English Teacher Live Stream

English Teacher Live Stream

Etacude English Teachers

1 месяц назад

631 Просмотров

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@vivisalgado4826 - 24.11.2024 16:00

Thanks for your live!!It´s really helpful and your accent is very clear!! See you next time!!

@vjollcathomollari8880 - 24.11.2024 18:33

Hi,from Durres,Albania

@lizethvaladez1826 - 24.11.2024 19:04

No worries, you look perfect

@asan1050 - 24.11.2024 20:31

Hey Eric! Thanks for being here.

@bv1900-q3o - 24.11.2024 20:52

Hello, from Romania

@saidsadoun7279 - 25.11.2024 16:43

Hello, l am a priamry teachear from Algeria.can you help me how or what IS the good way to teach sounds?

@Carolalopezro - 26.11.2024 01:27

Hellooo! Im from Venezuela living in Madrid - Spain .

Im New here and i need HELP with my teaching, activities etc my students are spanish, they dont like English and i have these classes 2 times per week the same classes, the same students 12,13, 15 years old 😢 S.O.S

@susandasilva7650 - 06.12.2024 02:51

hello. I started teaching private primary English classes last year at the student's home. I now teach EFL classes 7th and 8th grades in North Africa for one hour, three days a week in a secondary school. English is the 3rd language here. it's my first experience teaching teenagers English this year. It seems that they don't know much English and were reluctant to listen to me talk only English, and they made efforts to talk to me in English: which I appreciated. Hopefully I spoke only English from the first minute with them and they guessed I am not from their country since I have a British English accent (but I am from their country hhhh) Not all the students understand me because I talk only English. so sometimes some pupils start talking to each other, and are distracted and don't follow my instructions, and most of the time I tell them "STOP please" ! and sometimes they don't listen to me and continue talking. I tell them " STOP or OUT!" sometimes I am obliged to exclude some students from the classroom. But it seemed that for the next lesson they repeat the behaviour the same students or others. this has a negative effect on the lesson since I can't finish what I am supposed to teach. so instead of teaching I sometimes stop and put a timer and when they stop talking I continue teaching. sometimes it was 6-8 minutes, and sometimes one of them shouts "stop".
It's a repetitive issue. Hope this can be resolved! and what's more they often don't bring books: there's no smartboard to try classdojo. I tried offering sweets for good responses which was a triumph. chocolate too at the end of the lesson to only 3 persons at the most who brought their books, participated and didn't behave badly. Thank you in advance!

@lilibethvillaplaza2311 - 10.12.2024 22:54

