What is the Church of Christ? | Counterpoint with Mike Hixson & BJ Clarke

What is the Church of Christ? | Counterpoint with Mike Hixson & BJ Clarke

Gospel Broadcasting Network

1 год назад

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froggypensive - 24.09.2023 02:25

Member of the church of Christ here. In a video titled "What is the Church of Christ", this video does little to actually explain what the church of Christ is, and immediately starts out by harping on a name (which is not the only name of the church in scriptures, nor is a name alone indicative of spiritual soundness or beliefs), and then proceeds to start berating denominations in an extremely judgemental tone. A video like this is preaching to the choir, intended for audiences already in the CoC and in agreement with it, and would be absolutely useless in sending it to those outside the church to explain what the church is. If we want to give the world a good impression of the Lord's body and bring them to the truth, we have Got to get off our high horse of self righteousness and learn to speak with understanding and kindness, and not derision and mockery. Very disappointing video.

Kaycie Clark
Kaycie Clark - 23.09.2023 09:34

The Church of Christ is nondenominational, it is not dominated by any man, but by Christ. Colossians 1:18.

Kaycie Clark
Kaycie Clark - 21.09.2023 01:55

The founder of the Church of Christ is Jesus Christ. Campbell just restored people back to the teachings in Acts two because they had veered off road- which anyone can do. The Church of Christ is Christ’s church that began in Acts 2.

Pat Baptiste
Pat Baptiste - 21.09.2023 01:41

The church of christ is an institution that doesn't understand the true teaching of Christ, thus making them False Preachers.
First of, Christ is a state of consciousness. In that state of consciousness, one knows beyond the shadow of a doubt, that ALL life is one interconnected whole. At a deeper level, ALL so-called human beings have the potential ability to attain that mind that was / in Christ Jesus, thus making those individuals Christed beings. In other words, ALLLLLLLL people on earth have the potential to become Christ, simply by letting that mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. The so-0called church of christ does not preach this because they do not understand this *TRUTH*.

The simple reason that the so-called church of christ see themselves as being better than, more knowledge than, more righteous than all other churches simply indicates their ignorance about the truth of the Oneness Of All Life. How can there be superiority in oneness?

Jesus said, The Kingdom of God is Within You - all of us. The kingdom of God / heaven is *NOT some physical place in who knows where. Seek first the kingdom of God that is WITHIN you and all things will be given to you. How can you do that while on earth, if the kingdom of God is somewhere else?

the kingdom of God is the Christ Consciousness which is attained when we let that mind be in us that simple. Turn the other cheek Jesus said. What do christians do? They go out and seek revenge because they do not understand that by seeking revenge, they also become like their oppressors. If the terrorist kills 3500 of your people, youi then assemble your armies, then go out and kill over one million of their own - supported by so-called christians

God Shall Not Be Mocked, so stop fooling yourselves and your blind followers...

Tim Mason
Tim Mason - 18.09.2023 04:08

People argued in the 1st century church: I am of Paul, I a. Of silus, etc. Paul set them straight.

Rebecca Jaisingh
Rebecca Jaisingh - 17.09.2023 20:04

Thank you so much for this discussion. My Father was also a Minister in the Church of Christ. It was wonderful to hear from you the same things that I have heard him Preach. God bless

Patrick McGuire
Patrick McGuire - 14.09.2023 21:16

We enter the Kingdom by faith.
Ephesians 2:8-10.
Water Baptism does not save, only the one performed by God, first Corinthians 12:13.
Mark 16:16 has to do with one Corinthians 12:13, and Ephesians 1:13 since our works do not save.
Good luck at the Great White Throne

Monty McCoy
Monty McCoy - 10.09.2023 13:48

wonderful lesson thank you brother

Rocket_88 Oldsmobile
Rocket_88 Oldsmobile - 10.09.2023 01:07

The church assembly is also called 'The Church of God" . By the way Jesus is the name in which we are saved by not "Church of Christ ".

Ssebyala Marvin
Ssebyala Marvin - 09.09.2023 23:23

The first church of Christ kept Sabbath why this church doesn't do so?

Ssebyala Marvin
Ssebyala Marvin - 09.09.2023 23:21

The first church of Christ kept Sabbath why this church doesn't do?

Desiree Trollip
Desiree Trollip - 09.09.2023 02:22

Very interesting topic i had a conversation with my sister about baptism she believes that when a person busy dying giving their hearts to the Lord they are going to heaven and they are saved please i need more studies to teach

Study the Word
Study the Word - 05.09.2023 15:53

So many inconsistencies here, I'm not sure where to begin.

Darla Guyton
Darla Guyton - 04.09.2023 21:30

How does this explain the man on the cross next to Jesus?

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 04.09.2023 15:32

The believes of church of Christ are from Campbell, it's dishonest to deny him,

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 04.09.2023 10:47

Where do you find that church of Christ which was in the bible? If you say where you congregate then you're a liar, a cheat and conman

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 04.09.2023 10:45

The church of Christ blasphems by refusing that Cornelius in Acts 10 was saved before water baptism

JERRY ROXAS - 04.09.2023 07:09

There is only one true church of christ , which is prophesied in the bible, where and when will re-emerge. Thre true church of christ are not afraid to open and read the bible, the true church of christ never answer any questions with their own knowledge or ability. Rather they read the answer through the bible.
This is what christ said to people
You are evildoer and he never knew you.

TrumpPence3 - 30.08.2023 23:40

Enjoy burning in hell, guys!

Douglas Booth
Douglas Booth - 29.08.2023 16:03

I’m 65 years old and I grew up in the coC. More than anything else, this video saddens me. In 2023 to see this church stuck so firmly in the past is discouraging. I can’t help but be reminded of Paul’s admonition to the Corinthian church. He was feeding them milk because they weren’t mature enough for anything else. To quibble over names when our world is on fire is the height of self-centered immaturity.

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 20.08.2023 19:25

The task of the restoration was noble but it was not achieved in that movement , instead it was achieved on the pentecostal movement with the restoration of the gifts of the holy spirit which the restoration movement rejected

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 20.08.2023 16:43

The CoC confuses itself; there is one church, the invisible church of Jesus Christ and not the denomination named church of Christ, all real christians belong to this church wherever they worship

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 20.08.2023 16:40

I became t Christian thru the sinners prayer, there was no.doibt at all in my heart and behavior that I had been born again, I got baptized a year or so later but I sure beyond doubt that I was a Christian, so you're in great error , and I God will judge you for continuing to misleading christians, check the story of Cornelius in Acts 10, he got baptized in water after being born again

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 17.08.2023 20:03

The story of Cornelius in Acts 10 shows that we get saved before baptism, Peter said that who should forbid water after seeing that Cornelius and his family had received the holy spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues , so you're preaching a false gospel or great error, let's coorect it

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 17.08.2023 20:00

Yes the church was started in ad 33 but to claim that church is the CoC is playing.samantics and being dishonest and deceptive, let's not decieve people.becuase God will judge you on that day, the real.imvincible Church of.christ consists of all genuine people wherever denomination they are. We should correct the error of Campbell.

KevinKing - 12.08.2023 23:23

The CoC is a sect/cult started by Alexander Campbell in the 19th Century. Campbellism is a false gospel.

Ben Blair
Ben Blair - 12.08.2023 17:49

It’s sad. The statement you said. Most people don’t know about the lords church. We have work to do

Eliphas phiri
Eliphas phiri - 12.08.2023 00:06

It's very dishonest to name yourself after the bible and then say we are the Acts church or God s only true church , it's self deception

David Durr
David Durr - 11.08.2023 18:47

Oh how sad to believe everything in the OT leading up points to acts 2! What a horrible, devastating misunderstanding! Everything in scripture leading up, the OT, the law, and the prophets, was pointing to CALVARY.. to JESUS and the CROSS!! Just like now, we look back to the cross! That’s what we’re doing in our baptism! Looking back to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, where God put Him forth as a propitiation, by His blood, to be received by faith!

Gunnhild.of.Mandalore - 06.08.2023 17:14

I have been , or should I say I was a member of the church of Christ since the 1960s until recently. Sadly, in most cases they have lost their way due to the fact there have become the church of Paul. Very few sermons are based on the teachings of Christ. The same is true in regards to scriptures that are read in public and in the classroom. Most of their sermons and Sunday school teachings have nothing to do with the words and examples of Christ with the mind set of going into the world and do something good for someone . They focus on the do nots . The negative verses the positive. Many times I sat through the entire worship service and the only time the word Christ was even used was at the end of a prayer. I do believe they have a fantastic overall knowledge of the Bible however it’s lost in their legalistic view of the scripture and basically devoid of the grace of God. I was good friends with Barry G. the man that started the GBN. Their studio for filming was only two miles from my home . I know.

JERRY ROXAS - 05.08.2023 14:45

He knows the church of christ in romans:16;16
That is true the true church of christ has one body and it is prophesied in the bible, when where it will re emerge in our time. The true church of christ knows when and where emerge. He explained it by his own wisdom, the true church of christ do not answer the question with his own knowledge. Rather the Bible answer the question.

Ella Laura Novela
Ella Laura Novela - 03.08.2023 05:03

The true Church of Christ is where the true belief of the true God and his son, Jesus Christ. If you believe in trinity that means you are mislead.

angelanimalheart ???
angelanimalheart ??? - 31.07.2023 21:49


angelanimalheart ???
angelanimalheart ??? - 31.07.2023 21:47

MT. 28,20
1 Tim 3,15
EF. 5,25
MT. 13, 24-30
MT., 10,40
JN 8,31

William Totherow
William Totherow - 24.07.2023 02:34

There was not a new Church started in Acts 2, it was already established. The Church the Body of Christ started in Acts chapter 9.

Jeremy OSHA Master
Jeremy OSHA Master - 11.07.2023 04:42

The church of Christ only serves Jeremy Odin Scott Hammer Armstrong McGuire Senior right? That's my name

William 2015
William 2015 - 05.07.2023 07:53

Did research found out the church of Christ of today is not the Church Jesus started.

Raul Salazar
Raul Salazar - 27.06.2023 11:04

Don't make any sense at all.

Vicki Lynn
Vicki Lynn - 27.06.2023 09:56

This was an excellent discussion about the body of Christ, the church, and how members are added His body when they repent, confess faith in Jesus and then baptized as the bible teaches. Every baptism mentioned in the book of Acts was an immediate reaction by believers. It happened immediately. Thank you for this most excellent discussion. God bless. ❤

David Durr
David Durr - 27.06.2023 05:25

You can read the Bible from cover to cover.. Jesus never said He was coming back for Americans.. only Jews and Greeks - his missionary journey spread over Asia, but not a peep about Americans.. The only logical conclusion is that all Americans are lost.. north and South America.. Paul never said Jesus died for an America

David Durr
David Durr - 18.05.2023 23:36

Your guy here left out part of Romans 16:16.. the first part says “Greet one another with a holy kiss”.. if we are to be strict New Testament Christians, shouldn’t we go around smooching each other? And to say that’s “cultural” is not a good “counter point”.. that’s actually an escape hatch

David Biddle
David Biddle - 15.05.2023 09:07

Of course there is ONLY ONE Assembly ("church") mentioned in the New testament. You need to scrub these verses. 1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all CHURCHES OF THE SAINTS.

Romans 16:4 Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the CHURCHES OF THE GENTILES. - WOW what is Paul doing? Is he dividing Jews and Gentiles?

Hebrews 12:23 To the general assembly and CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,

David Biddle
David Biddle - 15.05.2023 08:51

Christ is the only one that is able to add to the "church" not someone putting a sign outside of a building and saying this is a "Church" of Christ. Question if the "church" of Christ has been in existence since the first century when and why did they decide to change the Biblical word "ekklesia" which can be translated accurately as assembly or congregation to the word "church". You can check the etymology yourself off the word "church" but here's statements that I found -

Etymologically speaking, the word church means “house of the Lord.” The modern word church is a direct descendant of the Old English word cirice or circe. The first recorded use of the Old English word is from the thirteenth century, and it could refer to either a body of Christian believers or to the place where they gathered.

“The English language was first spoken on this planet as a Germanic dialect, known as Old English or Anglo-Saxon, which began to be spoken in northern England some years after the Anglo-Saxon conquest of that island starting in 449 AD. The earliest written Old English, however, did not appear until approximately 800 AD. If we allow 50 years for the conquest to have its effect on England’s native dwellers, that means sometime around 500 AD, the people in northern England started referring to a building erected for worship as a cirice, later, chirche, and finally, a church.

is extremely difficult to understand how this word which was not spoken anywhere on earth until 400 years after the New Testament was written and cannot be shown by a single citation to have been a word known to first-century people—how this word could be the definition of a first-century word.”   “True Discipleship” website authored by Richard Hollermen.

As you can see there's not complete agreement on the etymology of the word "church" except for the fact that it is in no way related to the New Testament word ekklesia.

King James rises to power in 1603 AD. In 1604 AD, a new translation project is started, i.e. “The King James Authorized Version of the Bible” by the now newly named, state-run, Anglican Church under the rule and direction of King James himself. The King James Authorized Version of the Bible is produced for the English state-run nationalized church to compete with the Protestant Geneva Bible.
King James deploys 47 translators for the project and issues 15 rules for translation. Within the 15 rules of translation, article 3 says, “The old Ecclesiastical Words to be kept, viz. the Word “church” not to be translated to congregation.”
By translating Ekklesia as “church” instead of “congregation” or “assembly,” King James and the Anglican state church accomplish their goal of maintaining power by defining Christ’s body as “the Lord’s house” instead of “legislative ruling assembly.”

You can check this out for yourselves very easily so please let me now why you use a non-Biblical word for the name of your "ASSEMBLY" that according to you had been in existence since the first century.

Timothy Mosier
Timothy Mosier - 12.05.2023 18:14

We all can benefit from asking the question, what church am I joining? In addition, who is the head of the church that I am currently united with? If I am not joining the one church that scripture teaching about then it is time to find the one church body that is seen in the New Testament church.

Mount Carmel Showdown
Mount Carmel Showdown - 23.04.2023 05:37

Please watch a powerful message called:
"This Last Day Movement is a Satanic Diversion" by Pastor John Lomacang

COMEDIAN DAVEBLAQ - 20.04.2023 15:35

Roman 16:16
