What’s wrong with Montreal?

What’s wrong with Montreal?

The New Travel

1 год назад

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@grahaml3449 - 30.03.2024 00:54

We had these exact same conversations 50 years ago when I lived there. Nothing really changes!

@kidfromnyc2353 - 29.03.2024 18:27

Of course the Moroccan Canadian will bring up racism. It's all the point to. Racism this, Racism that.

@handsh1fs631 - 26.03.2024 01:46

comparing francois legault with donald trump is the most ridiculous thing i've heard.. 🤦‍♂

@user-bp1mx4me6e - 22.03.2024 18:05


@user-jm7kc4bm8m - 16.03.2024 17:15

THE ROADS ARE TRASH. Construction is full of corruption. M—-0—-B—-S

@cthoadmin7458 - 16.03.2024 00:01

If that's all the citizens of Montreal have to worry about, I'd say they were pretty lucky.

@joelove1987 - 14.03.2024 07:09

That was really refreshing just to see people's honest response to somewhere I'm thinking about moving to.

@TahaAfoun - 06.03.2024 19:10

A point I wanna make is that Québec immigration agencies bring a ton of asian anglophones, while turning their backs to francophone maghrébins and africains who start learning french at age 9 in school for example in Algeria( I did my CS master's degree in french and scored C1 in tcf with no preparation as an arab though) and we use it so much in our daily life,
Les Québecois doivent réorienter leurs démarches d'immigration et prennent en considération l'héritage colonial qu'on partage avec la France! Peace and love!

@MichaelWilson-jr2xh - 03.03.2024 16:42

Immigrants always complaining go back to were you came from if your not happy, ill say live in canada is far better then a 3rd world country.

@MyEditman - 01.03.2024 04:28

Living in Longueuil, which is really next-door to Montreal for about a year now and the hype I had moving out from my parents house to them being here by down in the first two months of being here the cost-of-living is too high. Montreal is in as well as it is when it’s not the summer when it’s autumn, spring or winter is sucks ass people are OK but it’s not inclusive like they say that it is people are all doing your own thing I would say the only positive trait of it is maybe all the choices of restaurants you have besides that I mean it’s just an every city it’s not worth all the hype it’s given

@rodylecid5064 - 26.02.2024 20:16

The people, in the video and in the comments, bitching and moaning about the lack of housing or the skyrocketing prices of houses and rent, are completely oblivious to the fact that the very policies THEY VOTED FOR are what is increasing those prices.
Their voting habits are the very reason housing is no longer affordable.. both for the price of a house, and the increase in rents. Maybe try voting differently next time?

@birdbrain511 - 26.02.2024 17:35

Add fruit on the pancakes, maybe in the form of a compote (although maple syrup slaps). Instead of scrambled eggs, try an American-style omelet with veggies.

@--jeff-- - 25.02.2024 03:33

toujours le sentiment victimaire des arabes 😂, ya pas un peuple plus raciste que eux. and the cuckhold english from the plateau, still with trump. the leftist always point at him

@hubertinepankhurst1161 - 23.02.2024 20:30

Why do American young women speak with this horrible vocal fry? Also, every sentence ends with a question mark sound, it is so irritating.

@IStayTrueToI - 23.02.2024 07:14

It took less than a decade to hyper inflate the cost of living.
Whilst at the same time, you experience a remarkable drop in quality of service, everywhere. Time to leave

@GabMayaBackpackingNomads - 15.02.2024 16:20

Effectivement, si tous les anglophones pouvaient avoir une base de FR, on s'en sortirait mieux. L'intérêt principal de venir à MTL, c'est la culture sur place. Qui dit culture, dit la langue (of course). Si MTL devient anglaise, la ville ne sera rien d'autres qu'une ville parmis tant d'autre. Il n'y aura pas de différence entre aller là ou à Toronto, Boston, etc. La plus value de MTL, c'est son histoire et par conséquent, les québécois / francophones. Les gringos anglais ne semblent pas saissir en général que ce qui rend MTL ''one of a kind'', c'est le QC. Encore là, je ne vais pas déchirer ma chemise et renverser la table. Nous sommes en Amérique et le QC est le dernier bastion francophone. L'anglicisation est un phénomène normal à ce point ci...

@user-mr3qj3og5f - 13.02.2024 04:52

le terroir et l epoque nous fait c est partout pareil et l internet encore plus

@surintanguay9630 - 10.02.2024 04:29

Ce que je n aime pas de Montreal ce sont les mendiants qui peuvent s installer au dela des tourniquets du metro et y rester toute la journee...Personne pour leur dire de circuler

@christophevervecken1370 - 07.02.2024 11:24

Fromthebeging of our Birth we are a NUMber.

@sgrouge - 04.02.2024 00:37

Beaucoup parlent anglais avec l'accent français.
Ils sont tiraillés entre les deux langues de ce que je comprends.

@BubbleMix1996 - 30.01.2024 01:04

why do they speak french

@fablb9006 - 23.01.2024 21:20

Vive le Québec… libre

@gutsandbrains6310 - 22.01.2024 07:57

Y a trop de fif a Montréal

@dangdinhquan266 - 21.01.2024 18:22

Being in Montreal for more than 1 year, it is best city I have ever lived!

@canuckslav - 18.01.2024 17:57

Of course the Arab guys goes straight to “racism”.

@pilgerengel - 13.01.2024 20:34

Nobody wants a higher management in a hoodie…

@girlzgettinoff3630 - 13.01.2024 02:53

Quebec is typically a non-white province, but these white people in the video are Scotsmen and Scotswomen from the ROC studying at McGill.

Go to Quebec City, Three Rivers, Hull, or any small town elsewhere in Quebec and I guarantee it will be 100% black people from Haiti. Maybe a few Arabs and Sikhs thrown in as well.

@girlzgettinoff3630 - 13.01.2024 02:47

The USA is 100% English (by ancestry) since 1620, and exceedingly conservative. The ROC is 100% Scottish since 1760, and also exceedingly conservative. Quebec is all black people, Indians, Arabs, Chinese, Jews, and Native Americans. Quebec is North America's ethnic breeding ground. And every white French Canadian person left in Quebec (if you can find any) is aware of it!

@eeebee2186 - 10.01.2024 05:14

La pauvreté ça coûte cher

@user-up1hv3kj6y - 09.01.2024 16:40

The problem of violence is visible not only in Quebec, but also in Europe. Countries with large migrant communities from the Middle East and North Africa are experiencing increasing levels of violence. Canada, like many other countries, needs a stricter migration policy, aimed primarily at protecting those who live and work in the country, and not those who seek asylum in it. This is not xenophobia, this is concern for citizens. For the benefit of those who work for the prosperity of the country, for the salvation of those who move to Canada with thoughts of making it better, for the glory of the generations of ancestors who built the country as we know it now. Canada is a unique country that gives people the opportunity to start a new life and find a home. People who do not share the values ​​of freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, equality and non-violence cannot be allowed to come to Canada en masse and establish their own order in it. This is how you can lose your country. For the sake of our descendants, we must save Canada.

@joseeguizabal6712 - 09.01.2024 09:20

The reason why people "lose" their identify is not from immigrants, "wokeness" or multiculturalism. It's mostly because of societal issues. If you listen to a lot of younger Canadians, many sound more American as the Canadian accent gets made fun of a lot. The quebecoise have a nice accent, and I don't think it will disappear. The Canadian languages that will disappear first are all the native ones, which no one even seems to care about. The same people who settled in the land before the English, french, and Russians showed up.

@rl4949 - 07.01.2024 17:59

If he thinks there is no graffiti in Europe he is delusional!

@madlopt - 07.01.2024 08:04

I think these guys who wanna "preserve the language" have lost a bit of reality. Nowadays it's almost impossible to live in MGA without French, many people just reject to speak English with you and they doing it in a bad and rude way. Also this guy from Morocco say they wanna see white people as managers, lol, I was rejected by indian interviewers here just because I'm white and they need me just to show they interviewed a white one, so they can take another indian guy again. 😂

@lesamisdelacuisineprovenca9534 - 06.01.2024 15:05

Il faut à tout prix faire disparaître cet antagonisme anglais/français dans la langue dans cette région d'Amérique du Nord !
C'est vraiment préjudiciable au développement du Québec et du Canada !
Ces deux groupes linguistiques ont plus à gagner à vivre ensemble qu'à perdre !
En ce moment en France nous vivons un séparatisme religieux musulman qui fait plusieurs morts du côté Français et c'est très grave !! Ne vivez pas la même chose au Québec !

@xstormhunterx - 06.01.2024 11:53

French people... and im French

@seascape35 - 31.12.2023 09:49

I am an outsider, an American, who has visited Montreal once, and liked it there very much. I can understand the Francophones being very focused on maintaining French as the everyday language in Quebec. In the US, Louisiana was once French speaking, but over time it was engulfed by English, and now hardly anyone in that state speaks French, except perhaps for a few old timers out in the country. Sometimes language has to be consciously promoted and protected.

@errolthomas9426 - 29.12.2023 13:55

Quebec wrestlers Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn don't use French accents like Rick Martel

@TheDmSilver - 25.12.2023 04:10

All countries are losing their identity where migrants from third world countries come

@nmckch - 21.12.2023 09:04

X:Housing is still affordable

Y:Lets bring in all the people

X:Why is rent so expensive?

@nmckch - 21.12.2023 09:01

Lol the white liberal commies jesus christ

@Kevin_geekgineering - 16.12.2023 06:43

for Canadian anglophones in montreal it suck twice. for immigrant who don't speak french, good luck dealing with infinite snobbery and discrimination, but good just to visit for a short time

@cleomenes01 - 15.12.2023 20:14

The identity of being Canadian? Not sure I follow.

@googleisretarded7618 - 14.12.2023 21:00

Legault sounds great, we need a national version of him in Ottawa. We've imported so many problems into this country

@AbdulKhader-786 - 14.12.2023 13:39

french is a stupid language

@benjaminrobelo6044 - 14.12.2023 13:20

I went to college in Montreal in the late 1970s and fell in love with the city and the culture. Bilingualism is for me a tremendous cultural advantage and not a detraction. As a student, at times I used to walk the streets of Montreal alone in the wee hours of the morning, I always felt safe and no one bothered me. People were always dressed elegantly and were very civilized. Things have changed for the worst all over the world and I think the main reason is “globalization” and the drive for a one-world dictatorial government.

@JL48151 - 14.12.2023 06:40

I agree with everything said in this video. No matter how much our government and politicians wants to divide us and seperate minorities I can still agree with everyone in this videos.
