How Vaccines Are Developed – and Why They’re Safe | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter | TED

How Vaccines Are Developed – and Why They’re Safe | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter | TED


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PhilipBaker - 21.09.2023 21:35

O how i hope she has had her full quota of genuine vaccines

Sam Li
Sam Li - 19.09.2023 09:43

Lol not people really become ignorant

Hadhlul Aladhyani
Hadhlul Aladhyani - 06.07.2023 21:30

“Pregnant people “ undermines your credibility right away

J K - 28.05.2023 03:35

What is the Covid-related mortality for non-elderly persons with no comorbidities??

Mon Slay
Mon Slay - 24.05.2023 15:37

One size doesn't fit all! If you have a bad reaction to a particular food, then the doctor say "Don't eat that again. You're allergic to it." If you have a bad reaction to a particular medicine, the doctor says "Don't take that again. You're allergic to it." Are you gullable to think it's impossible to be allergic to an ingredient in vaccines?

sciencelearnremember - 18.05.2023 10:35

It's so safe and effective that you threatened workers and students with dismissal, and bribing people with $100, baseball tickets, and fast food to get the C shot. If this ain't a farce then the Tuskegee experiment never happened...

apope06 - 12.05.2023 06:17

It may be safe..but is it tested for effectiveness by having the study done against a placebo control group? Because how do we know that its the vaccine working instead of the bodys natural strength of fighting the virus?

med student
med student - 24.04.2023 03:55

This video is incredibly helpful on educating people about vaccines. Vaccines are a life-saving medical development that have prevented millions and millions of deaths since their invention by taking vaccines people are not only saving their life and preventing their illnesses from dangerous viruses. They are also able to prevent other people from getting sick with these viruses who are not able to be given vaccines an example of these types of people can be people who have autoimmune disorders and things like that. It is important to consider the principle of autonomy and vaccines with all medical care. It is also important to consider what is best for the greater good of society, and the overall health of the population. Well, there was a research study published many years ago by Dr. Wakefield that stated that vaccines cause autism. This study was never replicated and has since been refuted and taken out of scientific journals, it is not ethical to spread this type of false information to consumers and their patients, and is it it is especially unethical, because vaccines have saved so many lives, and by threatening the integrity of vaccines you are also putting lives at risk from dying of terrible viruses. Physicians are meant to act by embodying, the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence, and if vaccines were harmful, physicians would be violating both of these principles by encouraging patients to take them. Nonmaleficence is the idea that physicians should actively remain to refrain from doing harm and do what is best for their patient well, beneficence is "do no harm" These principles are ingrained in the role of a physician, things must act in a way that does not violate them.

Cleo Rossi
Cleo Rossi - 18.04.2023 19:15

This explanation of how vaccines are developed is an incredibly meaningful. I appreciate how Dr. Gunter detailed the process and recent intervention to efficaciously streamline steps in order to provide a safe, effective vaccine during an ongoing pandemic. Unfortunately, vaccine science and technology became heavily politicized during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic with misinformation running rampant. With the pre-existing anti-vaccination movement and beliefs founded on the indisputably false claim that vaccines cause autism in children, originally stemming from critically flawed and now debunked studies by Andrew Wakefield, vaccine science and efficacy was further subjected to baseless criticism. Dr. Gunter addresses an issue with ethical implications on the individual, societal, and public health levels. As the science and healthcare community continue to establish trust with the public regarding vaccines, we as human beings and a collective society must consider our moral obligation to be vaccinated to prevent disease and death. It was the utilitarian philosopher Peter Singer who “remarked that if it is our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought, morally, to do it.” Harm prevention is a powerful argument for vaccination, and while vaccination can be mandated by government, the less controversial and more humanistic view of vaccination as a moral imperative to prevent harm to the individual, all others, and benefit the public aligns with the ethical principle of beneficence, or simply put doing good. Furthermore, Alberto Giubilini summarizes in his article published in the British Medical Bulletin that “considerations of harm prevention prevail over considerations of individual liberty.” The notion of protecting our most vulnerable individuals, especially children who have the right to be protected from preventable harm, is particularly essential to our moral obligation to receive safe, effective vaccinations. Moreover, parents must be properly informed and educated in the preventative medical care of their own children for their health and the greater good of both the public and the next generation of humans. Ultimately, vaccination and its ethical implications epitomize the connection between individual, collective, and institutional responsibility. I hope that we as a society and human beings can foster education, decisions, and policies that will support, enhance, and facilitate vaccination for the benefit of us all.

The Rogue of Space
The Rogue of Space - 05.04.2023 22:13

Very cool

ANOTHER VIEW - 31.03.2023 12:07

This is kind of video that makes me believe that even AI can beat some manifestations of human intelligence. The title infers that video is about typical vaccines as we knew it, whereas it is all about mRNA vaccines for COVID19 that were under "emergency usage" distributed way before completing all the standard testing. I wonder how google/YT did not fact-check and delete this video 🤔.

I love tech
I love tech - 29.03.2023 06:31

doctors never ever ever just say something is 100% safe. ever! if they do... they are lieing.

fromtheasheswerise - 06.03.2023 01:37

Spreading myths I see. When the percentage of babies having complications in the womb are rising. It can't be the MRNA vaccine, can it be?

James Coffman
James Coffman - 19.02.2023 12:25

This is a test. First, Tiffany Dover died that DAY. Kept on a vent, quietly. Then buried. I'll take my chances. How is it such an emergency and no lawmakers took it. Monoclonal antibodies are less evasive. I've had covid twice; kinda sick. More the second time. Fauci made royalties. Congress made it legal.

Bougie Bricks
Bougie Bricks - 19.02.2023 06:48

Lost a lot of respect for the TED organization after seeing this video that they are promoting.

Bright Anane
Bright Anane - 07.02.2023 00:16

I went to the description box to look for links to reliable articles so I can deepen my knowledge yet such things don't exist. I'm supposed to believe her because she has 'Dr.' in front of her name?

Lan Doan Thi Ha
Lan Doan Thi Ha - 18.01.2023 05:04


nick levi
nick levi - 14.01.2023 06:55

No i just need to remember theres a TED somewhere talking about accepting Pedophiles 😂

Josip Zelenika
Josip Zelenika - 12.01.2023 17:20

Vaccines are not tested properly, get the package inserts and read them, most of the childhood vaccines have been monitored for hours or a few days in terms of advers events. Furthermore, a lot of "placebos" are not real placebos, since they use adjuvants like aluminimhydroxide or other substances...

Tommy Freudenthal
Tommy Freudenthal - 11.01.2023 00:30


Matt Wilson
Matt Wilson - 07.01.2023 17:23

“Global Government”
Wait for Jesus, he has held his wrath

Rey Flaco
Rey Flaco - 04.01.2023 20:39

how much cash did she get for this marketing video ?

Reyo Baker
Reyo Baker - 02.01.2023 08:07

I would not advise pregnant women take these vaccines, there's just not enough data to know what the spike protein in covid vaccines does to a woman's baby long term, along with a hefty amount of side effects people are getting from the vaccines

RJ - 26.12.2022 21:38

these "awake" anti-vax replies are hysterical

YDKY - 21.12.2022 22:15

I find it appalling that people following TedTalks still manage to be so misinformed, as it is evidenced by the amount of downvotes present at this time.(1240 UpVotes Vs 694 DownVotes)
Not to mention the amount of misguided comments easily found in this section...
Especially after all this time, the insurmountable information and data that we have now, there's no excuse to be ignorant anymore!
Yet "y'all tinfoil hat users" still find a way... It's amazing really... 🥲

King of Timestamps
King of Timestamps - 21.12.2022 21:30

But Vaccines must be fake or China would have made one by now!!

fromtheasheswerise - 19.12.2022 09:22

c1o+ $h0+

spencer ries
spencer ries - 16.12.2022 18:38


Sonja Elliott
Sonja Elliott - 14.12.2022 21:56


A Z - 09.12.2022 11:13

safe and effective... anyway I don't trust you

Gulag Warlord
Gulag Warlord - 08.12.2022 14:54

Interesting how they aren't safe or effective, and the mRNA isn't even a vaccine, period. Interesting...

Mazac & Son Garage
Mazac & Son Garage - 07.12.2022 00:24

Sold!! Where can I get one?

LW1zFog - 04.12.2022 12:48

this sales perp lies directly to camera, confident with faith based $cientism in lieu of there being zero long term data. roll them dice people !

Koert Tijdens
Koert Tijdens - 04.12.2022 08:55

Pregnant people ?
Whats wrong with this woman ?

toprefugee - 04.12.2022 04:06

Who cares

Samuel Zev
Samuel Zev - 01.12.2022 13:49

Most vaccines are safe as they go through rigorous tests taken by volunteers to ensure it’s safe before deployment but people value their stupid opinions too much while regarding scientific truths and call it free speech, which is no really a right but more of a privilege, you have to earn it before believing your own opinions and expressing it.

Tyrone Jackson
Tyrone Jackson - 30.11.2022 21:30

You are allowed to see this video however they will not let you see the thousands of doctors that are against the jab. They will not let you see the hard data. Everybody else is silenced including several military surgeon whistleblowers. Think wisely.

CLEAN Drum Covers ♪
CLEAN Drum Covers ♪ - 29.11.2022 08:02

Thank you for sharing this information.

Phönix aus der Asche
Phönix aus der Asche - 29.11.2022 07:23

I knew a healthy child gets a.vaccin. and now IT IS in a wheelchair. So save......

Lucius Trust
Lucius Trust - 28.11.2022 21:21

What testing of these preparations? Normally, tests are carried out before being put into use, which last a minimum of 4-10 years. No objective clinical studies have been conducted on the preparations. Someone here is lying.

Gae O'Neil Donnellon
Gae O'Neil Donnellon - 28.11.2022 12:46

Look at the morbidity rates. Be ashamed

HUSSAR - 27.11.2022 12:48

it takes about 8-10 years to research, clinical trials, FDA approval plus according to science and medicne we don't treat viruses!!!!!!!!!

Guyver Francis
Guyver Francis - 27.11.2022 09:10

shame on you TT - stating something is categorically safe

Michael Watts
Michael Watts - 27.11.2022 01:31

Hmm considering that the vaccine at the base of the current lawsuit against the US military has not been approved by the FDA this video may or may not be valid.

Chii - 27.11.2022 00:04

Antibodies are causing overactivation of the platelets, thereby developing blood clots. And Adenovirus vectors, which send the spike protein into the cell nucleus rather than the cytosol fluid inside the cell where the virus normally produces proteins. Once the spike protein enters the nucleus, some parts splice and create mutant versions. Those mutant proteins are then "secreted by cells into the body" where they may trigger potentially fatal blood clots. <- Facts

Maciej Molerus
Maciej Molerus - 26.11.2022 18:25

FYI, there is a word for people who have period. They are called women.

REEL Rob - 26.11.2022 12:45

Use this comment as a dislike button so we can get a count here.

Gökhan Zengin
Gökhan Zengin - 26.11.2022 11:27

Nice video

Philoneous Maximus
Philoneous Maximus - 26.11.2022 10:39

Lol another paid advertisement by big pharma. Comparing conventional vaccine development regulations to the emergency covid vaccine process. Zero legitimacy here folks.

Dave B
Dave B - 26.11.2022 01:26

This video will persuade no one. To persuade the other side you have to address their actual criticisms instead of gaslighting, empathize with their viewpoint, and admit imperfection / risks.
