*NEW* (DLC 19) CAC AWOKEN SKILL UPDATE? - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Future Saga Chapter 3 Prediction

*NEW* (DLC 19) CAC AWOKEN SKILL UPDATE? - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Future Saga Chapter 3 Prediction


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@mesmorrow - 06.01.2025 22:59

Wait SSJ God (red hair) does not enhance normal melee and melee supers?

@NickVictoryFire007 - 06.01.2025 23:03

hopefully they add SSJ3 Vegeta transformation in the dlc for the cac. props to the ppl who worked on that. looks amazing 🔥🔥👌

@doomi_no.17 - 06.01.2025 23:08

Vegeta's hairline is horrid I'd never use ts

@Animeman5445 - 06.01.2025 23:10

That should be a free update not a dlc

@Xero1130 - 06.01.2025 23:20

"Kinda Thicc LMAO" is crazy 😭

@Gokutox - 06.01.2025 23:25

When is it and is a mod ? And how to have

@RedGhost_Draws - 06.01.2025 23:41


This should be on Super vegeta 1-2 skill, you go back to vegeta in the capsule corp time rift, he'll say "ive have surpassed my own limits" and then he will go super vegeta 3 and will tell your cac use it, when the quest completed, super vegeta 1 and 2 updates to just super vegeta, has all 3 forms like regular super saiyan.

@Zeral__ - 06.01.2025 23:46

I think it’d be great if they updated Super Vegeta to now have Super Vegeta 3 but I’m not sure how likely it is to happen. It’d be great but I feel like it’d make more sense for them to add a whole new awoken skill. We’re more likely to see something like USV as the next awoken and if they make XV3 as much of a drastic change as XV2 was from XV1, we’ll probably see a lot more of the awokens we’ve been asking for added for all different CaCs. It’d make more sense for them to save those as if they don’t, XV3 would just be XV2 with some minor touch ups.

@imagineddisplay7288 - 07.01.2025 00:01

Master roshi transformation for earthling would be fire. That or Lssj

@blast3608 - 07.01.2025 00:32

Ultra supervillain golden frieza will be the next DLC character. Black frieza!

@_DatDaft_ - 07.01.2025 00:47

Daima Vegetas SSJ3 is dumb, if we get it as a stand alone Form. then XV2, and the DB Community as a whole, will truly be dead to me, more dead then OW2 and it’s Community.

@insaneroost3r139 - 07.01.2025 01:34

Honestly I know it's probably already been talked about but I would really like them to add super Saiyan hair depending on hairstyles

@Maskedfighter17 - 07.01.2025 01:45

Even if this were to be added, I don't think we would need it tbh because it's just gonna be another ki blast ssj form, which we already have with blue and blue evolution, there's a reason you don't see the ssj forms(much)in general but super vegeta in particular is unheard of now-a-days.

@Akirathesaiyan - 07.01.2025 02:11

Ngl y'all are all goofy u know what we need? A Playable Super Saiy-ant from dbssh

@SylonNostalgia - 07.01.2025 02:15

we need regular ss3 hair, not that thing

@RickJohnson-v6v - 07.01.2025 02:15

Instead of super vegeta 3 we should get a transformation only vegeta can do for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Ultra Ego Vegeta's newest transformation

@yaboikingkai3475 - 07.01.2025 02:19

I hope this doesn't happen. We don't need another Super Saiyan 3. We already have Super Saiyan 3. Give us something new. Give us SSJ4. Pls.

@EgUltra133 - 07.01.2025 02:26

i really hope they just slap SSJ3 on the Super Vegeta skill so there can atleast be SOME difference between the two variants other than their stats

@jtb5564 - 07.01.2025 02:42

Hi slo

@LORDCOOLER714 - 07.01.2025 02:44

I actually like the idea of that. Just add ssj3 for super vegeta so it would be super vegeta 3

@chloemotsinger2987 - 07.01.2025 02:53

Honestly I just want Super Sayain Rose' or Super Sayain 4 for cacs.

@buuman7703 - 07.01.2025 03:07

They still doing dlcs for zenoverse too this day? I thought they stop after ssb man I gotta start back playing now

@AstraFulminous - 07.01.2025 03:22

I recently watched a video of someone sculpt an accurate 3d model of SS3 Vegeta from scratch based on the Animation Sheets. This is the tippy top of what I think might be fun to learn.

@AstraFulminous - 07.01.2025 03:23

If it were to come with Super Vegeta I think it should work like Majin Boo and Beast. And change the combos of the avatars.

@AstraFulminous - 07.01.2025 03:26

Come on 7 Characters DLC. There are so many new things with Dragon Ball we nee to start uping how many we get a pack. Heck I'd take 10 cuz by the time it all comes out Daima might be over.

@GymarionBrown-c9f - 07.01.2025 03:41

WHEH revamp dropping there update

@audacityl3234 - 07.01.2025 04:17

Reading the comments, bro. We all want super Saiyan 4 awoken, but its not cannon, so i honestly feel we never get it. But daima is cannon, so sloplays, i think we will be getting an super vegeta third transformation awoken, but if it was up to me, i take either or

@mitsukibakugo9735 - 07.01.2025 04:48

Ssj4 would look stupid on female Saiyans thats a fact.

@SonicJayT - 07.01.2025 05:49

Super vegeta 3

@tnrteam4980 - 07.01.2025 06:21

nah, the form itself is good, but WE NEED SUPER SAIYAN 4

@burningfury6296 - 07.01.2025 06:25

To me, you're like the better Rikudoufox.

You don't clickbait. You aren't trying to hide yourself and swear on occasion. And show shit straight, no fakeouts.

I like yo shit, gang.

@skygun8632 - 07.01.2025 07:23

I that a Mod?

@Lordxzamasu - 07.01.2025 07:47

I’d much rather have Super saiyan 4 honestly getting the daiama ss3 would be a huge let down because i don’t see how they can make it interesting

@BernieTheDevastator - 07.01.2025 08:04

Another ssj3? If it HAS to be another Saiyan form, I’d rather they update future super saiyan to go future super saiyan two and then rage. But I want orange form for namekians. Or a god of destruction form cuz that can be for everyone

@Kirb5 - 07.01.2025 08:16

But what if i dont want my hairline messed up

@superluigi7108 - 07.01.2025 09:49

We should get SSJ 3 Vegeta for Vegeta custom

@aytgh - 07.01.2025 15:21

Super Vegeta Beast 3 fusion with adult Gon from Hunter X Hunter....

@GellyBoiz - 07.01.2025 17:09

Wait, from the chart it says SSG doesn't have any major stat increases other than Ki Generation??? Damn, I always feel so powerful when using it tho.

@Zippy9000 - 07.01.2025 17:24

Bandai, give us this and if u do. my bank account is all yours. give us or no money.

@x1crypted1x - 07.01.2025 18:51

slo do you still have the 4.3 patcher? i cant find it anywhere because for some reason the biggest modding resource doesnt keep older versions.

@tylerhawkins9614 - 08.01.2025 10:26

If we got this as a transformation and as a wig would be good for a raditz cac 🤔😎👍

@Aaron6IX - 08.01.2025 17:48

In the Next DLC They also Better give us the Potara Earrings as a Accessory Plus How did we not get them in Xenoverse 1 or the Beginning of 2

1 of the series Most Iconic Items not usable


Form ideas


SV3 SS4 and SSRosè Obviously


Buff Form ( Gives you an Attack Boost )


Power Awakening and Orange as 1 Form Slot if not then Separate


Super Awakening ( You Eat your other Half and Become Super ( CAC Name )

Frieza Race

Might be basic but a Full Power form Similar To the Buff Form but gives an Increase to a Different stat too

@jamesalexanderkaraba7037 - 09.01.2025 13:33

This is actually beast Vegeta 😂, but according to my view, DBXV2 failed on giving the fruit of training to our CACs, just think about it guys, when the game starts, and then shows Time partrollers lifting weights while ours cheated 😂🤣 gained them by fighting only 🤣😂

@jamesalexanderkaraba7037 - 09.01.2025 13:36

Ohh, ohh, if Toriyama Akira has made super Saiyan 3 Vegeta, then it might be official in DBXV3 😊, guys, I have no doubt that we will no be receiving any new awoken skills for DBXV2. If I could be in the team of content creation in DBXV3, I would have considered super Saiyan boosting a CaC's base form stats based on the CaC's training resulting to the power at a programed percentage transformation gives. What do you guys think?

@Ironhills87 - 11.01.2025 07:53

Awoken skill: super daima saiyan

@marquishester9874 - 25.01.2025 23:51

Definitely update to the SV skill. This game could make tons of money, they just added skills and transformations.

@M3stic - 30.01.2025 15:38

Nah just ssj4 or ui sign

@MrNogoodly - 05.02.2025 03:55

Ssj4 better

@SLOplays - 06.01.2025 18:13

We should definitely get an updated version of Super Vegeta that adds on SSJ3 Vegeta's transformation from Dragon Ball Daima! What do you think, how would this form work if we got if for CAC?
