Eschatology and Kingdom Theology - Mastering Reformed Theology chapter 10

Eschatology and Kingdom Theology - Mastering Reformed Theology chapter 10

Redeemed Zoomer

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@avechristvs - 14.05.2024 19:32

Me quiero sumar a la reconquista de los evangelistas a la santa iglesia catolica! Viva Cristo Rey!

@WordWonders_01 - 15.05.2024 09:01

Not everyone believes rapture is escape, some believe rapture is consummation.
Consummation meaning the full manifestation of what has already happened at salvation. Rapture fits perfectly with kingdom theology. Rapture at its essence is "kingdom come, will be done" full expression of heaven both in me and the earth.
Rapture is the apex of our transformation whereas our souls and bodies receive full transformation and essentially step into the life of the new creation. Rapture is "kingdom come, will be done" and rapture is " new creation, eternal life" not runaway and hide. But glorious salvation, a salvation we already possess, but we groan till we are clothed with our heavenly tabernacle.
Rapture is similar to what happened to Jesus at transfiguration.
Christ afterall is the first fruit of resurrection.
Calling rapture just escape, is a small part of a greater whole- a whole I feel you have not considered sir 🙏

@longnickname_ - 15.05.2024 20:00

I always thought the rapture was after the second coming of Christ, and we would come back for the 1,000 year reign, so we would face judgement day. To be honest I still don't really know, I just trust what God is going to do, I don't need to worry about my eschatology.

@Twisty_26 - 16.05.2024 06:10

Can you give us a more bible study oriented video explaining why evangelical rapture theology is wrong?

@austinfondren5053 - 16.05.2024 06:54

"Caught up" is from the Latin word "raptura"
What do you mean by "Rapture is unbiblical"?

@user-em7ig3lk7l - 17.05.2024 07:51

You need to write a book man

@Fortunatus144 - 17.05.2024 13:48

Good video, but the part about it being okay to have many different denominations is a really bad take and a cope, contradictory to the whole premise. It is not at all the same as having different provinces in a kingdom, it is more like having different rival governors for each province, each claiming to act in the name of the King but giving contradictory orders to the troops, sometime even having the troops fight against each other in a civil war. It is clearly a dysfunctional thing. Christ Himself says it is so: "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand".

@Labrador_Productions1 - 20.05.2024 01:36

Zoomer is the most Postmillennial Amillennialist I know of.

@catdog9612 - 20.05.2024 05:17

christian doctrine is on the same level as flat earther garbage

@elliotnemeth - 22.05.2024 20:47

I got introduced to the postmill "already but not yet" idea through a mentor I had in college who was AoG of all things

@PvlmVIsHere - 22.05.2024 23:18

Could you please stop portraying liberals as evil people fighting against God?

@Feesh322 - 23.05.2024 12:13

Thank you for your explanation of Kingdom Theology. Used to be Premillennial but don't think it will happen that way now, ironically because it seems like everyone I know believes it...Bible said it would happen in a way no one expects

@coloneltoad6341 - 23.05.2024 21:24

The story at the end makes it seem like protestants shouldn't've ever left the Catholic Church 😂

@davidsandrock7826 - 25.05.2024 00:56

I’m sorry, but 1 Thessalonians 4 is literally where the word ‘rapture’ comes from. The latin word ‘rapturo’, to be precise. The historic view of the rapture is that Christians, both living and dead, will be caught up to meet Christ in the air, and then we will descend with Christ for his second coming.

@CommKommando - 25.05.2024 09:40

Women will always corrupt positions of power. As soon as women are given leadership roles they let go of tradition

@theremedy4876 - 25.05.2024 10:07

If things get really really bad; You might just have to come up with the facts that Protestantism is a Heresy, and has been a disaster for Europe. The Pope seems to be a good leader for spiritual needs of the faithful in this chaotic (post)modern world.

@HectorIgnacioLabraBarros - 26.05.2024 20:54

and in catholicism?

@Lyachos - 27.05.2024 03:54

I don't get all the dislikes.

@r8Dest - 27.05.2024 04:26

Very well done overall. Good summary of the reformed argument. A few issues with phrasing in the intro, Ex. saying the rapture is unbiblical and based on a misunderstanding is pretty radical, most amil/postmil scholars will say that the premil understanding is based on a very high view of scripture, attempting to interpret literally what is not explicitly symbolic. That being said, it's not a bad thing to argue passionately for what you believe.

A few notes on the points if you like:
Point 1 is good,
Point 2 needed more development,
Point 3 was great,
Point 4 you lost me a bit, I think the points you made make the opposite argument you were trying to make. Ex. In culture today, the modern super concert is certainly modeled after heaven and modern lightshows are much more royal than traditional hymns and organs. Is that right? who knows... it's culture, but it does make the opposite point.
Point 5 is interesting, though it has some issues with truth (since truth is binary), I really like the idea, but I don't think it excludes non-denom / baptist churches. I'd say the evangelical movement has just as much of a place here as any other group (more so in some cases).
Point 6 is great, my favorite point of the lot.
Point 7, again I think makes the opposite point, and is one of the stronger arguments of premil. though there is bright spots, and some areas are getting better (I certainly believe a revival is on the way), in most peoples minds, the world is trending downward and there are many scriptures to back this up.

Overall, as I said, excellent job man. Love what you are doing with Reconquista, I'll be following closely.
God Bless.

@Grant_K_ - 28.05.2024 05:11

Redeemed I am now a Prospective Catholic but you brought and taught me a lot about the faith
Thank you

@tylerroc3907 - 30.05.2024 01:14


@Habanero212 - 30.05.2024 09:42

Aa a musician and musicologist I believe your idea of "music for a king" to be very narrow and highly Eurocentric. Perhaps we agree that modern CCM with vapid nonsense lyrics isn't fit for a king. However, where does that leave ethnic and folkloric music that has never contained European instruments and vocal stylings? I fail to see how your preference of hymns and organs is biblical. This has been my singular bone to pick with your content. It has been mostly a blessing.

@heidi3307 - 03.06.2024 13:16

Could you make a playlist of good music?

@pearcejayw - 05.06.2024 07:18

People who think that contemporary Christian music is not glorifying God usually argue that it's bad because it's too much focused on sentimental feeling and such emotional experience. But are those people really never think about "emotional feelings" at all? In fact, they admire traditional hymns and chants so much because they think that those can give a "sacred feelings" which is different than the contemporary ones who give "secular feelings". Therefore, because it sounds more "sacred", it's more glorifying to God (it's like saying "It's not glorifying God because it doesn't give the right vibes and feelings"). But the fact is that the Bible never command us about what kind of music that give glory to God. It just says "worship Him in Spirit and in truth". So, as long as the song can drive you to worship in Spirit and in truth, it's appropriate and respectable. For me, I love listening to hymns and chants too. Of course I agree that they DO sound more "Angelic". I have to admit that on many things, they do sounds better than CCM. Not because "God loves choirs and hates pop style bands". But because they are more able to drive us to focus more on God and the lyrics, therefore drive us to worship in Spirit and in truth in a better way. But ofc that doesn't mean that we can't worship in Spirit and in truth with CCM.

@MminnieM3 - 05.06.2024 18:35

Rapture is biblical.

@MminnieM3 - 05.06.2024 18:36

You're only video thats 👎🏻 fix yourself and your theology brother.

@MetalThrashinPietist - 05.06.2024 23:35

lol you sound like trad Catholics with Vatican 2 till now in the analogy 😅

@kvzacomics - 06.06.2024 07:33

I would earnestly encourage you to read actual dispensationalists when critiquing dispensationalism. The Rapture has to do with Gnosticism just as much as Calvinistic predestination has to do with Manichaeism. Try reading a book by R.A. Huebner. Love your channel, though.

@DaughterOfChrist1997 - 07.06.2024 17:38

Baptism of infants, really?

@DaughterOfChrist1997 - 07.06.2024 17:41

Rapture theology is not gnostic, be fr

@DaughterOfChrist1997 - 07.06.2024 17:42

You care about a lot of unimportant things

@weselygriggs5964 - 09.06.2024 20:31

But the Bible Presbyterian Church is premil

@Infiniteemptiness - 15.06.2024 23:00

And hypothetically imagine tomorrow morning ones you wake up during judgment day is Allah who's God and now he will send you to eternal burning fire why?? Cause you put your complete faith dedication love emotions on jesus who was God for you😢😂

So is it your sin??

@tuckerbugeater - 18.06.2024 21:53

God doesn't care about land ownership of man!

@danielboreland9889 - 18.06.2024 22:58

With all due respect, but you're wrong about contemporary music. The reason the church adopted this style is as a result of a work of God. I don't know if you know this, but there was this thing called Jesus movement. It started out of the hippie craze of the late 60's. Also, a lot of people are being brought to church because of that style, where they can also truly represent God.

Also, never say that contemporary music doesn't glorify Christ. If you listen to some of the people's stories about why they rejected Christianity in the first place, you'll understand why there has been a boost of life-long followers of Jesus.

Please consider this when you talk about stuff like this. God bless you mate!

@MyVikinglife - 27.06.2024 18:29

Could you do a video on Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses?

@cannab-al9582 - 05.07.2024 17:09

The rapture is biblical...its just not in the English translation because its a greek word...meaning caught up. Which is in the English translation. If the rapture doesn't happen, then why do we celebrate along with everyone when the witnesses die...?

@annelisecroell757 - 09.07.2024 11:50

I wonder if you’d find the theology of the Vineyard Movement intriguing (don’t think too much about the worship, i know it’s not your thing!) I feel like it does a great job at blending some of these solid, historical theological points with the charismatic/pentecostal movement. Their view on kingdom theology is great, imo, and I know you are open about your views on continuationism. Just wanted to rep my church! 😊

@mjgtmkme123salternate - 15.07.2024 17:25

bro casually went from talking about eschatology to straight up dissing contemporary music 💀

@werners96412 - 19.07.2024 01:19

Broski, I just finished transcribing all ten of your videos in this series so I could go through them multiple times by reading it all. Thanks for making all this cause it's seriously been helping with my faith, and it's been motivating me a bit more to combat sinful habits I do so often

@Opadós1 - 31.07.2024 16:41

Whether you get eschatology wrong or not, the point of it is the imminence and promises of god. We shouldn’t be sitting idle, and instead work towards becoming righteous in humility to gods word and advancing the kingdom.

@JonBGreen91 - 11.08.2024 02:18

I think America is evidence of premillennialism.

@LTDLimiTeD1995 - 13.08.2024 14:26

Christ is King.

@hebanczarny84 - 31.08.2024 22:40

What a true epic!

@ProtestantLens - 03.09.2024 05:59

As a postmillenial Presbyterian, hi! Nice video!

@quagsiremcgee1647 - 12.09.2024 17:21

So the mainline churches worked for jesus in the culture, with the downside that it's hard to affect the culture without it affecting you, so people either gave up or kept trying to work jesus in the church. Shoot, this is tough. It sounds familiar to what my pastor talks about, though, i think.
