Holy Terra | 3 Hours of Beautiful Choir and Piano Music for Reading, Painting, Sleeping.

Holy Terra | 3 Hours of Beautiful Choir and Piano Music for Reading, Painting, Sleeping.

Domains of Ambience

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@Cars1Gunz1and1Weights - 09.05.2024 06:01

Warhammer again took much of this inspiration from Catholicism.

@StarFyodperor - 07.05.2024 21:48

The Emperor Protects !!!

@Chudaify - 07.05.2024 13:02

Thanks, I've been able to fall asleep to this music lately. May the Emperor preserve the soul of the one who made this beautiful music

@mihanik8489 - 30.04.2024 00:43

Вся тяжесть человечкской истории, все мечты, пошедшие прахом, все великое прошлое и темное, непрогнозируемое будущее, весь замысел Императора и надежды Человечества в этом эмбиенте. Прогоняя через свой разум всю тяжесть бытия Империума и нещавидную участь цивилизации, которая прд хохото безумных богов сражается за еще один день своего сушествования. Все это страшно и грустно. Но самое грустное, что современный мир, можно соотнести с событиями выдуманной (выдуманной??) вселенной о далеком будущем, где есть только бесконечная война, смерть, страдания. Да настанет мир для человечества.

@TheNertus - 25.04.2024 18:54

Emperor is pleased!

@mikemeier7228 - 24.04.2024 14:08

I transcended hard while meditating to this song

@Helmet_enthusiast - 22.04.2024 10:37

This and three tabs of different, quieter 40k battle sounds makes u feel like the capital is about to be over run and ur praying to the emperor

@user-tb3qp8vr1m - 12.04.2024 07:58


@onnilattu9138 - 11.04.2024 22:58

The masculine urge to die alongside sanguinius defending the eternity gate

@giantotter319 - 09.04.2024 23:12

I really don't understand how well this music works.

@alanyusti8061 - 08.04.2024 20:39

EMPERADOR ilumina mi camino con tu luz. Dame la fuerza de seguir en camino y llegar a tu luz. El EMPERADOR PROTEGE

@propiggaming921 - 08.04.2024 05:59

Using this to read dark imperium! Thanks 👌

@baldbeardedbassist - 07.04.2024 02:25

using this as background music for the audiobooks makes everything 1,000x more immersive, nice work

@WarJackalGaming - 04.04.2024 21:22

For the Emperor! For humanity!

@thijshagenbeek6554 - 02.04.2024 23:41

Terra is a world unlike any other. A complete mirror image of humanity.

It sky is shattered with golden towers and basilica's all to remember the heroes and Primarchs of ancient days. The stone of bridges and causeways all inscribed with microscripted high gothic to recount legends and feats worthy of note to be codified in mankinds history on the world that is our cradle.

Bells ring to announce the death of the greatest of mankinds troops, and we never learn their names, or to herald great triumps but never tell us at what cost this wrung of the bell has been paid.

Terra was ment to be a statement, a declaration of humanity's intent to rule the stars.

We have digressed, fallen to a point where humanity is worse of then the most hated and revilled of the Techno-barbarian warlords of Old Night and the Unification. Kalagann of Ursh.. Cardinal Tang, the mad but brilliant Narthan Dume.. They were all but children in the suffering they inflicted compared to what humanity has done to itself.

Look at us. Look at what we have become. On the hallowed ground of the cradle of our peoples we clog the eternal flame that is the astronomican with suffering and grief, shiploads at the time with frightened men, woman and children, the old, the sick, the dying. People who's stated crime is being born with a gift that others do not have, we toss them into the furnace without remorse, we hunt them by the millions and feed them so our ships may travel and the stars remain to be ours.

High lords and Nobles speak higher of the accomplishments of their forebears then the achievements of their children, recounting old tales so warped by time the truth in them is as thin as gossamer. They build masoleums to bury themselves, these houses of the dead built with more patience and care then the houses of the living.

Inquisitors burn whole planets at no clearly determined guidelines, one inquisitors findings may see a world die with all those upon it where as the other inquisitor would laud the peoples found on its soil and seek to improve and reinforce what he has found.

The Mechanicus is on a everlasting quest for knowledge, the very concept is self-defeating. Knowledge is gained by learning, seeking sollutions to difficult problems, overcomming them with a unified persuit and congregation of ideas and theory, and yet they to cling to the past since they to cannot improve the future without their Omnissiah granting them the means to do so, forsaking the freedom of independent thought and revelation to the iron thought that only that what is or has been could be.

I weep when I see what mankind has become. I truly do. It is no lack of logic that makes us look to the past, and it is exactly in that past where we as mankind encounter our greatest mistake. We allowed our greatest achievements to be taken, bent into a truth none of us had a voice in shaping. Following a truly great man, The Emperor no matter if we wished to or not. His twenty demi-godlings showed the way and we meekly followed, drunk on the succes and power the wisdom of their crafts, we let ourselves believe that this was the apex of our capabillity.

How easy we forget..

There was no Emperor of Mankind, nor Primarchs in the Age of Strife, the Technology in the universe was built and created by human hands. We lifted ourselves up out of the dark, we let our own ambition and greed in those times get the better of ourselves and it caused the destruction of a empire who's technology, creed and power exceeded that of the Imperium a thousandfold at its apex!

It is to me a mystery as to why Humanity allowed a single Emperor and twenty of his sons dictate the course of our spieces, even more when the arch-traitor launched his gambit for the throne, his so called heresy. He should have thanked the gods he served for humanity not comming together. Humanity united in purpose is a force more brutal then the Ork, more consuming then the Tyranid, as indestructible as the Necron, more unyielding then the Eldar and has greater clarity of purpose then the Tau will ever know.

If humanity's spirit had not been broken in the Old Night the Horus heresy it would have never come to the time we are in now, and make no mistake, we are broken, deep down, humanity is beyond saving. We gave everything to the Emperor and his sons in one last great effort to reclaim the galaxy and reach the throne mankind once sat upon. The Emperor and his Primarchs no more then a crutch to hold up the might of mankind in the last few lungs full of purposefull breath to reach the last step of the stairs. The crutch broke long ago, and we fell down the stair one last time, it broke our back, spirit and will to exalt ourselves.

It is why we look to the past. We cannot bear to look into the future and accept that the darkness will only claw its way forward evermore.

Humanity is doomed. And we stood by as our verdict was proclaimed. To tired, to hungry, to alone, to care anymore.

@eduardodiaz9942 - 02.04.2024 22:18

I shall perform my holy and sacred duty as a servant of the God Emperor of Mankind and leave a comment so the machine spirit some hereteks refer to as "algorithm" blesses these hallowed sounds.

@minkwandering3561 - 02.04.2024 06:34


@toheekang174 - 31.03.2024 07:32









Verge of Death

Indomitable Spirit

Is what come to my mind

@mrsmok7283 - 29.03.2024 17:16


@Nine-Signs - 26.03.2024 19:30

I your emperor command a war upon organized religion across the galaxy in order to ensure an age of scientific enlightenment, no longer will humanity worship fables of gods and angels! o.O

15,000 years later:


Emperor: -.-

@corbetcrey - 26.03.2024 12:34

Beware the alien, the mutant, the heretic...

@viromulus134 - 24.03.2024 16:35

Работаю, сплю, живу под этот эмбиент.

@fictionsmith3688 - 19.03.2024 11:35

Can't believe we went from monkes throwing shit at each other to conquering the universe under the God Emperor

@rusobit8584 - 19.03.2024 10:18

Потрясающие композиции!!!

@nathansanchez3012 - 18.03.2024 18:59

Who did the artwork? or is it AI?

@Raygeing - 17.03.2024 15:27

Good music for writing job applications to.

@cuncator2066 - 13.03.2024 17:57

"I had a look through the Door and I saw, above a sea of plasma and dying suns, a little part of a bone. A golden piece of a corpse that concentrate all the madness of reality."

@langanderson8311 - 12.03.2024 22:07

This music sounds so sad, proud, ancient, and hopeful all together. A long forgotten dream of the glory humanity once held. How could you have so much prosperity and technological advancement, only to fall from grace. That what the music sounds like to me.

@ChaseJames-mn7lf - 11.03.2024 08:06

This image and this music really sets the mood for how Terra would be. Just imagine, you're a pilgrim from one of the distant planets. At best, your life has been spent toiling endlessly through slave- like working conditions, at worst you once fought on the front lines and witnessed untold horrors. After traveling for some time, you finally arrive at the holy planet of your ancestors. Here you are one among billions of fellow travelers, seeking the grace of the god emperor himself. Here you are reminded that despite the constant threats the Imperium faces, here you are safe. Faced with either a long journey back to the dangerous frontier or staying here, you choose the latter. Even if you still live in poverty and filth, you are still assured of one thing: The Emperor Protects!

@Psychopath856 - 10.03.2024 14:13

Would love a upload on spotify

@josef1391 - 05.03.2024 08:29

"He couldn't remember what his father had looked like ... and Roboute Gulliman forgot nothing"

@Beleidigen-ist-Pflicht - 04.03.2024 20:19

HOME - our divine resting place of our souls

@KirillGypsy - 02.03.2024 18:01

Эта музыка, гораздо, красивее "идей" warhammer.
p.s. я бы поменял фон в видео на более "нейтральную" "фантастическую" готическую кирху (еще лучше не готическую, а что-нибудь с приставкой "нео") Что-нибудь более туманное и светлое (имхо)...
Спасибо тебе!

@donjuan21ification - 01.03.2024 06:50

Amo tu video
Amo la musica de la Santa Terra
El Emperador Protege!!!

@NEWLAROEKOE - 29.02.2024 12:20

Why does it sounds like Terminator ost.

@varunnathamuni5540 - 29.02.2024 06:39

This is beautiful music. I just finished reading Dark Imperium while listening to this.

@lorenzotimoncini6946 - 25.02.2024 13:29

may the Omnissiah bless you all

@abeljoasimmarquezgonzalez4895 - 24.02.2024 21:02

Terra saw our species on all our glory and suffered all our errors. Is our origin, and will be our end. Fall of Cadia was a huge wound, but Fall of Terra will be the death of Humanity. In other stories, Earth is abandoned or destroyed if there is any mayor trouble. Here is the most defended planet of Mankind, fighting to the last human before letting our birthplace be destroyed. Here is all our history, here is our hope, and here is the light who guides us beyond the stars. Holy Terra, even with all its problems, have the worth it deserves, the highest.

@SomeUnsoberIdiot - 24.02.2024 08:02

How do you expect me to sleep to this?

There is naught but awed reverence, with more than a pinch of sadness, experiencing this.

The God-Emperor protects.

@Swatmat - 24.02.2024 02:41

the hell divers would fit in with the imperium

@vks_cy - 23.02.2024 15:39

Does anyone know what they're saying? I'm curious for lyrics / translations.

@JD-fb5ps - 15.02.2024 19:01

Bit of a weird reference but the piano here reminds me of the film Spotlight...

@MR-vj8dn - 14.02.2024 20:21

Not very pleasant to listen to with headphones.

@thefloweroflife-soundescapes - 14.02.2024 13:23

"The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our crusade to save Humanity. Be faithful! Be strong! Be vigilant!"

– The Emperor of Mankind –

@DaTrueReality - 14.02.2024 10:16

"Tell me, Serf-Master; you speak of Terra as if you know it's inner workings... Your speak of it often..."

"Elias, my friend... You remember our time in the guard, all those years ago. You were young, and bright-eyed; the galaxy had not yet dulled your emerald eyes. As an astartes, your hair greys and your eyes grow old. Your skin saggs, and wrinkles form on your brow and crease the edges of your eyes- Seven golden studs adorn your head, two silver and one bronze. You have served as a man, and an angel for many years- and yet these creeping years are but a day in my life.

Terra is not just a fond memory, or even a pilgrimage for me... It is a tomb that I unknowingly helped build...

It is a crypt which holds all that humanity could have been..."

@nirnaeth3824 - 13.02.2024 22:57

Слушаю, живя на Терре <3
