The Biggest MMO Scam In History

The Biggest MMO Scam In History

Force Gaming

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@CaligoMilites - 07.02.2024 19:05

You guys are suprised? xD

@Gamebent1 - 07.02.2024 17:29

These low-level kinds of fines are exactly why Wallstreet is so corrupt. Fines are simply a tax on their illegal activities because they always equal less than 10% of what was made during the scam.

@Gamebent1 - 07.02.2024 17:28

The easiest way to avoid wasting money and/or being scammed by gaming companies, and to stop the bullshit microtransactions: NEVER PURCHASE ANY MICROTRANSACTONS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! They are completely unnecessary unless the game is scam.

@I_RECOMMEND_DANDDIGO_ON_IG - 06.02.2024 19:42

Report all cases


@AlexSophiaAguilar - 01.02.2024 16:39

Any news about other companies?
Square Enixe
Pearl Abyss
Any other?

@sc9573 - 31.01.2024 22:12

wait people still play maplestory? i played this back in 2007. i was an assassin xD

@kents012 - 31.01.2024 21:28

Nexon gets: 420m
Government gets: 9m
Players get: Nothing

Did I understand it correctly!? That's insane.

@user-rn7ng8fc2v - 31.01.2024 02:46

I got scammed 100k usd then got banned

@Written... - 29.01.2024 23:08

Nexon made about 550mil USD, global, AND WERE ONLY FINED 9MIL? (12Bil Won) WHAT A JOKE... Thats why I quit.

@ZetaxDante - 29.01.2024 00:42

For that kind stuff, I like play Pirate servers, made by community with different odds, where u play 1month or 1 year can try experiencing all things in games these game needs much time to have all done or is forever to get later gamer, if stops to play it got , like premium player, and also funny both server not suffer economy for these both servers, both make money most cases

@JewelOfSoul - 27.01.2024 18:16

Everyone complaining, but have you ever thought about the algorithms required to achieve such random yet rigged and addictive system?

Anyway, it's well known that whenever you lose your patience in Maplestory, it's your loss. The game needs to be played patiently, but it's not easy to go that way specially if you got money.

@OnceShy_TwiceBitten - 26.01.2024 18:00

Now class action lawsuit and get all that money back

@OnceShy_TwiceBitten - 26.01.2024 18:00

I swore that there were other games that change the odds based on how much you spend, these ones just got caught. I play same games with a friend and he rarely spends money I spend a shit load. Genshin. 3k, vs his 300 lol. And early on we were getting about the same luck, as time went on. I started getting lesser and lesser and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wierdly obvious how much lower it felt. He was still getting lucky. I suspect many games do that. If they know you will spend more WHY WOULD they give you an item that they know you will spend more to get it? lol. I doubt genshin does it. but Idk, but in lost ark it felt the same as time went on... you should be heading MORE towards the average, not further away from it. def some other games do it, idk who. If one ever gets caught. there are more that haven't been caught. It would be unlikely NO one else is doing it? Mathematically it's likely someone else is too

@kody3315 - 26.01.2024 15:56

I love the game, despite the flaws. I would be very upset and quit because it would be a boring changed game if they introduced the new nerf.

@borgonianevolution - 25.01.2024 13:24

Why is this even a video? In my opinion if all this information is true then why isnt the video.. "Nexon closes the game in bankruptcy for scamming its lotal community" VOTE WITH YOUR MONEY PEOPLE they ALL do this stuff cause you dumbasses keep handin em money with a smile...

@aev6075 - 24.01.2024 13:56

Only free to play game I've ever spent money on is warframe simply because the game allows me to have everything without scamming. (ofcourse i didn't buy anything including rng).

@PressRToZeus - 24.01.2024 05:06

I'm still gonna keep playing Maplestory (not buying microtransactions though cuz hee hoo) but it would be an ontological good if they were shutdown tomorrow

@nullw8768 - 24.01.2024 04:18

These are the guys that are harrassing the Dark and Darker devs with litigation for no reason, by the way.

@Vince77777777 - 24.01.2024 02:48

as a BA player....this is mildy concerning

@LazarusIRL - 24.01.2024 02:36

There's no reason for any of these losers to keep playing this game anymore

@FizzleFX - 23.01.2024 20:01

World of Tanks and Warships rigged theirs.
Proven by players via video showing the system

@FizzleFX - 23.01.2024 19:53

FIFA does that
Some have chances lower than 0.001
Thata why they get gambling ban

@HistorySeekers - 23.01.2024 08:45

Almost like World of Warships.

@user-tl9rm8ou3v - 23.01.2024 06:48

That game was like a childhood playground for many korean men now aged between 20 to 30
Nexon took their childhood memory as a hostage and waited until the playerbase grow buying power as they start earning money, then turned the game into a casino
Disgusting strategy

Thank God I was into FPS

@MastaHosen - 23.01.2024 01:55

Making a real case to support a north korean invasion...

@tomryan9827 - 23.01.2024 01:13

"and in this regard, WE ACTUALLY THINK there was no purpose to deceive our customers, there was no situation to deceive them, and there was no reason to deceive them,"

OK every single red flag there. Even if I didn't know anything about this situation and had nothing to go on but this statement, I would know absolutely that they're lying and guilty AF. "We actually think" is 100% indicative of lies. They're admitting that their position is so guilty-looking that it's surprising they would even believe it themselves. This is how people lie when they have no confidence in their lies because they've been caught red-handed. Then they protesteth way too much by trying to beat the same horse to death 3 times, showing an analytical approach used by the defense attorneys of guilty clients by using the "I would never, it doesn't make sense" defense (a homicide investigator said the biggest tell he knew of was when killers claimed "I would never do that..."). A person telling the truth doesn't overthink it, and they don't over-complicate their statements and hiss madly while throwing up their spines in every direction.

@zedmiasma7304 - 23.01.2024 00:47

This is insane. Every single asset of the owners should’ve been taken and they should’ve been put in prison for this.

This is the main reason I don’t play any Asian game unless it’s Nintendo/sony. They’re all cash grabs. At least I know what I’m getting into with blizzard for example and if the Chinese company Tencent is involved like it has been with MANY things these past few years it’s an automatic never play or support ever again.

@QueenLizby - 22.01.2024 23:24

As someone who's played a few Nexon games that aren't MapleStory, I'm surprised people didn't catch on sooner. They've always been scummy but I guess MapleStory just didn't have the most obvious scum behaviour

@jayvander5853 - 22.01.2024 20:36

I knew Nexon was a problem way back when they started zombies. Glad I realized way back then and quit their games at that point.

@charlesmcclure8000 - 22.01.2024 20:30

What's worse is they are now nerfing drop rates meso rates (in game currency) and experience rates. They seem determined to just completely ruin this legacy mmo. They released a 6th job recently which also costs real money. I have played since 2006 and quit in December 2023

@TheSidewaystm - 22.01.2024 20:14

Nexon in a scam controversy 👀 Yikes I used to play Mabinogi and DFO many years ago. Good memories playing those games. This is just sad to hear about.

@Calamity556 - 22.01.2024 19:42

Nexon doing something horrible? What a shocker...

@mikepasterick3210 - 22.01.2024 17:47

I would love to see their user totals in about 3 months. LOL. Put a fork in it, this ge is probably soon to be over.

@MrBashem - 22.01.2024 16:47

I've tried to avoid nexon stuff as best as I could. They became a pretty bad company once they started growing.

@notrando9233 - 22.01.2024 10:12

Why the fuck are you showing Los Ark and BDO footage when both of them aren't even Nexon games? This entire story is on maplestory and you had 30 seconds of game footage from it and you don't even explain how the cubes work or show in-game footage of the cubes. wtf?

@flariz4824 - 22.01.2024 08:03

Good video I have a soft spot for Nexon

@mattperotti6433 - 22.01.2024 04:09

As soon as loot boxes, or any similar mechanic, appears in a game, that's a sure sign to players to get out because the company is going to, if they have not already started, messing with the game purely to try and force as much money as possible out of the community. Only way to combat this attitude in the gaming market is for players to start leaving right away.

@justzach253 - 22.01.2024 01:51

That's just the cost of doing business

@creeperizak8971 - 22.01.2024 00:27

I suppose the REAL fine for their actions needs to come from the players themselves.

@SG-js2qn - 21.01.2024 18:34

And somehow Riccitiello wasn't involved?

@AllonaSaki - 21.01.2024 17:13

Korean secret 😅

@TigerShark_With_thigh_in_mouth - 21.01.2024 15:52

Oh man, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I played maplestory for 13 years.

The worst part about this is it was so manipulative to force people to purchase it. They quickly out date things and add things. Oh I could write a 200 page essay about how messed up all the stuff they do, so I’m going to keep it short and use an analogy.

Basically it would be like playing a game for 3 years and invested countless hours into only for them to remove online playability unless you buy loot boxes or buy loot boxes or they will lag switch you.

@EricLing64 - 21.01.2024 14:36

Sadly not surprised. Long since quite asian mmo's. Their gambling to upgrade stuff always screamed scam to me, and I just don't care for gambling in general.

@equious8413 - 21.01.2024 13:38

If you spend thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars in Maple Story.. You. Are. A. Loser.

There couldn't be a more objective measurement.

@achopes - 21.01.2024 11:15

So, they stole millions of dolars and no one getting arrested? Damn must be good being rich af

@jesxxenexy2833 - 21.01.2024 11:03

Now this was something quite depressing.

@limeattack - 21.01.2024 10:49

Nexon is a pretty terrible company. Played Mabinogi for a while as a teen and their gacha purchases were the same issue.

@alt666 - 21.01.2024 09:10

Well good thing I stopped playing certain free to play games by certain companies and never give money to free games

Well free mmos anyway lol indie games are a different story

@SuddenAlive - 21.01.2024 08:33

Welp, I guess there is a case for them for those top spenders.

@ericchdjdjnx - 21.01.2024 05:01

I played combat arms back when it was owned by nexon, the loot boxes had a really weird mechanism. There were certain times when it was possible to get a good drop from one, and it also announced good drops in the server. So you could get extremely good pulls by waiting till someone else had just pulled something and you had a few seconds window to open your own crate. Opening them at any other time you would consistently get nothing good, though someone had to take a shot in the dark to reveal the correct time to everyone else. Don't think too many people knew about it.
