10 Steps to Design a Tabletop Game (2020 version)

10 Steps to Design a Tabletop Game (2020 version)

Stonemaier Games

4 года назад

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@tob-tob - 22.11.2023 01:34

It's impressive how clear you manage to point things out when talking about game design and pitching games to a publisher. Very helpful and entertaining, thanks :)

@deadmeem646 - 04.11.2023 11:59

Youve convinced me. Im gonna do it.

Im gonna make a game where 3 to 6 people compete to fuck bigfoot.

@ElegyForTheMasses - 15.10.2023 01:50

$30-40 tops for selling at Target? Nova Ark sells at Target for $75.

@chasecmerrill - 21.09.2023 01:13

Two of my favorite games are war of the ring and Twilight Imperium 4…. When I comes to combat their both dice based. Roll a certain amount of dice they hit on certain numbers. Something I’ve been playing with and would like to see in a war game is the thematic idea of battle experience. Units that survive battle become improved and hit on lower numbers to a certain point. I think it’s thematically cool, but also a strategic element. Maybe have a stacking limit of experienced soldiers or how many you can have.

@jordoom9091 - 20.09.2023 20:36

Great video! Thanks for the info.. Honestly, one of the biggest things that has previously held me back is sharing my game publically. I was afraid of someone possibly stealing my idea, but like you mentioned, if you get it out there, then it can be traced back to you originally.

@Caimbeul2000 - 19.09.2023 15:56

Great video. It would be great if you could expand on two points please.
How do YOU judge when a game is or isn't working?
Have you ever hired a developer for any of your games?

@jdarokhajiit9153 - 18.09.2023 01:54

As a Trello alternative I would recommend Obsidian Notes, its a markup note taking app that is very customizable, i find it even more useful than trello

@edwinmanhand4022 - 17.09.2023 10:25

So you're the scythe designer?!?!😮😮

@NikolajLepka - 11.09.2023 09:47

I find it curious how late rules writing is.
For me, when I design games, rules writing happens during or shortly after brain storming,
Reason for this is to have a clear and concise reference document for people to refer to during play testing.
Granted, the rules document is going to change a lot in that time, which is usually why it isn't printed out at this stage, but it's simply there to have something to refer back to in case you somehow forget the finer details of your own work. In my experience it also makes things a lot less waffly when you can just point at the document and say with clarity what you wanted to happen instead of going "uh, I don't know, how about this?"

@NikolajLepka - 08.09.2023 15:08

Panda Games Manufacturing. Noted.

@DavidBluelineGaming - 21.07.2023 19:45

How did you make the jump from a daytime job to full time creator of your own games? I would love to pursue developing my own ideas but this can be very time consuming. Any advice is appreciated.

@ya64 - 19.06.2023 17:31

I'm working on my first game idea, it's new territory for me but I'm enjoying it very much! Was able to print out a rough version and already identified some things that need to change.
Thanks for sharing all this information and resources! The icons website will be amazingly helpful!

@larissabess7617 - 13.06.2023 03:14

This was super helpfull, thanks. I've designed a few games my self,🎲🎮 but I've never published one.😄😃

@bryankelly3647 - 12.06.2023 00:58

So useful to know that when I’m ready to do blind playtesting I just send it to those groups around the world waiting print and slice it up and test it. So helpful to the unpublished indie developer to know how the established companies do it 🙄

@asmitakhadakkar3412 - 10.05.2023 15:30

Hi Jamey, thank you so much for this informative video. This really helped a lot.
I am a final year graphic design student and I am building a table top game on the concept of trauma assistance therapies.
It is a game for children from the age group of 3-6 years. I want to keep the game very simple in it's working.
I wanted to ask you what would be some interesting mechanisms that I can use to make it fun for the children ? I am worried that the game is very simple (although I wanted it to be that way).
Thank you !

@zachmarshall7921 - 29.04.2023 05:37

Is there any way to reach out to you more directly don’t know if you do speak to people about game ideas that they have but I believe our unique group based game it is unlike anything on the market I am in the brainstorming phase and would like to construct a model it would be nice to discuss it with someone of your expertise

@RuddsReels - 26.04.2023 22:07

Hey thanks for this video! When I was younger, I got half way through a small battle card game I was making (40 cards in total), but stopped painting the artwork for each card around 13 years ago! This video has made me look at my old game (which was playable and seems fun from what I remember) with a renewed desire to finally finish it!


@communitywoodworking9370 - 25.04.2023 20:46

Thanks so much for this fantastic guide, Jamey! Sorry for a necro-comment, but I was wondering: for step 9, for each wave do you typically use the same set of lead playtesters, or do you rotate through your list of vetted groups for each wave so that every wave is getting fresh eyes, or do you typically keep the same sets if possible so that you're working from a consistent baseline response?

@stevekerp1 - 22.04.2023 01:44

I have seen my share of videos that showcase the general ignorance of the public in what used to be "common knowledge" and would think there could be a HUGE market for online gamed or board games that will "make learning fun" and help some of these kids get up to speed on things like history, geography and the like.

@monosoloq - 13.04.2023 17:15

can you post a video of your cat?

@jshepherd1102 - 13.04.2023 16:33

I always assume my unique ideas have already been done before. But I keep going.

@CapsVODS - 06.03.2023 15:04

Hey, I sent you an email recently, I looked at your Kickstarter blog. However I didn't find the information I was kind of looking for, which is basically like I'm making these 3D printed hextiles that are going to be significantly large is what I was thinking. How do you know How big you can make something like that for packaging purposes later? That's more or less the direct question I have

@macarrony00 - 08.02.2023 21:49

Hello, loved the video. Can you please share your trello template? I would like to use something like that but don't know where to start :)

@jackeilhigh - 08.02.2023 20:39

This was amazing thank you

@dysfunctionalfamilygamenig328 - 30.01.2023 00:28

Thank you for your insight. I’m working on my first game and am definitely navigating the difficulties of getting the game out of my head into the table! 😊

@callumlawton6852 - 12.01.2023 04:36

Very informative video, many thanks for sharing your thoughts and processes. I'm in the process of playtesting a board game with just friends at the moment, it's been so fun to see them playing it.

One question: what is your opinion on luck determining the winner in a board game? In my game, the victor is decided by the player successfully completing a move based on randomness (rolling a dice in a target pattern etc) once they have unlocked the opportunity to do through normal play. However I'm torn on whether this RNG type move would annoy seasoned board gamers, especially as no skill is involved. Do you think the removal of skill to win is a deal breaker? Thanks again!

@flexbrah6435 - 28.12.2022 22:37

Great ideas thank you got some new ideas watching this

@kevinhardy8997 - 24.12.2022 20:42

If there are any game designers out there, I wish rulebooks would make more turn reference cards which take the thirty pages of LONG DETAILS and summarize it into a reference card.

Example for Catan. 1. (Optional) play Knight Card. 2. Roll dice. 3. Collect resources. 4. Trade. 5. (Optional) Play Development Card 6. Build 7. Pass dice to next player

@kevinhardy8997 - 24.12.2022 20:25

I always think of neat ideas, and then realize I’m just copying Catan.

@slayerftwrongdoers8657 - 17.12.2022 23:30

I was studying game theory the other day. It's just like music theory. It will give you immortal knowledge to put your next blockbuster game. But it'll take time and dedication to study the theories.

@jessicamoulton1796 - 14.12.2022 19:58

Thank you so much for this video! I've been tasked with creating an educational and functional board game for a college final exam and I had no idea where to even start, so your advice has been very helpful!

@PrettySeriousPersephone - 06.12.2022 10:57

Hey. Just wanted to let you know that I am in the middle of self-publishing my very own, and first ever game, and I wanted to say thank you. I've seen this video a long time ago, and the tips in it helped me so much with designing this one (along with other videos on your channel in general). I just wanted to thank you, and to express how excited I am to have my first ever game so close to being published.

@travisoldham9220 - 10.11.2022 01:06

Just starting down the trail of designing a board game. Thanks for the inspiration and instructions!

@Softerkek - 03.11.2022 18:31

Syth is you!? Dope

@jacksonward4363 - 31.10.2022 04:05

Amazing guide. It is certainly a journey.

@rhpiggy123 - 26.10.2022 02:15

Interesting video.
Given how much time and effort goes into creating a game, has there been occasions when a game has got far down the development line only to realise it's just going to work for whatever reason?

@augmentednaturally - 22.10.2022 12:00

Thank you for your insight! Quick question do you recommend pitching your game to publishers or is crowdfunding still the best way these days?(or do you still launch a CF to show publishers the merit/demand?)

@GameschoolingFamily - 15.09.2022 05:27

Another awesome video! Thanks! How do handle art in your prototypes, before you are at the stage where you are ready, willing, and able to pay an artist? I really don't have the artistic ability for this stage, especially if its a design that needs something more specific.

@thesvinet - 15.09.2022 03:54

Great job! Clear and concise!

@mariocrest - 07.09.2022 12:19

Such a great advices, thank you Jamie. May I ask how you disgn a Board Games regarding all probabilities, statistics and the matter related to balance the game?
Do you use any software or have a math background?

@chrisnichols1862 - 29.08.2022 12:58

Question? Is it legal to create am add on/ mod for an existing commercial board game. Not using any of their art or logos... just referencing some of the locations / names and properties in the game. No logo or artwork use at all.

Just curious before I develop... if it is a 50/50 perhaps I will use an S-Corp to protect personal liability

@markdavies7776 - 18.08.2022 13:01

Watched this video again as I'm pretty sure I'm at stage 7/8 with my own (first) game design idea. Coming into this I didn't realise how much there was to learn about the industry, but the wealth of knowledge that Jamey has is fantastic. I am intrigued by the fact that 'Write Rules' is so late in the process. I've watched videos from other designers and some recommend starting to write the rules pretty much from the start and editing them as you go along. I guess each to their own, and I'm sure if Jamey doesn't keep a forever-changing physical copy of rules as he continues development of an idea then he has them firmly in his mind throughout.

@koalasquare2145 - 06.08.2022 15:36

Do you need a game to be completely finished when you approach publishers or can some of the development be done with the publishers resources?

@scottkabel - 03.08.2022 03:16

I'm in the playtesting phase for a card game and found this sort-of series really helpful. Especially when it comes to thinking about collecting feedback. I decided to go with anonymous feedback. What do you think of keeping things anonymous?

@AlexIsModded - 31.07.2022 00:13

Before I watched this video I designed an scientific sorting board game for preschoolers. Thank you for creating such an incredible and simple list of steps to take. I ended up doing the things you mention here exactly in that order and was wondering if I was going about it the right way, and your video really makes me feel good about myself! Thanks for that :)

@edbigheadgaming - 22.06.2022 20:48

Thank you for the step-by-step, Jamey. I was looking for some foundation before starting a personal project and made sure to book-mark this video along with a few others. Extremally helpful, and I still love playing Euphoria. I remember way back when it came out I made some fan-art of the game to share with your team and got a really nice response, was super cool of ya'll. Thanks for continuing to be awesome!

@grzyb11 - 14.06.2022 16:30

I got inspired by monopoly and am trying to make a similar type of game. I just love the game.

@shaanm1030 - 31.05.2022 11:13

Man you're the best!

@DeafCope - 28.05.2022 01:09

