Major Dick Winters on Albert Blithe SURVIVING World War II (Band of Brothers)

Major Dick Winters on Albert Blithe SURVIVING World War II (Band of Brothers)

Patrick Johnson

3 года назад

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Mr. Yak
Mr. Yak - 17.09.2023 17:54

Not too shabby indeed.

SirClownsALot - 17.09.2023 12:39

wow cant believe the show said he died in 48

Alec - 17.09.2023 01:44

Imagine surviving a bullet to the neck just for some TV show to come out half a century later and make the most famous thing about you DYING to that bullet in the neck.

90aungmyo myat
90aungmyo myat - 07.09.2023 19:42

After he recovered his wounded, he didn't come back to his unit in WW2?

Nicholas Norliffe
Nicholas Norliffe - 01.09.2023 05:21

how did winters only get to major seems incredible

alex stewart
alex stewart - 31.08.2023 02:42

He jumped in Korea. Massive respect

El del cable
El del cable - 31.08.2023 02:03

Dick winters was a gentleman

Nicholas Brakespear
Nicholas Brakespear - 30.08.2023 12:43

I find it odd that a lot of people evidently saw the Band of Brothers depiction and thought it reflected negatively on him. It really didn't. His fear was justifiable, and his bravery in overcoming it was heroic.

NipplWizard - 29.08.2023 22:13

Courage is being scared to death and saying," screw it" and going anyway.

dowbowski - 27.08.2023 11:08

Wow! At the end of episode 3, they say he never recovered from his wound. Yet, he actually went and served in the Korean war and earned the silver and bronze star?? To add little embellishments for entertainment purposes is one thing, but to totally disgrace this man's service and legacy is shameful!

Walter Debnam
Walter Debnam - 27.08.2023 03:32

Thank You for making it clear about Albert Blythe. I don't know why they wrote that in there??? Hollywood! They will always find a way to mess it up when the story is perfect the way it really happened!

Ed Pra
Ed Pra - 16.08.2023 22:22

I loved Band of Brothers but it is not right that the series depicted this man so poorly. He deserved better.

Tom Bystander
Tom Bystander - 15.08.2023 00:29

This man and his generation were unreal. Absolute granite

The Nomad
The Nomad - 14.08.2023 03:41

Ohhhhh…. The waving flag banner is so obnoxiously patriotic…
Just stop the flag waving … it’s as nauseating as the rainbow flag…

Kate Cole
Kate Cole - 13.08.2023 04:01

People like to think of heroes as fearless. But true heroes go into battle despite their fears.

Plomien 1234
Plomien 1234 - 12.08.2023 23:42

Ten serial kłamie....

The Big Show
The Big Show - 12.08.2023 06:32

I am the son of a WWII airborne infantry soldier, a corporal. Having watched my father all my life until his death and watching the interviews of the men of his generation, I am made profoundly aware of 2 things.
1. We are nothing like this generation today
2. In losing them we have lost something we will never regain

stormthrush37 - 11.08.2023 07:14

I hope at some point the official Band of Brothers goes back and sets the record straight, at least for how things ended up. Pretty easy too, all they'd have to do is change the title card or whatever it's called from saying he died to that he nearly died but recovered and went on to serve in Korea with distinction, etc.

TheFunkhouser - 09.08.2023 16:18

Rest In Peace Maj D Winters 🤨😓🙏❤💯

TreeBrother - 09.08.2023 02:00

Wow! Thank you Major Winters for setting the record straight. Even years later you're still looking after your men, Your Brothers. Just goes to show how a series or movie can shape perception of someone for the positive or negative. Blithe looks to have turned out closer to Spears in the end hey. Whatever you said to him in that moment must of been pretty profound. At least to Blithe. Great to hear that he found his way and was able to come home and enjoy some peace.

R B - 04.08.2023 04:15

Major Winters got a couple of things incorrect there. Blithe was still in the army when died and he died in Germany

Stephen Tolfo
Stephen Tolfo - 29.07.2023 09:05

I’m so happy to hear this story. Hero in every sense.

Kaos&Riot - 23.07.2023 16:05

Wow I need to read up on easy company more

Bryan Joachim
Bryan Joachim - 22.07.2023 04:17

Now a stand-up guy.

J Jojo
J Jojo - 20.07.2023 09:53

hbo did hint at this... to be fair... when he picked up the flower that was the mark of the true warrior and dawned it, he meant it. AAAARO! MR BLITHE!

J Jojo
J Jojo - 20.07.2023 09:50

WHOA! what!?

Nookumwoogy - 20.07.2023 07:49

Blithe actually won, not 1, but THREE (3) Bronze Stars; and eventually was promoted to Master sergeant (non combat, post-war).

fusger Snabble
fusger Snabble - 18.07.2023 23:10

Still keeping watch over his men. I never knew this about blithe, yes the movie made him look like a coward, mentally unfit wierdo

DATo DATonian
DATo DATonian - 17.07.2023 16:58

I can forgive them for not being able to tell what happened to Blythe because a record center containing an enormous amount of information about WWII soldiers located in St. Louis, Missouri had burnt down and many of the records of these men were lost. What I can NEVER forgive the series for is LYING about what happened to him. They should have simply told the truth said that no records pertaining to Blythe could be found because of the fire. [EDIT] A cousin of mine, an M.P., who saved the lives of numerous German POW's when they came under air attack by German fighters was awarded a Bronze Star but didn't receive it until late in his life as a result of the loss of the same records which were destroyed with Blythe's. [END EDIT]

There were many other errors which have never been brought to light.

Actually, Ambrose - or perhaps it was the fault of the miniseries - got a lot of other things wrong too. Ambrose has received all of the accolades for writing the book which the miniseries was based upon, but the leg work was done by graduate students who traveled all over the USA and the world to collect the information. Apparently Ambrose did little to corroborate their findings. For example ....

I just finished reading David Kenyon Webster's book, 'Parachute Infantry' and his accounts differ remarkably with some of the things in the miniseries. For instance: perhaps you remember the scene where they are riding by in vehicles when some French soldiers pull several German soldiers from a building and shoot them in cold blood and Perconte just looks at O'Keef and shrugs. In reality this did not occur in France but in Germany and they weren't German soldiers in hiding but children. There were three young German boys just walking along, one of whom was wearing a German military coat, probably because he was cold, and a French SOB shot him. The other boys began to cry and pray and he shot another. Webster said when they they had driven out of view he heard the third shot. Webster was not part of the assault on the house in Haguenau to get prisoners - he was on the bank operating a machine gun. There was no "Jackson" who was accidentally injured by a grenade he had thrown. Someone did die but it was after they had returned from the mission to get the prisoners. The Germans shelled them from across the river and a shell exploded near the place they had taken the German prisoners and that's how the guy got hit. Johnny Martin did not lead the assault - the American lieutenant (Jones) did. The wine cellar that Winters took Nixon to did not happen like that either. Lutz found the place being ransacked by a bunch of different units. He managed to fill a small vehicle with bottles of champagne and took them back to Easy Company. Webster and another guy returned with Lutz to get more. He said the place had no light as it did in the miniseries and they had to use matches and cigarette lighters to see and the floor was covered with wine and broken glass. The Eagle's Nest was not neat and orderly like it is in the miniseries. It was a total wreck after much allied bombing. The book was a real eye-opener which causes me to now doubt many of the other things shown in the miniseries. Remember, Webster died at sea in the 1960s so his book was written LONG before Steven Ambrose's accounts and Webster's recollections would have been relatively fresh. And ....just for the record .... Webster was THERE and Ambrose and his grad students weren't.

Bill Guarnere also stated that Liebgott was not Jewish - he was Catholic, but much of Liebgott's characterization in the series was based upon his character's Jewish ethnicity.

Robert Legacy
Robert Legacy - 17.07.2023 03:04

Why did they misrepresent his life like that? That pisses me off

Ron Pillar
Ron Pillar - 15.07.2023 19:38

Any war movie about the US is not true. They fail half the time to mention how the Allies saved their asses especially the Canadian forces who did most of the fighting and the US took the credit

Duncan S
Duncan S - 15.07.2023 14:12

Finding the best in his men right to the end

Ilham Kinas
Ilham Kinas - 14.07.2023 06:39

but in the movie it said that blithe kia because of his wounded

michael woehl
michael woehl - 13.07.2023 21:41

Guy got no respect on Band of Brothers, purple heart, silver star, bronze star, should have gotten much more respect and reality. Was a hero. They were all heroes, still a little truth and fairness goes a long way.

Not My Name
Not My Name - 12.07.2023 22:54

Both Blythe and Lt Dike where portrayed very unfairly by BoB. Dike in particular was shown in a terrible light when, in fact, he never showed cowardice and was only replaced by Spiers because he had been wounded. Personally i find it inexcusable to portray somebody as a coward simply for dramatic effect, these men were heroes who in many cases gave everything. They deserved more respect.

Bulldog - 12.07.2023 20:52

Great series, but they did blithe wrong.

Blair Cardinal
Blair Cardinal - 12.07.2023 14:58

You are my hero mr winters I tell my child of what hero’s should be and look like ur it and god bless the other hero’s left over there sir

kane Porter
kane Porter - 10.07.2023 15:40

I am glad i saw this as Blithe was judged unfairly compared to the rest, i’m glad he carried on.

mike mcGilicutty
mike mcGilicutty - 09.07.2023 02:38


Jaime Barr
Jaime Barr - 02.07.2023 02:23

С удовольствием смотрю ваши ролики

Peremalfait - 01.07.2023 20:25

In the series Blithe is portrayed as a tragic figure, but knowing the full story the real man's life was anything but tragic. To think after all he'd been through he volunteered to fight again in Korea and became a decorated war hero.

Lightning Brigade
Lightning Brigade - 25.06.2023 13:20

I want to thank all the men in women who have served this country during times of peace and war. To all the combat veterans who have faced hell and suffered survival guilt, Thankyou! And my biggest gratitude and heart felt thanks goes to the fallen who have sacrificed their lives so that I can endure freedom. Much love and respect to the military wives and husband's who wait for their loved ones to come home unharmed. My heart weighs heavy on the families of the fallen, for they surfer the loss of a loved one that they will never hold in their arms again... Thankyou and Godbless ( I love my athiest veterans as well)💜 🇺🇲🦅

David - 14.06.2023 14:34

Blithe was a god damn hero

Richard Dombakly
Richard Dombakly - 12.06.2023 03:28

Who in this world is more trustworthy than Richard Winters,?

Braize6 - 11.06.2023 23:24

Just watched BoB again last week, and Blithe's ending is still not fixed. This really needs to be remedied. They did an entire episode based on this soldier, and ended up botching the ending. Yes, I do understand that there was a mistake in some book or information where they did actually think that Blithe passed away just after WW2. But we know now that isn't the case. I mean the guy was Division Trooper of the Year, and was awarded a Silver Star. BoB is a great show, but this really is a bad spot in the series

Andrew Hacker
Andrew Hacker - 11.06.2023 10:23

How did HBO get their research so wrong with Mr Blithe!

xmas eveeve
xmas eveeve - 10.06.2023 22:30

No thanks.

Grossman2868 - 10.06.2023 00:39

In the closing credits, I couldn't understand why they stated that Blythe died from his wounds when I had read exactly what Major Winters states in this video. What was the point??

Tom - 07.06.2023 05:00

That’s upsetting none of that was mentioned in the series
