Turned lousy shed into 3 dream homes around zen garden & spa

Turned lousy shed into 3 dream homes around zen garden & spa

Kirsten Dirksen

2 года назад

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@celticwarrior777 - 25.09.2022 19:17

The city approved all those structures?

@elizabethrios7759 - 21.10.2022 09:13

Interior exterior life is a joke in the northwest!!! I gave up a great job and totally screwed my career my second winter in, I ran out of there back to the south east!!! 10months of cold wet overcast crap!!! And Seattle is nothing but tent junkies anyway and they can be horrible !!! Junkies can spit on cops there and the cops can't do shit about it!!!! Local government has stripped there power from them!!! So if the homeless junkies can treat cops like that !! Imagine whT they can get away with doing to you!!! Seattle smells like human piss everywhere you go!!!!!!

@mariombrbovic8188 - 24.10.2022 16:54

Did your neighbors complain about the height of your building

@adoyer04 - 25.10.2022 15:56

its just ok.

@JesusismyRedeemerandLord - 30.10.2022 06:46

I'm loving all these inspirations this channel gives me. Thank you for all these videos. It's also so wonderful that you guys create these often with the entire family. God bless y'all!!

@hephzibahbradshaw9509 - 13.11.2022 20:20

Organic and humane.

@mondavou9408 - 14.11.2022 00:47

That space make me happy. Bravo.

@frankvolz7021 - 14.11.2022 01:07

I love this eclectic mix of repurposed items that gives this unique home a wabi sabi zen feel. Hard to believe this home is in the heart of Seattle ! Fantastic

@juanitaarbelo5409 - 20.11.2022 06:00

What a beautiful home❣

@oldasrocks9121 - 21.11.2022 02:02

How about a few videos on people helping to solve the housing crisis rather than a series of diy hoteliers contributing to it?

@mikewright3029 - 21.11.2022 18:04

my question is what's the zoning. lol
amazing! XD

@salsheikh4508 - 30.12.2022 08:06

This Guy obviously has a 350 gallon well of Svedka....

@nicolepedley8352 - 11.01.2023 21:57

Buddy...you seem insecure about how much you added to the lot.... You should just be PROUD! Own it man! That is beautiful.... to hell with haters....they are prob just jealous.... rock on man so cool

@IslandGirl7215 - 11.01.2023 22:03

Stunning home

@kennethlodwig4024 - 19.01.2023 11:13

I'm living that life project right now. Worth it in the long run.

@Baleiric - 03.02.2023 04:53

Gorgeous home!

@Tarodenaro - 05.02.2023 16:49

The neighborhood's HOA must be a really nice person for allowing all these "accessory dwelling unit" lol

@janinafisher101 - 12.02.2023 03:31

What an extraordinary space! I love homes that feel organic and have various levels and are SO far removed from subdivision-style, soul-sucking boxes that so many people live in. This fed my soul! Those garden areas... ahhhhh....

@DougDennis - 12.02.2023 21:24

Cool place. i want that tea pot 👀

@jonj4419 - 15.02.2023 16:23

Reminded me of Eames home. Functional - Beautiful.

@faithwalker5196 - 17.02.2023 18:23

Cool property

@liamkenz - 02.03.2023 19:05

I've been watching Kirsten's videos since I was in highschool..probably ten years ago now? So incredible. It has definitely been inspiring me throughout the years. I believe the first video I watched was the episode in Barcelona, with an interior designer who created the "Bidon Lamp". You had the upright bass intro music haha!

@mannyespinola9228 - 05.03.2023 02:41

Whimsy meets organic meets practicality

@maganalia - 08.03.2023 12:18

One of my top 3 homes so far. It's beautiful. He's a true artist.

@marilyntkeller - 15.03.2023 07:03

My Band is coming up to Seattle to play! It would be fantastic for ALL of Us to stay there together! How do I find this rental?! I Love-Love-Love the eclectic nature of the entire structure!❤🙏🏾😇

@daanh8194 - 17.03.2023 18:34

just... wow!! an architect who designs an organic feeling home, that oozes love and colour and 'chaos' and nature... wild!! love that place!!

@debajyotirakshit2174 - 20.03.2023 15:42

This was very "enlightening" in terms of architectural versatility...and organic building...as well as incorporating indoor-outdoor living space...and a lot more ❗ Very very educational videos for the like minded... Thanks to both of you so so much , just keep it up friends...❗👍👍

@classifiedinformation6353 - 29.03.2023 05:42

The fact that this gentilman chose to save the tree and not lengthen the house says much about his priorities. The tree serves the house much better than a lake view. The house interior benefits from this decision.

@I.can.do.8 - 07.06.2023 01:18

This is beautiful!
What a great job!

@timharkins754 - 19.06.2023 15:40

Just a mod podge of junk in this video. An air bnb? I wouldn't stay there. Junk house.

@faithwalker5196 - 23.06.2023 15:01

I like how he said, “I don’t need all the space but I like to build it.” That’s sort of like how some people like to cook or sew or do some sort of craft, but they don’t need everything they produce, so they sell it. This guy’s hobby is making living spaces!

@3bouldersurban653 - 28.06.2023 06:06

What is the purpose of using 2 extra mobile videos devices?

@the_g9456 - 07.08.2023 22:24

I love this place. This man did an amazing job. It's so interesting the way he thinks about materials.

@juliejenkins2376 - 06.09.2023 06:38

This place is spectacular. I reckon you could've spent another good filming as it feels like even though we saw so much, we also missed so much. You did well to fit in as much as you did with the amount of time you had. Especially given that old mate was all over the place, wanting to show you everything at once!

This guy is such an inspiration and as much as I'd enjoy everything he builds, it would come at a cost. Mainly because I think he'd be a nightmare to live with, especially until he got his newest ideas out of his head and into a structure!

@malonecloitre7851 - 08.09.2023 17:02

I love the house it felt a little chaotic

@dralissa123 - 14.10.2023 14:54

Where's the wife? Invisible

@audreysmith2557 - 26.11.2023 21:15

Wow! Just wow!

@MehranGhamaty - 18.05.2024 10:10

Ultra cool living situation.

@serafinacosta7118 - 07.07.2024 22:05

This dude is the Kama sutra of architects / builders.

@planetwalker798 - 05.08.2024 06:12

i wish he just "renewed" the original structure and created privacy around it. I like old school....

@Snappypantsdance - 27.08.2024 00:14

Remodelers Anonymous!!

@LisaLisathebeast - 20.09.2024 15:53

LOVE his visions and boldness to build such a unique property. Man can I hire you for mine lol. Not in Washington but Ohio state.

@goudagirl6095 - 18.10.2024 22:44

Geez, this house is so quirky and BRILLIANT! I love how he just put things together as he went and used all the pieces so well. Kristen, your videos put many, if not most, home and architecture magazines to shame!!!

@deemorgan5046 - 26.10.2024 06:40

❤my favorite great fusion of styles as an Avid landscaper NEVER underestimate good landscape especially a Courtyard.

@mthemole - 10.01.2025 04:15

The homeowner and designer of this property is quite a fascinating individual. His personality and vision are deeply inspiring, as you can almost sense the flow of ideas and creativity in both his conversations and the projects he brings to life through his construction work

@DanceJudge - 26.01.2025 12:07

maybe in part is how passionate they are about their creations, and interesting subjects but time after time Kirsten introduces me to people that I find myself thinking, I could live with him.

@isnoo1 - 11.02.2025 15:28

LOVED this one/////// he certainly has acheived an amazing place!!

@eddex4901 - 16.02.2025 11:17

i would like to get a link of their airbnb so beautifull and inspiring location, thank you so much my vacation is comming up and I want to find an exiting nature get away.

@frederickbrowne6201 - 17.02.2025 17:56

I wonder if the channel ever addresses the social issues that leads to the purchase of a home in this neighborhood and others like it. The creativity is lovely and wonderful to listen to but hard to separate from what I know about the complexity of this $100,000 house.

@AliceFerrier - 20.02.2025 06:27

love it. especially the garden, and the multi layers and all the quirky bits. love it all. it's an adventure home. I think his wife needs a mirror or two in her office to compensate for the loss of windows.
