Villains Too Stupid To Win Ep.13 - Vilos Cohaagen (Total Recall 1990)

Villains Too Stupid To Win Ep.13 - Vilos Cohaagen (Total Recall 1990)

Media Zealot

1 год назад

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robotpanda77 - 19.09.2023 08:56

The movie starts off with him having dreams about the girl he meets later that he had been dating prior to the memory wipe. This means that it cant all be a dream that starts at Rekall because she is there in his head on mars BEFORE he goes to see them. It also explains why he is so absurdly buff for a basic laborer and why his wife is so unusually hot. According to the director they made it so both could reasonably be true. But based on that starting premise, it is far more likely to be true because that setup is very unusual.

"“I wanted it to be that way,” Verhoeven clarifies. “Because I felt that it was – if you want to use a very big word – post-modern. I felt that basically I should not say ‘This is true, and this not true.’ I wanted – and we worked with Gary Goldman on that, not the original writers – [and we] worked very hard to make both consistent, and that both would be true. And I think we succeeded very well. So I think of course there is no solution. Hey, it’s both true. So I thought, two realities; that it was innovative in movie language at least, to a certain degree, that there would be two realities and there is no choice.”"

Arse Robinson
Arse Robinson - 08.09.2023 00:55

How dare you make fun of me

Brendan Hayward
Brendan Hayward - 02.09.2023 15:57

Fav movie ever no shit

John Smith
John Smith - 26.08.2023 04:15

Pressure differential in space is not a big deal. Its just one atmosphere of pressure. Like being about 10m underwater.

The titan submersible that failed was probably under about 300 atmospheres of pressure when it let go.

ObscureRP - 01.08.2023 17:08

The dream narrative doesn't work coz you've got scenes where Arnie isn't around. Implanting such scenes would kinda ruin the immersion of your first-person memory experience, no? ;)

Curtis Joseph
Curtis Joseph - 26.07.2023 18:56

Love the Star Trek interludes 😊

James Byrd
James Byrd - 20.07.2023 06:52

wait, why not just buy mars land for nothing then turn on the alien device that magically creates an atmosphere. worthless land is suddenly worth trillions

Ivan Johnson
Ivan Johnson - 17.07.2023 23:40

To be fair, Copenhagen was supposed to be that way in Quaid's broken brain.

Seriously, it's sad once you put it together. 😭

Clive Holt
Clive Holt - 12.07.2023 22:29

Go Kiwi!

Terence - 08.07.2023 01:47

I want you to do my next performance review.

Multiverse Sytron
Multiverse Sytron - 14.06.2023 12:55

Skip the lobotomy, use your imagination.It's a lot less dangerous

Fredrik Carlstedt
Fredrik Carlstedt - 12.06.2023 17:09

Get to the space chopper !

Jªson - 31.05.2023 17:13

"Consider dis a divorce "
Best line in cinematic history

William Winder
William Winder - 28.05.2023 19:32

I can tell you that everything he went through was 100% real. How do I know this? May I ask you this question. Have you ever been part of a dream where you aren't in it?

Clive Holt
Clive Holt - 26.05.2023 09:29

Go Kiwi!

bob ross
bob ross - 14.05.2023 04:52

This movie would have been great, narratively, if right after he kissed the girl, stopped the bad guy and saved the planet, he wakes up at ReKall and the salesman is sitting there and says "see, wasn't it great!"

Jumarel Richie
Jumarel Richie - 01.05.2023 10:48

The biggest question is who were the aliens that built it? How did they build it. They would of had to bring that with them that species of beings must of been really advanced....i wish they would of dove more into the building of the machine and who built it.

D Roman
D Roman - 30.04.2023 08:21

It certainly can make a case for a mind screw. Was there a reason why the remake was not touched as much?

BrokenSockmonkey - 23.04.2023 19:12

I will never understand why Phil Dicks schizophrenic stories keep getting made into films when there is so much amazing SF writing out there that doesn't rely on the writers mental illness to fill out the story. Phil Dick was a diagnosed schizophrenic. Why is Hollywood so obsessed with his stories? What about Paul McAuley, Iain Banks, Connie Willis, Pat Cadigan, William Gibson, fuck, there's a million great writers who's stories aren't ambiguous, disjointed and paranoid. So why the hell is Phil Dick so popular for film adaptation?

Rui D.
Rui D. - 28.03.2023 00:45

ok, im aware of this theories that its all inside his head, after he had his brain cooked. And we even see the brunette girl´s face on the screen, while he is describing his perfect women, suggesting she is also part of Recall´s memory implants. Well, can someone explain then, why was quaid having dreams about this girl, on Mars, at the beggining of the movie, before even visiting Recall for a memory implant?

bombomos - 03.03.2023 07:39

In time for CornFlakes

Nicholas Fussell
Nicholas Fussell - 24.02.2023 04:10

That glass is cheaper than the crap MIXOM uses. 😒

Gezza The Random Reviewer
Gezza The Random Reviewer - 22.02.2023 05:21

If it was a delusion, then maybe that’s why Vilos Cohaagen was so unrealistically inept as a leader.

Coal2956 - 19.02.2023 00:45

Doesn't this suggest that the whole adventure was in his head

Mt. Baldwin
Mt. Baldwin - 15.02.2023 00:43

Instead of buddies they should've made Cohaagan and Hauser father and son or brothers, would've better justified the crazy risks Cohaagen took trying to get Hausers original personality back. Really good work pals just doesn't seem like a strong enough of a relationship.

Self-replicating whatnot
Self-replicating whatnot - 14.02.2023 17:19

Well ackshually Mars losing air due to a lack of magnetosphere is only a problem on geological timescales, and nothing a few air-producing plants we can build with even modern tech can't compensate for.

subsamadhi - 08.02.2023 19:04

Ronnie Cox was also in Star Trek

Ryan H
Ryan H - 08.02.2023 02:49

The "two weeks" part made that movie great! We used to dare each other to do that at various places of transit but no one ever had the balls to 😆

Cat Sabotage
Cat Sabotage - 21.01.2023 07:41

The "it was a dream" theory is poorly thought out and obviously wrong.

Games For Cykits
Games For Cykits - 19.01.2023 07:37

I missed this channel where you been?

Graham Carpenter
Graham Carpenter - 18.01.2023 01:00

Kinda weird how the Southern Block stands most to benefit from Cohaagen being out of power, yet they don't take any actions against him during the movie? Unless maybe they're the ones supplying the rebels with guns...

Nikki G
Nikki G - 17.01.2023 04:55

Nah, sorry, your take is wrong, the idea that it's all in his head is the red herring that makes the whole story interesting. But it's real, in the end. Not sure how you came to the other conclusion when it was obviously a constant misdirection made to keep you doubting.

First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 04.01.2023 18:17

He reminds me a lot of Joe Biden hahahah

vevans0009 - 12.12.2022 21:18

The Total Recall remake already put me off once I found out it was going to be a PG-13 film. Pussies!

mattwho81 - 19.11.2022 11:55

I thought the point was Cohagaan plan didn’t work. He was trying to trap a telepath, so needed an agent who didn’t think he was an agent. BUT wade went to Recall and blew his cover too early. After that everything was improvised. Cohagaan even says he’s amazed it worked at all.

Andrew Blanchard
Andrew Blanchard - 10.11.2022 03:41

in reality a
would take


to actually form

groovyengineer - 09.11.2022 19:41

Richter never got over the trauma of Quaid banging his 1990's Sharon Stone GF.

Andrew Williams
Andrew Williams - 07.11.2022 19:47

I'm so glad you addressed the external safety shutters not being automatic.
Plus the massive areas of windows with no obvious safety shutters present if they break.

Wings of Prophecy
Wings of Prophecy - 06.11.2022 00:03

Whew, this scathing of Richer and Cohaagen brings back memories of your Transformers video. Their relationship mirrors megatron and starscream to a T.

Chronoallusion - 05.11.2022 05:39

Aaaw yee do runnin man next

Kurt Schawacker
Kurt Schawacker - 05.11.2022 03:46

Unpopular opinion, but I actually prefer the remake. It patches a few of the plot holes by removing the whole Mars thing and the whole core elevator thing is just way cooler for a finale. Even if it's still just a silly sci-fi.

Magestorm Allgoode
Magestorm Allgoode - 03.11.2022 05:45

This is one of those movies where it really helps to have read the book sometime before or after to know what's going on. Quaid's "wife" was actually Richter's wife, and he was getting jealous and looking for a reason to off him. And Houser did turn, but took the mission to hide the truth from Cohagen.
Give the book a spin, you might like it

U Cannot Defeat My Shmeat
U Cannot Defeat My Shmeat - 03.11.2022 05:11

Corporate douchebag fails to do the one thing he exists to do, and chooses not to exploit a whole planets worth of resources and real-estate.

Womp womp

Also can we acknowledge that the alien device requires a human-like hand? Clearly implying genetic similarity, our intended use, or a hilariously unlikely coincidence.

HandSanitizer - 01.11.2022 04:33

One of my fava

Red Blade Renegade
Red Blade Renegade - 31.10.2022 13:41

Any chance you could do one of these videos on Cyberpunk 2077 megacorps? I feel like there’s lot of potential in the stupidity of mid-21st century corpos.

Anon Faceless
Anon Faceless - 19.10.2022 17:12

The next one has to Republic of Gilead. I can't wrap my head around how they came to be. Its confused me no end

sam lasley
sam lasley - 17.10.2022 12:29

I’d love a video on Negan and the Saviours as a villain who almost won? He’s a competent leader who knows how to keep people in line and that they are the most valuable resource in the apocalypse.

However his downfall was his over-reliance on fear to keep people subordinate and underestimating just how defiant (Rick and the other communities) and psycho (Simon) people can be. Those are things he admitted he should have snuffed out early.

If one thing can unite people against you in the long run, it’s surely making a show of brutally murdering one of their number in front of them.

Cegesh - 17.10.2022 08:58

Let's not fool ourselves. Cohaagen acts like most CEo's today. They act only in their own selfish shortterm interessts, ignoring the harm they are creating and they don't care about the lives of anyone.
