Czechia in the EU

Czechia in the EU

EU Made Simple

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@zouchen621 - 12.06.2024 02:11

Why does Czech have the biggest porn industry in EU?

@ludovic2431 - 11.06.2024 08:47

The Czechs are a very capable people since long great technicians. We do not need to doubt their position in the EU.

@prividinc - 04.06.2024 22:39

Just look at what happened in the UK with Brexit. Leaving the EU would be a disaster for Czechia. Economically it relies on the EU and has a lot of trade with it. Definitely the wages need to increase to be more on par with other EU countries, this would make more sense. Brexit is a disaster and many in the UK are seriously regretting it, this would be the case in Czechia as well. Staying in the EU would make a lot of sense. Reforming certain things in the EU would also make sense: legalisation of Marijuana, same sex marriage etc. in short, aligning more closely with the rest of the politically.

@nahodny_Cech - 24.05.2024 19:59

Ten euroreformismus je celkem vhodné pojmenování. Kritika EU (často velmi oprávněná) je slyšet od velmi rozsáhlého politického spektra (ať už jde o nacionalisty, mnohé konzervativce a libertariány, socialisty, komunisty či flexibilní populisty bez ideologického ukotvení), ale jakmile by mělo dojít na referendum o setrvání, tak by nejspíš většina byla pro setrvání, neboť ty chodníky někdo zaplatit musí (velmi zjednodušeno). A co se vlády týče, hlavní problém je dle mého názoru ten, že (obzvlášť SPOLU) volili lidé především s vidinou odborné vlády po krizi 20-21, ale dopadlo to tak že jednotliví ministři jsou v pozicích spíše kvůli svému postavení ve straně. Na druhou stranu kdyby se vrátilo Babišovo ANO, tak to nebude o nic lepší. Já osobně jsem ze stavu našeho politického spektra velmi zklamaný, ne li dokonce frustrovaný.
Jinak dobře video, dávám like. 👍🇨🇿

@nikolozjapharidze8011 - 12.05.2024 23:46

Peter Pavel style looks so badass

@vlen5615 - 05.05.2024 13:49

Thanks Czechian for help 🇺🇦❤🇨🇿

@BobbytronDj - 24.04.2024 23:31

My Great grandmother was from Czechoslovakia and Ive always felt an affinity towards Czechia. I got to visit around 10 years ago and it felt special. I will visit again this year.

@erikjutuber - 18.04.2024 21:20

Takový propagandy evropské unie a vlády a nenávisti vůči ´´populistům´´ nemá ani Česká televize :D . Celá EU by se měla zrušit spolu s NATO a jo SPOLU taky .

@bozenakudlacova8068 - 18.04.2024 16:35

Neni to jedno ked sembol cinan arab ted slovak hlavne ze sem ze svoju lasku

@tomassylt - 15.04.2024 07:08

Czechia ???? Not Exist. Is only Czech Republik !!!

@patrickwuthrich8240 - 13.04.2024 01:22

Someone needs to explain to me why there seems to be (or have been) so much confusion about the whole Czechia and Czech Republic thing. People explain this in almost every video I watch about the country. To me it's always been clear, you call it Czechia but its official name is Czech Republic. Like Germany and Federal Republic of Germany or Switzerland and Swiss Confederation or Britain and United Kingdom (of...)

@trioakritidis186 - 12.04.2024 20:16

tcechia fasist country ,and fasist peoples !.

@CeckoHraje - 11.04.2024 20:37

Please, report this video for the name.
Calling Czech Republic Czechia is racist, it offends me and thousands of people here.
Thank you ♥ let's make this world safier.

@Dinfes - 10.04.2024 19:35

The only thing that i hate about the eu is that we export majority of our energy where thanks to our 2 nuclear plants we have a cheap energy, but we have to export it to the eu market, which is than sold back to us for much more

@emperor6376 - 10.04.2024 11:11

Hi from Czechia, thanks for video, you managed to capture our modern history, politics as our character pretty well 👍

@matyasgajderovic946 - 09.04.2024 20:19

im czechian but im 13 and i know nothing about politics even though were learning this in school i just have bad grades from it i just donet get it

@Robischek - 09.04.2024 04:06

I respect the accuracy of this video. 90% highschool graduates wouldn't be able to come any close to the facts mentioned, and I mean it.
At some point I thought this was some kind of propaganda, coz we are not really that important in the EU.

Are we sure GDPR is that good to be proud of? Thanks to that is our jury system is absolutely terrible in comparison with US, which is completely public. TBH its bad in the whole Europe.
And if I know someones name or his VAT number, I'm able to extract tremendous amount of information from CZ public sources anyway. So what protection...
On the other hand shady ppl/companies who want to avoid control, are able to do it even more successfully with the help of GDPR.

@user-wc1qh6te5y - 08.04.2024 19:10

Aby už ten váš celej zkurvenej brusel vychcípal !!!!!!!!!!!!

@benettnash - 08.04.2024 14:25

Czech here. Historically, we had quite problems with international cooperation, with protestant revolution (similar to Martin Luther King, but far more violent). Munich agreement followed by horrible experience with communusm left us extremely suspicious and sceptical towards EU. We do know where all those leftist tendencies lead (subsidiaries, regulations) so we are trying to warn western countries. Dont get me wrong, we are extremely egalitarian society with extremely low differencies in wealth distribution compared to western countries. Parental leave is 2 - 4 years, taxes are extremely high (with only scandinavian having them higher).

@BazyG - 08.04.2024 02:01

80% Czech of citizens wants to leave the EU, it is a neo-Marxist association that wants to have control over every aspect of the life of an individual citizen, they promised us
freedom and democracy , instead we went back to hard planned COMMUNISM !! No free speech, no free market, shut up and march. if someone criticizes Ukraine or EU , he is immediately labeled as a Russian agent! It will slowly turn into fascism like in Ukraine !!!

@impostor7846 - 05.04.2024 08:47

I am from CZ and i must say GREAT VID, I LIKE IT.

@NarodePovstan - 04.04.2024 12:10

Pryč z EU! EU je hrobař suverénní České republiky! Jsme jen vykradená kolonie, otroci a laciná pracovní síla pro nadnárodní korporáty. Není důvod se falešně plácat po ramenou. A bude hůř!

@zouzel1ok591 - 04.04.2024 11:15

As a Czech myself I completely agree with what was said in the video and the information is very accurate which suprised me.

@Krankenwagen571 - 03.04.2024 16:39

Love from India 🇮🇳🦚🐅

@Austia169 - 03.04.2024 08:20

I live in Uherské Hradiště in czech

@S0n3ta - 02.04.2024 22:05

Anyone else watching this as a Czech to see what outside people say about us? XD

@polomaceny11 - 02.04.2024 19:47

I live in Czechia

@becherbecher - 01.04.2024 11:37

Czechs don't understand the progressive Brussel because of "nationalist education". Really?

@vojtechsulc5899 - 31.03.2024 17:31

Man Prague is like the worst place to live in Czech Republic.

@Angury914 - 28.03.2024 17:39

I was positively surprised, but the video was actaully full of true information even when talking about our politics and people's opinions. I think that the 2 biggest problems with EU in our country right now are euro and gree-deal(but some research was done, and about 80% of the population there doesn't know what it is :-)). The only thing I would add is, that a lot of people - considering me - aren't fully happy with splitting up with Slovakia. Literally 2 guys just decided that they would like to split up. Yes of course other authorities agreed, but it was all done in one year. But what happened, happened and now the politics there...but we weren't much better a few years ago. Nice video btw :-))

@TomtexCZE - 28.03.2024 12:31

Our current government SPOLU + PirSTAN si guilty of PARRICIDE (betrayal of homeland)!

@lubomirkolar4806 - 28.03.2024 11:08

Lejno hoven hejno!!!!

@ElectronekArts - 27.03.2024 23:12

The main reason we are sceptist about EU is the fact that in the last 100 years, we were many times occupied and run either by the germans or the russians. We do not want others to rule our nation, we do not want some bureaucrats in some distant land to tell us whats best for us. We had enough of this, we have enough of this. We want pure partnership - thats what we voted for in 2003 in the referendum. Nothing more, nothing less.

@jiritregler2333 - 27.03.2024 12:23

The Czech Republic is a beautiful country, unfortunately they rule it
bad people !!!

@need4beat - 26.03.2024 16:14

yep, we also lived 40 years in deep communism under USSR in order you don't have to, yet there are some people in EU which wants communism back...believe us, we tried, don't do it, if you do not want to spend another 40 years in black cave... :D

@jasek911 - 26.03.2024 14:02

The EU sucks.

@lotkacervena3411 - 26.03.2024 09:23

I from czechia❤

@patrikjanak9483 - 26.03.2024 00:50

I am from Czechia and I live in czechia and this is a great and interesting video

@AidanHavel - 25.03.2024 23:32


@5ilentBear - 25.03.2024 18:08

Great job doing your homework! Really nice video with very precise informations! My thanks comes to you from the Czech republic (Moravia).

Děkuji! ❤

@zagger13 - 25.03.2024 18:04

Heart of Europe ❤

@Antagon666 - 25.03.2024 17:15

Prague the most beautiful city ? What's the metric ? Number of homeless people and junkies in the wild and amount of feces per square mile ?

@user-ob5ml4ku3b - 25.03.2024 16:01

Sláva Rusku ,zmrd.Pávek na.Ukrajinu a bude mír😂😂😂😂😂😂

@bezcisla - 25.03.2024 03:47

Jasně.... Vcelku by mě zajímalo, kde se vycucalo to číslo, že 63% lidí je s EU spokojeno.
O tom, že spousta čechů už začíná mít plné zuby green dealu a ostatních kravin z EU raději ani slovo.
A i ta krásná "historie". Nejdůležitější mezníky - mnichovská zrada a 68 vpád Varšavských vojsk. Víc nic?
Že se nám ne neprávem říkalo malá amerika, to je nepodstatné? Kapitalstický rozmach za první republiky - to nestojí ani za zmínku?

A ty kecy o tom, že tato vláda se stará o zdravotnictví a vědu :D:D To byl snad vtip ne?
Vláda, jejíž ministr prohlásí, že není takový problém 6 hodin čekat na doktora, tak to je opravdu něco :D

A co se týče toho školství :D No než socani přišli s inkluzí a celkově se naše úroveň začala rovnat USA (kde za gramotného se bere ten, kdo se umí podepsat), tak to je také prvotřídní. Třeba taková maturitní úloha z matematiky (zobraz na číselné ose), to je edukace, že bychom se mohli rovnat už i Japonsku nebo Singapuru.

Toto vypracovávala jourová ne?

@janlichy1136 - 24.03.2024 19:14

Czechia? What's that? Some African country? We are Czech republic, not some Czechia. Only our idiot politics call us like that.

@Ripto - 24.03.2024 12:57

"There's a strong nationalist thread in the way Czech history is taught in schools."
This is exactly a sentence, which could get you in trouble. I don't even know what you mean by that.

@xstylesus - 24.03.2024 09:59


@MatejLejnar - 24.03.2024 02:55

czechia mentioned raaaaaa

@vitekvrsovsky202 - 24.03.2024 01:40

You need to read this!!!!
nice video and now I will say something about politics and the politicians of my homeland, the Czech Republic.
politicians are nothing but brainless monkeys, all they do is take everything from the citizens. our government is literally shitting on my country and its people. they don't know what they are doing and when they have this meeting, they tend to argue like Karen and the employees. And when we ask them about a situation, they say "I don't know anything about it, no one told me anything", so just imagine a person who is in charge of, for example, agriculture and he tells everyone that he doesn't know anything about agriculture. our politicians are not even worth a bag of shit and the worst thing is that our country has no money, water, gas, oil, fossil fuels, electricity, so we have it but they sell it for little money and I buy it for more money. and JZD is an abbreviation for agriculture and farmers who work for the motherland and have food three asses that need to be sold, so the politicians won't buy it, they won't sell it, nothing, they will let it all dry up just because they are conceited bastards who think only of themselves and money state and people cough. In the whole of the Czech Republic there is confusion, revolution, old age against young people, people who support Russian aggression are therefore people on the side of Ukraine, people against people and politicians do nothing. When you want to go on vacation to Europe, if you like drama and crime, come to the Czech Republic, but if not, avoid the Czech Republic by all means, because the people from the JZD would be waiting for you at the border and they would dump the entire allowance of cow poo on your car

@Martan2010 - 23.03.2024 22:58

Líbí se mijak všichni v komentářích jsou jako: I love Czechia from "insert random country".
(i like that everybody in the comments is like: I love Czechia from "insert random country".)
