WTF Is Threshold Running?

WTF Is Threshold Running?

The Running Channel

1 год назад

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@runningchannel - 05.01.2023 16:03

Have you ever done threshold running? Are you going to start now?

@1987michou - 05.01.2024 23:42

I saw a mistake in the video. Not sure if I run a 10k in 40 minutes, I am still in aerobic zone.
10k pace is faster than threshold and it is an anaerobic effort.

@mujibur......5744 - 05.12.2023 10:06

Threshold workout for 3 km?

@snuffbox2006 - 21.10.2023 22:23

finally some clear, concise definitions! very informative.

@userdv18 - 25.07.2023 20:28

Paaneorobic pace❤❤❤

@cristobal.palmero4919 - 23.07.2023 23:53

My LT is 85-90% of HRmax

@Mary-ph3jf - 22.07.2023 15:20

you say that you go all out during your 30min threshold run to know at the end what your media heart rate during the last 20min was. But isn’t all out already anaerobic/ race pace ?

@Jay-sd9ye - 16.07.2023 01:46

My watch says almost every run I'm doing is a threshold run...8min a mile pace. Which I do every time.

@sadaedost - 19.06.2023 20:14

Can I run with you and fall behind a bush...

Lovely pretty girl

@sadaedost - 19.06.2023 20:14

You are so so so pretty. Can I kiss you

@bmp713 - 12.06.2023 05:57

Finally someone admitting you need to run FASTER to run faster, not this "run slower to get faster" nonsense.
If running faster is too difficult for you then you need to build more muscle not go slower.

@bernhardneumueller - 02.05.2023 16:04

actually 5k's are about 91% aerobic in elite runners

@capeflattery6179 - 24.01.2023 07:10

Interesting. Of all the types of training runs you could do, how would you rank them? Mine would be Sprint Intervals, Anaerobic, Recovery, VO2 Max, Tempo, Threshold. For some reason, the Threshold is always the most taxing for me.

@Soupape50 - 16.01.2023 00:16

Thanks! Could you please do a video about the MAF method? Thanks a lot :)

@yonatan1myers - 14.01.2023 11:40

One corection. Running above your LT is not an anearobic efort, e.g. a 5 or 10K PB would typically pe run above ones threshold, bose are airobic. You can not sustain anairobic efort for more than 3 or 4 minutes

@mariuuma - 11.01.2023 04:49

I just love Sarah's charisma!

@chrisvanbuggenum871 - 10.01.2023 10:03

I don't understand how a pace that is all out for 30 minutes could possibly by something that you can sustain up to 60 minutes as stated. 20 - 30 minutes yes.

@John-tn4qd - 08.01.2023 05:13

I recommend that you do a video showing the accuracy of a Garmin lactate threshold test versus a lab based test.

@AlioH89 - 07.01.2023 14:53

Tbh this explanation has gone over my head. Thankfully for the level of running I do I dont think it's important for me to know this level of detail 😅

@wowsa0 - 07.01.2023 14:40

If threshold pace is a pace you can hold for 60 minutes, why should it be the pace you run in the last 20 minutes of a 30 minute time-trial? Shouldn't a 30 minute time-trial pace be faster than threshold pace?

@scottmaddow7879 - 06.01.2023 14:52

I find there is so little difference between tempo and Threshold runs that they are interchangeable day to day. That is, on a heavy week a tempo effort puts me in threshold or a light week a threshold feels like a tempo. I run 2 marathons a year and find the Threshold is one of my favorite workouts. It let's me know about where I am in my program progress. If I am hitting race pace with less effort for longer I am doing well, If race pace is a struggle I need to do something.

@trrc9276 - 06.01.2023 11:29

Threshold running i guess is the same as zone 4 running?

@joecordingley7071 - 06.01.2023 03:04

If threshold pace is meant to be the fastest pace I can do over 30 minutes, how am I meant to do a 45 minute threshold run?

@cliodhnamalone7493 - 06.01.2023 01:55

this went over my head unfortunatelt lol, but well presented video x

@twold4this - 06.01.2023 01:22

Really enjoyed that.
I've learned a lot.
To my shame I new little or nothing about this.... actually what I new was nonsense!

@InkAndSmudge - 06.01.2023 01:10

Super interesting! Loved this one!

@nath9091 - 06.01.2023 01:02

I got a Garmin for Christmas and weirdly as a 32M who's not particularly good at running (Maybe 26 min 5k fitness currently) my heart rate jumps from rest of 65bpm to 170-low 180s within about a minute and I can sustain this for over 20 minutes without feeling horrendous. My watch is really confused that I can have runs where the majority of time I'm in Zone 5 and not die. Makes doing HR zones really difficult as keeping below 170bpm requires walking every few minutes to get it down

@MiikaVenalainen - 06.01.2023 00:59

What does "tempo run" actually mean? Nothing at all? Just an up-tempo run? Something faster than purely aerobic workout? Could you do a video about tempo run?

@raoufannab - 06.01.2023 00:18

Awesome work guys, one thing though I would suggest is for these explainers videos to be done in the studio with simpler and slower explanation for beginners like me and many others. There's so many things I wish to understand thoroughly and it's bit distracting in this format honestly. Thanks a lot again

@silvermandavid - 05.01.2023 23:48

Am I correct that the threshold between aerobic and anaerobic running is when you are at the point when you start to feel the burning in your legs and that the burning is actually the accumulation of lactate in your muscles that your body cannot clear away? So, a little bit less intense, the body can clear away the lactate and the burning subsides; while a little bit more intense, more lactate and more burning?

@jonplumb5516 - 05.01.2023 23:36

Another great video, just a point, please don't use WTF in the video title. You're better that that

@ABucc - 05.01.2023 23:10

My problem is that I do more threshold runs than I should be doing in my training. I have the tendency to always start out at a faster pace because I'm to concerned about my split times. I thought it will help improve my split times, but instead it remains the same. I purchased myself a Garmin heart monitor and now I'm going to concentrate on MAF running so I could actually build up my pace times gradually and it will eventually help me improve my final overall marathon times.

@markchurch524 - 05.01.2023 22:04

If Sarah had a video about how to tie your shoes for a run, I'd watch that one too!

@Draddar - 05.01.2023 21:55

I always hated threshold runs 😅 Quite difficult and annoyingly long. At least with intervals you are done after 3-5 mins, but threshold just goes on and on ... and on.
My usual threshold workout is 2x 15-20 mins with up to 5 min break between or just 1x in the offseason. Tip of the day: get a faster friend to accompany you on these runs, you'll thank me later.

@iberiksoderblom - 05.01.2023 21:46

Actually its norm today, to work with two lactate thresholds, T1 and T2.
This video is only covering T2.

@adamhenley8295 - 05.01.2023 21:23

There’s a memorable episode of the Simpsons when Scully from the x files makes Homer run on the treadmill

I’m pretty sure my running for 30 minutes would recreate this video 😉

@bjelar - 05.01.2023 20:48

Last 20 min of an all out 30 min effort? You mean 97% of max HR? I thought the pace you can hold for 60 min was very close to threshold pace... EDIT: Ok later in the video you say 60 min. Still have no idea how that's the same as the last 20 min of an all out 30 min effort.

@zochert57 - 05.01.2023 20:47

I thought lactate threshold was 2 mmol/l.

@DmitryRudoy - 05.01.2023 20:40

If I know my 5k, 10k and half times, can I derive the threshold pace from them?

@irisr4536 - 05.01.2023 20:13

I did a Garmin watch guided threshold test run today. It was quite tough towards the end, lol! Unfortunately, no threshold detected. I now know it’s likely to do with the fact I ran on an indoor track. I did use a Stryd foot pod. My watch does automatic threshold recognition and apparently you get the same numbers from that test. My training schedule includes threshold running, by the way. The threshold detected by my watch is probably just a tiny bit slower than I can run for 60 minutes (on a good day in close to perfect conditions).

@fudbeer1 - 05.01.2023 20:12

A word of caution if you want to avoid injury and get stronger slow/easy runs should form the vast majority of your training.Threshold and speed work should be no more than 20% of your training and less if you are building your base.(In my opinion.)

@DJChipsandGarlic - 05.01.2023 20:09

its like the finish line at parkrun

@jennysmith8835 - 05.01.2023 19:52

333rd like, 😇

@tombe2189 - 05.01.2023 19:42

I'm actually a little confused by some of what you said:
First: you mention that pro athletes do these most of the time. From what I know from videos and literature is that -especially in running - most of the training is easy running. Maybe you only refer to the workout parts of the training schedule which would be more reasonable from my experience.
Second: You explain that the difference between Tempo and threshold runs is that threshold is characterised by being below that threshold. But your training examples then are explained at threshold and the first one basically being the classical 20min Tempo run.
Maybe I'm a little picky here.

Regardless of these "issues": Keep up the great work. Your channel was one of the biggest influences and help for my running over the last year's and always motivates me to keep running :)

@liamroche1473 - 05.01.2023 19:34

If anyone needs convincing that less intense sessions can be effective too (at lower risk, I believe), a certain Jakob Ingebrigtsen does his threshold sessions at about 85% of his 5k pace and does intervals of 6 and 3 minutes with 2 to 1 minute recoveries. Low risk of injury, reliable training stimulus. For us runners with less super-human pace, a larger percentage of 5k pace could be appropriate (because our 5k pace is closer to our hour pace).

@SpoonfedPig - 05.01.2023 19:31

I'm absolutely miserable. Due to a knee injury I will never run again, and I have no idea what to do with the rest of my life. I watch these videos to punish myself for being such a careless knee owner. I'm now off to curse and swear loudly on a rowing machine.

@txnerd940 - 05.01.2023 18:45

This is the best explanation I have heard for lactate threshold running!

@murshizimahadzir8459 - 05.01.2023 18:35

Great info

@PokeNerdJr - 05.01.2023 17:47

This is scary, was just talking to my coach about this this morning, because done a threshold tempo run by heart rate and it felt like an easy run even though my heart rate was higher than i usually run with
