Family Intro - Active Domestics - My 4 sons

Family Intro - Active Domestics - My 4 sons

172 Просмотров

Meet my family of mess-makers. The reason that I am able to make cleaning videos with real dirt, is because I have a large family, made up of 4 sons. The dirt is real. Things do build up, as I have plenty of other things to do with my time, other than cleaning this large house. But when I do clean, I like to clean things thoroughly and with basic cleaning products, and using minimal cleaning chemicals.

Thank you for watching and a very Happy New Year to you all x

Instagram: @activedomestics
Email: [email protected]

✅ Disclaimer: Active Domestic Cleaning videos are intended to demonstrate methods of general cleaning within a domestic setting. These videos are recorded in my own home and I am not doing these jobs as a paid professional. Everyone responsible for the making, editing and uploading of these videos, expressly disclaim all and any liability and responsibility to all persons for the results of any actions taken, or advice followed, or due to any omissions or errors from the information obtained from Active Domestics Cleaning videos.
Read all the information on the labels of the products that you choose and assess if they are suitable for the surface that you are cleaning.


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