Mothers & Molestation: A film about child abuse

Mothers & Molestation: A film about child abuse

Mary Knight

1 год назад

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Stef Diaz Diaz
Stef Diaz Diaz - 28.10.2023 18:41

I don't think you have to remember something for it to affect you, however sometimes (in a way) the memories do more harm than the event itself.
That is why some people would accept to have some memories erased if that were possible.

Stef Diaz Diaz
Stef Diaz Diaz - 28.10.2023 18:20

I am gonna made my moma watch this on mothers day

Stef Diaz Diaz
Stef Diaz Diaz - 28.10.2023 17:45

when I was like 7 or 8 yr an older girl (around 10) made me touch her private parts, I was kind of curious and confused at the same time, I don't think that experience traumatized me at all, however I didn't want my mom to know cause I feared an overreaction from her.
To be fair the same experience that can be pleasurable and non problematic for someone can be traumatizing and devastating from someone else, for example cannibalism:
for cannibals in a tribe thats how they live (I doubt they get traumatized every time they have dinner), force a regular person to eat human flesh and most likely he will get traumatized.

Stef Diaz Diaz
Stef Diaz Diaz - 28.10.2023 17:33

most mothers are average by definition, not good mothers

Destiny Aviles
Destiny Aviles - 26.10.2023 15:43

I hate looking into these things but I met someone who I KNOW was sexually abused by a woman as a child and I don't know if he even remembers it himself but man... I couldn't just leave him behind when I needed to move on because I always felt that he wasn't really safe. Even though he's much older now and nobody could hurt him I would often fear the moment where he realized it and reacted to that incorrectly. It was AWFUL and I see women muuuuch differently. I now hold them to a different standard because they have the potential to absolutely destroy a man forever. (I'm not saying it was his mom btw but it was definitely a female family member from his early years)

Lisa Jeter
Lisa Jeter - 25.10.2023 23:39

This mother is completely unbelievable!

Lisa Jeter
Lisa Jeter - 25.10.2023 23:04

I had a mother that loved her children more than anything. She would give you anything she had but she had very little! So in turn we had very little. She certainly kept a roof over our heads and kept us safe from predators! She wouldn’t date after getting divorce from my Dad bc she didn’t want men around her children to discipline them, beat on them or sexually abuse any of us. She did it all on her with 5 children. She never got a dime in child support either. She lived her entire life on the Struggle bus bu t she always lived in nice neighborhoods so we could go to descent schools. She was never able to own her own house and paid outrageous rent.
We always qualified for free lunch but back then anyone on free lunch stood out. She never had us take free lunch so we didn’t have to deal with the stigma and harassment that goes along with it.
But it wasnt alway pretty. We had to wipe out butts on newspaper at times. Enough times that at 60 I haven’t forgotten it and I need an abundance of toilet paper in my home now a days. I was in withdrawals of toilet paper during the Pandemic. Yet I wasn’t a Hoarder of it either!

Samuel BTM Bangalore
Samuel BTM Bangalore - 23.10.2023 09:40

Molesting is not seen as abuse by some mothers and fathers. Unless you see it as abuse of vunlerabilty you will see it as harmless. Penetrative sex too is seen as initiation in some circles, this has a community apptoval. Old world community never learn there is a healthy way, they dont want that world.

Most well developed normal guys do not want a silly sexual joy, sexual joy has to have an give and take play in significantly sexually aware people,, this kind is not as common. This seeking of silly sexual joy reflects a serious lack of depth, sex is mechanical to them not soulful.

Amy Ludwig
Amy Ludwig - 22.10.2023 19:37

There's a place in Hell for Pam Freyd.

Believe it.

Kim Hayes
Kim Hayes - 16.10.2023 16:56


Anne Graham
Anne Graham - 13.10.2023 17:30

I remember being touched when I was in nappy’s age one year old I was sitting on some ones knee a stranger to me so saying a two year old can’t remember I was only one 😢

Lorene dickman
Lorene dickman - 11.10.2023 08:04

My father abused me and my brothers from very earliest memories, probably from toddler age. I NEVER didn't remember.

Milune - 10.10.2023 02:41

Watching that obvious literal p3d0ph1le talk about how f0ndling A ONE YEAR OLD would be out of CURIOSITY?!!!?? makes me physically nauseous, i had to pause so often. It was amazinv just to enjoy how you gracefully and strongly you handled it but there's no changing that he is absolutely vile.

brooke bolduc
brooke bolduc - 09.10.2023 23:06

I have memories as early as 1 year old. My therapist has determined that I have traumatic memories as early as 6 months old. To say a child cannot remember or retain just because their under two is absurd. It sounds like people who hurt children and want to justify their actions. Made me sick listening to some of these people. Children are people!

Carmen Hartman
Carmen Hartman - 06.10.2023 00:07

My mother never did this at all. It was the other side" babby siter i did not" tell my mom she would have killed them" male sitter. Female sitter dads brother. She did never knowin" 💝💝💝💝💝💝

RavishingSeas - 30.09.2023 09:57

Thank you for sharing your story, and for sharing what amazing things you are doing in your life now, Mary. I cannot imagine the amount of strength and growth this must’ve taken you. I was molested as a child, not to an extreme degree, but enough for my father to be in prison.
The end when you ask if your audience has felt cherished as a child… I don’t think i or my siblings have had that. My mother now is working two jobs to make sure we’re happy. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate this woman so damn much, but I don’t get enough time with her. She use to be my best friend, but now she’s too busy.
I’ve learned this now. Thank you so so much for your story and insight.

tenorei - 28.09.2023 22:24

lmao that Loren guy has the covert narcissist face lock, also don't know what this guy is smoking when it's a well known fact that a lot of personality disorders and attachment disorders are created within the first 3 years of life. how is he a board member of anything? he must be an abuser himself with that denial and nervous facial twitches

Robin Thornton
Robin Thornton - 21.09.2023 08:54

I agree that the statute of limitations should be lengthened and be judged on each case as no 2 cases are the same.
