Human - Quartz Sand Communication Models

Human - Quartz Sand Communication Models

Caroling Geary

1 месяц назад

18 Просмотров

Visions of communicating ideas between sand and myself shown as graphic images symbolized as duo-tets, two tetrahedrons. The HUMAN as a star octahedron that I suggest represents a structure of consciousness. It is a visionary Wholeo model. The QUARTZ SAND as tetrahedrons representing its silicon and oxygen atoms and their network link. It is a molecular model. I ask, "Might these two similar patterns relate?"

This February, 2024 clip is a part of "Follow the Sand", the Wholeo 2024 movie. Jersey Shores Film Festival showed it on June 28, 2024.


#Sensearray #Wholeo_2024 #quartz_sand #SiO2 #SiO4
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