Working two remote jobs (Questions answered)

Working two remote jobs (Questions answered)

Jake Ferrin

2 года назад

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Alex Briones
Alex Briones - 21.04.2023 20:33

But now that everyone knows who you are, will a company hire you, knowing that you used to have 2 jobs? That is the question.

Felipe Santini Ferreira / santiniprodutos
Felipe Santini Ferreira / santiniprodutos - 26.12.2022 00:40

I am Product Manager watching this just went kkkkcrying

Azia NotAsia
Azia NotAsia - 21.12.2022 22:58

It’s crazy that we’re afraid of the possibility of jail for trying to obtain a second source of income.

Brian Tep
Brian Tep - 16.12.2022 23:12

its dumb like, if you could be a waitress at a restaurant and work starbucks at night, people do this crap all the time. I dont see what its different for SWEs

danish ahmad
danish ahmad - 13.11.2022 20:49

Hello Everyone, Do you know a person who works in two different fields at the same time?

danish ahmad
danish ahmad - 13.11.2022 18:44

Thank U soo much
I was finding
such person...

Philip M
Philip M - 13.11.2022 08:06

Thanks so much! Any advice for managing LinkedIn…did you add the additional job or add to your network from those mgrs/co-workers?

Gregorio - 29.10.2022 07:17

Mind sharing one of those fully remote UX Design jobs haha.

babycutezz - 15.10.2022 05:00

When you chose health insurance from one of the company, what did you tell the other company? I appreciate your sharing. Thank You

Ridwan F
Ridwan F - 07.08.2022 12:27

Lmao “two calls where both tried to take to you”....usually should mute both till hear name in one.
And lol “side chick 😂l... already used to it

Shoumitra Bala
Shoumitra Bala - 06.08.2022 09:49

I want to know how your first company found out

JF - 07.07.2022 21:12

Hi Jake, here's a question. What do you do about workplace verification that HR does? Your new job's HR or outsourced company will call all jobs on your resume/application and ask to verify you worked there. If your current HR has a direct line to you manager, they may tip them off. Any solutions?

Nishant Raghav
Nishant Raghav - 01.06.2022 22:54

Don't the new company need a relieving letter from the previous company?

Anonymous - 28.05.2022 14:57

I’m literally so confused why you would think it would be illegal to work two jobs

eastCoast - 27.05.2022 08:03

This is the best possible outcome. Many companies would in reality respond very badly and if not fire you certainly view you as non committed and consider your position if there was any restructuring…

Asia Mmkay
Asia Mmkay - 26.05.2022 23:32

I’’ still looking for a second full time job for 6+ months. I’m going to keep pushing.

Turtleneck Sweater
Turtleneck Sweater - 26.05.2022 21:14

Sounds like a classic case of the spotlight effect to me

Zachary_Attackery - 26.05.2022 16:11

I can't even find ONE work from home job

E E - 26.05.2022 07:27

What if you took two job offers at the same time? How do you juggle the onboarding?

Rachid Allal
Rachid Allal - 26.05.2022 01:27

Thank you for sharing! I am also a product designer, currently working at a telecom company as a freelancer full-time, based in Norway.
However I have been thinking about getting a 80% job on the side, but I am trying to aim at a different time zone so that I can juggle two jobs easier.

2conRazor - 24.05.2022 07:42

FYI non competes are very hard to uphold, esp. if you are in states in California where the laws heavily favor the worker

Moneyline Parlay
Moneyline Parlay - 24.05.2022 02:11

Many software engineers work two jobs at the same time,

Pearl Ivory
Pearl Ivory - 23.05.2022 22:24

I’ve done the two zoom calls and ummm yeah never mind

PadThaiZilla - 23.05.2022 15:02

stumble upon your channel about having 2nd job. Recently i felt stagnant in my company being a PO , pretty much everything is SOP facing company B2B client. I was actually talking to a friend of mine whos doing 2 jobs but she was in tech i'm more towards product. Purpose for me looking for 2nd job it's to gain more experience , i am not really sure i can pull this off but i think i'll give it a try soon

Sabrina Garcia
Sabrina Garcia - 23.05.2022 04:45

Great video! I am seriously thinking of getting a remote job as supplemental income as I currently am in a completely different industry…seems like now is a great time to do so…

wnc817 - 22.05.2022 03:00

Stay away from crypto and any other investments that have no intrinsic value, imo. Even stocks are risky, at this point, but the big dividend stocks will be on sale, soon.

Scrotie McBoogerballs
Scrotie McBoogerballs - 19.05.2022 09:46

I'm in software sales so my remote job does rely on meetings. What are some other tech jobs that don't rely on meetings? I have a STEM degree so it wouldn't be too difficult for me to pivot if needed. Any tips?

AnomalyBelleza - 14.05.2022 02:56

You are so awesome for sharing this. A golden resource! Thank you!

KnowledgeisPower - 09.05.2022 05:25

So during the interview for the second job what if they ask you why you are leaving your first job? What did you say?

Rafsan Bhuiyan
Rafsan Bhuiyan - 07.05.2022 09:15

Jake, I can definitely 100% relate to the last thing you said, “Feeling Guilty” I have been in two remote jobs for a month now and it is hitting me hard. I feel stressed and guilty all the time. Ans hate dealing with LinkedIn so I hibernate it. It’s a weird psychology. I’m not doing anything wrong, just have two jobs. Why do I feel like this ? Lol

Nate Davidoff
Nate Davidoff - 06.05.2022 12:43

Jake, once you have been fired from enough companies, the whole honesty part doesn’t matter anymore.

Rafael Rodrigues
Rafael Rodrigues - 05.05.2022 05:58

Great video!! Fun to listen to as a ux designer of 8 years. Meetings at the same time sound like the most stressful part of this experince & not being able to be honest with both companies.

Julia Ivanova
Julia Ivanova - 05.05.2022 05:30

Wow! What is the name of this amazing company you work at that was so supportive??

StarRider - 01.05.2022 07:24

How did your J1 company find out about your second job? You gave reference in J1 and company J2 called?

Proud Dad 2014
Proud Dad 2014 - 29.04.2022 19:53

How did you handle PTO/time off?

fecal fetus
fecal fetus - 28.04.2022 19:32

With the inflation these days, even a standard salary can't cut it. I plan on taking a second job. I LOVE my current company. If they find out, I think they'd be okay with it. They are a really cool company and my boss is pretty understanding. I'd definitely spin my response in that I don't expect the company to bear the brunt of inflation. I'm living paycheck to paycheck due to unexpected events, and the kind of pay increase I need wouldn't be fair to request. Nor would it to be granted. I have the capability and time to work extra hours with another company (even though I'd actually be running my hours together to save time). I'm thinking I can do this. I'm not concerned about them finding out. I'm just concerned how I'll manage to balance my calendars and meetings between two jobs without them finding out. Most of the time my calendar is empty except for AGILE SCRUMM day every 2 weeks. The prospective 2nd company also does 2 week agile sprints.

ZUF CORPORATION - 24.04.2022 23:19

Hello Jake, do you by chance have a social media? Will like to connect.

Frank Paulson
Frank Paulson - 24.04.2022 00:04

I pulled 6 months of overemployed between late 2021 and early 2022. I had been with a company for a long time, and was stagnant, so I decided to interview. Found a place I liked, and thought "hey, what if I just didn't give notice"? The original job was easy, maybe 5-10 hours of work per week. The first week was a bit of chaos, but then things settled right on down. I resigned the first job right around the 6 month mark and took some time with just one job. Let me tell you, working a single job feels like you're unemployed when you're used to two. I picked up a new 2nd job last month and I have a 3rd starting next month. I want to see if I can do 3 at once. It's a great way to earn extra income and learn skills you wouldn't otherwise , especially if you accept an entry-level or mid-level in a new sector. There are negatives. I usually kept to myself to keep from sharing too many personal details. You also likely won't move up the ladder quick if you are not competing with co-workers for promotions. There is the risk of termination. In the end, it's a personal choice some may make, and does serve as a hedge against income loss, until you are self-sustaining with passive income and other income streams.

Arturo Gavidia
Arturo Gavidia - 22.04.2022 21:25

I'm already working remotely for a US ngo, but im not from the US, I would like to get some tips on how to get something else from here, you know just in case...

David Carrillo
David Carrillo - 22.04.2022 07:41

Thank you !!!!

North - 21.04.2022 21:18

Hey. So I was interviewing with companies looking for a summer internship (3 years out of 4 done with my engineering bachelors) and I accepted an offer from one company. Two months, in-office, full time. Now the second company contacts me a whole 2 months after my interview - but they need a part-time person, 3 hours a day, 4 days a week - and remote. So I'm considering taking this up and just doing it after my full time intern. This second part-time internship employers knows that I already have ONE engagement and I'll be doing this additionally. Should I do it? this remote internship is probably gonna be making me a lot more money, and as a student I'll take it.

Scott T
Scott T - 18.04.2022 20:16

If you are thinking of doing this, be careful as background checks will uncover both jobs being worked at the same time and could make for an uncomfortable conversation if you quit the two jobs and apply for a new job. I'd recommend being a contractor / consultant of your own company if you decide to do this, that way you can work for two companies but only have to put down the single contracting company on your resume.

Klarenxe Blood
Klarenxe Blood - 13.04.2022 01:18

Working 2 jobs is nothing new and is not illegal but you may be better off not putting it out there !

DigitalMarketing Humans
DigitalMarketing Humans - 08.04.2022 21:10

In regards to joining two meetings at the same time.
The amount of 'oh shoot, my internet is acting up' really saved me.
I would think both companies would grill me because of how many times I've used it but they seemed like they did not care.
Lucky for me, I didn't have to talk much and when I did, I just resorted to, 'internet connection issues' and would leave one of the two and chose the more 'important' one at the time.

You're 100% on the last part..' deceiving' and being a lie.
I am already over half a year into the 'two remote job' process and at times, I still get that thought. I am definitely not completely over it although a good pep talk helps because in the end, I had to take care of myself and essentially I was still giving both companies enough value and always met every deadline.

Racmag - 08.04.2022 07:08

I am interested in picking up another job soon but I also run a business and I was going to work another job years ago. I found if you are up front with your manager from the get-go they really won't mind. I told him straight up, I plan on getting a 2nd job in the industry, are you ok with that? He just wanted to make sure I was still happy at his company. I am pretty sure that 2nd company would have been ok with you working at the 1st.

MightyMigi - 06.04.2022 03:01

Right now noncompete clauses Darlene matter but also working for competitive companies doesn’t matter in a noncompete clause what matters is if you create a competitor to your old company

Mario - 05.04.2022 09:12

Yeah meetings are the biggest waste of time in modern society. Especially if they are not for discussing a specific technical issue or a solution to it!
