What Dating Apps and Algorithms Don’t Tell You! | Violet Lim | TEDxNTU

What Dating Apps and Algorithms Don’t Tell You! | Violet Lim | TEDxNTU

TEDx Talks

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mauro tolari
mauro tolari - 22.09.2023 02:34

She talks about superficiality, and yet she can't help herself boasting about being asked out on a date by a good-looking. and handsome man who works in finance .Now her husband

Stephen Barber
Stephen Barber - 31.08.2023 05:19

Love it ❤

sTL45oUw - 27.08.2023 06:52

Sneaky asians

Sreeved Vp
Sreeved Vp - 16.07.2023 19:18

this is an eye opener. Thanks for this

Mrarmageddon8 - 05.06.2023 18:25

I like her message and this talk, but what’s with the audience?

Her: “If I stuck with online dating, I would have never have met my husband.”

The audience: “LMAO!!!!!!!”

James Welldon
James Welldon - 19.05.2023 02:15

Exactly right. True love happens off line 😊

Charr Fotopoulos
Charr Fotopoulos - 06.05.2023 02:49

Chemistry doesn't mean anything

clarence gibbonz
clarence gibbonz - 03.05.2023 05:05

true dat

Belle Lee
Belle Lee - 24.02.2023 01:50

Even though I ended up not talking to a person I liked whom I met online but I saw many people matched online before pandemic.
Certainly that happens, but it seems like not any chances are given to me.

Jeremy - 29.01.2023 15:42

It would be nice if this kind of stuff actually worked but we know from Love is Blind that two people can have a serious vibe when they talk to each other but then when they finally see each other the entire vibe is thrown out if they aren't attracted to each other.

Jeremy - 29.01.2023 14:58

God dammit...she's just hocking another dating ap.

AbraXadabra - 31.12.2022 15:18

She's right about apps being corporations at the end of the day - they don't really care whether you find the right one.

MikeFromOz - 27.12.2022 09:50

Fascinating stuff!

Franco Luambo
Franco Luambo - 24.12.2022 01:20

The word t thing about all these dating sites data analysis is that it makes it look like being single is the worst thing that could happen to anybody.. and that’s far from being the truth.. being in a relationship or married is just one possible way to go through life and its not necessearly the best..

Klara Antal
Klara Antal - 22.12.2022 05:57

Great talk.

Montesa - 18.12.2022 10:19

Changing what you can isn't often enough!
Looks & Money will ALWAYS Prevail!

Wu Suling
Wu Suling - 08.12.2022 11:54

Should be more beautiful in character

Jord O'Brien
Jord O'Brien - 11.11.2022 10:39

Love that she said not to worry about height and then goes on about the tall handsome eligibe guy haha typical women

Mindset Olympics
Mindset Olympics - 10.11.2022 09:10

Im in tears…a very short but powerful TED TALK. whatever Kool-aid shes on I want it 😭😭

I’m gonna assume shes a Christian too 🔥

Anita Rogers
Anita Rogers - 08.11.2022 15:44

Oh I loved that - she is so genuine, lovely and right! A great talk. Thank you :)

Harry Bennett
Harry Bennett - 01.11.2022 15:39

Online Dating is what you make of it.

It is your chance to get connected to the right person while you are sleeping.
Little digital helpers are working for you to leverage offline channels.

Ge Ef
Ge Ef - 25.10.2022 02:16

Wow, just wow!

Fly & Shy
Fly & Shy - 10.10.2022 20:19

Without high income you cannot have a family though.

aniket choudhary
aniket choudhary - 30.09.2022 09:52

Excellency at its best god-level speech man I love it so much thank you

Richie Vega
Richie Vega - 28.09.2022 06:08

She says true love is found offline yet ironically she is the founder of a dating app 🤦‍♂️

Kaniz Fatima
Kaniz Fatima - 27.09.2022 20:42

True loves truly does happen when u least expect it and when u are being ur 100 percent self !

Ashley Ching
Ashley Ching - 03.09.2022 21:48


Donald Tietjen
Donald Tietjen - 29.08.2022 21:42

So confusing why people feel the need to use the smoke screen of body positivity to judge others for being superficial but at the same time do the same thing. Congrats to her finding love in such an amazing way, but sharing the fact that searching for love using height as a standard for compatability is definitely shallow while at the same time shes making it a point to mention that her husband is tall. It's perpetuating the same skewed perception of the "perfect mate."

Le'Carlos LJ Robinson Jr
Le'Carlos LJ Robinson Jr - 26.08.2022 23:45

Amen to this video

Short Cake
Short Cake - 16.08.2022 19:00

I tried Tinder and I was unsuccessful. A buddy asked me what I do when I get a match. I say "hi", she says "hi". Then I ask if she wants to meet and talk. This is apparently wrong. You're supposed to message a little bit before that... Look: we matched. We find eachother physically attractive so then let's meet and talk. There is no better way to get to know someone. Oh no I make myself look like a "creep" by asking right away. To the ladies who think this way: you need some therapy. It is creepy when a guy you don't know asks if you want to meet in a back alley at 2 AM, not if you want to meet and get a coffee at Starbucks or take a walk in the park. 😂

Ellada Petrosyan
Ellada Petrosyan - 12.08.2022 00:48

Her optimism is contiguous! Loved the speech! However, there are situations, countries, age groups when meeting offline is practically impoßible and you have to revert to online dating.

Ellada Petrosyan
Ellada Petrosyan - 12.08.2022 00:42

Thank you! I needed this!

carl595 - 09.08.2022 16:21

Love this talk 👌🏾

eandatoo - 16.07.2022 02:59

Basically, dating apps and websites are propaganda. Unfortunately, a lot of people let this propaganda influence their self image and self worth. Their personal value is dictated by a machine. It's time to unplug. There's a real world out there.

Ankita Nandy
Ankita Nandy - 14.07.2022 10:26

One thing I have realised is people often date for others, like they don't want to know or feel good about their choice, rather they want the onlookers to validate their choice, I am sure this happens in online dating too.

Guaricha Picante
Guaricha Picante - 10.07.2022 22:30

I loved this!

Pam Peterson
Pam Peterson - 09.07.2022 18:38

🤍🤍 Love your story 🤍🤍

Kah Yean Wong
Kah Yean Wong - 29.06.2022 19:03

I'm 36 and still single. he broke up with me after 3 years of long distance relationship. Honestly I used to be positive and approached the guys I liked with good personality. Obviously end up all of them broke up with me.

NomaD - 25.06.2022 11:35

While I do agree with most of her theories. I will say looks are important. Or at least plus points. But it's true. It's like buying a vaccume because it looks nice, and not for it's cleaning capabilities. Looks are nice, but not essential.

LUCKIΞ - 11.06.2022 19:39

Honestly, I did not enjoy this talk. A lot of unnecessary buzz words with no proper execution. She is very opinionated and does not back her facts with scientific data or studies. I expected to see a lot of maths.

Song and Niko
Song and Niko - 26.05.2022 20:41

superficial criteria determines the genetic lottery, got to be responsible for the kid if having any (not to say the other factors don't matter) but looks are definitely important.

Tricia Dilligaf
Tricia Dilligaf - 24.05.2022 02:00

If you're looking at dating from an optics POV and whether you can lay your head on a guy's shoulder before you consider a guy's ability to love, respect, and care for you, your priorities are off and you really shouldn't be surprised that you're single.

Yoonis Cruz
Yoonis Cruz - 23.05.2022 19:28

"Finding the right one is not just about meeting the right one, but also being the right one and choosing the right one"

Love this one!

I made the right decision to work on myself first and on my skills and I know I will just attract the right guy for me💙 Currently 20 years old and never had a boyfriend yet.

PS: I'll update you guys if I found the right one👀😂

Nadia Mallit
Nadia Mallit - 21.05.2022 07:51

I found my now husband on Tinder about 7 years ago. I was very discerning and read every word of every bio before making a decision on each person. I appreciated the opportunities that online dating offered me, as it allowed me to meet people that I would have never bumped into in person. I don't know how much the online dating scene has changed since then, but I'm glad I'm done with the dating.

Chris G
Chris G - 18.05.2022 21:10

I’m so glad that I’ve never had to resort to online dating. The best way to meet a potential romantic partner is and will always be in person, preferably in a neutral setting which involves a common interest of some kind.

charisa - 14.05.2022 19:07

👌 👏 😍 👍 WOW

Ali Tava
Ali Tava - 09.05.2022 21:07

She just described her husband ''the most handsome guy''. she wanted to give us a nice message but I noticed that she was obssessed about the appearance of a guy and she is happy because she has him now.
It is human nature to be impressed by beauty of others and there is nothing wrong with dating apps. these apps just should get better in algorithm.

Preshan Thangavelu
Preshan Thangavelu - 05.05.2022 20:41

they do blind dating ? they are really a corporation , coz that is how to max the revenue , keeps customers coming unsatisfactorily hoping for a more satisfying next date huh
