your elite new boarding school turns out to be more sinister than it seems (dark academia playlist)

your elite new boarding school turns out to be more sinister than it seems (dark academia playlist)


3 года назад

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i absolutely love dark academia books and movies that revolve around mysteries at boarding schools, so i thought "why not make a playlist for it?" this might become a little series, im not sure but enjoy!!

spotify playlist 🎻 ──

my ko-fi 🎞 ──

about me ☕️ ──

discord server 🕯 ──

timestamps 🕰 ── located in the comment section.

copyright 📜 ── i do not own, nor claim to own any music or pictures used in this video all rights go to the original owners.

trouble with adds 🧳 ── my channel is not monetized, therefore i have no control over the adds that get put into my video. if you want to get rid of them, you should skip to the end of the video and press the "replay" button.
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@natsukaraki - 24.11.2023 22:55

im actually shocked i didnt see anyone mention 'how to murder your employer: mcmasters guide to homicide' in the comments.. im reading it rn and when i saw this videos title i was thinking 'THIS IS PERFECT.'

@amaliasilva7518 - 19.11.2023 06:51

Whenever a passerby aboard a carriage took a look at the entrance of Miss Lippett’s Academy for Young Ladies from their side of the road, they would have sworn it looked awfully normal, as any other institution dedicated to the spiritual improvement of society’s young ladies would. However, once a freshwoman entered the gates and went through the oak-walled halls and pink marble floors, she learned to live with the fact that a queer soul, to say the least, was walking and talking among the mortals who populated the refectories, classrooms and bedrooms of the building and filling everywhere she stepped into with the faint smell of fresh milk and vanilla cologne.

Miss Aworadwoa Owusu, 20 years, 5 months and 124 days old wasn’t what you called a conventional college student. Of course, she still enjoyed the evenings after classes with a plate full of plum pudding and loathed the algebra lessons with all her heart, but still… there was something else in her dark eyes, in the way she had to rest her hands upon the desk, and in the paths she walked when no one was looking.

Her dresses were always in some hue of green, with grand and colorful flowers embroidered on them. The orchids and bougainvilleas of her clothes made the tiny lace roses and orange blossoms of her mates shrivel up in comparison. She always styled her hair, black and soft as a summer cloud, in tiny wee buns scattered all over her head in squares, a bun per square, instead of the high coiffs that were in style around those days.

That Wednesday, the sun had chosen to hide behind a blanket of clouds that only worsened the heat around one’s cheeks and back. The steaming atmosphere of the Physiology lesson made everyone’s heads spin around in ways that, unfortunately for Mistress Jones, didn’t include the functions of gastric acid in the organism. Awuradwoa, meanwhile, swung her legs around in hopes of palliate the insufferable heat that made her eyes and ears grow blind and deaf, and her smell of fresh milk sour with each passing second in that room, along with a many other girls that wished for something to happen. Something that helped them get over this awful heat…

In the blink of an eye, Miss Owusu jumped out of her desk, knocking down a few exercise books in the process, and rushed to the gates as if her life depended on it. Her cheeks and brow felt like on fire and the soreness of her throat worsened the pain of breathing in through itchy, flaming-like nostrils. Awuradwoa made it to the gardens just in time for her classmates’ arrival amidst a chorus of shouts.

Miss Owusu gathered the few energies she had left and ran to the nearest tree she could spot around her. She finally got to fall down and lay with her back resting on its trunk, feeling how her own scent of vanilla seemed to freshen and strengthen up; just in time for Mistress Jones to arrive followed by 29 more classmates, as if she were a hen running around with her many babes in tow.

@yoon9160 - 26.10.2023 17:33

i supposed to study in boarding school when i was much younger but i begged to not go, now i regret it💀

@Pencilfiend241 - 15.10.2023 19:41

Random poem I made 🙃:

Behind the cupboard... under the stair
you'll find a malignant magic waiting there
underneath the bat flower, on the west side of the school
you'll find a creature, so terribly gruel
and in the greenhouse, with silver bells and adornments
you'll find a headmaster who is ridden with assortments of deathly secrets
And behind the door on the third corridor you'll find a secret so terrible and grave
they'd get eaten by wolves before you found out about their concealed cave...
But I suppose that's just the life
of a student who is boarding
At the terrible place, just west of the abandoned Chapel
The awful abhorrent repelling inordinate boarding school that is named Gellius Goarding.

@throneisbed7833 - 26.09.2023 02:14

Such a perfect playlist for writing the next chapter of my story Curious Case of Raven's Point! I've been struggling a little (it's the chapter that directly leads to the climax, it needs to be perfect) but this has helped so much!

@gloomyscribbles - 17.09.2023 14:32

It is 4 in the morning and I haven't been able to sleep. My thoughts are too loud and my mind just won't. shut. up. The doors and windows are locked, plus, this is the girl's dormitories, He can't get in. It's impossible with how strict St. Matthew's is, right?

It's been 4 days since the incident with Malcolm Grant. 4 days since he came to class, brandishing a butcher's knife.
His eyes, which were glazed over with utter insanity, locked onto me.

Malcolm never got punished for what he did, even after he stabbed the teacher and two other students rushing to stop him. Even after he mercilessly hacked the knife into my body six times, he got away scot-free. No police, no hospitals, not even so much as a slap on the wrist. Why would he be punished? After all, the Grants are one if St. Matthew's biggest financial supporters, and I, a mere scholarship student, would be a stain on his reputation if he were to be punished.
"It's your fault" the principal said to me while I was in tears, curled up in a fetal position on my blood-stained bed. "After all, curiosity killed the cat."
At that moment, I knew that he was in on it too. I should have known better, I saw the signs, I had a gut feeling, but I dismissed it, I thought I was being paranoid. And look where that got me.

"You shouldn't have stuck your nosy ass into stuff that wasn't your business!" His horrible voice echoes over and over and over and over in my head so much it had started to throb.
I can barely move, even doing so much as breathing makes six intense waves of pain shoot throughout my entire body.
Each and every creak sets me on edge. My mind won't stop racing.
"He can't get to me, this is the girl's dormitories." I say to reassure myself. Slowly, painfully, eventually, I start to drift off, he can't get me here, I'm safe.
That is, until I hear the doorknob rattle.

@0before1 - 04.09.2023 02:35

this is literally ace of spades

@annaxoxo7540 - 22.08.2023 06:10

reading crave by tracy wolff rn. this is perfect🥹tyy

@stephanieosornio6627 - 10.08.2023 05:00

I like listening to these types of ambient videos while I read murder mysteries. Cozy. Thank you for uploading this!

@BooksAreAnEscapeFromReality - 09.08.2023 23:01

This reminds me of the book “A lesson in vengeance”

@timmiespigeon6516 - 08.08.2023 00:54

This is all I'll be playing at school during fall

@CelestiaDreamers - 04.08.2023 04:18

Thank you for delighting us with such beautiful music that brings us beautiful memories

@Ioniaacademia - 03.08.2023 05:52

This playlist is exactly what no one expected, but what absolutely everyone needed

@playlistshereIam - 28.07.2023 03:10


Breathing was hard, it hurt. I was nearly gasping and huffing trying to find my way out of that building… The documents I held in my hands would tear my life apart, they are going to put me on the border of death but I had to do it eventually. The clock ticks like a bomb. A window right in front of me, a rose glass window, colorful like that of a church, gothic in this creepy old place. I had no choice, I jumped right away through it and the glass shattered majestically, not giving up its charm till the end. I get caught up in an intertwined-branches- tree.
A sudden knock on my door. I shriek. It took me by surprise.
I found myself on a seemingly cozy sofa, holding the book preparing me for finals week . Was it a dream?
I gather up my energy taken up by sleep and I get myself up, then I walk slowly to the door. Why now? At this time of the night. Why come to the end of a dormitory corridor right at this moment of the night. Chills go down my spine, adrenaline flows in my veins making my blood pump rapidly in my heart. I open it, sweating. It’s Liraz.
“Liraz… you got me jumping out of my place,” I say scanning her amber eyes.
“Elanor, the calling clock has been ticking for half an hour now. They are calling all students for a sudden meeting in the Lilith Conference hall right now,” she responds with an anxious look.
“Huh? I didn’t notice at all… Wait, how? It’s 11 pm, right now. This is weird” I shriek.
“No time to explain, they say it’s an absolute order. Come with me.”, she says, holding my hand tightly.
We walk down the long corridor and it reminds me of the odd feeling I had in that dream. My heart starts pumping synchronizing with the echoes of our footsteps. She seems unusually silent today. What’s happening? Why do I feel detached?...
Here we are. Everyone gathered, anxious, hassling. The long wide hall was chaotic and cluttered with their nervousness.

@dominichumlie - 09.07.2023 22:47

Everyone suddenly becomes a writer when they listen to dramatic music.

@ValerieSage-ht3px - 01.07.2023 14:16

Way too many ads ah

@ValerieSage-ht3px - 01.07.2023 02:07

I've listened to every single_and I'm not exaggerating_ every single academia or classic playlist
This is by faaar the greatest

@cherryscarlett - 21.06.2023 02:54

De Even₺.. iN. aNd. oF. i₺SeLf.

@AlienFloatingAround - 13.06.2023 02:18

My school is small, yet has some privilege and blablabla. Still not dark academia, tho.

The thing is, some time ago there was an Instagram account that published 'dark' theories about the school. For example, it said that the owners of the school kidnapped and made disappear every teacher that was fired or quited. That is, because once they go out, it's hard to reach them.

... Obviously that's just your "this school was built above a cemetery" kind of story.

Edit: Spelling mistake.

@surajasuresh8232 - 22.05.2023 22:29

The Candle and The curse🪶🕯 (@sj_literazia)

A simpleton as I
Writes these lines by a rainy window side
Of a candle's tale that lies untold--

Years of flickering betwixt agony
It lit the castle chambers in symphony.
The Counts and Countesses rejoiced,
While the solemn wax light poised
But Lo! Behold the curse--
Through a newborn's blood every tenth year
Shed on the candle as I fear
Mixed as a potion for the wax
A token of immortality they hatched.
The red wax never melts,
And its burning never quells.
Hence ends the tale of a candle light
With the wax of blood of infant's cries,
And I on this stormy night
Hears their screams through the distant skies.

@zenamayaan-kaiisrael - 09.05.2023 01:15

How lovely.

@shanianavarro2539 - 08.05.2023 02:39

I never saw her again.

After the priest dragged her screaming form away, I never again heard the sweet sound of her laughter. Never again saw her small eyes, once bright with the hope we could escape this prison one day. Or the small click-clack of those damn boots they forced us to wear in place of our moccasins.

Weeks passed. We didn't see her walking the hallways of the boarding school. We didn't see her anywhere. Not in the dining halls. Not in our dreaded bible study classes. Not where they would beat us senseless for speaking out of their tongue.

Until this warm autumn night.

A faint crying noise lured me out of the dreamless sleep I fell into hours earlier. I rubbed my eyes of fatigue and opened them to the pitch-black room we all used to share.

And there she was, standing by the head of my bed.

Relief washed over me. She was here. She was actually here.

"Talula! Where have you been?" I whispered impatiently. "Are you okay? All of us were worried about you!"

She didn't speak. She didn't move. She just stood there, staring at me with a blank, sad expression.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I asked, "Talula, what's wrong?"


I reached out my hand to touch her face. But it when it grazed her skin, I realized it was absolutely freezing to the touch. Jerking my hand back, I stared at her in horror. Why was she so cold when the winds were so warm outside?

Upon further inspection, I realized she was a complete mess. Her hair was tangled and dirty, full of knots. The pristine clothes they made us wear were filthy, stained with grass and leaves. Her fingernails were caked deep with mud, and something red stained her fingers.

That's when I realized her entire body had red stains all over it. Her mouth. Her chest. Her tummy. Everything was red.

My heart started to race. "Talula, answer my question. Where did you go? What happened?"

Finally, my missing ten year old sister choked out the words, "They said they wouldn't hurt me. But he just wouldn't stop."

My hand flew to my mouth in disgust when her words sunk in. 

Resisting the urge to vomit, I finally gathered my courage and asked, "What happened afterwards?"

"I woke up and crawled out of the ground to warn you."

"Warn me about what?"

Grabbing my hand tightly, she murmured, "About why the children are going missing."

@kristinjones7029 - 03.05.2023 03:29

Love this playlist! So glad you actually got ones to fit the mood and not just random classical pieces.

@itsnandas - 14.04.2023 16:46

i wish everyone who's reading this an amazing and productive day!
this kind of music really helps me with concentration and studying!

@mahima_queen - 06.04.2023 20:25

everyone used to call me weird for loving her. near her, i felt utmost joy and peace. her smile felt like a warm hug , her reassuring eyes seemed like they could bring hope to the hopeless, she smelled like the rosiest roses and her presence was like a boon to me. she didnt say a lot when she was with me, her mere presence solved all my problems. i wondered what made her come to me. she was new in the school, where i had been studying for last 5 years. never had i ever made any friend, because i always felt like no one really deserved listening to the sorrows of my tragic life. i always thought my story would die with me , that my life was nothing but a tale of pity. but then she came... like the summer rain, and took away all my fury and resent.when i was at my lowest i met her and she did something undescribable. she wasnt new she was always around, its just that i had started noticing recently that i could approach her , i didnt have to wait for her to come... some might ask who she was.... i am usually unable to answer because it might not really be easy for commoners to comprehend how the goddess of death can be so alluring..

(i just felt like writing , ik its not that good, plz give constructive criticism)

@noname-oi2gt - 21.03.2023 23:53

Bodies. Dead bodies found at in the lake at your school. 7 to be exact. It started 14 days ago and every second day a new student was found. Every body had a number on their right cheek. The number on the first body was 300, the number on the second was 299, the number on the third 298 and so on. There are 301 students at your school...

You and your best friend walk along the hall to your next subject. "Have you heard of it?", they ask you, "Daniela, the best student in the whole school, was found dead in the lake!" "Really?", you ask. "Yes! And her number was 293!" "I hope the police finds the murderer" you say. Both of you enter the classroom. The lesson starts and the teacher says: "As you have probably all heard, the body of Daniela Miller was found in the lake this morning. I think, we all mourn her very much." The teacher continued their little eulogy as you looked around the classroom. Everyone looked very sad and depressed, even Jason, the annoying gut who hits on all the girls and laughs at everything. You looked at their friend and then at the person next to them: Nathan. There was a little smirk on his face. You could only see it, if you looked closely. Very suspicious. You made up your mind to follow him after dinner tonight. After class, you and your friend went to the library to make your homework. "I think Nathan is the murderer" you say. "Really?" they ask. "Yeah, you could see a little smirk on his face when the teacher spoke about Daniela! Isn't that suspicious?" "Yes, you're right. But now, let's do our homework."
Later in the evening, you get ready to follow Nathan. He usually does his homework in the library until 8pm, his roommate told you after you asked them. At 8:07pm, he leaves the library. You hide behind a statue in form of a lion. He doesn't go to his room but into a hall, you never entered before. You hide behind an open door. When your hear him go back to the other hall you follow him. It was dark so you could only see a silhouette. He goes to the exit. Nathan walks a bit faster now. He walks faster and faster so you have to run, which was not very easy because you had to be quiet. When you arrived at the lake you hide behind a tree. You watch him as he pulled out the next dead body out of the bushes. He takes out a knife and starts writing the next number into the body's cheek. When he quietly threw it in the water, you come out of hiding and say loudly: "I knew it, Nathan! You were the murderer from the beginning to the end!" You hear a gleeful giggle. You walk to him as he turns around and looks at you. But it isn't Nathan. It's your friend...

(Sorry for bad English and the predictable plot😅)

@sandrae2398 - 19.03.2023 20:41

this is so the secret history coded. perfect

@malec8517 - 16.03.2023 18:23

perfect for Hogwarts DnD

@smilingearth5181 - 12.03.2023 10:05

"If you think this academy's curriculum is tough, wait until you spend your first night here. Do yourself a favor and don't listen to any voices coming from the walls."

@Shewhomustnotbenamed. - 09.03.2023 16:21

They keep appearing everywhere. Everywhere I turn, every corner my eyes inspect, every turn I take. It’s slowly taking over me and driving me insane. Day after day I find a new limb. A right arm, a left hand, a severed ear. It’s as if it’s a puzzle and we have to put together every piece. The face behind this monstrosity does not do the word ‘evil’ justice and yet the face behind this monstrosity is one that I must surely pass everyday in the hallways, perhaps sit behind in maths class or make brief eye contact with in the lunch hall. Paranoia is taking over me. I constantly look behind whenever I’m in the halls or the bathrooms. When they seem just too quite as if someone is holding their breath, waiting for the right moment. I know I’m next. Everyone knows I’m next. The threats scrawled down in my class books in an eerie red that you won’t find in pens, the eyeball tucked into my chest drawer. And the constant ruffle in the feather, something in my dorm is always out of place when I come back from classes.

- that’s all for now

@mnlight_marie7793 - 27.02.2023 19:42

Ah yes,finding motivations to continue my unfinished writing works at the middle of the night.

@madphenixx - 24.02.2023 18:47

Elle courait, trébuchait dans la boue, se faisant griffer par les ronces au passage, manquant de tomber. Elle avançait comme elle le pouvait au milieu des bois, sans se soucier de la douleur des griffures, du sang qui s’écoulait de son épaule poignardée.
Elle devait courir, elle n’avait pas d’autre choix. Elle ne devait pas prêter attention à ses jambes qui manquaient de lâcher un peu plus à chaque pas.
Encore. Continue de courir.
Le corps de son ami gisait dans ses bras.
Une fois parmi d’autres. Alors pourquoi pleurait-elle ? Pourquoi s’acharnait-elle à vouloir le sauver ?
Le sol semblait s’écrouler. Mais elle continuait de courir. Elle savait pertinemment que son ami ne respirait déjà plus. Mais elle courait, jusqu’à ce que les ronces aient griffé tout son bras, jusqu’à ce que celui-ci prenne la même teinte que le cou de son ami.
Pourquoi n’arrivait-elle jamais à protéger ses proches ?
Pourquoi était-elle en vie ?
La force, toujours la force.
Je ne souffrirais plus si j’étais plus forte.
Alors pourquoi cela se répétait-il encore ? Pourquoi portait-elle un cadavre ? Pourquoi, aussi musclée soit-elle, elle n’avait pas pu le protéger ?
Il ne respirait plus.
Elle commençait à apercevoir les lumières de l’école.
Plus que quelques mètres.

@lilac2583 - 21.02.2023 20:08

I love classical music so freaking much<3

@ash_d_evil2310 - 20.02.2023 16:51

All of a sudden salt analysis feels like magic

@Xx_Enmu_xX - 01.02.2023 05:33


@rainebows - 10.01.2023 07:20

this made me feel so elegant while doing pages and pages of math homework

@whyihateeveryone2814 - 08.01.2023 06:51

Bird ran into the bathroom and pulled off the bandages she had wrapped around her arm.
The dorm was quiet she heard no one coming up the stairs and she sobbed to herself, Will was in the woods with her, he didn’t come back he was dead.
Bird gripped the sink and threw off her blouse, underneath there was three holes on her arm and shoulder with blood poring out of them. Bird grabbed the bullets out and threw them onto the floor, tears streamed down her eyes and she felt a sting in her heart.
‘You lost him’ a voice said ‘You lost him like everyone’
‘No-no i didn’t- he’s alive he just hasn’t come back’ Bird stuttered
Her red hair fell over her bloody face and Bird didn’t bother brushing it away, she dug into her pocket and pulled out Will’s knife.
She ran her fingers across the engraved letters and gripped it in her hand. The door opened and Charlie walked in, blood dripped from his nose and he held a gun in his hand.
‘You’re back’ he said
‘Your alive’ Bird replied ‘Have you seen Will’
Charlie shook his head and walked over the the sink, he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it next to Bird’s. He had knife cuts and bruises all over his body like her, everyone that went in probably did.
‘You need to bandage that’ Bird said pointing at his cut ‘It will get infected’
‘I know’ Charlie replied ‘Do you want help with your wounds’
‘No i’m fine i just need to stitch them’
‘Sit down’ Charlie said
Bird sat down on a seat and Charlie went through the cuboid and pulled out supplies. He sat down next to her and started stitching her cuts and bandaging her bullet wounds.
‘Who was with you out there’ Charlie asked
‘Will and a few others Clementine and Emily stayed back, do you know who attacked us’ Bird asked
‘No but Kennedy said he’ll work it out’
‘Don’t you think it’s weird only our house got attacked what if they planned it, you know that we all found out about the files what if there after us’ Bird said ‘There after all of us’
‘I don’t think that’s likely, have you been listening to your voices?’
‘No it’s just it feels weird’ Bird said
Charlie pulled on Bird’s bandage and a sting echoed through her body, Bird jolted up and screamed.
‘Easy easy’ Charlie said
He grabbed her face and brushed his fingers against her cheek, Bird knew she was meant to hate him, he was the reason the attack started but she could make herself pull away.
Charlie pulled her closer and brushed his lips against hers.
‘Please don’t leave me’ she mumbled ‘Not like the others’
‘I won’t’ Charlie said
There was a bang on the window and Bird heard footsteps behind them. Charlie let go of her and they both turned back. Will stood next to the window soaked in blood and sweat, his blood stained hands where gripped together and his jaw was clenched, he had seen them kiss.
‘Will’ Bird said getting up for the chair
She went to hug him but he pulled away and pushed pasted her, giving Charlie a look. Will opened the door into the entrance of the dorm and slammed it behind him.
Bird went after him and ran into the entrance ‘Where we’re you’ she asked ‘I thought you where dead’
‘And i thought i had a girlfriend that didn’t kiss other guys’ Will said bitterly
‘When have we every agreed we are dating!’ Bird said
Will rolled his eyes and looked at her ‘It seems you forget things after kissing someone else’
‘No it’s not that just-‘
‘You should really try to make up story’s before you plan to tell them’ Will said
He ran up the stairs and disappeared into the darkness. Bird clenched her fists together and looked back at Charlie who was standing in the doorframe.
‘You lied to him’ a voice said ‘You lost him not to death but to love’
‘Shut up’ Bird muttered
She grabbed her blouse off the bathroom floor and ran to her room.

@user-zp6bh4wg9j - 07.01.2023 21:43

As soon as I stepped off the bus and onto the manicured lawn of the prestigious Hillcrest Academy, I knew that I was in for the experience of a lifetime. The ivy-covered brick buildings and state-of-the-art facilities were unlike anything I had ever seen before.

But as the days went on, I began to notice that something was off about this place. The teachers were always watching us, and the curriculum was intense and rigorous to the point of exhaustion. Students who couldn't keep up with the workload were often "asked to leave."

One night, I overheard a group of upperclassmen talking about strange experiments that were happening on campus. They whispered about students who had gone missing, and strange noises coming from the basement of one of the dormitories.

I didn't know what to believe, but I knew that I had to find out the truth. So, I started snooping around and digging deeper into the secrets of Hillcrest Academy.

It wasn't long before I discovered that the school was run by a group of shadowy figures who were using the students as guinea pigs for twisted, experimental procedures. I was horrified and knew that I had to get out of there as fast as possible.

I gathered as much evidence as I could and fled in the dead of night, never looking back. I knew that I had to expose the truth about Hillcrest Academy and make sure that no one else fell victim to their twisted schemes.

I spent the next few weeks collecting my thoughts and trying to decide what to do with the information I had gathered. I knew that I couldn't just go to the authorities and expect them to believe my wild story. I needed to find a way to prove what was happening at the school.

I started reaching out to other students who had attended Hillcrest Academy, hoping to find someone who had experienced the same thing. It was a long shot, but I had to try.

To my surprise, I found several students who had similar stories to tell. They had all witnessed strange experiments and witnessed students disappearing without a trace. Together, we knew that we had to do something to bring this place down.

We spent months gathering evidence and building our case. Finally, we felt ready to go public with what we knew. We contacted a local news station and shared our story with a journalist who was willing to listen.

The story aired on the evening news, and the response was immediate. Parents of current students at Hillcrest Academy began pulling their children out of the school, and the authorities launched an investigation into the allegations.

As it turned out, our suspicions were well-founded. The school was shut down and the administrators were arrested for their involvement in the illegal experimentation on students.

It was a bittersweet victory. I was relieved that the truth had come to light and that no more students would be subjected to the horrors that we had experienced. But at the same time, it was hard to come to terms with the fact that I had spent months at a place that was so sinister and corrupt.

I was grateful for the support of my fellow survivors, who had stood by me throughout the entire process. We leaned on each other and worked together to bring justice to Hillcrest Academy.

Looking back, I can't believe that I almost fell victim to the twisted schemes of that boarding school. I learned the hard way to always trust my instincts and to never be afraid to speak up when something doesn't feel right.

@gravesilk322 - 02.01.2023 17:18

Im going to a boarding school in england from Australia and am gonna use this to romanticise it lollll

@rain_2395 - 25.12.2022 23:34

I need this on Spotify. please . Im not asking. im begging

@awkward_chaos8322 - 18.12.2022 03:57

Tmw you watch Wednesday, I don't know I haven't seen it yet

@pandorafalemias9819 - 14.12.2022 00:06

this is literally the night school by j.k.doerhty
