HEATED Argument: Muslim vs Former Muslim Who Left To Follow Jesus!

HEATED Argument: Muslim vs Former Muslim Who Left To Follow Jesus!

Nick Jones

3 недели назад

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@EddieTomasi-x8r - 28.07.2024 00:26

Yeah, but man, you're faithful to the wrong scriptures. Its not the scriptures from God ulle!!! Jesus never killed anyone and that's why he said do not kill.
Mohammed killed alot of Muslims and that's why he said you can kill.
Muslims brothers are listening to human Mohammed, and Christians are listening to lord jesus.

@str8rzr145 - 28.07.2024 00:18

I wonder how long these two on the islamic side would last in a sharia law country...I wager they both live in the United States.

@Russell_Che - 27.07.2024 23:50

It is obvious that the guy realized that Muslims are right, and he had nothing to say, and so in conclusion he again brought up the topic of execution for apostasy, about marrying a 9-year-old (although, in the Bible, in the Old Testament, the god, which they consider Jesus to be, allows marriage to girls 3 years and one day old, with confirmation of marriage by sexual intercourse, which was said in the video). This is a very illustrative example of Christian hypocrisy and love of lies, if it is beneficial to them...

@pakman4790 - 27.07.2024 21:07

lol this is funny. You clearly ignored all the Bible versus that are similar to the ones in the Quran regarding blasphemy, marriage, and apostasy. Hypocrites 😄

@Globalizetheintifadahoe92 - 27.07.2024 20:20

down low brotha

@user-qi9db7rz8o - 27.07.2024 13:50

My dear brother, that was the old testament , the new testament is of love , peace and understanding, your Quran is still saying to kill till today, you unset because that man became Christian.

@blissfully348 - 27.07.2024 12:10

Towards the end of this argument you said Jesus is going to be violent when he comes to reward and establish his kingdom, the beautiful things here is that he will never give human that power to be violent unlike Muslims and then it's very logical to say that this is an act of God and not human. Our arguments and dissatisfaction about Islam is that human kill human, instead of them allowing their Allah to do that. And if Allah does that, we will understand and respect it as an act of God not human. Christians don't kill and won't kill. In revelation Christians won't be violent, but the Lord Jesus Chris will himself serve justice. So here is my point, why not the Muslims leave the Allah to punish and kill people who are not Islam by himself instead of sending you to do it?
It's here that we are all offended all over the world, Islam is not peaceful.

@Zak_Nike - 27.07.2024 07:15

95%, 5% ? lol, wow this guy come out with about 95% guff, when trying to defend his indefensible ideology

@GevToros - 27.07.2024 05:54

Read a book, or call CP.

@Samaritans0 - 27.07.2024 05:53

Im so proud of my muslim brothers defending us. The truth is finally coming out! You see what they are doing to Palestinians in the name of democracy??

@Xaviguey - 27.07.2024 05:18

The double standard of Christians. You don't follow the very law that Jesus said to follow. End of story. You can't have a conversation with people that throw their own book out the window. They are pagans

@selim996 - 27.07.2024 02:29

We didnt hear your comment about the muslim gentlemen points related to the old testament laws ( blasphemy, marrying girls in early age , killing apostate ect..) ..as if you purposely avoided that

@yeseniahernandez3895 - 26.07.2024 20:42

Wherever islam enters death and fear takeover

@KicksPunch - 26.07.2024 19:46

after watching this how can anyone still stand for muslim religion they just proved Islam's prophet did everything to use God's name to justify all his wrong doings.

@milderwritings1539 - 26.07.2024 19:32

You dont have to be genius to understand christianity is devils way.

@natashamarume2563 - 26.07.2024 15:42

When he said, they believe that Jesus is coming back, I was like my gosh, does that not show the lie of the devil.

He will mix a truth with a lie, and to top it off, this makes the bible even more true, that Jesus died on the cross and he rose again and as the bible says he is coming back to Judge the world.

The thing is not everyone that says they Christian is a follower of Jesus. Let us remember that.
I don’t stand for religion but for relationship with Jesus Christ

@natashamarume2563 - 26.07.2024 15:35

The bible say Jesus came to fulfill the law, the old testament just gives us a mirror of what happened to the isrealites, but it does not apply to the new believer in Jesus Christ.
The believer in Jesus are told to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, souls and mind. By doing this you except what Jesus did on the cross and you believe the Word which is the bible, we receive the Holy Spirit which helps us to understand God’s Word better and lead us into all truth.

As I watch this video is obvious for a person that is not filled with the Holy Spirit that they cannot understand the Word or believe in it.

Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and you shall be saved.

@JB-jc4op - 26.07.2024 12:28

No, sir, hes not d same Jesus Christians follow, muslims follows another jesus.

@COMONSONAJ - 26.07.2024 08:35

Muslims seem violent… Christianity is the opposite

@paracetamolplays - 26.07.2024 08:25

Btw I welcome to everyone who wants to become hindu . peaceful religion ever

@Abu-Yazid22 - 25.07.2024 23:27

Christian preachers themselves all admit that Muslims won this debate!!

@magicpin - 25.07.2024 22:22

This is why religion and state should be separated freedom of religion and freedom from religion

@discipleofthelord8564 - 25.07.2024 22:16

Lol crazy how they don't understand the difference between the Old and New Covenant

@musab960 - 25.07.2024 21:01

Killing of apostates is also in the bible. Bunch of hypocrites

@donezo116 - 25.07.2024 16:14

What's funny is that, allah has made them commit adultery. he has fixed it and they can't escape it. Sahih muslim 2658a this religion buries itself. Poor Muslims. God bless, Avery of Godlogic and Sam and all of the apologists dismantling these demonic doctrines called the quran, sunnah and ahadith.

@IgnasNengai - 25.07.2024 14:23

Dude, liberal idiology was Greek influence into western civilization. How do u possibly justify the Islamic penalty of apostacy to the value of human being. Speaking from a christian perspective. Thankyou

@moemo1798 - 25.07.2024 14:12

These muslim converts eloquently talk alot, but they never answered one thing. They are masters of deflection, they have been practicing this for years. I'm syrian Christian, if I criticized Mohamad in Syria, I would be killed very quickly. But these guys if they speak against Jesus or the system in a secular country, nothing would happen to them. Somehow, they tied foreign wars into all of this.

@moemo1798 - 25.07.2024 13:37

95 % of this glass is water. 5% is poison. Drink it.

@DaanishVassen - 25.07.2024 09:09

Look at those two ex muslims their faces look seriously depressed and then look at the faces of the other two muslims it's full of light , if that don't give you a hint I dunno what will..

@DaanishVassen - 25.07.2024 09:05

Jesus isn't God , God Is God

@stephenasniff4486 - 25.07.2024 08:03

Millions of Christians are leaving Christianity and becoming Muslim. The comments are very foolish, if you are Christian then how do you explain the Bible saying that Apostates if found guilt get the death penalty. You are mocking Islam when you believe that Jesus revealed to kill the apostate in the bible. Christians do not believe in their own books. That is why you have Gay priests and Trans coming into your church.

@stephenasniff4486 - 25.07.2024 07:58

He criticizes Islam and the same thing is written in his book. The difference is Christians have diluted their faith and choose what to follow. No one has the right to change Gods laws. Muslims actually follow the faith and do not change the books to suit their desires.

@SydSquid856 - 25.07.2024 07:03

They failed to mention WHY the law changed. Why didn't they mention the cross?

@abumusaryan4697 - 25.07.2024 04:47

The blindness after seeing that from you the channel guy is astounding. How you can sit there and tolerate hearsay stories in comparison to actual evidence based critique and react to things like " i know many cases bla bla 1 in libia" meaningless hearsay claim. This is an emotionally failed human being who despises those he betrayed. And after coherent arguments you had zero effect but clung to idiotic cheap shots as your reason for aligning one or or the other!

What a waste of time this was

@terrimorris6962 - 25.07.2024 02:52

Who are these two white guys...rididculous! They are just control and power hungry ......sad!!

@pikaxhuboi7222 - 24.07.2024 23:33

ANTI RELIGIONS… are the best policies.. after these ideologies humans achieved alot of things.. while under religion we were fkd..

@asifsnow707 - 24.07.2024 20:31

This is your agenda to make Christians hate muslims . Pretty shameful for yourself . Money is what you want to be famous and make it seem like islam is pure hate when we cast the devil out in the name of God and yet you dont and thats why JEUSE will tell you guys get away from him he does not knwo ya . You will say but we called you lord lord. And thats where you faiked and didnt listen to him when he said to ya that the father is the only one worthy of worship. Your lord is one not 3

@asifsnow707 - 24.07.2024 20:27

Brother i will just say this that you have only money in your eyes cuz your making it seem like we are angry and want to kill ppl . Yet we try to bring everyone to Islam and save all humanity. We do not have a mosque on this EARTH that is just one race . Like your churchs n you should focus on getting all the Christians to agree with eachother. Instead of trying to go against God LAW . But I understand why you guys do this because you guys go against your own teachings. So obviously you want to fight against anything that's pure

@stellaruben793 - 24.07.2024 18:43

Islam is violent

@rudedregodutorpe8514 - 24.07.2024 16:37

Islam is cult, imagine just leaving your religion, death is the punishment, that's not from God but satan.

@menswear5365 - 24.07.2024 12:17

You don't need any holy book or any god to become a good human being.

@zevfeistory - 24.07.2024 11:06

imagine getting executed for having different beliefs.

@logov2414 - 24.07.2024 10:41

What was the age of consent in Delaware in 1880?

7 years

In 1880, 37 states had an age of consent of 10 years, 10 states had an age of consent at 12 years, and Delaware had an age of consent of 7 years.

@daveboyd8113 - 24.07.2024 09:44

Ok so why did God order the genocide of the Canaanites and Jesus in the New Testament , Covenant, say love your enemies? The wiping out of the Canaanites on God's orders was because they had been sacrificing their babies on the red hot hands of the bonze idol called Moloch during a drunken debauched drunken frenzy of idol worship for over 400 yrs and not repented. Israel was chosen by God to go into Canaan and carry out God's divine justified judgement on them. It was not just an idea that Israel had to "gain land" BUT was done in obedience to God's just judgement on the extremely wicked Canaanites. The western world is in that same state now concerning the deliberate murder of babies in the womb- not different. Islam uses this OT judgement as an excuse to murder today. Muhammad was the direct opposite to the Man Jesus in conduct, morality and purpose, you literally could not find such an opposite comparison. Jesus came to fulfill the demands of the Law for the sinner{ muhammad and muslims included} and issued in the age of God's grace and forgiveness MOTIVATED by the Father's love for the sinner. A concept so for8iegn to the quran. Islams quran never once says allah is love, never once declares allah is a Father, Islam's quran never oince says that allah is Love, Quran never once says the words "muhammad is in heaven". Quran declares in q 4:158 that " Jesus is in Heaven"- no such statement says " muhammad is in Heaven". Islam produces slave to the harshness of Sharia law, Jesus brings sinners into a relationship with the Father thru repentance, Baptism in water and the Holy Spirit, based on His willingly going to the cross taking upon Himself what was due to us, defeating death and granting us Eternal Life. Thereis NO COMPARISON between Islams slavery to empty religious repetitive religious rituals and the relationship with the Living Jesus offed by Grace thru Faith.

@nouryacineyu8377 - 24.07.2024 09:38

That is why I love islam so bad there Is always a reason and facts and evidence ❤❤❤❤❤

@doritosmix73 - 24.07.2024 08:04

Islam is counterfeit.

@doritosmix73 - 24.07.2024 08:04

Muslims don't understand the chronology of the Bible. All of it leads to Christ.
