[PS4] Dodonpachi Daioujou Re:Incarnation - Arrange S No-Miss Clear - 1.175 Billion

[PS4] Dodonpachi Daioujou Re:Incarnation - Arrange S No-Miss Clear - 1.175 Billion


6 месяцев назад

15,445 Просмотров

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The long awaited next entry in the M2 ShotTriggers line of ports has been released, and this time it's Dodonpachi Daioujou!
Like with any of the previous ShotTriggers releases, these are ports with perfect recreation of the arcade games, with tons of quality of life added, updated visuals and sound, perfect practice modes and low input lag, tons of extra arrange modes and soundtracks, as well as leaderboards and replays.
Basically for ports that go above and beyond the line of duty, M2 is absolutely unrivaled.

Daioujou is easily one of the best games Cave ever made, so really happy this got the M2 treatment. Daioujou also hasn't gotten a good port since the PS2 days, and Black Label hasn't gotten a good port ever, so this release is quite a big deal.
All of the main stuff is great, but in terms of extras this release is not as insane as Ketsui Deathtiny was, but then again it's hard to top that release.
I think the main letdowns for me is that Death Label is not included and that the soundtrack selection is not as good (only one arrange and none of the insanely good arranges from the PS2 and 360 versions made it over).

Probably the most significant addition to this re-release is the inclusion of the ability to see your current i-frames. This is extremely useful for Hibachi in particular.
Really disappointed to see this is not one of the gadgets you can use in Tate mode though. :(

This release comes with a whopping three new arrange modes, each tuned to their respective element doll.
Though still not entirely sure what to think of these arrange modes, Arrange L and EX just feel like arcade loop 1 and 2 but with a few parameters adjusted.
Arrange S is the only arrange I feel that has its own identity, it does something very new and plays very differently from the base game.
For some reason they also decided to give you 20 lives for each arrange, so clear difficulty goes completely out of the window, leaving only the scoring appeal.

In Arrange L and EX you gain hypers 3 times faster than normal but they're also extremely short. Every big enemy also gives a screen cancel now, and these bullet cancels get added to your chain count.
They also decided to make your shot weaker for reasons I can't understand, but that's basically all the changes.

Arrange S is different in that you're always in hyper and you can't use your laser or bombs.
Pattern difficulty is low but bullets get faster and faster the more lives you have in stock.
Your shot is very narrow in this mode, which is probably the hardest part. You also can't use the laser aura obviously.

Arrange S is also unique in that it doesn't have chaining, instead the scoring system revolves around the Rinne system. Shooting certain big enemies raises the Rinne gauge, and killing them while the gauge is full gives you bonus items as well as raise the multiplier on bees.
Basically you want to pick up bees only after you Rinne everything you can first.
Besides that, bullet cancels on midbosses and bosses also give a decent amount.
The Rinne system can be kinda finnicky though, sometimes I fail it and I don't understand why. You need to like make sure your two middle shots are connecting at least, but some enemies also just don't give Rinne for whatever reason.

Anyway you can also ignore all of that because by far the biggest score gain comes from extra lives remaining. It's 50 million per life which makes up more than 80% of your score. 50 million is also something you can't make up for, which means that no-miss is basically mandatory for scoring.
950 million comes from extra lives, the rest is from bees and then you're left with very minor optimizations.
Since the amount of enemies you can Rinne is very limited, I feel like you can reach the maximum score ceiling in this mode very easily. It's a bit too basic and I feel like they could have expanded on this system more to make it more interesting. Like giving all enemies bonus stars while Rinne is activated to do like short chains.

Game site:

00:00 - Intro
00:36 - Stage 1
03:06 - Stage 2
05:55 - Stage 3
09:44 - Stage 4
13:56 - Stage 5
20:15 - Ending & Credits

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JaimersSTG
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jaimersstg


#DoDonPachi_Blissful_Death_Re:Incarnation #Dodonpachi_Daioujou_Rinne_Tensei #怒首領蜂大往生_臨廻転生 #arrange_s #cave #shmup #dodonpachi #怒首領蜂大往生 #doj #arrange_mode #ps4 #switch #review #1_credit_clear #stg #1cc #shoot_em_ups #bullet_hell #danmaku #arcade #retro #longplay #walkthrough #jaimers #game #clear #superplay #hard_mode #high_score #expert #ALL #no_bomb #ノーボム #no-miss #ノーミス #m2 #怒首領蜂 #dodonpachi_daioujou_re:incarnation #dodonpachi_daioujou_reincarnation #hibachi #緋蜂 #tlb #true_last_boss #アレンジS
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