How to Set SMART Goals | Tips From Coach Eric - Over 15,000+ Hours of Coaching Experience!

How to Set SMART Goals | Tips From Coach Eric - Over 15,000+ Hours of Coaching Experience!

Autism Behavior Services, Inc

55 лет назад

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How to Set SMART Goals | Tips From Coach Eric - Over 15,00+ Hours of Coaching Experience!

Our friend Coach Eric takes some time with us to talk about the power of setting SMART Goals- an acronym he uses in his gym to help people of all ages and ability levels meet their fitness goals. You don't have to set unrealistic expectations for yourself and wonder "why am I not accomplishing my goals?" or "why am I not loosing weight?" SMART goals help you remain accountable, evaluate your end goals, determine what it takes to reach them, and then track your progress throughout to maintain a positive experience reaching your fitness goals. As a level 3 CrossFit instructor with well over his 10,000 hours of mastery coaching, Coach Eric may rival Coach Lasso in his ability to keep you saying "I can do this!!"

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Hey, guys, I'm Eric Conner.
I'm a CrossFit level three instructor
with over 15,000 hours of coaching experience. So goal setting is really important
to help you get where you want to go. But setting up your goals correctly
so that you can actually work towards them and know kind of where you're going
is a really important thing. I'm here to help you find out
how to do that, set that up correctly and find a pathway to know how your steps
are going to get you there.

What's really important
when setting goals is using the S.M.A.R.T. acronym, so S.M.A.R.T
stands for five different things. First, "S" stands for specific
so specific. You want to be actually very clear
on actually what your goal is and what you're trying to achieve. "M" Stands for
measurable, so you can actually measure this instead of just being loose
and open ended, you want something that you can actually measure
when you've achieved this goal.

"A" would be attainable. Can it actually be attained? Is it within your power
to actually attain this, this goal that you're talking about
or is it very out, out there? "R" is realistic. Is this something that's actually realistic for you
to be able to attempt work towards? Do you have the power in your in
your abilities to try to work towards it? And then lastly, "T" is it's timely. You actually put a time around this or a range of
when you want to finish this goal.

So good example. If I said to you, I want to lose weight, it's not really a very good goal
because it doesn't have the time involved. It's not clear how much that is
and all these kind of things.

Maybe it's realistic, who knows?

So instead,
if I said something like I want to lose 10 pounds in three months one,
is it realistic? It might be depending on where
I'm at in my fitness journey, on my health and everything,
or where my body composition is at, maybe. But at least it's much more clear,
and I can measure that in three months if I've actually lost 10 pounds.

The last thing to be aware of
when you're actually setting your goals with that smart acronym is what step
are you actually on? So we like to talk to people
about a one to ten step process. If I'm on step like two,
I shouldn't immediately start to think of step eight,
which is like the further end of this. I got to be aware that after step two,
I'm going to need to do a little bit more to get to step three and then a little bit
more to step four and five and six. All too often, people try to jump
and change every single thing at once.

Take it one step at a time and then you'll
actually be much more successful and consistent along your journey.
Try it out, guys good luck!



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