Why Are Gluten-Free Diets Unique?

Why Are Gluten-Free Diets Unique?

Insider Tech

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Glowing Gluten Free
Glowing Gluten Free - 28.04.2023 17:35

Gluten has plagued me and ever since I cut it out in 2008, my life changed for the best! Joint pain, depression, anxiety, loose stools all gone!

I’ve dedicated my channel to sharing gluten free recipes complete with macros and nutritional info! Hope my channel helps someone!

Lorena - 28.04.2023 01:41

Please stop keeping people from living well. How can a "doctor" not know that there is also something called non-celiac gluten sentitivity? I have great sensitivity, not celiac, to gluten and no diet, simple or not, had made me feel so good after simply cutting out wheat and gluten. Please don't listen to these so called doctors and just test how you do for at least a month without gluten. I'm 100% sure that if you have even a little sensitivity to gluten, you will know it and feel it. And trust me, no doctor, unless they're real serious and committed to health (which sadly aren't many) wants you to feel good, heal any cause of anything. If you don't take responsibility for your own health no one else will! Good luck and I hope many of you find relief like I did. God bless you all.

Dan - 17.03.2023 18:54

he’s full of shit there is a bunch of scientific evidence. celiac disease is on the same chromosome (16) as dementia and autoimmune conditions. so stfu.

Acidloch79 - 22.01.2023 14:23

I'm looking into gluten free for a family member ... who is undiagnosed or doesn't have celiac but has similar symptoms to see if it will help relieve them!

Marian Cook
Marian Cook - 27.11.2022 22:43

I have not met DR.UWENBOHERBALHOME but have heard of his excellent work on people's life. We contacted DR.UWENBOHERBALHOME and he started his work on his life and right now my Husband is cured. He suffered Chronic Bad Breath and Chronic Body Odour disorder naturally after taking Dr. UWENBO Herbal medicine and gluten free diet protocol, he was cured completely..Now we are living happily and he is more than comfortable when he is around friends❤❤❤❤

Ahmed Althani
Ahmed Althani - 17.11.2022 11:49

how about dumping syndrome?

Mickey Shell
Mickey Shell - 19.07.2022 23:42

If you want to know why the numbers are lower in the USA? ONE SIMPLE ANSWER...
Dr's here are NOT trained in the diagnoisis and treatment of "Celiac Disease". They are not told about what symptoms could be related to Celiac disease.
Now you might wonder how I know this? Well, in the past year I have seen 5 different Dr's, and in the end I walked away with them shaking their heads, (for more than 20 years b.t.w), and so I was forced into, self diagnosis. Retired EMT here.
The blistering rash along my jaw line, was Dermatitis Herpetiformus. Not a single Dr and their medical staff has, that I have seen, has ever heard of Durhing/ D.H. and whats worse, they don't even know the proper testing proticols, on a simple blood test for Celiac Disease, to ensure an accurate result. One of the 5 actually told me, that it was clear to him, that I knew far more about Celiac Disease than he did. Its utterly ridiculious.
So, Im self diagnosed, because my Dr's, all 5 were clueless about what was happening to me. Here I was, my body screaming FIRE! And I look around for help in all the places we are taught to go when we are sick and in distress, only to learn in the end, they are not trained at all, reguarding this particular disease! In a country full of Doctors, I was left to figure it out on my own.
P.S. Retired Medic here, trained in rapid diagnosis, and the proof I am right is in the disappearance of the rash, and most of the 25 symptoms I had a year ago are gone. I was at the Dr 6 times a year, reporting new symptoms of my mystery illness, for over 20 years, and I had to figure it out on my own, because 4 were left shaking their heads, and one who repeated "Thyroid" to me so many times, but would ck my panel, and see my thyroid was fine.
No effort to dig at all on the part of these 5 Dr.s in an effort to find out what is wrong. 😡 UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I requested a biopsy on the lesions, which my Dr ordered, 10 months ago. They literally just called last week to schedule, I did not return the call. If you know anything about the testing involved, and how time sensative it is, this would be enough to make anyone mad.
As a result, I am left figuring out my bodys nutritional requirements, wthout the aide or benefit of medical testing and professionals.....Im in this fight ALONE and hopefully 🙏 doing good enough to prevent T cell lymphoma from forming in my intestines.

Icon Foods International Gluten Free
Icon Foods International Gluten Free - 22.06.2022 12:23

Hello Everyone Icon Foods International supply the world with Gluten free Grains and Flour

Elijah X. Media
Elijah X. Media - 19.01.2018 01:56

I have to be gluten free...Fucks my stomach up!!

eddymakes - 02.01.2018 19:13

This doctor keeps an eye on you! Sorry... I'm so sorry

Red Baran
Red Baran - 26.12.2017 20:18

Causes my dad large rashes he says he doesn't have celiac. Also gluten causes inflation, my wife's RA Dr told her to avoid it.

OutOfNameIdeas - 25.12.2017 18:10

Go vegetarian instead, iTs better for everyones lives including your own and all living creatures om Earth. Lets stop ruining other lives for your own sake.

Noir - 25.12.2017 11:03

It's Rudolph!!!

axel - 25.12.2017 10:48

I eat gluten non free diet all day........and run 10k......every morning....no problem so far

LayeredOnions - 25.12.2017 10:01

Our ancestors were the real badasses. They'd eat most of what ever they could find. People today eat a slice of bread and their dick falls off...

Praty Dev
Praty Dev - 25.12.2017 08:46

🤔 🤔 Didn’t answered the question, have to buy the book for that.

Winter ice
Winter ice - 25.12.2017 08:13

I used to be a pwag but the temptation was too high

Wilson 7397
Wilson 7397 - 25.12.2017 07:00

1 million subs

🐢 less than 2k views

Taran Basi
Taran Basi - 25.12.2017 05:31

This wasn’t the tech I was thinking about

Eric Pham
Eric Pham - 25.12.2017 03:26

His eyes

Jules Crick
Jules Crick - 25.12.2017 03:18

Your eyes are like the end of furious 7 when Paul Walker drives away from Vin Diesel

Just A Guy Production
Just A Guy Production - 25.12.2017 03:18

Gluten is just a strain of wheat. If you're not allergic to the strain then you're body won't know the difference, ever. I always laugh when I see shit advertised in the store as "gluten free" and the hippies in my area will actually pay more money for something they don't need.

US - 25.12.2017 02:48

Time to hop on this fad and sell some marked up Gluten Free Water

I'm just Reach
I'm just Reach - 25.12.2017 02:39

Whats with his eyes

this person
this person - 25.12.2017 02:36

this video is a REPOST

Snack3rS7 - 25.12.2017 02:24

Ehhh...."Tech-Insider" again...

Phill - 25.12.2017 02:18

2-3% is considered “Popular”?

JAYEkm - 25.12.2017 02:17

I put gluten in my ass and squeeze it out to pretend

1000 subscribers without video
1000 subscribers without video - 25.12.2017 02:10


Trivaxy - 25.12.2017 02:07

I mean the video is right.. But a lot of people who have celiac disease incorrectly don't see a point in going gluten-free if having gluten is not gonna harm them in their case

Theodorito - 25.12.2017 02:03

