I created the most ANNOYING Zyra build, and then held the game hostage

I created the most ANNOYING Zyra build, and then held the game hostage


1 год назад

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@DitzySmoff - 25.05.2023 11:20

trundle but when your team tries to back you pillar them

@xarmanhsh2981 - 17.05.2023 16:15

Now that i came back you pro guys look like super heroes. My fingers are that of a boomer. 7 years break were too much

@nicked_1700 - 14.05.2023 18:30

What elo is this, its crazy

@herbertm.kosiorek3151 - 14.05.2023 13:56

Teemo my dude. Teemo is the most annoying champ in the game XD

@heuetus - 11.05.2023 23:56

heideminger is 100% is the most annoying support. at lvl 3 he drops turret that if u have no minions to tank it, half of yout hp is gone by 3 sec

@MerrickKing - 10.05.2023 17:15

You know someone with the name FeedUntilICarry has to be a Yasuo or Yone main

@fendertelecaster8409 - 09.05.2023 02:01

Most annoying champion? Fizz. No contest.

Let me just be invulnerable every 2 seconds. That's not unfair or anything

@RealHypeFox - 09.05.2023 01:38

The Jax and Warwick coming from off the side of Mid and jumping that Swain was a thing of beauty.

@devon1994barnes - 07.05.2023 14:11

I like electrocute on zyra most. Hiat popping people

@oliviah3595 - 06.05.2023 18:26

I don't believe a completely untitled i0ki exists, but this game was a blast. That caitlyn is my new positivity goal now <3

@London_Tipton - 05.05.2023 12:21

"i created the most annoying zyra build"

Dude just building Zyra's most common buildpath, but backwards lmao

@Shensational0ne - 04.05.2023 17:40

Play yuumi and just be playing yuumi. Annoying way to play the game

@brycekempf1322 - 04.05.2023 12:00

singed rylai's buid is pretty annoying. or a rammus thornmail.

@vicuna9083 - 03.05.2023 22:51

As a Swain support main this video tilted me. So, mission accomplished. Thanks for the great support content @i0ki!

@quinnbuseman2997 - 03.05.2023 21:05

Ekko or leblanc easily more annoying

@gamera5160 - 03.05.2023 20:58

Currently Yuumi is the most annoying. I get so tilted playing against a champ that got reworked to be even more brain dead. At least on old Yuumi, you could punish bad Yuumi's who didn't know how to position and proc their shields.

@dimanarinull9122 - 03.05.2023 20:56

Trundle is a no brainer for annoying, also singed.
but an underrated for being annoying to play against is Anivia.
I've fad people rage at me for typing "WALL" in all chat after every play when I maxed W first(W stands for WALL) and just be an obnoxious slow machine that creates WALLs.
not the most powerful, but it's one of the most tilting things to play against when an anivia turns your 5v4 into a 2v4 with a well placed wall and just type "WALL" in all chat after your team got aced for the 2dn time this game from the same dumb trick.
and with all that, I didn't mention the Egg.

@Gabriel.Horus17 - 03.05.2023 20:48

Does anyone know in what rank is he playing here , im curious whats rank is rhat cait))

@qebron - 03.05.2023 20:05

I shall comment for alghoritm whilst blessing this community with my biased OCD zyramain thoughts.
First, yes i main her, yes i am evil.

1. Rylai's vs Liandry's, Rylai's can be countered by cheap ass boots(early af too) You can't counter Liandry's, as well, hence i'd say Liandry's is better AND more tilting to go against.
2. Comet vs Chad Harvest, i'd say comet if it's a scary lane, otherwise Dark harvest baby! (This gets even stronger if you like me, always rush Liandry's) secondary runes don't actually matter at all, but i tend to go manaband/scorch just to be abit extra spicy early lane(especially before i get Liandry's)
3. Q vs E, this depends abit heavier on your lanepartner i'd say.
If you can coordinate well with your adc(Discord or just awake adc in general) then you'll get more out of maxing E first since the only things of note scaling in regards to Q is CDR and MD.
E on the other hand has MD scaling and Root Duration(mana cost aswell, but we can easily offset this) thus this would be ALOT more valuable ALOT faster due to your partner(and whatever roamers/gankers show up) having more time to pump. another upside is, no weak ass roots on early objectives xD "Looking at you Shyvanna gamers!
If your adc is asleep on the other hand... i could make a case for Q max first T-T

I think that's all i have to comment on(watched it last night and those are the only points i remember wanting to discuss)
OBVIOUSLY as mentioned, these are my OPINIONS and i AM idd biased xD so there is no NEED to agree at all :3
I'll just be happy if this great wall of personal Zyra-wiki interests someone out there at all!

Have a great day now! =)

@gabrielsabourin341 - 03.05.2023 18:53

Good vid! Love Zyra. She's my main right now. I've had opponents scream in all chats because a max range q plant killed them : "HOW did you kill me you were half a lane away?" 🤣. Seriously the max range on the q plant poke is insane. Nothing but good times.

@supbro2366 - 03.05.2023 18:17

Leona with Jacks, can't die and stuns

@hoshikuza144 - 03.05.2023 13:51

Hail of blades Leona is pretty funny and annoying :)

@tomasmalucha6963 - 03.05.2023 13:48

On bot for me most annyoing is Xerarth and Heimer

@sheikhbilalahmad2689 - 03.05.2023 12:45

"The best way to get untilted, is to tilt someone else." 😂

@gaborbea8384 - 03.05.2023 11:52

3Hours Zyra PLSSSSS!!! :D

@mat41as60 - 03.05.2023 10:06

this is a sometimes normal build for me even before u made this video but i love your vids and u

@shirakolee - 03.05.2023 09:59

Shaco teemo and singed are anoying , zyra im ok

@douglascavin2140 - 03.05.2023 09:57

Who would have thought that de-SALinating could be so inTOXICating? LOLZ

@tonysmith3189 - 03.05.2023 08:35

Play Ash, full stop

@CarbonFlame - 03.05.2023 08:02


@Drakkle - 03.05.2023 06:27

I love rushing Rylais, particularly against an All In bot lane. Can't all in if they can never get to you.

Also, to answer your question, if I'm looking to annoy people as a support, I'm running Shaco.

@glitchboard9452 - 03.05.2023 06:11

One build that has gotten people to quit. Gotten me death threats. Made people uninstall the game:

Blue Ball Zilean - Important runes are Glacial Augment, approach velocity, and ingenious hunter.

Skill order - E->Q->W

Build - Support item and lucidity boots. Then rush Everfrost, Anathema's, Cosmic Drive, and then you have options. Mikael's if they have super important cc to cleanse. Knight's vow if they're focusing your carry. Zhonya's if they're focusing you. Wardstone by default if you don't need either one.

And the playstyle in case it isn't obvious is to make people absolutely miserable. Works particularly well with carry junglers that can gank you a lot, and against almost literally every melee champ in the game. Your damage isn't crazy, but you can lock down someone with 99% slows almost indefinitely. You can just E them, guarentees the Q, then W for the reset. Second bomb and they're stunned. Triggers glacial. They try to walk off of it, and your E is back up. followed by your everfrost root. Q, and with this much cdr, your w is off cooldown, so you can W->Q again for another stun, then another E. And you have about 5 seconds before another everfrost. And all of that is increased on your anathema's target. Bruisers Like Sett, Darius, morde, Udyr, and my favorite Hecarim are stuck getting wailed on by your team the entire time. Can't ever leave, but can't get to anybody either. And on the off chance they do catch you, you still have your R waiting for them.

@13lightFall - 03.05.2023 05:08

100000% LUX - relentless harassment and cc, then when she gets strong off of doing next to nothing, she can just one-shot you, just because the hitbox on her Q is forgiving as shit and you just sit there and take a laser beam to the face every 20 seconds.

@PeepoFrog - 03.05.2023 03:56

Hello i0ki. I am the Jhins mother. He was indeed not having fun, so much so in fact that he committed suicide shortly after this game... We found him overdosed on gummy lifesavers in the bathroom with a note saying "I'm sorry but i just can't take it anymore. fuck that Zyra". We are all in shock and grief. Thanks a lot for taking our young and healthy son with his entire life ahead of him away from us...

@jacobrosenstein9125 - 03.05.2023 03:24

heimer is sooooo annoying

@Locaneo - 03.05.2023 02:30

The most annoying character in the game is Riven, both in and out of game.

@pK0ne - 03.05.2023 02:28

The most annoying champ in the game is the one my ADC chooses to feed with

@M0nsterMe110 - 03.05.2023 02:23

ability haste morgana is pretty bad

@cesconium_112 - 03.05.2023 02:01

This is litterally the build you always use on zyra. Anyway this game was very dope! Amazing as always! It's genius to switch the order in the build

@celestial_kitten27 - 03.05.2023 01:35

or when youre playing morgana and landing Qs; thats :""""")

@celestial_kitten27 - 03.05.2023 01:35

i think lux, sera, soraka, sona have certain builds thats just crazy annoying; like when sona/soraka do insane damage or healing, and lux has infinite spam poke

@Qendajar - 03.05.2023 01:19

I0ki, u gotta try Echoes, the new support item, on Ashe with font of life. Its extremely op. I did 600 healing with that item on a lvl6 fight as Ashe.

@hopeblossom4200 - 03.05.2023 01:11

I like playing zyra mid🎉 alsoo i like having a player like cait 😂 makes the anger go away

@pedroupaiva - 03.05.2023 00:37

the most annoying champion in the game is Lux, no question. there might be moments when she's not "meta" as support, but she will ALWAYS be annoying with a slow and snare with low cooldowns and high damage.

@ozzohorde - 03.05.2023 00:08

so i played illoai in support but went ap for the passive its pretty solid .. extremely unexpected dmg people dont realize it you shoudl try it its super fun
