1933 WHODUNIT? Pre Code Mystery ~ Cesar Romero as Tony Rico Classic Black White Movie

1933 WHODUNIT? Pre Code Mystery ~ Cesar Romero as Tony Rico Classic Black White Movie


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@wilde4445 - 11.10.2015 04:47

Thank you, very much.

@lauriem7269 - 02.12.2015 17:49

Thanks so much... I love these old movies !

@Tbvck - 19.02.2016 14:32

What happened to the beginning to this movie?

@wratiqjenej - 10.05.2016 22:15

absolutely great

@LauraLuke1 - 27.08.2017 02:37

Thank you for your time and effort
to make these films available for all 👍

@candacegladden5313 - 19.06.2018 19:56

Hal Skelley reminds me of Lee Tracy the acting must come from about the same time lol thanks for posting

@tomlemery8490 - 28.12.2021 03:29

Where is Cesar Romero in this movie?

@RichardHannay - 14.01.2022 23:21

lol!!! Either murder investigations were loosey goosey back then or this movie took a lot of liberty.

@comedyshorts2 - 17.04.2022 06:11

The Shadow Laughs 1933 is the title.

@chicagogyrl4846 - 07.05.2022 08:10

Why no summary??

@SuperIliad - 07.05.2022 18:31

The Shadow Laughs, released USA 27 March 1933. Hal Skelly as Robin Dale; Rose Hobart as Ruth Hackett; Harry T. Morey as Capt. Morgan; Walter Fenner as Tennant; Robert Keith as George Hackett; Geoffrey Bryant as Ryan; Harry Short (as Hal Short) as Clymer; John F. Morrissey as Sgt. Owens; Bram Nossen as Jack Bradshaw; Cesar Romero as Tony Rico.

@robindalton3416 - 08.05.2022 05:47

Since this posted I hope you’ve become more familiar with Cesar Romero’s body of work in the 30-40’s. He played romantic leading man parts but was better known for romantic comedy and musicals. Staring with almost every major star in Hollywood! This is the first movie I’ve seen of yours, I’m hoping to find since this posting you’ve included some of Cesar Romero’s movies.

@donnieheilaman257 - 10.05.2022 01:14

Djd any one see Cesar>

@donnieheilaman257 - 10.05.2022 01:18

The Word is did

@vleldaddio210 - 12.05.2022 05:50

Ceasar Romero was one Hell of a Man's MAN ! I don't hold it against him ! He had about a 60 yr long outstanding film,stage,TV career gave a good performance every time especially like him in Oceans Eleven as "Duke" and in an later as a Sheepherder !! RIP and that ain't no JOKE ! JOKER

@danielstanwyck2812 - 13.05.2022 05:02

Starring the Invisible Man, Cesar Romero

@anombrerose6311 - 15.05.2022 10:36

"The Shadow Laughs"

@anombrerose6311 - 15.05.2022 10:39

What happens when you don't like the Leading Man at all?

@debbiebalnaves4842 - 17.05.2022 06:03

He did Donvans Reef with John Wyane and Lee Marvin and a couple of war movies

@653j521 - 18.05.2022 07:14

Nobody is mentioning Ruth Hackett's beauty and unusual bobbed hairstyle.

@nedludd7622 - 13.06.2022 12:10

These crime reporters in the movies of this period are all such insupportable obnoxious jerks. On meeting one of them, one would like to have a 2x4 handy to smash them in the mouth.

@JohnCBurzynski - 01.07.2022 04:29

I enjoy old movies but this is the worst movie I have ever seen. Bad acting, horrible screen play. I watched the entire film as kind of a self flagelation.

@upstairs1307 - 10.04.2023 22:12

The Shadow Laughs: “When the police can't solve a bank robbery, a newspaper reporter decides to open his own investigation.”
