Did Jen Soto Traffic Maddie Soto For A Man?

Did Jen Soto Traffic Maddie Soto For A Man?

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@eloishashalom1458 - 01.07.2024 11:19

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) defines the “umbrella” of crimes and activities that involve inflicting sexual abuse on to a child as a financial or personal opportunity. Commercial Sexual Exploitation consists of forcing a child into prostitution, sex trafficking, early marriage, child sex tourism and any other venture of exploiting children into sexual activities. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the lack of reporting the crime and “the difficulties associated with identifying and measuring victims and perpetrators” [1] has made it almost impossible to create a national estimate of the prevalence of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the United States. There is an estimated one million children that are exploited for commercial sex globally; of the one million children that are exploited, the majority are girls.

@williaml1665 - 29.06.2024 04:52

He was more Maddie's Boyfriend based on all their calls and texts.

@sallyannayala3749 - 28.06.2024 21:26

Those numbered rooms were rentals

@dominikabanel340 - 26.06.2024 01:45

The relationship mom-dauther was bad. Maddie wouldnt tell mom about the abuse.

@dizziechef9502 - 25.06.2024 02:03

Giving a child to a man to sleep with her is human Trafficking. She trafficked her child for Sterns attention and whatever he could give her. Jenn in my eyes Home Trafficked Maddie to Sterns.

@bisa116 - 24.06.2024 23:02

People wake up she was selling out her daughter. She should be in jail please why she is not in jail

@optimuscrimemom143 - 24.06.2024 03:00

I also wonder who dressed Maddie. Idt she dressed herself, as I believe she was probably killed before 6am. Jen correcting SS, makes me wonder if she dressed her deceased child.

@optimuscrimemom143 - 24.06.2024 02:59

One of JS friends mentioned something about SS staying with her (JS) bcuz of the sex. Implying they were both into dinner "kinks" & such. I'm convinced now that it wasn't just kinks between them two, & he stayed with her bcuz she allowed him to have his way with Maddie. & the rooms being numbered is such a red flag to me. Idk anyone other then hotels, b&b's, etc, that number their rooms.

@krashhhhh - 24.06.2024 02:58

What did roommates think?????

@glorial8448 - 23.06.2024 22:40

Video equipment in room she sent Maddie and Sterns to that one particular night.. and likely in nights of the past ...

@koressasickles7181 - 23.06.2024 14:05

I believe Jen killed her daughter and steffan got rid of the body... she called him her "partner" her whole demeanor is weird... just the vibe i get... im bipolar adhd and am on plenty of meds .... they do not make you that numb... there is no excuse.... i think shes a sociopath narcissist as well... steffan is dispicable but i dont think he killed her... i wonder if madelines night time meds consisted of GHB.... did they do a tox on her? I think jennifer is as sick as he is... i think the bitch strangled her daughter.... steffan stepped in to "save the day" as he knew what he was guilty of...the tv interview where shes rubbing his back as hes crying makes me physically nauseous... where is this woman HIDING? How can she be so non chalant and say "hey there" to the cops when they walked in... the bitch has no heart or empathy... poor madeline and what she endured during her short precious life.

@lindadominguez7681 - 23.06.2024 07:11

Of course send Maddie to bed with him! Jenn knew what the hell !!!!! Failed her daughter

@MitchellPerrit-gu1ke - 23.06.2024 04:32

I agree with what this lady just said.

@edrathephoenix - 23.06.2024 04:09

I’m quite surprised you are unaware that Jen rented room out to strangers and that’s why the doors were numbered.

@carolynbreeding8329 - 22.06.2024 20:22

Jenn was uncouth and needed SS for support. Didnt care

@outbackchick5111 - 22.06.2024 18:07

Are we sure Maddie wasn’t pregnant and Jen killed her?

@lclaire1000 - 22.06.2024 15:16

I saw a clip of yours on Hidden True Crime and am glad I did!!!

@kelvinjames6344 - 22.06.2024 12:26

She was shown csa photo of daughter and sterns and said she didn't recognise?
She involves

@shadow_hillsgrandma8224 - 22.06.2024 08:00

Same as Summer W. And probably includes videos on Dark Web. Rumors are that SS worked for Deep State traffickers.

@AliveInLove3 - 22.06.2024 06:33

Bedrooms are numbered because she rented rooms to vacationers like Air BNB does, it’s said. She called him her boyfriend in her police interview. She’s complacent and should be charged, in the very least, with neglect, and maybe even child endangerment. Her stories have been all over the place, just like the monster, SS.

@traceymitchell6619 - 22.06.2024 05:37

I think Jen Soto is that dumb she thought by telling the police she allowed them to sleep together alone it would limit her culpability for the abuse because she wasn't there and therefore knew nothing about it. The rooms are numbered because there are lodgers living in the house. I wonder how long she has been letting rooms out? Was she pimping out her daughter to Sterns for money and was that the reason she let him back in? He seems to have no job so how is he supporting himself? My bet is selling Madeline's images and videos online. Did him leaving impact her financially that she needed to let out rooms and get a new job? All just speculation but I believe not only did she know what he was doing, she benefitted from it. No way does your ex walk back in after almost 3 months, you go to bed almost as soon as you get in from work and let him sleep with your daughter. They had an arrangement.
