Why You Wouldn't Beat Multiple Opponents

Why You Wouldn't Beat Multiple Opponents

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If you believe that you could bet multiple opponents in a fight - think again. Why not? All about that in this Martial Arts Explored episode.

Unfortunately, not everyone who practices martial arts realizes that it's close to impossible, yet even after years of training many still believe that they could easily beat multiple attackers. This belief could be fatal if such a person would actually be attacked by more than one person. To bring clarity to the subject of multiple attackers, I’ve interviewed two self defense experts: Bruno Orozco and Paul Sharp, on whos thoughts this video is mainly based and with their help we will take a look at The Reality of Multiple Attackers.

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Check out another Martial Arts Explored episode and learn how No Touch Martial Arts really work: https://youtu.be/dvuViheL2Tc

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Martial Arts Journey
Martial Arts Journey - 22.10.2018 15:09

This is the last editorial I am making to sum up the knowledge I've gained through this last year. Now on Wednesday I am finally flying to US to start my intensive MMA and BJJ training so much more live footage and interviews are to come. Very excited about that and I'll see you all soon.

SpikedCollar - 04.08.2023 19:57

Wtf are you talking about bro you obviously have never seen gang initiations.

Zamasu - 03.08.2023 00:38

the only way to defeat multiple opponents is to literally not fight them all, just keep falling back and don't let them surround you if the space around you isn't spacious enough to surround you it's even better since you can just create a hotgates incident (even 300 spartans were able to fight thousands of persians by just abusing this) not to mention someone who is proficient in martials arts against a couple of people who at best can just throw a random punch or kick.

Chandramouli Mukherjee
Chandramouli Mukherjee - 07.07.2023 14:37

The only way to defeat multiple opponents is the American way with a shotgun :))

shawnsyville - 16.06.2023 02:48

They never said you couldn’t use a gun y’all 😂

The Myst
The Myst - 12.06.2023 10:41

I've beaten 10 people also they have some age advantage but anyway

Alena - 25.04.2023 09:28

I think you can beat two or more attackers at once if you have good energy and you are strong enough and have some kind of fighting skill and it depends what the guys are if they like very big guys and you are normal size guy than you have no chance than it's rather you run or you would get beaten up seriously I now because I am gipsy from EU country and we gypsies from europe are not very favourite to EU people believe me especially if you go to pubs or even worse if you go somewhere where skinheads are if you skinheads just run

Dis Donc!
Dis Donc! - 23.04.2023 00:34

Speed and keeping distance is very important. If you're as fast and strong as Bruce Lee or Jürg Ziegler, you will knock down one person in a second if they're not trained somehow.

Default - 14.04.2023 17:44

I never lost 1v1 fight but I got my ass handed to a hospital after 3 guys jumped me

Trump Lost LOL
Trump Lost LOL - 14.04.2023 06:48

The only thing you can do is to defend yourself and run.

Erebus Aether
Erebus Aether - 13.04.2023 03:02

If you want to beat several opponents, you might need a weapon to knock (immobilize) or kill them in one blow.

Goshin65 - 14.03.2023 20:40

In my youth it was a rough neighborhood, and on several occasions I was confronted with multiple enemies. Mostly I ran or threatened them with a weapon. On two occasions I was caught by surprise. The first was 6 people, and I was beaten pretty bad before I broke free and ran. The second was 4 on 1, which I "won". Guy grabbed me from behind and the other 3 moved in to beat me. I got hit but knocked two down with solid karate kicks to the solar plexus (where the liver is) and the third changed his mind and backed off. Grabber tried to sling me to the ground (he was a really big guy), but I caught myself with a wide stance then bent and snatched his pants leg, lifting it up high. He fell on concrete with me on top and broke some of his ribs (I am also not small, heh). I jumped up quickly and found no one wished to continue. That was the last time any local tough guys attacked me, lol. A lot of it is about how aggressively you respond, and how committed THEY are... most are looking for an easy "win" and if you fight hard they may quit. If they are highly committed though, you're in trouble. Best to run or have a good weapon.

Jerry White
Jerry White - 09.03.2023 17:12


Omar, PA-C:Urban Health Education Workshops
Omar, PA-C:Urban Health Education Workshops - 04.03.2023 15:19

The problem in our society, is that the legal system is such that even IF you somehow beat up multiple attackers, YOU may be the one who gets charged with battery. In DC, we have groups of teens that go around attacking adults. If the adult defends himself, HE is the one that gets charged with a crime! I've seen this. 😡

Incapacitated Toad
Incapacitated Toad - 07.02.2023 08:03

Secret technique to take on more than one person: Buy a gun

Marquan Brand EL Renigeyo Garcia-moorehead
Marquan Brand EL Renigeyo Garcia-moorehead - 02.02.2023 16:11

I Got Out Numbered By Multiple people before

XibeastmasteriX - 08.01.2023 03:43

Roman military begs to differ

Vincent Shea
Vincent Shea - 05.01.2023 00:21

Unless you have body armor you’ll be fine

André Andretta
André Andretta - 02.01.2023 16:12

It's not impossible. Kyuzo Mifune, Sakujiro Yokoyama, and Yamashita Yoshitsugu all won fights against 10-15 attackers. But, you know, they were some of the greatest judokas of all time, 10th dan and all, and extremely violent men. So they could it. We can't.

4nt - 27.12.2022 04:44

I wonder if this is why media like Dragon Ball shifted away from more traditional martial arts and eventually started leaning more on just bare knuckle fist fights and energy blasts once DBZ rolled around, because by that point, there was a lot of 2v1 or 2v2 or other multi-man battles going on in that story (not to mention that in an environment where energy blasts are being thrown around constantly, traditional martial arts and grappler styles would suffer as a result).

LIke, once you get to Goku vs Vegeta during the Saiyan Saga, it turns more into something close to what you'd maybe see in a Superman fight (just more fast paced).

Christopher jack son
Christopher jack son - 19.12.2022 14:58

Just use a sword

Chris Zaun
Chris Zaun - 12.11.2022 22:48

It doesn't matter if your brock lesnar you have no chance against 5 attackers

Joshua Carmack
Joshua Carmack - 17.10.2022 20:13

I fought multiple attackers and won. It wasn't 1 v anything though it was a barfight with 5 vs. 20 and the 20 was a group of untrained frat guys in Memphis. I was the only trained fighter out of all of them as far as I could tell and it was absolute chaos, but with good movement and fighter alignment and rapid fighter disablement I was the last fighter standing that was willing to keep fighting. I only had minor injuries (a few bruises) but nothing serious when the fight was over so I will say that it is possible to fight multiple attackers. I'm sure it would have been tougher if I was totally alone.

I think the key is to be able to disable a person extremely fast and to put killing intent into everything so you aren't holding back at all. The other key is body movement to make it where you are facing multiple people but only attacking 1 person at a time which requires a calm thought process, environmental awareness and processing, and excellent physical endurance to pull off. So I guess I'm basically agreeing with everything the video points out but also pointing out it is possible to win multiple opponent fights by being very well-trained technique wise and physically.

HolyFlags - 13.10.2022 15:49

Just stop being cunts and stay healthy and alive

TouchMe - 23.09.2022 11:37

There are a few things that give you an edge in a fight with multiple people, and your hands does NONE of them.

1. Strike hard
2. Strike in distance
3. Strike faster
4. Strike as you cover yourself

A gun fulfills it all. A spear also fulfills it all to less effectiveness. A knife fulfills 1 and 3. A sword and shield fulfils 1, 2 and 4. Your hands fulfill none of them.

If you are ganged on, RUN and find a WEAPON. As long as it is heavy, or long, or anything that fits in at least one of the four above, it works.

Yuh Tanizawa
Yuh Tanizawa - 19.09.2022 21:16

I believe you can defeat multiple opponents but ONLY if you are physically stronger than the attackers! There is a limit to it of course but consider a grown-up man for example can easily beat up a bunch of small children, right? That is because he is physically superior to the bunch of small children. Regarding that I believe it is less about techniques and so forth but more about physical superiority as long as it´s a fight situation WITHOUT any weapons after all!

yashar Brown
yashar Brown - 02.09.2022 22:36

Nah this video title isn’t true, everyone different u can’t assume someone’s capabilities based off of the average person’s ability

Hotep Hustlers Hoaxers Hunter Inc.
Hotep Hustlers Hoaxers Hunter Inc. - 25.08.2022 23:13

Your sensei is or was a loser
Mine from the 80s wasn't
Multiple attackers several times
I'm a green belt or was
Not black

Domestos Bleach
Domestos Bleach - 29.07.2022 04:11

I've fought multiple attackers, usually they'll go one at a time.

Based Chad
Based Chad - 27.07.2022 08:01

Use breaker style to deal with many opponents

Terran Man
Terran Man - 23.07.2022 16:58

Yeah but I'm basically Hanma Yujiro....

Gu D. No
Gu D. No - 11.07.2022 23:50

With the Idea of using your opponents body as a shield to block other attackers, One would need proficient basics in order to do so. While any pure grappling art would be insufficient in getting anything done it does have its place in the situation.

Thomas Marx - Original Jeet Kune Do IFO
Thomas Marx - Original Jeet Kune Do IFO - 10.07.2022 22:29

Well we did beat multiple opponents in street fights, my student did beat up 4, other one 3, so, if you do the sporty stuff, it would look bad for you...

Aspect671 - 06.07.2022 10:35

This isn't true. My brother was only a brown sash in Hsingi Kung-Fu and beat several guys at once, and another time two guys. A fellow student beat three guys at once.

Samuel Sturgill
Samuel Sturgill - 06.07.2022 03:40

Damn. The dream is dead now.

Woland - 26.06.2022 13:49

I really can't understand why everybody think that Aikido FORMS are the only thing you might learn to do in that martial art.
Doing the kata it's just a way for avoid killing each other, but the real techniques are nothing less than a shorter and letal version of forms.
Wake up people!
Aikido it's an extract of Bushido, the ancient samurai martial art, created by Morihei Ueshiba; he "simply" transformed an violent Martial art into the Art of Peace, but if you really need to use violent techniques, you can.

BIGxBOSSxx1 - 13.06.2022 03:31

How to defeat multiple attackers - get naked and take a shit. No one will wanna get near you. You’re welcome.

Ham Tarot Live PH
Ham Tarot Live PH - 12.06.2022 02:03

IM a 95kg 5,6 man in the phillippines i can destroy 4 people with the same height but they only weight 50-55kg but when they are the same weight just fighting 1 is hard enough

Present Lee
Present Lee - 08.06.2022 03:17

Ummm... why would you?

Lai Strength Training
Lai Strength Training - 30.05.2022 05:28

You probably can't defeat multiple, but you could definitely SURVIVE attackers.
Use footwork. Fight one, not two/three/four.

David Humphrey
David Humphrey - 21.05.2022 02:05


Fwefr - 09.05.2022 16:08

I've fought and survived fights with multiple opponents twice. The first time I was acquainted with one of the attackers so I said "Of course you can beat me up with your mate's help. Fight me man-to-man, one-on-one you coward." He agreed, then I won the one-on-one fight. No-one knew what to do next so I just walked off.

The second time I was armed with a skateboard. I was surrounded by about 16 people. I turned from the main aggressor and ran towards the smallest guy in the group. I threw a hard accurate strike at his head with the skateboard. Luckily he dodged out of the way. I then ran through that hole. I ran another fifty paces or so before one of them kicked my leg out from under me. I went down, rolled and hit him in the shin with the edge of the board while I was on the floor. He went down, I got up and kept running.

Another notable attempt was I was walking by myself through a rough part of London and a gang of about 12 teenagers came up behind me. One of the smaller ones said "We're gonna fuck you up." I instinctively checked behind me and saw a CCTV camera. I ran in front of it and said "You gonna do it on camera?" while I pointed at the camera. They all moved off to the side and out of shot of the camera. Then the aggressor said "Come over here." I just looked at him like he was an idiot. They left after 10 min or so.

Jees - 03.05.2022 11:49

Well you can't confuse martial arts with self defense. You can be a competitive fighter yet be shit at self defense and you can be a master at self defense and get immediately disqualified in a competitive fight. Sparring and fighting ain't the same

This is the key :
"Martial arts doesn't allow to fight multiple opponents at once but it DOES ALLOW YOU TO FIGHT ONE OPPONENT REALLY REALLY FAST."

So that's what creates the illusion of fighting "multiple opponents at once".

niall - 26.04.2022 22:45

I did today 🙂 not even a proper martial artist

Dimon Siber on Rutube
Dimon Siber on Rutube - 26.04.2022 18:25

Sow video where boxing combined with greekoroman wrestling looking impressive

Dimon Siber on Rutube
Dimon Siber on Rutube - 26.04.2022 18:23

Sow video where keep 1 opponent in headlock and use him as shield giving knees from time to time

Darkhonor21 - 23.03.2022 18:51

I've taken on three. Still got an ass beating but I was taught to throw a person into another person to get strikes in. Will never do that again lol.
