I tried a £40 Aldi Bread Maker!

I tried a £40 Aldi Bread Maker!

Barry Lewis

1 год назад

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@bkmiller5970 - 14.05.2024 15:57

I made a lemon loaf from a box mix and it turned out great. 🎉

@TRSF1RACING - 09.05.2024 17:37

Can you put the amount of ingredients for the cake please

@vegabotain - 09.05.2024 04:00

I made banana nut bread in the cake setting, but I didn't use yeast but baking powder, it was really good! also sometimes if the top is a little underdone, you just have to leave it unopened for 10 15 more mins and the residual heat finishes the work

@bobbofly - 18.04.2024 11:33

Yeah, adding the flour outside the machine is deffo the way to go, trust me. I've a Sanyo SBM15 which is the same size, & the way I do it is to use a large plastic measuring cup from the dollar-store to hold the dry ingredients & an old tupperware style sour cream tub for the water, if I need to add an egg yolk to it. Then I like to mix the dry ingredients in the measuring cup with a plastic disposable butterknife I keep for the purpose, after which I add in the yeast & stir that in as well. only takes 1 to sometimes 1 & 1/4 tsp quick yeast is all my for unit, depending on the recipe. Pour the water/water & egg yolk into the pan, pour the dry in after, snap the pan into the machine & set the controls. easy-peasy.

@kettlebops4271 - 16.04.2024 21:01

My dog barked at my bread maker the first couple of times as well😂 Lidl machine, much bigger container than that one I think.

@Polzeath70 - 13.04.2024 20:49

Wimp Alert !!!

@mikj29 - 11.04.2024 16:42

49 pounds is more 50 than 40

@Hjominbonrun - 28.03.2024 12:54

raisins mixed with chocolate?
There are dark places for people like you.

@adnan9520 - 23.03.2024 07:16

I have an old model made in Japan Welbilt bread machine. So simple to use and makes perfect loaves everytime

@welshcaesar - 23.03.2024 06:24

Get the Panasonic dude. Your wife deserves it.

@deannatrois1 - 14.03.2024 15:10

Love the review - so funny and informative.., for £40 you can't complain. It looks like it makes bread better than my previous panasonic breadmaker, which was three times the price. I now use a two paddle machine.

@V081WLBlue - 08.03.2024 16:55

Title says £40, liar!!!!!!! lol thumbs up

@paranoidgenius9164 - 04.03.2024 20:20

Did you wash the inner tin & paddle before first use?
The bread looked like a giant muffin!😮 What an oddly shaped tin!🤔
From all what I see coming out, it looks rather dry going by the sound of the clump! When you cut a slice & the slice falls over.

@monicaguokas1869 - 04.03.2024 11:00

We used it daily when my kids were in school. Favorite was waking up to a pumpkin bread. Not the one with a cup of surgar, but the yeasted 2 tablespoons of sugar. Warm with a bit of butter was my kids favorite! So good.

@justwondering3048 - 27.02.2024 22:59

Did you change the settings from light medium ,& dark ?? And there's other ways of making cake in your bread maker you don't have to use yeast check out online❤ glad I found your video I've been wanting to use my bread maker 😊❤ ..plz have some videos I would like to share with you PLZ go over to ( Maara Gould ) watch his video titled ( The Antichrist , Disease X , The Second Woe ) plz go watch the whole entire VIDEO from START 2 FINISH.. and like with all videos take it to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth in prayer ask HIM to show you HIS truth HIS whole TRUTH and NOTHING but HIS TRUTH 🦁🐑🔥🗡️

@nildarodriguez3974 - 22.02.2024 16:51

I bought an Oster bread machine (hardly used) with the booklet and gadgets for a low price at the Goodwill. Works great! If money is an issue, consider buying it second hand.
PS: There are several channels such as this one that offer tips and options for your delectables such as cookie dough and sweet breads.

@CynRacing - 17.02.2024 15:21

You mean £49

@myaccountname432 - 17.02.2024 04:01

Any idea how to use it for yogurt. It does not expalin in my manual.

@beemoh - 11.02.2024 19:33

I wonder how the 'Stir-Fry Peanuts' setting would handle popcorn?

@g143h - 03.02.2024 17:19

I just brought my bread maker out the other day. Trying to find the perfect sandwich wheat bread recipe.

@coolestson7547 - 22.01.2024 19:34

Worth the money 😮

@denewf - 22.01.2024 18:57

I've done a whole chicken in mine lol... just popped the paddles out and way to go lol. And jam

@Educationey - 16.01.2024 03:34

The hole in the bread is not a downside; it is an opportunity to make toad in the hole.

@ruthanneluvsvacuuming6653 - 11.01.2024 01:40

My aunt made the best homemade bread I’ve ever had
She made it fresh from the oven for every meal every day by hand until her cancer advanced too far and she passed away

@ruthannjohnson1640 - 06.01.2024 03:40

I want one

@Challway - 04.01.2024 04:40


@opdjasin - 03.01.2024 15:51

Why your cake looks like that? I bought my bread maker for half the price and I tried the cake recipe from the recipe book they gave me and the cake turned out moist and pretty decent. Not as good as standard oven cake but def way better than your "cake" 😂. Also, I know it's late but you can always remove the pedal before baking so your bread/cake won't have a huge hole at the bottom.

@JaeleNistra - 02.01.2024 06:49

49 isn't 40. why not just say 50?

@willy.c - 02.01.2024 03:50

things we've learnt: barry doesn't know the difference between steam and smoke and he thinks lightsabers are from back to the future.

@sydnerd - 01.01.2024 18:13

omg a metal tool on non-stick coating what are you doing :D

@beldin6929 - 30.12.2023 22:13

People have discovered bread maker after it existed almost two decades??

@qmurec - 30.12.2023 21:46

oil? sugar? sounds more like cake...

@dodiswatchbobobo - 30.12.2023 04:25

I use the bread maker to make dough then bake it like normal because those square loaves are ridiculous

@Johnjoe321 - 28.12.2023 02:31

I use mine only for mixing dough for rolls, pizzas etc

@Kingr909 - 28.12.2023 00:51

Do you know after the first alarm you’re supposed to take out the mixer that they used to mix it and put the door back in and finish cooking if you do that you won’t have the hole in the bread

@KibaSnowpaw - 27.12.2023 15:31

My question when it comes to stuff like that is always: How much wattage does it use, and is it lower wattage than if you did it in an oven? And is it any faster at all? I mean, if I have a mixer and a form ready, and the oven is heated up (which I think you make ready while mixing the dough, either by hand or in a dough mixer), it is something people never talk about, and that is the most important question, if you ask me.

@JasonSmith-qx3zh - 27.12.2023 04:30

Maybe because you clean the flour off the elements ⁉️🤷

@cuteandfluffypikachu3405 - 25.12.2023 17:57

I wonder if you could make popcorn in there 😆😆😆

@lelandunruh7896 - 24.12.2023 10:12

My bread maker is older than my wife and still works just fine. Yeah, it isnt quite as tasty as when I make beead the normal way, but golly is it easy!

@maxthekit - 24.12.2023 03:42

Does anybody have link for a US equivalent for the product they're using

@Bioshyn - 23.12.2023 23:03

isn't that basically a ricecooker with a kneading paddle?

@dorothybrown8859 - 23.12.2023 16:42

Perhaps the smoke was the initial burn-off.

@arizonad8012 - 22.12.2023 20:06

I mine opinion those bread makers make very bad and dense bread....

@matthewtrow5698 - 22.12.2023 19:23

It's a tough one, right (maybe the bread too), but £40 is a ridiculous price - and it does look, from watching this video, that you get what you pay for.
Not everyone is going to be able to afford to splash out on the next level or two up, but they probably should if they can!
I do wonder how long this device will last at that price point.

I had a panasonic one, that arguably was 3x the price of this, that lasted 7 years until I gave it to someone on freecycle - it was still working.
Got a newer replacement version because you really can't beat that kind of longevity these days.

If this £40 device lasts 7 years, I'd be amazed - perhaps it will, who knows?
However, I have to say, the loafs you are getting out of this device are ... somewhat less than attractive and evenly baked 😆

Buy cheap, buy twice? - you'll have to let us know in a future video!

@againstallodds6055 - 22.12.2023 04:10

Hilarious 😅😂 Give me your address I’m sending hot pads. I made bread the old fashioned way and my brother in love always seemed to be there but the bread quickly disappeared

@miguelangelsucrelares5009 - 21.12.2023 23:13

I wonder what kind of bread you guys eat on a regular basis, because those loaves didn't look good at all... 🤣🤣

@BigBass63 - 21.12.2023 06:07

Reading the comments looks like this machine comes with a curse, you are cursed to not fit in your clothes as long as the machine is nearby.

@delladearest2511 - 21.12.2023 00:51

Your video popped up and I’m watching you have fun with your new toy.
Before you make your first bread, the unit is supposed to be cleaned first to burn off the smoke you were getting!
