Jacinda Adern. Is this a classic Kiwi, Yeah, Nah, Moment?

Jacinda Adern. Is this a classic Kiwi, Yeah, Nah, Moment?

Clarke Statham

1 год назад

1,002 Просмотров

Barry Soper is Newstalk ZB's Political Editor. In the first half of the clip, Barry suggests that the system implemented by the Labor government led to two types of New Zealand citizens, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. He goes on to ask our PM if she is happy with that. Adern then says "I wouldn't define it in that way." It sounds like a Nah,,,, but then in the second half of the clip it kind of sounds more like a Yeah... Is this a classic more sophisticated reversal of the forever popular Yeah Nah comment used extensively throughout Aotearoa?
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