What The Heck Is Port Forwarding?

What The Heck Is Port Forwarding?


2 года назад

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Eduardo Silva
Eduardo Silva - 16.06.2023 21:32

Awesome video!

Flqmmable - 02.06.2023 04:49


Lapachi_428 - 01.06.2023 07:07

Assetto Corsa server struggles united us here folks

James Brodski
James Brodski - 21.03.2023 19:38

Thanks! Good video.

tah cheng Low
tah cheng Low - 25.01.2023 17:27

Does all routers allow port fowarding?

Əlosman Atakişiyev
Əlosman Atakişiyev - 05.01.2023 11:24

you want to dislike

Tommy Gunnz
Tommy Gunnz - 27.12.2022 08:10

So what’s it good for does it make connection better for gaming?

CMDS CoolGAMER959 - 16.12.2022 11:08

my router is so bad that i have to use upnp to open ports with a tool bexause it cant open ports on its website.

DynamiteGaming - 29.11.2022 19:29

Is port forwarding safe for port 25565(minecraft).

forestg10 - 30.10.2022 23:19

LOL I’m Here for mc and he says the port.

A R - 06.10.2022 20:36

Man I just wanted to store media on a NAS and let my family access it. Didn't know it got so complicated with security

Katherine Nguyen
Katherine Nguyen - 26.07.2022 15:42

port forwarding isn't an option in my router's site

Kareem Ajibola-Kameel
Kareem Ajibola-Kameel - 02.07.2022 17:13

brings me back to my torrenting days

Toby Jones
Toby Jones - 01.07.2022 12:19

I port forwarded a couple ports for a game and when I open my internet tab a unidentified network appears is this ok or is something wrong?

BenMagnus 08
BenMagnus 08 - 29.06.2022 14:58

My router's port forwarding settings are so weird

Pinnacle Express
Pinnacle Express - 28.06.2022 01:19

so does it skip firewalls or like how does it actually help?.... kinda pointless video when all it does is overview a 10 minute process in 5 minutes and just be like "bc its more gooder, bro"

Alexe Stefan
Alexe Stefan - 24.06.2022 11:50

All is good until you get a CGN ip

V530-15ICR - 22.06.2022 23:57

You forgot to mention CGNAT

Donald Filbert
Donald Filbert - 22.06.2022 00:00

Excellent explanation. Well developed; succinct; comprehensive !! Thanks !!!

Eugene Elkin
Eugene Elkin - 09.06.2022 04:51

NICE AWES0ME KEEP_IT_UP! ✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉🎉🎎🎭🎎🎭🎎🎭🎗🎗🎗🎑🎑🎑🎑🎑🎑🎑✨🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎀🎀🎀🎀

Potato Chronicler
Potato Chronicler - 08.06.2022 00:02

Someone forgot to mention NAT and GNAT smh

Vladislav Karas'
Vladislav Karas' - 05.06.2022 00:15

Thanks for the video!

LiK - 03.06.2022 08:49

That one piece of glitter on Riley's shoulder was so distracting.

Maia Maya
Maia Maya - 01.06.2022 09:08


OZAI MUSIC - 30.05.2022 04:25

Can't stop focussing on white dot on his left shoulder what is it??

Amogh Rathi
Amogh Rathi - 30.05.2022 00:48

Watching this after setting up tonnes of srv port forwarding on my domain lol plus onto my server

Garrett Carr
Garrett Carr - 25.05.2022 17:37

Oh my gosh.. The thumbnail. 😂

Domrockt - 24.05.2022 07:55

Cloudflare and Tunneling is the way to Go :D

Solomon - 24.05.2022 00:45

I port forward the f*ck out of my routers. Interestingly I did a port forward to an external IP once just to bypass a bad path. It worked.

muhammad mubasher
muhammad mubasher - 23.05.2022 22:33

nice info

Mihir Shetye
Mihir Shetye - 23.05.2022 09:38

Always wondered the same with uTorrent.

spydah3000 - 23.05.2022 08:10

Why didn't you mention UPnP? surely its relation to port forwarding would be relevant

Drew Howden Tech
Drew Howden Tech - 23.05.2022 00:18

@Techquickie, you got it wrong.

The "Network Address Translation" (or NAT) functionality on your router was never meant to be a security feature, but rather, a means of sharing a single public IPv4 address assigned by your ISP with multiple devices by assigning them private IPv4 addresses.

The reason we need this for IPv4 is because IPv4 can only provide up to 4,294,967,296 unique addresses, which seemed like plenty at the time IPv4 was ratified--back in the early 1980s--but now, with how popular the internet has become, 4,294,967,296 unique addresses for every device connected simply isn't enough. NAT was developed as a temporary solution to this problem while we transition to IPv6--which can provide over 340 undecillion unique addresses. This is also why NAT is almost never used in consumer IPv6 implementations--because 340 undecillion unique addresses is more than enough for every single grain of sand on earth to have it's own IP address.

Here is a simple description of how NAT works:
When a device on your local network wants to connect to a server, the device will issue a request to that server. The device will write a "source port"--where the device listens for replies from the server--in the packet header. What your router does is creates a temporary port mapping for that source port, and then replaces your device's private IP address with your router's public IP address in the "source IP" portion of the packet header, and then forwards the packet to the destination server residing on the public internet. The server then sends a reply to your router on that source port, and from that, your router knows to forward the reply to your device.

If you just have client devices contacting servers via the internet, this setup works perfectly fine, and your ISP doesn't have to assign a public IP address to every single device you own. However, this completely falls apart the moment you try to run a server on the public internet. When an outside device tries to contact your server using your router's public IP address, your router has no way of knowing which inside device to forward that request to. Consequently, your router simply discards the request, your server never receives it--because it was discarded by your router--and the outside device never gets a response from your server.

As a side effect, this actually improves the security of your local network, since outside devices can't contact any of your inside devices by default.

What a port forwarding rule does is creates a static port mapping to your inside server. When an outside device tries to contact your server, the router knows to forward that request to your inside server, which then establishes a connection over the internet with the outside device.

In short, the NAT functionality of your router has one job, and one job only. To share a single public IP address assigned by your ISP among all your devices. THAT'S IT! NAT is NOT a firewall!

Jon - 21.05.2022 20:01

Ports are part of the Application layers of the TCP/IP or OSI model.

Sara Rose
Sara Rose - 21.05.2022 19:39

LUL Teamspeak.

doug keyes
doug keyes - 21.05.2022 18:46

A POE Texas ad is linked to this video oh the irony

Ginger McFerren
Ginger McFerren - 21.05.2022 17:30

My local IP starts with 10.199...

Paul Campbell
Paul Campbell - 21.05.2022 16:42

I suppose it's fine in a layman speak way. 99% of viewers have literally only one router box between them and the net. However "port forwarding" has nothing to do with firewalls. All ports for UDP and TCP will happily forward through routers. It's how the internet works at the IP level.
"Port forwarding" is part of address translation and masquerading. (NAT) Your ISP gives you 1 IP. You have a dozen machines. So your router masquerades as all dozen of them. With this in place there is no logical route to any of them, so connection tracking is added to allow "established and related" replies to connections initiated inside. Port forwarding is usually a static desintation mapping in NAT and a masqueraded reply path.
Compare that to having a block of IPs from your ISP and it's entirely up to you to set up the routing for this. If you simply enable forwarding on the router, it will route ALL IP traffic to those boxes.
Finally this ^^^ is were firewalls come into play. In combo or in addition to the router the filter, reject, drop, modify, mangle and log traffic.
It get debatable when you start considering port redirected traffic. Firewall or layer 3 router?

the gloomy kid
the gloomy kid - 21.05.2022 15:20

so can someone explain to me in layman's terms, how i can get an open nat type on my console's? (Xbox, switch)

Mr. Bizantium
Mr. Bizantium - 21.05.2022 06:43

Is there any port 69420? Or port 69666? Or 420666?

Jake Lancaster
Jake Lancaster - 21.05.2022 06:05

This video conflates opening ports in the firewall (bypassing security) with port forwarding (bypassing NAT). While there can be some overlap, those are two different things.

Lord Bobbymort
Lord Bobbymort - 21.05.2022 06:00

I never have to port forward for modern games, just things like openttd multilayer.

Pax - 21.05.2022 04:45

Brings back memories of dedicated servers for counter strike source

MURD3R3D - 21.05.2022 03:47

i love this thank you for this great explanation

Trevor Janssen
Trevor Janssen - 21.05.2022 03:26

Me: laughs in /24 block of IPv4

Redacted - 21.05.2022 00:28

There are many port forwarding videos yet none talk about CG NAT or carrier grade NAT. CG NAT will make port forwarding a hell for you. It's basically sharing your global ip adress with multiple people. Call ypur ISP and tell them to remove you from CG NAT and port forwarding will start working. I had to do that in my case idk about you other people.

Accelerator Esper
Accelerator Esper - 20.05.2022 19:52

Great video, i love you technology ned flanders
