A Tour Of Armsrock's "All My Friends Are Made Of Paper"

A Tour Of Armsrock's "All My Friends Are Made Of Paper"


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In 2007, after more than a year in development, Wooster Collective published "All My Friends Are Made Of Paper" - A Survey of The Work of Armsrock" a limited edition book in the "Wooster On Paper" series.

This video is an annotated tour of the book, which is available for purchase at www.woostercollective.com

Armsrock's work sprouts from fragmentary moments of observation gathered in the raging stream of signals that fills the urban space. He attentively portraits his fellow humans, attempting to capture the stories impersonated in their moving forms. He creates life-size paper portraits of strangers and friends alike, each a complicated and original drawing, to honor the originality and complexity of the human nature. His artwork is limited to a temporary existence, it is as ephemeral as the encounters on which it is based.

By making hundredths of singular images, each constructed from fragments of reality, processed through sketched lines of black, returned to the streets where he first found them, he attempts to create a vast set of "open sketchbooks", documenting as many facets of life in the urban society as possible. Showing his admiration for the "real and grim beauty" that houses in every life. He is trying to create a counterweight to the fabricated air-brushed reality created by the commercial imagery invading our visual turf. He uses his work in attempts to understand the world as it unfolds around him.
In choosing who to portrait, he has a clear priority for that part of humanity which is products of our cities, but isn't granted any space within them. He "steals" space to tell stories that we all know and encounter daily, but which has grown so common that they no longer have any impact on us. By returning every image to the urban space, he conveys a signal of passionate attention. His work is a small disturbance in the rushing current of signals in the streets, a little voice, "asking us for a moment of pause, so that we might pay attention to it too."


#Armsrock #graffiti #street_art
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