Why I’m switching from Unity to Unreal Engine

Why I’m switching from Unity to Unreal Engine


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Medium-Sized Bagel
Medium-Sized Bagel - 17.10.2023 21:16


Geekume - 17.10.2023 21:16

I didn't even watch the video but as a game developer it already makes sense to me

206Zelda - 17.10.2023 20:46

Not to worry, Lixian: We know precisely why people are swapping from Unity to Unreal, and the reasons are about as real as they get 🤣👍

Gigarento - 17.10.2023 20:42

Please remember that Unity is in the stock market, this means that the decisions are made not by the CEO, but by the investors. So, it really does not matter who is the CEO, the investor will keep doing stupid decisions like pay per installation.

Jenks - 17.10.2023 20:20

Unreal is almost majority owned by Tencent (Chinese bot farm company). I think it's fair to say at this point people should be backing true Open Source video game engines and distance ourselves from these "AAA" conglomerates that just want our money.

AnthonyRose - 17.10.2023 20:20

The CEO might have been fired, but the root of the problem had always been the board of directors, especially since its a public company, they make the decisions, and they have to please the shareholders, the CEO is only there as public face and "commit" with whatever decision the board goes with

After all that rambling from me, as a fellow game dev I wish you good luck with your endeavors

PONEKO - 17.10.2023 20:19

Thing is, the CEO leaving means nothing. Odds are he didnt even have much of an influence on the decision, its up to an entire board of people

_fragment - 17.10.2023 20:09

godotgood would recommend

kwesont - 17.10.2023 20:00

No need for an explanation... We all know why unity is ass

LWCReaper - 17.10.2023 19:37

Regardless of unity’s pricing BS unreal is just superior with its tech

Naz - 17.10.2023 19:34

nice commentary, simple and straight to the point. too bad vtubers are cringe

Keller weskier
Keller weskier - 17.10.2023 19:26

You forgot some other things that Unreal and Epic have downsides of...

Epic is owned 40%~49.9% in stock by the Chinese Communist Party. well. TenCent owns that stock, but the CCP owns TenCent.
ALOT of Epic's money comes from Winnie The Poo. So much so, that Epic has denied and struck down a few games already with negative CCP or anti Poo Bear sentiments. not their major point of the game, just mentions, world, or setting filling.
Theres also rumors that info and data of the user is sold to China.

Ill stick with my CryEngine, Source, and Unity. thank you.

Guardian Reaper
Guardian Reaper - 17.10.2023 19:14

I Just started taking a Computer Science class. And I'm learning to make games and animation with scratch. I will be switching programs with the rest of the class in the next week or two. I'm glad I'm learning how to make games by just taking this class.

Robert Wyatt
Robert Wyatt - 17.10.2023 18:58

Use godot instead. Unreal will do some stupid stuff too eventually.

yoyofargo - 17.10.2023 18:56

Sonic Colors Ultimate was a Godot game. Tesla uses it for their app.

Garrett Brown
Garrett Brown - 17.10.2023 18:32

John Riccitello after making EA one of the most hated figures in gaming: "Wanna see me do it again?"

Jom - 17.10.2023 18:11

congratulations to unity for making the community realize that its time to change.

10/10 towards the negative side for Unity would not try again.

15/10 for Unreal for the light cause I hate it when light is so slow.

MyNameIs - 17.10.2023 18:11

nah, untiy is still the same even after its CEO is fired. one of the suits is gone, but rest are still there.

Stuper Tim
Stuper Tim - 17.10.2023 17:59

I strive to have skills similar to yours, I've had a horror game idea in the back of my head for years and I need to self teach myself unity, so it's not gonna be fun

TehWhiteTiger - 17.10.2023 17:53

The advertising director had a 35 million paycheck this year while they are making layoffs.

May be a little too early to trust them just because they scapegoated the CEO, they let him do it.

AcrillyDev - 17.10.2023 17:43

back to 0

Githane - 17.10.2023 17:22

Yeah, I still won't trust Unity as well until we see how the leadership pans out over the next year or so. Too often ousting of CEO is used as a scapegoat mechanism and the company continues its bad practices. Hopefully it all pans out long term, as more competition is always a good thing. I'm hoping Godot improves greatly from here on out. Ren'Py is also really great from what I've heard from Black Tabby Games, but it's focused very specifically on visual novel style games.

Drallina Lina
Drallina Lina - 17.10.2023 17:02

The only reason why i learned and am using Unity is cuz Vrchat avatar making editing but thats about it if vrchat moves to something else or maybe another better platform comes around and beats vrchat and dont use unity then oki illd efinitly trey other programs but for now ill stick with unity

Daniel Bugay
Daniel Bugay - 17.10.2023 16:58

Learn godot? literally python + simple UI lol

NullPoEx - 17.10.2023 16:56

Why would you switch from one kind of cancer to ANOTHER kind of cancer instead of supporting a free and open platform like Godot?

GhostRat - 17.10.2023 16:44

Grape vine says that unreal is merging with art station and may just keep the free asset give away per month but it will also include art station assets possibly no promise couple other 3D asset stores to by the way I think 2 more and unreal to make a creator hub all one stop shop music art etc.

Jaron Marles
Jaron Marles - 17.10.2023 16:43

Point 6 is actually BAD, Epic is known for being scummy, and Tencent owns them.

Theo the Derg
Theo the Derg - 17.10.2023 16:42

oh hell yeah

MUI gogito Ultra sonic
MUI gogito Ultra sonic - 17.10.2023 16:41

I adore Lixian not only read his script but also provide some cute cutouts of his character to pop in time to time, with cool expressions

Casual Amber
Casual Amber - 17.10.2023 16:41

Unreal Engine’s CEO just announced that they are allegedly gonna make non-game developers pay a subscription to use their engine. This may change into all users having to pay a subscription just like adobe. Just be aware of that since the launch of this subscription based system is gonna launch in 2024.

(Because they tried to sue apple and lost, as well as getting in trouble with the government and having to pay fines)

Watticus J.R.
Watticus J.R. - 17.10.2023 16:37

As a person with hopes of becoming a game developer, this is very helpful information

N K - 17.10.2023 16:36

I LOVE Godot, but experiance in an engine is bloody handy. Part of why I love it is that I've been using it for years now and I already know how to do all the things i want to do, or how to knuckle the out. I remember what it was like during my first project with the engine, and sometimes you just want to make games and not spend all your time learning the ins and outs of a new framework or engine. Super stoked that more people know about my poison of choice however. I hope the switch to UE keeps going well for you!

Nomu S117
Nomu S117 - 17.10.2023 16:28

From what I can tell the ceo of EA caused all this
He’s the reason EA became money hungry trash
Then he left

Now he’s doing the exact same thing
Trying to turn unity into a money hungry company and just leaves

Remember he’s the one that wanted to charge players for weapons and ammunition in fps games

Let’s just hope he doesn’t join other game companies to burn them to the ground

ChikunVA - 17.10.2023 16:28

Godot's pretty great and easy to get into, especially for 2d games, you should definitely give it a try

Mister Zig
Mister Zig - 17.10.2023 16:26

Godot :>

TUFGinger - 17.10.2023 16:25

Thank you for bringing this to light for me Lixian,ive been working on my game script and game for unity for over a year and when all this happened i was so upset, i was close to releasing a demo. I was worried my gtx 1060 3gb wasn't going to be able to handle the Unreal engine. I have a 2700x amd cpu and 16gb of ram, so i should be ok after seeing this video :😀 I was thinking of taking game development classes at the local college near me too.

Mi 28
Mi 28 - 17.10.2023 16:17

As a VR afecionado I can't endorse UnrealEngine because in VR it barely makes 90fps on lowest effect settings even on top machines. Unity doesn't have this problem.

Kira Sign Comics
Kira Sign Comics - 17.10.2023 16:09

If u ever learn godot. I would be interested on where to start because i didnt devwloped games and "just learn python and come back" wasnt too motivating

Epitaph - 17.10.2023 15:53


RoxasZy98 - 17.10.2023 15:51

the fact that John Riccitello is gone does not mean it's gonna be fine, it's the people from Iron source who made the decisions and they conveniently got the CEO kicked out, now leaving an opening for one of them to becoming the CEO. Unity is beyond gone. Ever since they went public and were influenced by appealing to the corrupt rich things have been going downhill.

I wont be touching or even looking at unity by a long stick no more, and thanks to lots of procrastination as a creator, I dodged a nuke, because all I have for games are ideas, and lots of 3d experience (not enough though) and no actual skill, go figure. it already pisses me off to great length that everything has to be so predatorily monetized to pennies and nicles and dimes and then comes all the greedy sons of corpos who want nothing more than money.

even after all this drama, the new monetization scheme of milking their paying customers (those who pay for pro licenses in order to use them for some extent unless you are a personal user who will NEVER make a full released game, by at which point if you are unlucky enough to get so famous or are arbitrarily hated that you are nicked and dimed for install fees)

I just don't know about all this. the status of gaming nowadays, 99% on the triple A and mobile platforms is just utter trash. the very few indie games I like to play are what they are, but even some old games that are still good like Minecraft are being ruined by microsoft's mandates and all.

add media preservation to the discussion and you know depth of poop we are in

TheBritishWolf - 17.10.2023 15:27

I mean, the fact so many "Unity Asset Flips"(tm) exist implies that maybe it was dying a long death. It's why Steam got so rabid about charging you for submissions (even free games) and got stricter with Green Light, there was too many people just getting free or cheap assets and making shit games which review bombed on Steam. Besides, Unreal has some pretty impressive games made with it. And did you know it was one of many reasons why Duke Forever failed? They were working with UE2 at the time, but then 3 came out and they wanted to keep with the times (the failure of DNF is basically down to each company trying to be trendy and up to date. Half-Life, new engines, new memes, it was a shit show).

But, side note, you pronounce it "Guh-Doh"? Is that the actual name? Cos I've just called it "Go-Dot". 0-0 I might be bastardizing a name but, eh, I'm English, we do that a lot. XD

Gambister - 17.10.2023 15:17

I really liked unity, been there messing around since 2012, released a couple of crappy games and finally when my pièce de résistance was getting there they rug pulled me. It was very complicated to get my mind around the godot editor but it is kinda growing on me and i kinda like it now. The API difference is kicking my ass though

Bemø - 17.10.2023 15:02

Are u sponsored?

SomethingELse - 17.10.2023 14:52

Unreal's c++ is just frustrating. Live coding sucks and reloading the engine for many small changes can be frustrating. From my limited experience with unity, the engine is godlike on that front

Loki Makinen
Loki Makinen - 17.10.2023 14:11

Highly recommend watching YongYea about the Unity issues. Riccitiello was & is bad news. However, he ran Unity okay until the company went public and a board of directors was brought on. Then.... well we all know where this story ends.

Nerox FrostByte
Nerox FrostByte - 17.10.2023 14:05

I'm not a giga-genius at coding, I can get by, but with learning and using Blueprints within Unreal Engine 5, building and editing my game functions/mechanics is waaaay easier for me than trying to figure out my code and scripts and why it isn't running! If I ever do need to edit code within Unreal Engine 5, I will, but so far I haven't!!!

Brian Frost
Brian Frost - 17.10.2023 13:58

Since the company went public, Riccitiello was just one voice in a board of directors made, mainly, of investors. It's not a coincidence that he sold-off a bunch of stock before the announcement and has now 'retired'. The company is now in hands of the people from Iron Source (the advertising mal-ware guys they merged with) and two investment companies (Sequoia and Silver Lake), basically no-one who gives a shit about the games business, just short term profits.
Riccitiello was kind of a PoS (the '1$ to reload in Battlefield' idea guy) but the new board will just run Unity into the ground

anonymous gaming
anonymous gaming - 17.10.2023 13:46

I love Contant that outro is fire

TheMightyCloud - 17.10.2023 13:40

