Another 29 Details You Likely Missed in Phantom Liberty / Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

Another 29 Details You Likely Missed in Phantom Liberty / Cyberpunk 2077 2.0


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Handsome Tez
Handsome Tez - 21.10.2023 01:29

I'm very aware I might have gone a bit too "Michael Bay" with the editing and music in this one.

StarKushExoticGalaxy - 22.10.2023 16:46

Fav game all time idgaf

Alonso Mena
Alonso Mena - 22.10.2023 04:23

40k erebus is the literal worst

Mike Mode
Mike Mode - 21.10.2023 21:43

How many cyber psychos r there in dog town? In my 2 play throughs so far I think I’ve come across about 6 of em.. that might be all of em but I’m wondering if anyone knows an exact number

Horse Killer
Horse Killer - 21.10.2023 20:25

The red shirt npc is a character you first meet in the hotel bar in the heist mission. You can have an extended convo with him.

Robbe Lenaerts
Robbe Lenaerts - 21.10.2023 19:45

Dud you know you could find songbirds escape pod on the badlands side of dogtown idk where but i found it and johnny even comments smth on it

Anon Nymous
Anon Nymous - 21.10.2023 19:06

PEBKAC is kinda like a phrase we used to use as mechanics, that the problem is the "loose nut behind the wheel".

johnyrambo3 - 21.10.2023 19:04

it is not Netwatch zeroing voodo boys, its Alt. Netwatch installed spying hardware to VB and Alt finds it inconvenient, so fries all VB. She does the same to arasaka personnel during certain ending. AI solving human inconveniences.

OMAC-01 - 21.10.2023 18:18

Chose the Songbird ending and when you initially betray Reed you can still go and get Hansen's stuff. I went there and only found his guns so it could be a bug? Sucks tho I really wanted Fang

OMAC-01 - 21.10.2023 18:14

You best believe i was doing my best Major impression while fighting that spiderbot.

Helifax19 - 21.10.2023 17:44

Bigs & Wedge is from FF 7 :D

KURUNZI - 21.10.2023 17:09

I believe the “Somewhat Damaged” mission is a beautiful homage to the AKIRA manga, in particular Volume 2. When Kaneda goes to the underground lab to stop Tetsuo from releasing AKIRA. The massive elevator platform, the cold entrance to the lab and even the spherical capsule where you find Songbird is IMO greatly inspired by this book. Plus the lab/ military facility in the manga is also underneath the city and the below a huge Olympic stadium.
Phantom Liberty is an amazing expansion and a love letter to so many cyberpunk universes.

TheFisherKing - 21.10.2023 16:57

The Golden Fleece is a call back to Greek/Roman mythology

Bwaas - 21.10.2023 16:37

I would want to ask Mike Pondsmith if the Voodoo Boys are just an offshoot of "King Willie" From Predator 2. That Predator easter egg kind of says it all. If that is true wasn't King Willy an homage to "Screwface" from Marked for Death? If that's true does that mean Stephen Seagall is a part of the Cyberpunk universe? ME NO KNOW NO SCREWFACE!

Ella Mi
Ella Mi - 21.10.2023 15:36

So, I'm playing Phantom Liberty, and when you get to Dogtown, on your way to the crash site you hear someone taking polish. If you go there it's Michal Kincinski and Marcin Iwinski, and if you don't know who they are in not your friend anymore :)

Cryha87 - 21.10.2023 15:36

I hope the 2nd game is a prequel and either focuses on what Morgan Blackhand has been upto or the fallout of the 2023 Arasaka Tower attack

Saeed Azizi
Saeed Azizi - 21.10.2023 15:35

The toy trauma team AV is the cutest thing in this game😍

Stanislav Mologin
Stanislav Mologin - 21.10.2023 15:29

About the message from Songbird. The first thing is why is she jealous? Jealous of what? And when and where was this message recorded? If it was before sending her to the moon, her voice doesn’t sound so tired and feeble like at the end of Firestarter or at the beginning of The Killing Moon. If after, why does she still need to trust V? For me, this shard is very mysterious, and I cannot infer from it whether or not she is alive and okay on the Moon (or did she return already?)

Rubix003 - 21.10.2023 15:25

"Problem Exist between Keyboard and Chair" is a -219 error on old Macintosh system (pre system 10)

Jack Seven
Jack Seven - 21.10.2023 15:25

Electric animals are probably a reference to "do androids dream of electric sheep?"

Zack Zeed
Zack Zeed - 21.10.2023 14:42

It's kinda relatable to watch these kinds of videos, i also always go around sniffing everywhere to hunt for more lore, secrets and easter eggs, therefore my philosphy in these games is always do everything optional first... and go around the entire map (just in case)! xD
I mean who cares about items and such, I want lore! That's what matters! =)

Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 21.10.2023 14:31

Tez, I really like ur vids, plz keep making Cyberpunk content for years!! We are down, and I like how much u “reach” sometimes with ur theories!! “Tez sees hat” also tez: “is that Jack Sparrow’s hat?!”, but with this game u really, every step there is reference to amazing movies/shows/things 😂😂

pajb666 - 21.10.2023 14:30

F*** Erebus!!

Olivia Smart
Olivia Smart - 21.10.2023 14:00

Here's a detail for you: after completing the Spaceport raid with Songbird, if you return there there is a memorial terminal letting you know who perished. Gillian Jordan and a few other familiar names are on there.

Tomasz - 21.10.2023 13:57

Phantom Liberty has lootboxes and is pay to win. Lootboxes - buying random clothes with €$, p2w - buying skill shards from the vendor in the stadium.

e gads
e gads - 21.10.2023 12:12


Brad Bee
Brad Bee - 21.10.2023 10:22

The jump off into garbage is exactly like edgerunners with David
Need I say more

Jhonadane Ureta-Veloso
Jhonadane Ureta-Veloso - 21.10.2023 10:08

Hey chooms if you start as a corpo, you will be flyed in one of those rayfield AVs to Lizzie's at the very start. And yes they will serve champagne in case you want to see how that works

leviathan - 21.10.2023 10:02

In the airport theres a shard called "my last wish" from a character called "Y" wishing her lover to scatter her ashes from the highest peak on the moon... Very on the nose and heartbreaking witcher reference

Logan Sager
Logan Sager - 21.10.2023 08:02

If you have the erebus and do the delemain quest. At the end when youre given an option and talk to jhonny the blackwall ai has some interesting dialoge. Thought id throw that out there. Curious if theres more dialoge from erebus in other missions.

Minh Hoang Nguyen
Minh Hoang Nguyen - 21.10.2023 06:52

Me who runs full NUSA outfit and not get side eyes from Hansen xD

Bailey Bailey
Bailey Bailey - 21.10.2023 06:23

Haha you caught me with that Meow at the end 😂❤

orangeglow57 - 21.10.2023 06:11

Arent biggs and wedge in like every final fantasy game?

Argue Kayes
Argue Kayes - 21.10.2023 06:01

For the texts you get to craft the gun/cyberdeck. If you dont craft either of them, every few days theyll text you saying something along the lines of “its interesting you haven’t crafted anything and harnessed the great power” pushing you to craft them. i started a new playthrogh after that so i cant say if the text continue.

Dominik Skeries
Dominik Skeries - 21.10.2023 05:42

golden fleece isn’t that a greek mythology reference?

Will Smith
Will Smith - 21.10.2023 05:40

if you dont do the gig where you take out Jotaro in Watson before the big party you can find him next to maiko in the black sapphire

Eli Dekay
Eli Dekay - 21.10.2023 05:07

The terminal font is the Terminator font

Moheeheeko - 21.10.2023 04:02

PEBKAC = "Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair"

Graham W
Graham W - 21.10.2023 03:55

"Erebus in 40k", ahem, FUCK EREBUS!

Darkroot Garden
Darkroot Garden - 21.10.2023 03:51

This probably isn't the best place to ask this but maybe someone can help me out. Is there any way to get the La Chingona Dorada (Jackie's iconic pistols) if you start a new game by skipping directly to Phantom Liberty? It's not at the El Coyote bar and the Dogtown merchant does not sell it.

Phat Cat
Phat Cat - 21.10.2023 03:46

Real ones wait for the meow ∆

SAD_X_LOVE - 21.10.2023 03:31

jackie wells drink pops up not long after hes gone been there since release lul there is also david and johhny drink too.

1aniztop - 21.10.2023 03:22

if you shoot the bargeist ship youll get 4 star imediatly

Simmer Pete
Simmer Pete - 21.10.2023 03:10

I’m on my 68th save and never finished. Lol Have had the game 3yrs. It’s a great game and there is so much to find and do. I’m constantly learning new things and love collecting everything. Yes I’m a habitual restarter. But I do always finish all main story missions.

Tauan Werneck
Tauan Werneck - 21.10.2023 03:08

I believe that Militech Canto is a reference to Dante's Inferno.

Kajos - 21.10.2023 03:08

biggs and wedge has been in almost every single amin line final fantasy its a final fantasy egg

BABA YAGA 50 - 21.10.2023 02:54

in the ncpd scanner hustle there is a boss called yelena this is clearly a nod to deus ex human revolution boss yelena fedorova and they both look the same

Arthur Alford
Arthur Alford - 21.10.2023 02:42

Mike Pondsmith has said publicly that Nibbles is a decedent of Deathwish
