Analysis of 10 boy-girl fights - Why are they so harmful?

Analysis of 10 boy-girl fights - Why are they so harmful?

Human Health Equality

1 год назад

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charles bromberick
charles bromberick - 02.10.2023 16:48

It´s a very bad idea; but I have to concede that some of these girls are quite good.

Isbeenme - 30.09.2023 20:13

None of it was intentional .

Mariah - 30.09.2023 01:09

I don’t wrestle yet , I will start this year ( I’m in highschool) . I have done martial arts and other sports though and I just don’t completely agree. It definitely is true that both girls and boys have their disadvantages when going against eachother in any sport but I also believe we should just put aside all the sexual aspects of it, just keep your head in the game. I can assure you no one is worried about you touching their boobs in such a high contact sport, especially when it’s highschool level or lower. I think both parties should just give it their all, that’s the only way they’ll improve.

jos de buck
jos de buck - 29.09.2023 14:34

Not every boy is exited by breasts. I would be exited by bare legs.

dbr bruce
dbr bruce - 28.09.2023 21:51

I remember wrestling a girl in high school. She smelled so good.

Kg Wash33rd
Kg Wash33rd - 27.09.2023 13:36

The black kid didn't show her no love 😂😂😂😂. Chivalry was dead with him.

Karl Kemble
Karl Kemble - 25.09.2023 04:45

Tell your young men to forfeit matches against girls. Tell coach you have diahrea or something. It's inappropriate to man handle a female. Or touch a female in that way. Knowing you stood up for your character is greater than a trophy. One of our sons was asked to wrestle a girl at a tournament in jr high. He told coach to send in the second string boy. Our son would have gotten the award for most wins that year if he had wrestled. So what? He's proud of his decision and never regretted it.
I saw a brave young girl get hurt by male wrestlers more than once and we always felt very bad about it. The boys felt forced to do it by their coaches. Pennsylvania now has separate girls wrestling.
See my reply below about the things alleged in the video. I have never, ever seen a boy stimulated by a girl in a match

Daniel Nason
Daniel Nason - 25.09.2023 01:34

So if a female wins consistently over a male then your concern is null and void. Brielle Bell blows your equality away

E Hold
E Hold - 25.09.2023 00:06

Girls can beat boys, women cannot beat men.

Adrian Davis
Adrian Davis - 24.09.2023 22:49

Erection? Wtf? Crazy analysis. Respectfully.

The Viking boy from Norway
The Viking boy from Norway - 24.09.2023 12:46

I am a retired Judo Sensai (teacher), and watching this, I must say I felt a bit embarrassed for the boys by the way they were, what I would call groped by the girls. It also happens in Judo, but not to the extent here because in Judo, one uses stealth and not strength but maneuvers. Boys tend to be embarrassed during a match if they have touched a girl's private parts; from then on, they cannot concentrate or have problems concentrating on winning a match. A lot of this has to do with their young age. One usually sees better competition when they fight their own gender. The girls had the advantage by far during the matches shown here today. Well done to all the contestants. What is important is that they must enjoy the sport first. Winning comes second and is a bonus. 🙂

william kraemer
william kraemer - 24.09.2023 10:28

HEQ What does "dancing on an erection mean"? Your words, not mine.

scooterinmie1 - 23.09.2023 14:46

whoever made this video is either a fantastic troll or oblivious to wrestling.

KO H - 23.09.2023 14:31

This is stupid. As an athlete, any bit in a contact support should be wearing groin protection. Any attempt to discern an erection from especially a shifted cup after contact is pointless. Especially since having one with a groin "cup" on could be particularly painful.
It's also less likely given the amount of focus that must be maintained in this sport.
I have more to say but I won't. The concern here is stupid

Es Ess
Es Ess - 22.09.2023 22:57

This is a fraud. In the first two fights, the girl deliberately jerked off the boys to get them out of the fight.

Aaron Martin
Aaron Martin - 22.09.2023 21:00

Growing up wrestling, thankfully I never had to wrestle a girl, came close many times but the girls ended up being in the weight bracket just above or just below the one I was in. However, my coach always made it clear to any of us guys on what to do if we had to wrestle a girl, "You wrestler her like you would any other guy you go up against. Do not treat her any differently just because she's a girl." And that's what some of my teammates did, they got on the mat and did what they normally do when going against any guy, give it their all and don't hold back.

Wrestling is a physical and close contact sport, to think these things won't happen (accidental groping/touching) and to think people go into a match like this to do it maliciously is ignorant. Anyone that goes into wrestling either already knows this or they learn it along the way.

Sadly, I think you enjoy the idea of these matches being more sexual than what they actually are - wrestling matches. The more and more I skim through your video, it's clear to me you have no idea how wrestling works and just assume every grapple is some kind of "groin catch" or that every boy has some kind of "erection". Get some help.

william kraemer
william kraemer - 21.09.2023 23:15

What does "dancing on an erection" mean?

Adam - 21.09.2023 13:16

im sorry but you need to go learn the sport before you try to call out things you have no idea what your calling out ..... chest grab ???? on a boy ... saying he had an erection cause he was adjusting himself clearly you have never worn a singlet and it shows

Hereford98 - 20.09.2023 08:19

How did the boy get an erection if he was wearing an athletic supporter?

Glenn L
Glenn L - 19.09.2023 13:21

The last time I wrestled a girl like that she somehow got pregnant and I had a wedding to attend to the following Saturday!

Glenn L
Glenn L - 19.09.2023 13:14

I graduated in ‘81 and would have absolutely died to have wrestled with females!

When did m/f wrestling start to take off in high schools? Is it strictly voluntary? Do parents have to give consent?

I’m sure there are several boys who wrestle girls for the wrong reasons. Parents should know this too. That’s when it stops being wrestling and turns into sexual assault!

Boys are being sent the wrong signals. If she consents to wrestle on the mats at school then why not after school behind the bleachers?

lonzo61 - 17.09.2023 22:35

Wrestling is NOT one of the martial arts.

A fight is something that happens when two or more people become angry and it turns into a physical altercation where the participants bring to bear whatever they can to beat their opponent(s). Certainly, a boxing match is often called a fight, but that is a term that has been applied to boxing forever, as it is part of the lore of boxing. To call boxing a "fight" is normal for that sport.

I wrestled for a couple years, and followed the sport much longer than that, and you're the first person I have ever seen call wrestling matches "fights".

But, nothing I say here will change your mind.

lonzo61 - 17.09.2023 20:43

Why are these referred to as "fights' rather than as "matches"?

Phil - 17.09.2023 19:51

I understand that your expressing a view form a sexual dis/advantage however I'm assuming that all the wrestlers are taken through not just the rules but what's contact is to be expected. All have given consent and that all of the wrestlers and guardians know what to expect and accept in that it is a full contact sport and that it is a physical sport. It would be a great disadvantage if one sex is restrained and unable to give there all.

Ned Scrivner
Ned Scrivner - 16.09.2023 20:34

Just an opinion, speaking as 4year varsity wrestler from missouri in the mid 80's, girls in wrestling was not a thing yet! ( its is now and here in my home town the girls have their own team which is way better than mixed MvsF ) I want to address the "erection"? unless these boys have micro penis? I see no erection. Stuff all of that in the tightest singlet and thats what it looks like. wrestle around for a minute? and that "junk" is going to move around and look like you got a "chubby". But I do agree that socially, mentality, physically this is an issue that im glad I never had to deal with! We were trained to grab anything you can get a hold on and run with it... no matter what it was. This is wrestling, not a pillow fight and I believe that I would have not had any issue grabbing a girl that has stood up to me on the mat ( i know easy to say now 40 years later ) I believe that girl in the first few matches knew exactly what she was doing and I say good for her? mentally screwing with you opponent is part of the game. No puns intended.

Majid Khalid
Majid Khalid - 15.09.2023 10:34

That boy in fight 7 is something. Look at the weight and body size difference but he's just great

Clueless - 13.09.2023 07:51

I personally just don't think about anything when I wrestle. I usually don't end up grabbing them in places that might be questionable. But like, I'm here to wrestle, and if they end up grabbing anywhere down there, especially if its a girl, it makes me kind of angry and I just wrestle harder. I personally think that the way girls do this is messed up, to other girls and to guys, it should be made illegal. We aren't here to have our private parts grabbed. I get that girls are used to it, but it's just dirty, cheap, and messed up. (Note that there are guys that do this and I feel the same way when they do it)

Phil - 13.09.2023 02:21

She seems like an expert on erections..

HOT FiGHT - 12.09.2023 21:22

Girls stronger than boys 😮😍

Moo Kay
Moo Kay - 11.09.2023 16:18

Alot of commemts and arrows talking about erections, which, in my opinion, werent there at all. Kinda weird to keep mentioning a potential high school boys erection though.

P.S. i never wrestled any girls, but i would have gave her the ol' cunny grip any chamce i got lol

HEMI 5.7 AWD PURSUIT - 10.09.2023 20:34

I just don’t want an accidentally erection. That’s my fear of opposite gender in grappling matches. But I guessed jock straps do help

E Tow
E Tow - 10.09.2023 03:18

There is a reason why ancient Roman-Greco wrestling was done in the nude to a male audience only just like in modern Olympics where there is no mix gender wrestling !

E Tow
E Tow - 10.09.2023 03:13

The Woke crowd will go berserk after this ! ...LoL

four321zero - 09.09.2023 16:10

super awkward video :/

Mario Canales
Mario Canales - 06.09.2023 05:41

So I'm confused. Is it illegal for the guy to do a chest hold on a girl? Because the way I see it if it's not legal you're not really touching her You're wrapping her up for control to win a point.

curtflirt2 - 03.09.2023 19:46

Yeah, this is wayy too risky and shouldn't be allowed. I don't see how inappropriate accidents don't happen

Blacc И Blanco
Blacc И Blanco - 01.09.2023 19:48

Whoever had the idea created these cross over gender sports are dumb with low low level IQ. Keep up the wake up call HHE.

Mike Rodriguez
Mike Rodriguez - 01.09.2023 18:58

I don't agree with mixed gender matches in any sport for the obvious reasons. Just the same I don't agree with men pretending to be women and competing in women's sports. Also I don't agree with the words you chose to describe what you saw in this video. You made it seem like you were turned on by the words the still frames the slow motion and arrows you used when describing what you were seeing. I personally didn't see things the same as you. This comment is not meant to offend you. I hope you understand.

Doug Masters
Doug Masters - 01.09.2023 12:36

Only light weight girls Vs skinny weak guys have any chance - I’d never wrestle a girl and won’t let my boys

Doug Masters
Doug Masters - 01.09.2023 12:36

It’s obnoxious to have girls wrestling boys. Embarrassing if they lose and nothing to gain if they win

Steven Kish
Steven Kish - 31.08.2023 22:55

You are seeing things that are not there! Nothing in these matches was uncommon in wrestling. I hope the FBI is watching you very closely.

ridingthemusicwave - 31.08.2023 17:15

After all the pushing for trans this n that and gender changing I don't wanna hear any complaints from any that supports transgender etc...if a girl gets beat or if a man wins womens sports or goes into their bathrooms thats on the ones that voted the crap in

Rastafari in Jah
Rastafari in Jah - 31.08.2023 07:59

But sometimes boy vs boys has an erection too

danail iliev
danail iliev - 30.08.2023 14:59

you have problems my man, you are all incels

Sean Rice
Sean Rice - 30.08.2023 02:28

Meh, I don't see the problem. The first few times it may be uncomfortable, but after that, the context just isn't very sexual. Don't forget that boys get erections from anything and everything. If it is treated as normal and natural, then people stop thinking too much about it. If you make a big deal or allow giggling and teasing, then it becomes a problem. Frankly, it's probably good for both genders to be comfortable with each others' bodies and not to hypersexualize it as this video does.

Son Goku
Son Goku - 27.08.2023 03:46

Julia deu uma cavalgada monstra no mano kkkkkkkkkk, n sabia q jiu-jitsu era esse sexo com roupa.

RG speeedyb
RG speeedyb - 26.08.2023 07:57

By the looks of her hand placements in the groin area it looked like she was trying to make the boys have to deal with an erect*on at the same time they needed to win the match. She was making it harder on the boys to win making it easier for her to handle the boys
