 18:24

Wish you happy life! With Love from Ukraine, Kyiv!

@franceslynch8815 - 10.03.2024 18:07

A Stunning retreat from the world. Welcoming, warm and calm, almost as if you were in a luxurious abnb tree house. The garden is simply divine, another extension of your home under the skies. I love this house for it's beautiful interior and it's connection with the garden designed to welcome nature.❤

@mariajoseleitao8923 - 20.03.2024 03:38

❤🎉 great tiny hooooome

@jerrykeyser2336 - 24.03.2024 21:00

Your Home is very Nice

@Jasmine-ur1sl - 31.03.2024 06:19

Hello from the hinterlands of Chicago. As I watch this episode, we (the world) did somehow survive COVID-19 although we do see occasional resurgence of it. I stumbled on your channel three weeks ago and have been binge watching your content. I have been inspired, awed and humbled by the episodes I have seen so far and look forward to catching up with your entire inventory. As I plan for my retirement, I am exploring housing options which will serve me in my later years. The more I learn about the tiny house movement, the more I think it may be a very good choice for me. Of course, I would love it if I were to build my dream tiny house in the jaw dropping vistas of Australia or New Zealand, but for now - I am scouting the amazing vistas in my own U.S. Thank you very much for educating me on the many facets of tiny house living. Best wishes to you and the lovely, long-haired, silent dancing lady with whom you share your tiny house,

@aviajarehema7393 - 01.04.2024 02:17

Very nicely set up and put together. I wonder, though, if eventually, especially with the land that Bryce and Rassa now have, they would eventually opt for building a newer type of tiny home--one of the cargo type homes that have a skosh more room to spread out in. 🤔

@kimberlyanderson1013 - 16.04.2024 03:23


@peacekeepers500 - 21.04.2024 22:51


@RaquelBlack-h9b - 29.04.2024 22:35

☀️🕊We have really enjoyed✨️ watching this video!!Your home is vey practical,I Love the designs ✨️and it is so very beautiful!We absolutely and✨️ most definitely Love all that you have shared with us✨️ today!!I must also add that the Lord has Blessed you beyond✨️ measure with a✨️ great world of Love!!!We have learned so very much about✨️ tiny homes to the point that we have decided to also get one for ourselves as well.May God✨️ continue to pour his rich and abundant treasures of Love upon your lives as we all✨️ discover more and more about the real great meaning of life,Loving one another!!!✨️Thank you✨️ for✨️ sharing your amazing hearts with us today!! We love you, and we really look forward✨️ to✨️ seeing you ✨️again soon!!! You are both in our prayers ✨️🙏✨️🤍✨️🕊✨️⭐️✨️✨️⭐️✨️

@Klove887 - 10.05.2024 10:09

I want to start to construct my tiny house on wheels and I live the feng shui design of the interior of your home. Are your building plans for sale?

@malinighosh3700 - 02.06.2024 06:35

What a beautiful home !

@flordelizasepe6056 - 05.06.2024 21:34

64?i thought you are still in your 30s

@EdnaWilkes-cy6ki - 07.06.2024 23:03

Love your home and your family. You have plenty of space. 👍 Great video.

@BasavarajMohare - 15.06.2024 09:57

Hi sir good 👨‍🚒

@ommanipadmehung3014 - 16.06.2024 18:33

Wonderful to see your own home!!

@lindarodriguez5806 - 22.06.2024 15:29

Wonderful!! Best wishes to you both

@copernicanrevolution2.091 - 24.06.2024 13:14

Very inspiring!
Love it a lot.

You decided to compromise on larger fridge / freezer, but also a permanent (gas) cooker, and by implication an extractor hood to filter out the cooking air/smells. There is no (dinner) table either, but in return you get extra floor space and a very aesthetically pleasing place. Certainly makes me think about making similar compromises.. 🙇‍♂🙇‍♂
And if you would have put the kitchen on the other end of the trailer, you could have added the “bar like” idea with bar stools on the outside if the beautiful kitchen window could be opened / folded (entirely).

@longmelinda - 26.06.2024 04:43

Lovely. 😊

@DC-ef8op - 28.06.2024 03:35

Can you do another update and it you purchased land yet?

@CarolHuiTong - 29.06.2024 22:31

Love your tiny house and especially the ponds gorgeous ❤

@emilybabb115 - 30.06.2024 14:28

I am absolutely obsessed with your channel (& that New Zealand accent! 🥰) Have you moved to your own land yet? Looking forward to seeing more! From the U.S.....lots of love & God bless you! 🙏❤

@cavsomecadence6117 - 03.07.2024 05:42

"Rabbit food", is low-key shade. I like your big beavers up in the loft there and that midnight solar is the same thing I have in my she shed thanks

@anniemorrison1250 - 10.08.2024 06:02

I love your tiny and enjoy your tours. Congrats on so many subscribers! Best wishes, Annie from east Tennessee USA.

@Shantelvibes - 23.08.2024 15:00

Rabbit food 😂😂😂

@omittable - 27.08.2024 06:07

Where did you buy fireplace ?

@clarity1900 - 03.09.2024 18:53

Very nice Bryce, beautiful home. Love tour videos

@LeisaBekkers - 05.09.2024 10:32

Thankyou for sharing....i love your tiny home tours.....and i love your Kiwi accent.

@RCH369 - 28.09.2024 20:39

Love's looking at beautiful books...

@maryscerri6617 - 09.10.2024 13:33

I am from Malta.. I Love Love your tini house 👍🏻💯🇲🇹

@margaretlarriva4573 - 24.10.2024 21:37

Put a septic tank for toilet waste 💩 There all all kinds of systems to use waste!
You can use other systems for the other waste if you use bio degradable soaps shampoos ect!
Your house looks great sure hope we can see your land love your programs thank you!

@LinDaniel - 08.12.2024 06:18

I love your house, and that you still love your house. The furry beanbags in the loft behind you look like a couple of dozing critters.

@Shopgirl2000 - 17.12.2024 01:05

Rabbit food … 😂😂

@Shopgirl2000 - 17.12.2024 01:08

Those bean bags are such a great solution !

@Shopgirl2000 - 17.12.2024 01:10

Those cedar shutters are amazing!

@mandybentley2641 - 22.01.2025 22:36

Jesus loves you!

@harmonyclement1601 - 14.02.2025 07:52

You both seem like beautiful people in a beautiful tiny home with beautiful surroundings!❤

@lisadixon5886 - 18.02.2025 04:17

Would love some tips on making ponds please!

@johnatyoutube - 24.02.2025 09:56

What a lovely house built by lovely people.

@vivian9803 - 02.03.2025 06:09

What a lovely home — elegant, minimal and beautifully organized. I love crystals, too but I read library books on my iPad. Thank you for the tour!

@livingbig - 11.09.2021 23:18

Welcome back to our own tiny house! We really hope that you enjoy this revisited tour. Make sure you stick around until the end of this video for some really exciting news that we couldn't wait to share with you! With love, Bryce & Rasa
