How to save data and retrieve data using shared preferences

How to save data and retrieve data using shared preferences

Android Learners

6 лет назад

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Android Learners
Android Learners - 22.01.2018 07:25

How to save data and retrieve data using shared preferences
If you have any problem then comment below i will reply it as soon as possible...
From this tutorial you can save your data , retrieve your data ,update data and delete data.....
Like , subscribe and spread the video and channel links..... Thanks for watching :)

Muhammad Arqam
Muhammad Arqam - 28.04.2021 15:12


VXmane - 21.05.2020 17:25

Can u please teach how to retrieve data in another activity (not the same activity where this data was saved, but in another one)????🙏🙏🙏🙏

Information Tech Plus
Information Tech Plus - 11.07.2019 10:09

Please sir to get favorite items from list and display favorite list .

John Eshun
John Eshun - 14.06.2019 06:54

please how can i save data in a tablelayout in android studio using shared preferences?? A video tutorial will be a lot of help for me

BreakingNoob - 17.03.2019 22:04

Hey can u tell me how can I save a button press as a value. I want to send this value to Arduino Uno via Bluetooth module. Please help. Thankyou.

Tech Brainz
Tech Brainz - 05.02.2019 21:39

Its not working showing error on sharedPreferences.Editor editor=sp.edit();

Here it says null object reference

Rajputana Productions
Rajputana Productions - 22.11.2018 17:42

How to make an app when login automatically follows ig account account.??

Rajputana Productions
Rajputana Productions - 21.11.2018 00:17

Can i bind app data and app ...and when installed in any phone...the result should be the same !

Rajputana Productions
Rajputana Productions - 21.11.2018 00:17

Can i convert existing apk into shared preference ?

Hedgehog in The Fog
Hedgehog in The Fog - 12.06.2018 20:31

Hi. I am coding simple game. In game player have startActivity (Start Game and Quit), mainActivity (game process) and resultActivity (High Score). I use sharedPreference for save score and retrieve it in resultActivity. It's work very good, but I'm trying to retrieve high score in startActivity (so that the player saw his previous result ). How I can do it? Learn me, please. Thanks for your videos.

yucel ozyazgan
yucel ozyazgan - 18.04.2018 21:41

Can it be used to pass a data to another activity?

USMC LRL - 24.01.2018 07:01

Nice videos
