Eureka's Victorian Carson Mansion & Empty Family Crypt & Humboldt Bay Maritime Museum

Eureka's Victorian Carson Mansion & Empty Family Crypt & Humboldt Bay Maritime Museum

History Hunters

1 год назад

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@alanatolstad4824 - 27.10.2023 06:25

I once owned a calendar of 'painted ladies', and after a particularly hot & trying survey at the long-term care center where I worked, I decided to cool off by going to Eureka, where the weather man always seemed to show cooler temps. I was disappointed in the town, with limited viewing of the painted ladies I went to see. I did fall in love with the free zoo (after FINALLY finding it), and the lovely, mind-boggling dahlia garden discovered right next to the zoo. In disgust, I headed back home, but stopped in Ferndale to see the antique fair being held, & wished I'd known about that place first. Sigh!

@scottbell5867 - 28.10.2023 08:01

Thank you for talking about the tug Ranger. My great grandfather was the captain of it for many years Captain C. M. Peterson and his first engineer was my wife's great grandfather.

@disco07 - 29.10.2023 04:02

Eternal rent, you don't pay, get evicted. Quite distressed by that whaling harpoon. Sarah's eyes say it all.

@randomvintagefilm273 - 29.10.2023 04:43

It just breaks my heart seeing those huge trees cut down. It feels like a death of a thousand years. I remember being in Eureka and seeing the mansion. Great video!

@randomvintagefilm273 - 29.10.2023 04:51

P.S. The bell Sarah rang sounded amazing!

@garryferrington811 - 29.10.2023 14:01

It's strange that houses must be so f-----g hideous today. People are proud of ugly. Odd.

@mattandrews3874 - 30.10.2023 03:02

Great video, I've never been to Eureka, but it's now on my bucket list.

@alibaby0 - 31.10.2023 02:07

Thanks for this! So happy you were able to get over to our neck of the woods! Truly enjoyed seeing Ferndale and Eureka and looking forward to the next video(s) you have of the Lost Coast!

@Jbennyho - 03.11.2023 00:36

The maritime museum is at the spot where Samoa Cookhouse restaurant used to be. It’s the big building next to the museum. Is it still open for business?

@nickpaz2421 - 05.11.2023 19:55

Another great video. The detail on the houses is unreal. Hard to believe that it once sold for 35k. Thanks again.

@lindsaymacpherson8782 - 05.11.2023 23:34

Really great video Sarh and Jeff loved it very much and thankyou for taking the time

@ladysylvia4018 - 06.11.2023 02:26

My husband and I went inside the Pink Lady when construction crews were trying to repair it several years ago. It was in bad shape, but still some of its former beauty remained in the fireplaces and stained glass. Unfortunately, Eureka has a very bad drug addiction problem and we saw lots of homeless people there. We love Ferndale and saw your episode!😊

@stargater2892 - 12.11.2023 02:03

Thanks for the Victorian house closeups.

This episode is saddened by the cemetery.

@unnecessaryroughness4681 - 13.11.2023 08:46

Such beautiful homes. Love these types of videos.

@kirkmacarthur8003 - 20.11.2023 09:41

My friend William's mother's maiden name is Newsome. He and his mother are related to the architects that designed some of the mansions in Eureka and San Francisco, including Eureka's Carson mansion. William and I saw the outside of one of the Newsome-designed mansions that was for sale in Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco last year; price tag around $20,000,000! They are also related to the sitting governor of California!

@optitom9033 - 22.11.2023 14:32

Stayed at an old beautiful hotel in eureka in 1977 and can't remember the name, anyone out there know the hotel I'm speaking of please let me know. Thank you

@normcochran9414 - 26.11.2023 21:59

City on the lost coast? How did you find it?

@lotusdolphin - 02.12.2023 09:33

I love these beautiful old ladies! It’s back when people really took pride in their craft. Somewhere along the way, we lost that. Thanks Jeff for a great show. Hometown girl, sayin’ hey.

@devinjohnson5083 - 08.12.2023 10:37

Would love an episode on the Calaveras cement road

@Jerkasoid - 11.12.2023 22:31

Visit Hillsdale street in eureka, ca. Use to live there. Dtreet full of victorian homes! Stunning homes & neighborhood.

@Jerkasoid - 11.12.2023 22:40

Brings back memories! I lived on the Table Bluff Lighthouse ranch st the South Jetty. Was amazing & lonely for a youngster. The wind & fog were routine. It's very beautiful there-now and always!

@jeffculp2912 - 24.12.2023 16:15

The woodworking is so amazing. They did thing's right back in the day. Thanks Jeff for the work you do.

@GreeneEntertainment - 15.01.2024 23:39

Your shared stories sparked a road trip for myself and friend. We sought out the mansions and some of the other locations mentioned in your video. Thank you for sharing and inspiring curiosity.

@chrisbutler176 - 13.02.2024 06:27

Great video!!! Nice work Jeff !!

@jamielieberg7053 - 15.02.2024 06:53

Great Video it is sad to see the stones not being where they should be I know this I tryed to restore a pioneer a cemetery in st peter cemetery hamilton ohio there are a a few revolutionary war graves pioneer indain war graves and war of 1812 graves the land grant was from the revolutionary war the land was not own by the farmer but he let his cows to grazing in pasture knocked the stones down and broke them up the earl graves where of field stone and protected by barbwire fence was around them so they where preserved the John Troutman died in 1805 and his wife Elizabeth Troutman BIRTH 1769 DEATH
1804 (aged 34–35) are the field stone no coffin but shroud burials it is sad to see even in the usa that forever intruman means nothing

@outdoorsforachange - 16.02.2024 13:47

Place looks satanic. Luciferion "clubs" litter the landscape there.

@bennettavieira2908 - 26.02.2024 04:16

Check the state of New York for interesting houses

@jmorgan5252 - 02.03.2024 20:25

Awesome video Jeff and Sarah I have never been disappointed Thank you

@HeauxSliegherButtStuff - 09.03.2024 05:04

Not expecting rain in Humboldt? Never heard that quote before in my life. 😊😅😅😂. Always expect rain up there!

@user-ii3vn8tn3q - 17.03.2024 20:22

The Ferndale Cemetery, south of Eureka is outstanding. The town itself is a great place to visit, very victorian, but i always take visitors to the cemetery. Its just TOPS.

@TRIChuckles - 26.03.2024 17:44

Your work shows it's always a pleasure

@kristinakahila8914 - 03.04.2024 09:59

Very well done video of Crescent City.

@72redrik - 05.05.2024 04:36

My home town

@72redrik - 05.05.2024 04:46

My cousin was placed at sunset in the same building as the Carsons

@Bob_Saccamano - 30.05.2024 00:09

I live in Eureka; we are inundated with poverty, no healthcare, drugs, and more. There is a major contrast of poverty and elites in this area. That 'mansion' is sort of a constant reminder of that.

@yarazooom - 16.06.2024 06:34

in 1990s the Ingomar club was sued because they wouldn't allow women to set foot in the Carson mansion for 100+ years. they LOST and a few women got in to see it before they changed the rules so only women who belonged to their women club could enter. concerning the cemetery, this just shows you the lack of character of those who run our city. what a metaphor for how much contempt they have for 'the people' here. eureka used to be the capital of confederate army during civil war & Arcata was called Union. nothing has really changed.

@denisetindall1487 - 22.06.2024 09:14

This is a beautiful cemetery 👍

@RedBone-q2v - 25.06.2024 17:02

Thought I'd see Snoop Dogg shopping for the chronic bubonic the area is known to grow.

@stephenolson532 - 26.06.2024 01:33


@mugzyhillbillie6284 - 23.07.2024 12:05

I live in Eureka great video thank you.

@iangoddi - 26.07.2024 10:34

I went to an Ingomar Club member's (and) veteran's funeral at Carson Mansion with the Mad River Community Veterans Honor Guard. We were not invited to eat.

@Janet-j8f - 08.08.2024 07:32

Ah yes, our lovely Humboldt coast August fog. We call it Faugust. 😊

@jakematthews6982 - 08.08.2024 19:04

Not-so-fun fact; one of my friends was murdered very close to the buildings spoken about in this video. Eureka is NOT a good place. Almost 30 years I’ve been here and you just get stuck.

@barbaracole4314 - 04.09.2024 05:02

This grand house stands by the pacific ocean in Eureka Ca. Can't enter but pictures are allowed, I've seen it many times , it really stands out.

@spaceshantynow1851 - 18.09.2024 00:21

Thanks for the nice travelog of my town! I was one of the recent volunteers at the Myrtle Grove Cemetery. The volunteers there have been the caretakers mowing the grounds and finding the buried headstones to stand up right ( once laid flat by the city.) The headstone of the veteran behind the shed was probably found to be misplaced over the years and will eventually be properly located.

@brianmatt4822 - 26.10.2024 21:33

Please take a trip on the Madaket, it is a short but quaint cruise.They love to point out the boat has the smallest operating legal pub. & never forget - there are tunnels all over Eureka . I read a lot of Lovecraft, & it is not difficult, on a foggy midnight wandering Woodley Island or the pier off Broadway, or the waterfront around Adorni etc... to picture this as Lovecraft's westcoast Innsmouth, & the Carson mansion as the Marsten's mansion. The crypts, the graves, tunnels underground . Side note- if you want to see something to take your breath away, & appal you at the same time, the Simmering Friedhof & Church, with basement museum , in Vienna, Austria , has 330,000+souls buried there in sections .We visited late on a Sunday in November , knee-deep in dead leaves, amazed at the sheer size, amazing upkeep, & organization only Austria could offer . The apalling part was the forgotten Jewish area of the cemetery- either old&forgotten, or possibly vandalized . We loved the people there & do not want to see the worst in anyone - but look at what happened in the Eureka Myrtle cemetery . Although my beliefs may differ, i feel the dead & families of deserve far better than tomb vandals, raiders, robbers- whatever happened . Eureka ? Again- maybe they decided to leave their tombs& return to the sea. The movie Dagon reminds me of Eureka, & the Humboldt state college language exchange connection to both Germany & Austria is not lost on the significance of the mention of the pink lady mansion, or the Ingomar club . Safe travels....-bb+B 💙🎶💙🇦🇹🐈‍⬛⚘️🍁🍂🕸🍂

@dickhertz4514 - 27.10.2024 21:45

Used to live by the Carson Mansion....Lots of Tweekers and Prostitution!

@allseeingsquirrel1600 - 15.11.2024 19:38

Noticed the Freemason or Masonic square and compass on Carson’s original tombstone.

@everythinghomestead9222 - 16.12.2024 04:09

These old cemeteries get robbed and 'woke' people tend to destroy headstones and steal the remains. So families can and do move their ancestors to a safer cemetery that is looked after and even gated or have grounds keepers there. I don't live far from Eureka and we always love to drive around the residential areas looking at the beautiful old homes that have been restored - and wishing people would restore those that are declining :(

@SS-pc6dg - 28.12.2024 18:25

When you combine dirt and water you get mud. When you get an excess amount of water the mud may become mobile and gravestones can easily drift. Not creepy, simply poor site selection. Creepy is digging up extremely small human vertebrae (and other bones) in your backyard while gardening. The old graveyard was behind my fence and the rear entrance was at the end of my road. I found a story of when the pioneers attacked the natives when all of the men were gone and the remains were buried in a mass grave adjacent to the church. The same church over my fence at the graveyard. Needless to say we stopped digging. About a month later I was woken up in the middle of the night and the church was a fireball. I moved.
