Which carpets work best with which robotic vacuum cleaners?

Which carpets work best with which robotic vacuum cleaners?


6 лет назад

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@danimal8512 - 10.05.2024 09:22

There is a difference between a rug and carpet, thank you for nothing

@6538970 - 31.07.2022 20:53

How did this help me at all in choosing a robot

@exbladex99 - 22.11.2018 09:40

Deebot is one of the worst on carpets... Thing gets stuck on high-pile carpets. Why don't you design one for people who own plush carpets. Like why the hell would you buy a low-pile carpet anyway, they look much worse, do you buy low-pile to keep it clean? Then what's the point of buying a vacuum if your carpet is low-pile and you really don't need to clean it that often. No logic in people. The only people who buy low-pile carpets are people who can't afford higher pile carpets, well the people who can't afford high pile carpets, are less likely to buy robot vacuums and more likely to have an older vacuum.

@katievee222 - 24.08.2018 05:44

What's the best robot vaccum for wool rugs and shag carpets? Rolling them up is not an option

@gracecarrilloc - 03.06.2018 03:23

Misleading title! Doesn't say anything about which vacuum cleaner is good for carpets. Just to roll them away. WTF
